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翻译 “开启类型”还有比这更好的选择吗?

Seeing as C# can't switch on a Type (which I gather wasn't added as a special case because is-a rel

2020-06-30 17:48:29 88

翻译 当添加对MEF插件项目的引用时,为什么会出现警告图标?

I wish to test the core class of a plugin by directly referencing the plugin project and instantiat

2020-06-30 13:48:14 132

翻译 使用GUID作为主键的最佳实践是什么,特别是在性能方面?

I have an application that uses GUID as the Primary Key in almost all tables and I have read that t

2020-06-30 10:28:04 712

翻译 如何使用JavaScript获取整个文档的高度?

Some documents I can't get the height of the document (to position something absolutely at the very

2020-06-30 10:08:03 715

翻译 Mockito:试图窥探方法是在调用原始方法

I'm using Mockito 1.9.0. 我正在使用Mockito 1.9.0。 I want mock the behaviour for a single method of a cla

2020-06-30 09:28:01 507

翻译 Git:无法撤消本地更改(错误:路径...已取消合并)

I have following working tree state 我有以下工作树状态 $ git status foo/bar.txt# On branch master# Unmerg

2020-06-29 12:27:39 1349

翻译 在不使用Git的情况下在github.com repo中创建文件夹

I want to add a new folder to my newly created GitHub repository without installing the Git setup f

2020-06-29 09:07:29 356

翻译 如何在没有自己的注册表的情况下安装私有NPM模块?

I've taken some shared code and put it in an NPM module, one I don't want to upload to the central

2020-06-28 17:27:27 226

翻译 未定义DISPLAY时,使用matplotlib生成PNG

I am trying to use networkx with Python. 我正在尝试将networkx与Python结合使用。 When I run this program it get

2020-06-28 15:07:19 979

翻译 清除整个历史记录堆栈并在Android上启动新活动

Is it possible to start an activity on the stack, clearing the entire history before it? 是否可以在堆栈上启动

2020-06-28 14:27:17 4073

翻译 我何时应该使用require()以及何时使用define()?

I have being playing around with requirejs for the last few days. 过去几天我一直在玩requirejs。 I am trying t

2020-06-28 12:07:09 545

翻译 在另一个html表单中包含html表单是否有效?

Is it valid html to have the following: 是否具有以下内容是有效的html: <form action="a"> <input...

2020-06-28 11:27:07 232 1

翻译 嵌入在引导模式中时,Select2不起作用

When I use a select2 (input) in bootstrap modal, I can't type anything into it. 当我在bootstrap模式中使用se

2020-06-27 17:06:52 640

翻译 您可以使用Git在一个命令中删除多个分支吗?

I'd like to clean up my local repository, which has a ton of old branches: for example 3.2 , 3.2.1

2020-06-27 14:46:40 257

翻译 git - 远程添加origin vs remote set-url origin

I create a new repository: 我创建了一个新的存储库: git initecho "# MESSAGE" >> README.mdgit add READM

2020-06-27 14:06:36 10264


I am using Sybase and I am doing a select which returns me a column called "iftype", but its type i

2020-06-27 13:26:35 11406 1

翻译 检查数组是否为空或存在

When the page is loading for the first time, I need to check if there is an image in image_array an

2020-06-27 12:26:31 1404

翻译 Angular CLI SASS选项

I'm new to Angular and I'm coming from the Ember community. 我是Angular的新手,我来自Ember社区。 Trying to use

2020-06-27 11:06:25 312

翻译 jquery输入在焦点上选择全部

I'm using this code to try and select all of the text in the field when a user focuses on the field

2020-06-27 10:26:23 395

翻译 从ElasticSearch删除数据

I'm new to ElasticSearch . 我是ElasticSearch的新手 。 I'm trying to figure out how to remove data from El

2020-06-26 17:46:16 2530

翻译 Java中的简单HTTP服务器,仅使用Java SE API

Is there a way to create a very basic HTTP server (supporting only GET/POST) in Java using just the

2020-06-26 14:46:07 479

翻译 如果我要覆盖它,我可以调用基类的虚函数吗?

Say I have classes Foo and Bar set up like this: 假设我有类Foo和Bar设置如下: class Foo{public: int x;

2020-06-26 12:45:59 241

翻译 用相同的网址刷新一张新图片

I am accessing a link on my site that will provide a new image each time it is accessed. 我正在访问网站上的链

2020-06-26 11:45:55 445

翻译 Python中的循环(或循环)导入

What will happen if two modules import each other? 如果两个模块相互导入会怎样? To generalize the problem, what

2020-06-26 09:25:48 1310

翻译 如何使用jQuery检查HTML元素是否为空?

I'm trying to call a function only if an HTML element is empty, using jQuery. 我正在尝试仅在HTML元素为空时使用jQu

2020-06-25 15:25:36 465

翻译 $观看一个物体

I want to watch for changes in a dictionary, but for some reason watch callback is not called. 我想要查

2020-06-25 14:05:32 255

翻译 用pip安装PIL

I am trying to install PIL (the Python Imaging Library) using the command: 我正在尝试使用以下命令安装PIL(Python

2020-06-25 13:45:28 11454

翻译 价值对的Java集合? (元组?)

I like how Java has a Map where you can define the types of each entry in the map, for example <

2020-06-25 10:45:18 149

翻译 jQuery - 动态创建隐藏的表单元素


2020-06-25 10:05:16 896

翻译 如何创建单独的AngularJS控制器文件?

I have all of my AngularJS controllers in one file, controllers.js. 我将所有AngularJS控制器都放在一个文件controll

2020-06-24 17:45:12 186

翻译 在Java中将Int转换为枚举

What is the correct way to cast an Int to an enum in Java given the following enum? 在给定以下枚举的情况下,将In

2020-06-24 16:05:07 9088 1

翻译 如何从任何地方获取包名?

I am aware of the availability of Context.getApplicationContext() and View.getContext() , through w

2020-06-24 13:04:56 4100

翻译 Android 8.0:java.lang.IllegalStateException:不允许启动服务意图

On application launch, app starts the service that should to do some network task. 在启动应用程序时,应用程序启动应

2020-06-24 12:24:54 1763

翻译 使用Python在Pandas中读取CSV文件时出现UnicodeDecodeError

I'm running a program which is processing 30,000 similar files. 我正在运行一个程序,正在处理30,000个类似文件。 A random

2020-06-24 10:24:48 2342

翻译 Android模拟器不接受键盘输入 - SDK工具rev 20

I've upgraded the SDK tools to revision 20 (from 18) and since the upgrade, the emulator doesn't se

2020-06-23 17:44:41 257

翻译 与C#中一样,将TypeScript对象作为字典类型

I have some JavaScript code that uses objects as dictionaries; 我有一些使用对象作为字典的JavaScript代码。 for examp

2020-06-23 17:24:40 532

翻译 jQuery或选择器?

I am wondering if there is a way to have "OR" logic in jQuery selectors. 我想知道是否有一种方法可以在jQuery选择器中使用

2020-06-23 13:24:25 371

翻译 在C#中加密和解密字符串[重复]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案: Encrypt and decrypt a string in C#?

2020-06-23 09:24:11 390

翻译 如何将文件类型与iPhone应用程序关联?

On the subject of associating your iPhone app with file types. 关于将iPhone应用程序与文件类型相关联的主题。 In this

2020-06-22 16:44:05 930

翻译 如何测量Java中经过的时间? [重复]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题已经在这里有了答案: How do I time a method's execution

2020-06-22 15:24:01 160



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