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原创 Pacer首页适配方案

需求-为什么要适配app首页是一个不可以滑动的页面,因此需要高和宽同时适配;内容比较多——日期,抽奖按钮,步数表盘,步数柱状图,底部的Tab,广告等;首页中心是一个圆形表盘,高度取剩余高度,宽度取屏幕宽度,并且考虑高宽相等,两方面适应之后决定圆形表盘的直径,导致在不同手机上效果千奇百怪。适配方案的选择使用dp作为单位,设置空间宽度时使用wrap_content, match_parent, weight等参数,可以满足大部分业务需求。但是主页需要精确的适配,不适合。SamllestWidth适配方案

2020-05-20 16:46:35 1842

原创 BaseQuickAdapter好在哪里(更新中)

RecyclerView作为一个很常用,很好用的控件,使用起来………………1.有BaseQuickAdapter之前有BaeQuickAdapter之前,想要使用RecyclerView需要做哪些工作?1.1自定义Adapter继承RecyclerView.Adapter必须实现3个abstract方法:onCreateViewHolder方法参数:ViewGroup parent...

2020-05-06 21:56:47 823

原创 Activity和Fragment的生命周期

Activity生命周期Activity的完整生命周期函数包括:onCreate, onStart,onResume,onPause,onStop,onDestoryActivity打开另外一个正常的Activity时MainAcitivity打开SecondActivity:从SecondActivity中返回MainActivity的时候:Activity...

2020-02-21 18:08:18 358

原创 SQL窗口函数教程及练习笔记(sqlite)

窗口函数文章目录窗口函数教程数据说明sqlite 代码rank函数对比三种专业分组函数:rank, dense_rank, row_number聚合函数作为窗口函数使用场景排名问题TopN问题教程通俗易懂的学会:SQL窗口函数 by 猴子数据说明数据为《sql面试50题》中的【成绩表】score,创建和插入数据可以在连接中找到。sqlite 代码我本地使用的是sqlite数据库。m...

2019-12-13 10:27:07 3045 1

原创 mac环境使用Matplotlab.pyplot的中文字体问题

报错信息findfont: Font family ['sans-serif'] not found.或missing from current font.报错原因没有中文字体解决方案及步骤本方案是下载字体放入matplotlib的字体路径下面,一劳永逸的做法。1. 下载字体http://www.fontpalace.com/font-download/SimHei/2. ...

2019-12-09 18:33:48 941

原创 《SQL必知必会》学习笔记(sqlite)

文章目录第二章检索数据第三章第四章第五章 高级数据过滤第二章检索数据2.1 SELECT 语句2.5 检索不同的值DISTINCT 用于单一列2.6限制结果SQL Server和Access:TOPMySQL,MAriaDB,PostgreSQL,SQLite:LIMIT(搭配OFFSET)LIMIT 3,4 = LIMIT 4 OFFSET 3第三章3.1排序数据3.2按多...

2019-12-09 18:12:31 783

原创 PreferenceFragment放在ScrollView中高度为0 高度失效

PreferenceFragment自带滑动属性,当内部的每一个ListPreferenceg高度为wrapcontent时,嵌套进可滑动的layout中,高度无法明确计算。为什么?view什么时候计算高度? 解决方案:在绘制前手动计算高度 来源:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22973089/scrollview-linear...

2018-12-06 15:25:16 600

原创 今日bug-匿名内部类造成内存泄漏

1. MVP模式,presenter网络请求回调里调用getView.show(errormessage)又忘了判断getView()是否为null2. MVP,presenter网络请求回调里用了一个在view中定义的匿名内部类,虽然判断getView()是否为null可以避免crash,但是匿名内部类会持有一个view对象,造成内存泄漏 怎么做?不用匿名内部类(我也是很奇怪,我...

2018-10-12 18:27:45 823

原创 EditText设置ellipsize无效;EditText设置setSelection无效

需求:edittext,一行显示,不允许换行,最长长度100,编辑状态下光标跳至结尾,非编辑状态下结尾显示省略号。坑1:对于edittext直接设置ellipsize不生效坑2:光标跳至结尾不生效 坑1的解决方法:只有在setKeyListener(null)时,ellipsize才能生效,但是这样就不能响应任何点击事件了,所以需要在初始化的时候先把EditText的点击事件拿到,...

2018-09-06 20:57:59 4898 2

原创 android使用gradle引入github第三方库

第三方库的release中找版本,例如v2.1.2gradle中写:implementation 'com.github.aaaa:bbbb:v2.1.2'其中aaaa为github的用户名bbbb为库名后跟release的tag版本号。  ...

2018-09-04 10:52:57 3155

原创 控件的clickable和focus

需求:希望点击linearlayout之后能够获取焦点,并响应点击事件。一开始只对linearlayout设置了onclicklistenner,这样发现虽然能够响应点击事件,但是不能获取焦点。 修改:对linearlayout的布局文件中增加了android:focusableInTouchMode="true"结果:可以获取焦点,但是需要第二次点击才能响应点击事件。因为第...

2018-09-03 10:39:08 1221

原创 弹窗的坑

背景是黑色:// 不设置这个弹出框的透明遮罩显示为黑色bulbWindlowParams.format = PixelFormat.RGBA_8888; 

2018-08-06 18:27:32 159

原创 Leetcode DataBase

182. Duplicate Emailsselect distinct(p1.Email) from Person as p1 where p1.Email in (select p2.Email from Person as p2 where p2.id != p1.id);751 msselect distinct(p1.Email) from Person as p

2016-09-16 22:46:07 487

原创 完美世界运营培训生内推笔试题


2016-09-03 20:41:47 3156

原创 游戏类别整理

RPG:角色扮演游戏(Role-playing game)。《口袋妖怪》:由Game Freak和Creatures株式会社开发,由任天堂发行的一系列游戏《战神3》 对应:主机端-动作RPG类MMORPG:是英文Massive(或Massively)Multiplayer Online Role-PlayingGame的缩写。至今尚未有MMORPG的正式中文

2016-09-03 20:06:26 2253

原创 腾讯游戏 游戏策划 在线笔试模拟考

1.相比于客户端游戏,对手机游戏体验的影响最大的是?A.画面展现B.交互方式C.硬件性能D.收费方式2.泛娱乐的中心是IP,以下哪个IP作品是源于游戏的?A.火影忍者B.舰队collectionC.Love Live!D.功夫熊猫3.RPG游戏中,常见的角色能力成长系统不包括?A.天赋树B.装备系统C.职业系统D.角色

2016-09-01 22:09:07 21139

原创 ubutu安装mpich3遇到的问题

安装mpich3的过程中出现报错( cd ./src/binding/fortran/mpif_h && ./buildiface )Cannot open fproto.h.newMakefile:41434: recipe for target 'src/binding/fortran/mpi_h/buildiface-stamp' failed过一会儿好了,换用做了sudo

2015-10-26 22:56:28 2534

原创 Sun's XACML下载

反正我找了一个小时才找到…… http://sunxacml.sourceforge.net/ 左边 Project Page 进入页面后选择browse all files 选择sunxacml选择适当的版本下载即可。Sun's XACML学习资料一:应用XACML实现访问控制的实例Sun's

2015-07-15 10:52:16 856 1

转载 ECLIPSE支持多个JDK版本共存的设置

首先eclipse本身使用啥jdk没有任何关系在Preference里设置整个workspace的jdk:Preferences->Java->Installed JREs,把1.4和1.5的都加上然后可以为每个工程都指定一个jdk版本:工程的Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add Library->JRE System Librar

2015-04-28 19:23:11 4065

thinking in java

"Thinking in Java should be read cover to cover by every Java programmer, then kept close at hand for frequent reference. The exercises are challenging, and the chapter on Collections is superb! Not only did this book help me to pass the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam; it's also the first book I turn to whenever I have a Java question." -Jim Pleger, Loudoun County (Virginia) Government"Much better than any other Java book I've seen. Make that 'by an order of magnitude'...Very complete, with excellent right-to-the-point examples and intelligent, not dumbed-down, explanations...In contrast to many other Java books I found it to be unusually mature, consistent, intellectually honest, well-written, and precise. IMHO, an ideal book for studying Java." -Anatoly Vorobey, Technion University, Haifa, Israel"Absolutely one of the best programming tutorials I've seen for any language." -Joakim Ziegler, FIX sysop"Thank you again for your awesome book. I was really floundering (being a non-C programmer), but your book has brought me up to speed as fast as I could read it. It's really cool to be able to understand the underlying principles and concepts from the start, rather than having to try to build that conceptual model through trial and error. Hopefully I will be able to attend your seminar in the not-too-distant future." -Randall R. Hawley, automation technician, Eli Lilly & Co."This is one of the best books I've read about a programming language...The best book ever written on Java." -Ravindra Pai, Oracle Corporation, SUNOS product line"Bruce, your book is wonderful! Your explanations are clear and direct. Through your fantastic book I have gained a tremendous amount of Java knowledge. The exercises are also fantastic and do an excellent job reinforcing the ideas explained throughout the chapters. I look forward to reading more books written by you. Thank you for the tremendous service that you are providing by writing such great books. My code will be much better after reading Thinking in Java. I thank you and I'm sure any programmers who will have to maintain my code are also grateful to you." -Yvonne Watkins, Java artisan, Discover Technologies, Inc." Other books cover the what of Java (describing the syntax and the libraries) or the how of Java (practical programming examples). Thinking in Java is the only book I know that explains the why of Java: Why it was designed the way it was, why it works the way it does, why it sometimes doesn't work, why it's better than C++, why it's not. Although it also does a good job of teaching the what and how of the language, Thinking in Java is definitely the thinking person's choice in a Java book." -Robert S. StephensonAwards for Thinking in Java2003 Software Development Magazine Jolt Award for Best Book 2003 Java Developer's Journal Reader's Choice Award for Best Book 2001 JavaWorld Editor's Choice Award for Best Book 2000 JavaWorld Reader's Choice Award for Best Book 1999 Software Development Magazine Productivity Award 1998 Java Developer's Journal Editor's Choice Award for Best Book Thinking in Java has earned raves from programmers worldwide for its extraordinary clarity, careful organization, and small, direct programming examples. From the fundamentals of Java syntax to its most advanced features, Thinking in Java is designed to teach, one simple step at a time. * The classic object-oriented introduction for beginners and experts alike, fully updated for Java SE5/6 with many new examples and chapters! * Test framework shows program output. * Design patterns are shown with multiple examples throughout: Adapter, Bridge, Chain of Responsibility, Command, Decorator, Facade, Factory Method, Flyweight, Iterator, Data Transfer Object, Null Object, Proxy, Singleton, State, Strategy, Template Method, and Visitor. * Introduction to XML for data transfer; SWT, Flash for user interfaces. * Completely rewritten concurrency chapter gives you a solid grasp of threading fundamentals. *500+ working Java programs in 700+ compiling files, rewritten for this edition and Java SE5/6. * Companion web site includes all source code, annotated solution guide, weblog, and multimedia seminars. * Thorough coverage of fundamentals; demonstrates advanced topics. * Explains sound object-oriented principles. *Hands-On Java Seminar CD available online, with full multimedia seminar by Bruce Eckel. * Live seminars, consulting, and reviews available. See www.MindView.net Download seven free sample chapters from Thinking in Java, Fourth Edition. Visit http://mindview.net/Books/TIJ4.



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