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翻译 Docker Desktop总是占用C盘空间的终极解决之道

原链接:How can I change the location of docker images when using Docker Desktop on WSL2 with Windows 10 Home? - Stack Overflowhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/62441307/how-can-i-change-the-location-of-docker-images-when-using-docker-desktop-on-wsl2The

2021-10-15 14:56:18 2502 4

原创 记录一个笑脸检测的互动软件

1. 笑脸检测算法的基础https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45306136/article/details/1071708152. windows环境下采用EMGU, 也就是opencv的C#库来做https://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Tutorialhttps://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Download_And_Installation下载地址:1. EMGU CV的git...

2021-06-22 16:08:57 526

原创 求同存异


2021-04-04 23:54:40 209

原创 如何在三天内用新技术做一个小产品?

前几天接了一个django的小活,这个客户又是一个大学生,这里给做外包的小伙伴提个醒,千万不要跟学生做生意,事情很多而且不守诚信。具体的需求是个影楼的管理系统。django从未接触过,如何快速的学习呢?1. 看官方文档,从头到尾看一遍的时间大概在1天左右,同时在不懂的地方直接上手,比如如何用命令行新建一个项目2. 看代码,从网上找到相关的代码,分析别人是如何创建model,如何写分页,如何增删改查,如何写成接口形式3. google/baidu, 这个能力是每个程序员必须要具备的,快速定位问

2021-04-02 13:13:11 99 1

原创 API程序员如何提升自己的编码水平?


2021-04-02 11:16:30 293 1

原创 AI时代,如何让自己不落后于这个时代?


2021-04-01 03:34:19 198

原创 基于vue和laravel的MITI心理测试系统(毕业论文)

前几天接到了个一个大学毕业的毕设软件,整体报价1000块,需要用到laravel和vue,于是就有了以下的简单界面,整体项目花了2天时间,加上数据录入等等首先呢,采用前后端分离,vue作为前端界面,也就一个页面,但是需要登录和注册, 前端通过vuex做为状态记录,记录到cookie的Authorization里,所有的请求直接访问后端lavarellaravel如果发现token失效,那么返回状态401, 告诉前端登录失效,直接跳转到login,注册和登录得接口通过laravle得passp

2021-03-31 14:21:26 813

原创 Serialization from an Object to XML Document in C#

http://www.dotnetjohn.com/articles.aspx?articleid=173 http://www.codeproject.com/KB/XML/xml_serializationasp.aspx

2010-11-25 11:20:00 304

原创 SQL Server Dead Lock/Time Out Event Notification

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/295299/sql-server-timeout-logging http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/mladenp/archive/2008/07/18/Immediate-deadlock-notifications-without-changing-existing-code.aspx

2010-11-25 10:59:00 431

原创 Top 10 Open Source Web-Based Project Management Software

原文链接:http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/open-source-project-management-software.html   Top 10 Open Source Web-Based Project Management Software Project management software is not just for managing software based project. It can be used for variety of other t

2010-11-19 10:00:00 2725

原创 Lisp 学习指南

最近看到一篇文章《Lisp之美》,唤起了个人的无限遐想和学习的勇气。说到不如做到,咱就开始吧, 于是在网上goolge之,找到了几篇入门之道,以此鼓励自己。 http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/ http://www.pchristensen.com/blog/articles/how-to-learn-lisp/

2010-11-03 13:33:00 708

原创 Notepad++替换每行开头字符

I've had the same issue myself. After some trial and error you can achieve the same by doing the following: Find: ^(.) Replace: [the string you wish you insert]/1 What this will do is locate and tag the first character of the line, put in the new string

2010-10-27 15:20:00 2439

原创 Zend Controller Action Helper Broker 源码笔记

Action Helpers allow developers to inject runtime and/or on-demand functionality into any Action Controllers that extend Zend_Controller_Action. Action Helpers aim to minimize the necessity to extend the abstract Action Controller in order to inject common

2010-10-14 15:06:00 643

原创 ISO-8859-1 Character Set(XSLT Characters)

I got tired of looking up the special characters for HTML and more importantly XSLT, so I decided to put them here for easy reference. In HTML, you can use use specific code positions to display special characters. For example   is equivalent to

2010-10-13 10:28:00 732

原创 Validating an Email Address With Zend Framework

Email addresses are one of trickiest input types to validate because there are multiple ways emails can be written according to the RFC2822 specification. You could have me@gmail.com, or me+spam@gmail.com, or “mark@server”@marksanborn.net, common on Linu

2010-10-09 15:10:00 572

原创 Zend_Json的使用

Zend本身提供了许多有用的工具来方便使用。比如这次提到的Zend_Json。本身就非常便利。该类处于这个目录下: Zend/     Json/         Decoder.php         Encoder.php         Exception.php     Json.php Encoding PHP Data Structure With Zend_Json, encoding PHP data structure into JSON formatte

2010-10-08 16:56:00 1071

原创 Vim 常用键盘布局图


2010-10-08 11:02:00 765

原创 firefox 启动太慢的原因

启动加上参数 /perfect:1 即可。这样的话就不会搜索需要的控件,而是全部载入。 http://support.mozilla.com/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_threshold=0&comments_parentId=15825&comments_offset=0&comments_per_page=20&thread_style=commentStyle_plain

2010-10-04 09:50:00 470

原创 Ajax和JavaScript UI快速开发的思索

最近在做网站开发的时候,总是觉得是否能有更快速的方式或者方法来开发纯XHTML和Javascript的网页,于是Google,找到了几篇相关的文章。 23+ Impressive Tools for Faster Javascript/Ajax Development HTML/JavaScript UI widgets GUI builder 通过测试和研究了其中的几个软件: 1.WaveMaker Visual Ajax Studio 用Java写的服务器,在本地模拟一个网站环境,然后可以进行U

2010-09-29 09:37:00 436

原创 HTTP Headers参考使用

Requests Field name Description Example Accept Content-Types that are acceptable Accept: text/plain Accept-Charset Character sets that are acceptable Accept-Charset: u

2010-09-26 22:16:00 662

原创 Temporary Post Used For Theme Detection (366dde28-ee5a-4a1c-920a-afc2c4448f15 - 3bfe001a-32de-4114-a6b4-4005b770f6d7)

This is a temporary post that was not deleted. Please delete this manually. (7da68d72-21a0-456b-9685-4cc4bcd41acf - 3bfe001a-32de-4114-a6b4-4005b770f6d7)

2010-09-25 09:50:00 823

原创 Web开发相关


2010-09-24 16:55:00 278

转载 Using XML with MySQL(转载)

Using XML with MySQL Paul DuBois paul@kitebird.com Document revision: 1.01 Last update: 2003-01-24 Table of Contents Introduction Writing Query Results as XML Writing XML By Adding Element Tags Yourself Writin

2010-09-23 14:33:00 449

转载 实用工具贴


2010-09-23 14:25:00 344

原创 Mysql GUI 在 XAMPP下无法使用的问题。

<br />Hi there<br />This is for all of you who have the problem with MySQLAdministrator throwing the Error "Either the server service or the configuration file could not be found. Startup variables and service section are therefore disabled."<br />

2010-09-23 14:20:00 606

转载 Sending Emails with the Zend Framework

<br /> Introduction<br /><br />Many PHP applications require the ability to send emails nowadays from simple plain-text emails confirming a registration to advanced HTML newsletters.<br /><br />PHP allows us to send emails using the mail() function

2010-08-19 21:36:00 1051

转载 Database Abstraction with Zend_Db - Part 2

<br />Introduction<br /><br />Database abstraction layers provide an important role in modern web applications built with PHP. They allow you to easily switch your back end database server by changing just a few lines of code in your application.<

2010-08-18 22:31:00 435

转载 Database Abstraction with Zend_Db - Part 1

IntroductionDatabase abstraction layers provide an important role in modern web applications built with PHP. They allow you to easily switch your back end database server by changing just a few lines of code in your application.The Zend Framewor

2010-08-18 22:30:00 528

转载 程序员能力矩阵 Programmer Competency Matrix[译文]

<br />http://static.icybear.net/%5BCN%5DProgrammer%20competency%20matrix.htm

2010-07-25 23:08:00 456

转载 Templating Engines in PHP

<br /> Templating Engines in PHPFabien PotencierOctober 07, 2009<br /> This blog post is not for the faint-hearted! Some people will strongly disagree with me and some others will probably want to kill me at the upcoming Zend Conference. And

2010-07-25 23:05:00 2719

转载 Using Zend Framework with Mutil Database

This article is what I hope will be the first in a series about my favorite way to develop web applications, the Zend Framework. I’m not going to try and sell the framework to you, I’m going to assume you already know all about it and that’s how you got he

2010-07-23 08:32:00 531








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