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原创 PLSQL Developer中,Window List窗口是默认锁定
在PLSQL Developer中,Window List窗口是默认锁定在界面左下方的,使用感觉挺方便,可以快速切换到其他SQL窗口或者打开的表,视图等等。但最近换了个电脑,重新安装PLSQL Developer之后,发现那个Window List窗口每次启动都需要手动拖拽到界面左下方,很不方便。就这样用了很长时间,一直以为这个版本没有提供锁定的功能。今天无意中却发现其实PLSQL Develop...
2014-10-09 17:15:01 107
原创 启动PL/SQL Developer 报字符编码不一致错误 ,Database character set (AL32UTF8)
Database character set (AL32UTF8) and Client character set (ZHS16GBK) are different. Character set conversion may cause unexpected results. Note: you can set the client character set through the N...
2014-03-14 21:49:55 88
原创 为什么GenericServlet增加了一个init()方法?
在Servlet中 javax.servlet.GenericServlet类继承自java.lang.Object实现了Serializable,,servlet ,ServletConfig 三个接口被继承对象javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet(这是我们常用的一个类)但仔细看GenericServlet的API,会发现有两个init方法vo...
2014-01-05 10:15:23 123
原创 tomcat启动The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library
[转载]The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path: E:\JavaTool\jdk1.6.0_24\bin;E:\JavaTool\apache-tomcat...
2013-12-27 21:01:23 104
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