
















商业化产品可能是有用的, 但最好的东西往往是免费的, 空气,水,Vim。

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原创 Vim插件neocomplcache

https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplcache.vim注意要将plugin之类的子文件夹直接放到.vim下面,否则找不到函数。可以自动提示无须Ctrl+n,而且更加智能,比vim自带的要好用,曾经感慨xcode的自动提示太强大了,neocompletecache也不是逊色。居然连路径下的文件都可以提示 amazing附带我的配置文件:

2013-05-31 13:14:24 7571 2

转载 vim一段很好的折叠代码

24 " 用空格键来开关折叠           25 set foldenable     26 set foldmethod=manual     27 nnoremap @=((foldclosed(line('.'))      28      29      30      31 "-------------------------------

2013-05-31 10:44:04 1674

原创 vim C++ 编程include文件之间切换

在.vimrc中添加set path=.,/usr/local/include,/usr/include,,,**然后用ctrl+o, gf 就可以自如的在文本之间切换。

2013-05-30 12:46:40 1596

转载 64 bit systems VS. 32 bit systems

64 bit systems have several advantages over 32 bit systems:•  The number of registers is doubled. This makes it possible to store intermediate data   and local variables in registers rather than i

2013-05-29 17:27:55 697

转载 排序算法稳定性


2013-05-29 12:08:37 624

原创 openMP使用心得

尝试了一下openMP, 很简单的两行代码就把速度提高了一倍。事半功倍呀。 #pragma omp parallel for#pragma omp critical (optional section name)

2013-05-28 11:39:31 791

转载 通过 GCC 学习 OpenMP 框架

Arpan Sen, 独立作家Arpan Sen 是致力于电子设计自动化行业的软件开发首席工程师。他使用各种 UNIX 版本(包括 Solaris、SunOS、HP-UX 和 IRIX)以及 Linux 和 Microsoft Windows 已经多年。他热衷于各种软件性能优化技术、图论和并行计算。Arpan 获得了软件系统硕士学位。简介: Open Multiprocessing (Op

2013-05-28 11:36:12 943

原创 比较有意义的面试题

1. c++面向对象编写string的构造,析构,和赋值函数。2. 指针传递下面哪个函数可以成功进行数的交换:void swap1(int p, int q){ int temp; temp=p; p=q; q=temp; }void swap2(int* p, int *q){ int* temp; *temp=*p; *p=*q; *q=*temp; }vo

2013-05-28 08:44:01 1033

转载 让 Safari 恋上 HTML5

都知道 Apple 和 Adobe 的那点事,笔记本在 OS X 系统下处理 Flash 就会增加发热量、减少电池待机时间。还好 HTML5 兴起和 iPad 热卖让各大视频网站开始支持 HTML5 格式。不过可惜大部分都只是跳转到专为 iPad 设计的页面。自然而然就有人研究如何在 OS X 下使用给 iPad 提供 HTML5 资源,网上流传下面这个方法:进入Safar

2013-05-27 20:57:56 1452

转载 GNU Screen Splitting

I’ve never been an avid user of GNU Screen despite a number of people giving it rave reviews. I never needed to resume remote sessions and the window management stuff seemed pointless (“Why not just

2013-05-24 11:42:23 981

转载 linux 技巧:使用 screen 管理你的远程会话

你是不是经常需要 SSH 或者 telent 远程登录到 Linux 服务器?你是不是经常为一些长时间运行的任务而头疼,比如系统备份、ftp 传输等等。通常情况下我们都是为每一个这样的任务开一个远程终端窗口,因为他们执行的时间太长了。必须等待它执行完毕,在此期间可不能关掉窗口或者断开连接,否则这个任务就会被杀掉,一切半途而废了。元凶:SIGHUP 信号让我们来看看为什么关掉窗口/断开连接会

2013-05-24 11:03:25 629

原创 screen 使用好处

常用快捷键盘CTRL-a SHIFT-x (CTRL-a X) will close the pane that has focusCTRL-a d will detach screen from the TTY and put it in the background. Resume withscreen -rCTRL-a n and CTRL-a p shifts input fo

2013-05-24 03:40:31 998

原创 vim(七) 双显示器


2013-05-23 19:59:41 1912 1

原创 float vs double

在精度有要求的程序千万不要用float, 以免出现很多意料之外的bug。

2013-05-16 15:44:11 672

原创 如何理解CMake文档,优先静态库,Cuda混编

下面是CMake文档地址: http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.10/cmake.htmlcommand:理解CMake文档关键就是理解他的一些command, 整个CMake的架构就是绕着这些command进行的,他就是整个脚本的框架。property:具体对象的一些设置  set_property(TARGET myexe PROPERTY LIN

2013-05-14 10:33:32 3429

转载 cocos2d(二) scenes, layers, and nodes

Cocos2D games are made up of scenes (CCScenes), and the director (CCDirector)is responsible for running scenes. The Cocos2D Director runs only one scene at atime.    Each scene in Cocos2D cons

2013-05-07 13:22:58 836

转载 Cocos2D Key Features

Still unsure if Cocos2D is right for you? Well, check out some of these amazing fea-tures of Cocos2D that can make developing your next game a lot easier.ActionsActions are one of the most power

2013-05-06 13:58:13 803

转载 HealthVault Developer Center

HealthVault: a platform for connected health information and innovationHealthVault provides a unique, feature-rich development platform for consumer and patient engagement.  HealthVault offers:A

2013-05-06 09:44:05 1422

转载 Shark machine learning library

http://image.diku.dk/shark/sphinx_pages/build/html/index.htmlSummary¶NoteThis is Shark 3.0 beta. See the news for more information.SHARK is a fast, modular, feature-rich open-sou

2013-05-06 09:43:08 1708

转载 vim(六) 折疊

11. 把 Vim 折疊(folding)?把 Vim 折疊(folding)後,然後可以放入口袋?呵呵,當然不是這樣啦!這是 Vim 的一個很特殊功能(原始 vi 及一般的 vi clone 皆無此功能)。簡單的說,就是可以將文章內容,依據他的結構,把多行內容集中於其中一個代表行來顯示,螢幕上只看得到章節標題那一代表行,這樣整個文章結構就一目了然,真正要閱讀其他內容時,再由簡單的按鍵或滑

2013-05-02 10:02:36 871


magic byte for linux file


Effective C++

Scott Meyers' book, Effective C++, Third Edition, is distilled programming experience — experience that you would otherwise have to learn the hard way. This book is a great resource that I recommend to everybody who writes C++ professionally


Programming Windows with MFC

MFC, as you probably already know, is Microsoft's C++ class library for Windows programming. Programming Windows with MFC isn't a book about C++; rather, it's a book about writing 32-bit Windows applications in C++ using MFC rather than the Windows API as the chief means of accessing the operating system's essential features and services.



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