关于11g OCM升级考试

我的11gOCM升级考试一波三折,终于在前几天收到通过的邮件,个人觉得考试并不很难,升级考主要考11g新特性,考试题目基本上按照考纲来出的,所以对照考纲练习即可,关键是理解透这些新特性,Database, RMAN, EM and Network Configuration 和 Data Guard没有难度,Data and Data Warehouse Management 和Performance Management考试分值比重大,fda, stream,result cache,spa,spm,dbreplay都是考试的重点。

Database, RMAN, EM and Network Configuration

[  ] Configure server-side network
[  ] Configure client-side network
[  ] Create and Manage encrypted tablespaces
[  ] Create and Manage a tablespace that uses NFS mounted file system file
[  ] Set up ADR file based repository
[  ] Perform cold database backup
[  ] Manage user accounts and use case sensitive passwords 
[  ] Use OPatch to install a patch
[  ] Install and configure EM Agent
[  ] Create Base Recovery Catalog
[  ] Configure RMAN
[  ] Perform multisection backup of a datafile
[  ] Create an Archival Backup

Data Guard
[  ] Create Physical Standby Database with real-time apply.
[  ] Configure the data guard environment to reduce overheads of fast incremental backups on the primary database
[  ] Configure the Observer
[  ] Switchover and switch back 
[  ] Convert the standby to a snapshot standby
[  ] Configure archivelog deletion policy for the dataguard configuration
Data and Data Warehouse Management 
[  ] Troubleshoot fast materialized views to fast refresh and query rewrite 
[  ] Add a tablespace by using Transportable Tablespace Feature of Data Pump Import (cross platform transportable tablespace)
[  ] Configure a schema to support a star transformation query
[  ] Configure and use parallel execution for queries
[  ] Use and access SecureFile LOBS
[  ] Create partitioned tables (includes reference and interval partitioning)
[  ] Configure Flashback Data Archive
[  ] Use Oracle Streams to capture and propagate changes in a table

Data and Data Warehouse Management 
[  ] Troubleshoot fast materialized views to fast refresh and query rewrite 
[  ] Add a tablespace by using Transportable Tablespace Feature of Data Pump Import (cross platform transportable tablespace)
[  ] Configure a schema to support a star transformation query
[  ] Configure and use parallel execution for queries
[  ] Use and access SecureFile LOBS
[  ] Create partitioned tables (includes reference and interval partitioning)
[  ] Configure Flashback Data Archive
[  ] Use Oracle Streams to capture and propagate changes in a table

Performance Management
[  ] Set up and configure Resource Manager to control active sessions, number of I/Os, execution time..etc
[  ] Use Result Cache
[  ] Use multi column statistics
[  ] Gather statistics on a specific table without invalidating cursors
[  ] Use partitioned indexes
[  ] Use SQL Tuning Advisor
[  ] Use SQL Access Advisor
[  ] Configure baseline templates 
[  ] Use SQL Plan Management feature
[  ] Replay a captured workload

OCM考试全面解析及经验分享 OCM考试全称为Oracle Certified Master(Oracle认证大师),是在OCA(Oracle认证专员Oracle Certified Associate)、OCP(Oracle认证专家Oracle Certified Professional)之后更高一级的Oracle技术认证,也是Oracle技术认证最 OCM考试全称为Oracle Certified Master(Oracle认证大师),是在OCA(Oracle认证专员Oracle Certified Associate)、OCP(Oracle认证专家Oracle Certified Professional)之后更高一级的Oracle技术认证,也是Oracle技术认证最高的一个级别。 考试是两天的时间,全部为实际操作的考试,第一天是创建数据库和安装Grid Control,第二天是创建RAC以及部署Data Guard,其中穿插着几乎所有Oracle数据库管理需要用到的常用知识。 其实,技术上来说OCM考试并不很难,考试涉及的内容也是很喜闻乐见的技术架构。但是问题就在于时间,一个数据库管理员用dbca这样的图形化界面在一个小时里面创建完一个数据库这基本上没有难度,但是要求你不能使用图形界面只能用命令行方式呢?你能记得所有create database的语法吗?你能记得所有storage参数的语法吗?你能记得设定ASSM属性那个四个单词的前后顺序吗? 也许有人会说,我不需要记得啊,我有Oracle Online Documentation可以查询哦,是的,没错,OCM考试允许你查询Oracle的联机帮助文档(仅仅限于联机文档而不允许使用internet去做搜索),但是你能在几分钟内定位到你想要找的内容呢?又一共有多少个知识点你需要去查文档呢?而两个小时的考试时间又允许你去查多少次联机文档呢?我个人认为我对联机文档已经颇为熟悉了,但是今天上午的经验让我必须承认,如果我不继续加以练习,我绝对无法在规定时间内创建出完全符合考试要求的数据库。而如果第一天上午考试结束的时候你没有创建出需要的数据库,那么这次OCM考试你就失败了,因为后面考试的内容是要使用到这个数据库的。 最后,只要是考试就会有压力,当时间一点一滴流逝的时候,你能确保自己在最后的半小时里面还能像刚开始考试时候那样冷静吗?本来一次就能输入正确的SQL语句,会不会就要多输错几个单词,多按几次Delete键,多看到几次ORA报错信息才能完成输入呢? 好吧,这一系列文章的目的并不是给大家施加压力,而是准备告诉大家如何应对OCM考试,这几乎已经无关乎技术,而更多的是技巧了。




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