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原创 Proxy Pattern Informatization Research Based On SaaS

Proxy Pattern Informatization Research Based On SaaS Abstract—Based on demands in proxy pattern, this article proposes informatization solution of proxy pattern which includes enterprise man

2009-07-18 14:49:00 269

Proxy Pattern Informatization Research Based On SaaS

Abstract—Based on demands in proxy pattern, this article proposes informatization solution of proxy pattern which includes enterprise management, proxy management, franchisee management and supply chain management, then discusses basic functions, system architecture of the platform as well as metadata services, security strategies, and finally gives a multi-user data model -shared database, shared architecture. Keywords-Proxy Pattern; Informatization; Multi-User Data Model I. INTRODUCTION SaaS is the abbreviation of software as a service. It is a brand innovative software application pattern which starts in the 21st century along with the development and application of Internet technology. Through providing the software services over the Internet, manufactures deploy the application software on his own server, while the user customizes the services over the Internet according to the actual demand, at the same time defrays the expense according to the kind and hours of service used. What is a proxy pattern? It refers to that someone obtains the sale proxy of production enterprise or purchase proxy of users through a form of contract, and gets the commission after finishing the transaction [1]. Generally speaking, it is suitable for a new market or marketing of specialized product, such as jewelry industry, they always need special supply chain management, technology and local market, some requirements should be possessed by distributor. But it is not easy to find such one, so using a proxy pattern and establishing a proxy service center is very useful to open the target market rapidly, meanwhile fully control the logistics of both supply and demand, as shown in Figure 1: Figure 1. Proxy pattern service schema As a public service platform of the supply chain, the proxy service center is an extremely important intermediate link. On one hand, it enables every enterprise in each link of the proxy pattern to be a node in the supply chain network; on the other hand it realizes the exchange and sharing of data, information and knowledge among supply, product, and sales enterprises. The proxy service center which carries on the product logistics between supplier and franchisee has a function of managing retailers and franchisees. So this pattern can grasps the supply condition quickly, control the logistics flexibly. At present, there are already relatively mature networks in many industries. Therefore, it has a very vital practical significance to promote the informatization platform based on the proxy pattern. II. FUNCTION STUDIES OF INFORMATIZATION PLATFORM The proxy pattern informatization mainly provides a stable, completely functional service platform which integrates application systems configuring on the unified service architecture. The service vendor who is responsible for maintenance and management of the software provides the software service over the Internet for users. Users need not purchase, construct and maintain infrastructure and the application procedure. According to informatization demands in proxy industry, functions of this platform includes enterprise informatization, franchisee informatization, proxy service center informatization, supply chain informatization and SaaS website service, which is shown in Figure 2: Figure 2. Proxy pattern informatization platform A. Enterprise informatization Enterprise informatization will be realized in this module which is mainly composed of general information management systems and management information systems for specific industry. The former includes OA system, personnel management system, attendance system, human resources management system and financial system .etc; the latter are suitable for the different industries, such as production management, workshop management, inventory management etc. Each system can realize seamless integration through web services; users in different industries can customize a combination of modules, share the synthesis statistical report, and establish basic data set .etc. This has fully manifested the superiorities of the SaaS application, which not only meets individual demands of various enterprises, but also makes these enterprises to be a link in the industry chain as well as realize its own informatization. Thus, every enterprise can share the information in upstream and downstream which is a great advantage for enterprise development. B. Proxy service center informatization As one important part of the informatization platform, the proxy service center carries on the product logistics between suppliers and franchisees. The realization of proxy pattern informatization may break the phenomenon of information island, which makes the proxy service center to be an important information channel on the entire industrial chain, thus it is more advantageous for information communication and sharing among enterprises. Informatization management for the proxy service center includes functions like statistics, inquiry, finance, user management. The center requires comprehensive statistic and inquire abilities, so as to fully grasp upstream and downstream information of the industrial chain. C. Franchisee service informatization Under the proxy pattern, franchisee manages one or several brands through the proxy service center, technically accepts the instruction of the brands, and engages in the operating activities according to the business pattern in the contract. As a different from branch business, franchisee has independent operation system and informatization platform. Informatization management for franchisee will be realized in this module, which includes functions like inventory, statistics, sales, finance .etc. So it not only realizes franchisee informatization service, but integrates franchisees into the industry informatization process. D. SaaS website service SaaS website service is a show window of service vendor and a communication channel of users, through which users submit their informatization demands. After satisfying the demand of users, the supplier gives feedback to users, so as to interact with user on line. Functions like company introduction, product synopsis, informatization diagnosis, product experience, service support will be included in this module. III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Above we discuss the basic functions of informatization platform in proxy industry, the remainder of this article will detail the system architecture that can help us plan and build SaaS application. A well-designed SaaS application is distinguished by three qualities: scalability, configurability, and multi-user efficiency [2]. • Scalability, which is maximum enhancing concurrency, so as to high-efficiently use the application resources. • Configurability, refers to that each user can configure appearance and behaviors of the application with metadata, simultaneously guarantees easy use of the configuration and no expense. • Multi-user efficiency, this requires an architecture that maximizes the sharing of resources across users, but that is still able to differentiate data belonging to different users [3]. In a SaaS application, keys to determine these characteristics are metadata service and data security service, which are also the focus of users [4]. Neither can a common B/S architecture guarantee the data security of users, nor can satisfy flexible business requirement. Therefore, this article proposes the following SaaS platform system architecture based on proxy pattern, as Figure 3 shows: Figure 3. SaaS system architecture under proxy pattern In this architecture, the service vendor hosts multiple users on a load-balanced farm of identical instances (SCM instance, ERP instance, franchisee instance, agent instance etc.) with the same code library. Each instance serves for a certain amount of users with different demands, and with configurable metadata providing a unique user experience and feature set for each user [5]. Identical instances can maximize resource sharing. From users’ perspectives, the application is used as usual. As a unified interface of users, the load-balanced server will be responsible to manage these application instances. SaaS can meet various kinds of service requirement changes as well as behavior differences of business logic, which is realized mainly through metadata services. Configurable and customizable of the metadata make the platform highly scalable. According to his own business process, the user can define his fields, menu, form of report, formulas, jurisdiction, views, workflow and business rules, customize kinds of service for him, thus fully meet enterprises' individual demands and realize fast response to demand changes. The security service is most important in SaaS architecture, which is specially concerned by users. From user access to security data itself, we give a solution through authentication, authorization and means of hybrid encryption. In order to realize logon security, we want to consider a hybrid approach that combines centralized and decentralized authentication system—using the centralized approach to authenticate and manage smaller users, and the federated approach for large enterprises that demand, and will pay for, the single sign-on experience [6]. After the user logs on, access to resources and business functions in a SaaS application is managed by using roles that map to specific job functions within an organization. Each role is given one or more permission that enable users assigned to the role to perform actions in accordance with any relevant business rules, roles are managed within the SaaS application itself; they can contain individual user accounts, as well as user groups. Individual user accounts and groups can be assigned several different roles as required [7]. When the user access data resources, we have another protection—data encryption. A key wrapping system that combines the advantages of symmetric and asymmetric methods is used in this platform. Three keys are created for each user as part of the provisioning process: a symmetric key and an asymmetric key pair consisting of a public key and a private key. The symmetric key is used to encrypt the user's critical data for storage [8].A asymmetric key pair is used to encrypt and decrypt the symmetric key, so as to add another layer of security. IV. MULTI-USER DATA MODEL The multi-user data model is a very important link in SaaS platform design. A good data model has a good scalability, can share the data and information well, and satisfy the users’ individual needs. The simplest data model is storing users’ data in separate databases. Computing resources and application code are generally shared between all the users on a server, but each user has its own set of data that remains logically isolated from data that belongs to all other users[7].This model makes it easy to extend the application’s data model to meet all users’ individual needs, and restoring a user’s data from backups in a failure is a relatively simple thing[9].But usually this model expands software and hardware investment and equipment maintenance cost, which is similar to traditional single user model. The second data model is shared database, separate schema in which houses multiple users in the same database, with each user having his own set of tables that are grouped into a schema created specifically for the user. Each user can use SQL statement to operate his own data table [10]. This model can guarantee logic independence and security of users’ data, while it will increase complexity to backup and restoring of the data. In order to solve the problem of two kinds mentioned above, shared database, shared schema will be used in our platform based on standardization, unification in proxy industry, in which the same database and the same set of tables are used to host multiple users’ data. Different users’ data are stored in the same table, and distinguished by different UserID. This approach has the lowest hardware and backup costs, but it has the highest sharing, because it allows you to serve the largest number of users per database server. Some proxy industry like jewelry, there are so many nodes (they are almost small and medium-sized enterprises) that we can obtain considerable clients if we can effectively guarantee data security which is the key issue of SaaS application. What is more important, the shared schema ensures logic independence of users’ data, fully share and use all users’ data resources, is advantageous to integrate entire operation process in proxy pattern; on the other hand, different enterprises with the same service may have a different business requirement, they can flexibly extend the data model according to their own demands. Now we will discuss how to realize the extension of the data model. Generally speaking, there are two schemes: reallocated fields and Name-Value pairs [11]. Reallocated fields was used to reserve some fields in advance for user extension, when new requirement was put forward, we use one field or several fields to storage extension data [12].This scheme well realizes scalability of the data to some extent, but how many fields are reallocated at last is a problem hard to control for a large number of clients in SaaS application, while this problem is decided in scheme design. So we give up this scheme, and use Name-Value pairs to realize data extension, as shown in Figure 4: Figure 4. Name-Value pairs for Multi-User data model The scheme Name-Value pairs separate the data for extension with original data table, the extension data is stored in a unified extension table which changes transverse column of the extension table for longitudinal data sets, each extension field of original data record is stored by one extension data line, then we associate the record in original data table with the record in configuration table. Thus, extension data records are formed [13]. We will store users’ data in original data table, which contains only RecordID in the form record of the default data model, the only RecordID corresponds with one line or several lines in configuration table. A user can create records in configuration table as many as possible according to the business needs, which associate the extension table through ConfigID; then customized field values will be stored in extension table, and the table is consistent with the main data table through UserID. The scheme above allows each user to create as many custom fields as necessary so as to fully meet its diversified business needs, and it won’t waste too much storage space. V. CONCLUSIONS At present, SaaS application is vigorously promoted in many industries which can save the cost for the users, reduce the risk, and speed up the informatization process of the entire industry. Based on the informatization demands in proxy industry, this article expands SaaS application from the common management software to informatization of the entire industry, proposes basic function and the multi-user system architecture of the SaaS platform under the proxy pattern, then designs multi-user data model as well as data security services which makes the data achieve a good sharing and scalability, and effectively guarantees the data security. REFERENCES [1] Liyun Feng, Distribution Channel Management, Economy & Management Publishing House, Beijing, 2002. [2] Frederick Chong, and Gianpaolo Carraro Roger Wolter, Multi-Tenant Data Architecture, Microsoft Corporation, Washington, June 2006. [3] Wenbin Yu, Xiaohui Huang, and Min Yu,”A Solution of Shared Database and Architecture’s SaaS Based on XML”, Computer and Modernization, 8-10, April 2008. 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