How to use ‘whenever‘, ‘wherever‘, ‘whatever‘, ‘whoever‘ and ‘however‘

 'whenever', 'wherever', 'whatever', 'whoever' 和 'however' 用法

At the beginning, let's see some examples and try to understand them.

  1. With online course, we can study whenever and wherever we want.
  2. Whatever you do, do not break your promise.
  3. Judges punish whoever breaks the law.
  4. Some party lies however they can.

Add you can see, adding 'ever' to these question words can make sentences have a broader possibility of times, places, things or people. Let's go through them one by one.


whenever /wenˈevər/

conjunction at any or every time that

Whenever floods happen, people suffer tens of millions of dollars' worth of damage.

adverb  at any time : at whatever time

I can apply for a work visa tomorrow or whenever.


wherever /werˈevər/

conjunction   at, in, or to any place that

Nepotism occurs wherever he is in charge.

adverb   in, at, or to any place

They could have gone to the park, a beauty salon, (or) wherever.


whatever /wətˈevər/

pronoun  anything or everything that

Take whatever you need!

determiner  all the, any or any that

He fakes whatever paintings that are valuable.


whoever /huːˈevər/

pronoun the person or people who; any person who

Forward this email to whoever is in charge of product development.


however /haʊˈevər/

conjunction   in whatever manner or way

We boil corn however we like.

adverb  to whatever degree or extent : no matter how 

She couldn't get a teaching certificate, however hard  [=no matter how hard]  she tried.


The senses here are different from the meaning that expresses contrast.


As you may know, these words have their stress on the next-to-last syllable.

PyUAVCAN is a Python library for working with UAVCAN, a lightweight protocol designed for communication in aerospace and robotics applications. To simulate UAVCAN using PyUAVCAN, follow these steps: 1. Install PyUAVCAN: PyUAVCAN can be installed using pip, the Python package manager. Open a terminal or command prompt and type the following command: ``` pip install pyuavcan ``` 2. Create a PyUAVCAN node: A PyUAVCAN node is an instance of the UAVCAN protocol running on a computer. To create a node, import the Node class from the pyuavcan library and create an instance of Node. For example: ``` from pyuavcan.transport import SerialTransport from pyuavcan.node import Node transport = SerialTransport("/dev/ttyACM0", baudrate=115200) node = Node(transport) ``` 3. Define a message type: UAVCAN messages are defined in DSDL (Data Structure Description Language) files. You can use the PyUAVCAN DSDL compiler to generate Python classes from DSDL files. For example, if you have a DSDL file called "my_message_type.dsdl", you can generate a Python class by running the following command in a terminal or command prompt: ``` python -m pyuavcan dsdl_compile my_message_type.dsdl ``` This will generate a Python module called "my_message_type" containing the message class. 4. Publish a message: Once you have defined a message type, you can create an instance of the message class and publish it using the PyUAVCAN node. For example, to publish a message of type "my_message_type", you can do the following: ``` from my_message_type import MyMessageType message = MyMessageType() message.field1 = 123 message.field2 = "hello" node.broadcast(message) ``` This will broadcast the message to all nodes on the network. 5. Subscribe to messages: You can also use the PyUAVCAN node to subscribe to messages of a particular type. For example, to subscribe to messages of type "my_message_type", you can do the following: ``` from my_message_type import MyMessageType def my_callback(event): message = event.message print("Received message:", message) node.add_handler(MyMessageType, my_callback) ``` This will register a callback function that will be called whenever a message of type "my_message_type" is received. These are the basic steps for simulating UAVCAN using PyUAVCAN. You can customize the simulation by using different transport protocols (such as UDP or CAN) and defining your own message types.




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