


1. 提供撰写博客引擎的一个可重用范例,包括一些基本功能和高级功能(trackbacks, rss, comments, etc)。

2. 提供现实场景下的一个非常简单的ASP.NET MVC范例, 便于学习设计和编码MVC架构。



Oxite在Codeplex主页: http://www.codeplex.com/oxite

源代码下载: http://www.codeplex.com/oxite/SourceControl/DownloadSourceCode.aspx?changeSetId=26899





Getting Started with Oxite (摘自codeplex

It is pretty easy to get up and running with Oxite, and we'll document the steps required right here.

System Requirements

You can run Oxite on any version of Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista or Server 2008 (32 or 64-bit)
There are three pieces of software you need to get started:

  1. Some version of Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer Express (VWD Express),
  2. ASP.NET MVC, and
  3. SQL Express 2005 or 2008

If you have Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer Express already installed, then you can skip ahead to 'Web Platform Installer', otherwise lets go ahead and get VWD Express installed.

Install Visual Web Developer Express (VWD Express)

Open up the VWD Express download page (right-click and pick open in a new window or tab so you can easily get back to these instructions).
In the purple box on the page labeled Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition, select the appropriate language and then click on the 'Download' link next to your language choice.
A dialog will pop up asking what you want to do with the file vwdexpress.exe (IE7 and Firefox 3.x dialogs shown, you may get a different experience)
(IE7) (Firefox)

You can run the file directly from IE (after a warning prompt since you are about to run a file from the internet), or save the file to disk and then run it in Firefox. Either way, you should end up running the VWD Express installation. After the usual license agreement step, you'll be given a choice of installing SQL Server Express 2008 at this point as well. Go for it, we'll need it installed to run Oxite anyway.

Click next and you'll get to see a list of what will be installed, select a location for VWD Express and see the drive space requirements.

From here, click Install and it will run through the installation of everything it needs. It may need a restart when it is close to finishing, but it will continue after the restart is completed. When the installation is completely finished, will finish by requesting a restart, which you should do before we move onto the next step.

Installing MVC

Oxite requires the Beta of ASP.NET MVC, which you can install from the MVC Beta download page

Scroll down the page until you see the two files available for download and click on the 'Download' button next to the 1.4 MB .msi file

Click Run and accept the warning in IE, or save it to disk and run it in Firefox. Follow the prompts all the way through the install.

It is important that we are doing this step after the installation of VWD Express, as the MVC Beta does some configuration of templates and features that the VWD Express product needs to be able to run MVC projects.

Download an Oxite Release or the Oxite source

Now it is time to grab a recent release or the most current drop of the source.

Release or Source Code checkin: Which one to get?

In general you should get the most recent release, as that is a drop of the code that we explicitly chose to package up for people to download. Individual source code checkins are more up-to-date and may contain bug fixes since a release was created, but they may also contain new bugs that just haven't been found yet. Downloading from the source code tab also brings down more files that you need, because it brings down a full copy of everything we have checked into this codeplex project. Having said that, you can look down the list of checkins to see if there is any important functionality or changes that have been done since the last release, and then make your own decision about what to download.

Regardless of what type of source you choose, you end up pulling down a .zip file full of code, images, binaries, etc... unzip that file into a folder where you have read/write access. To avoid any security access issues, I would stick with a folder that is under your user directory (a folder on the desktop or in your 'Documents' folder for example).

Open up the new directory full of files when you've extracted them. If you've downloaded a release, then the top level folders within this new folder will be the various projects that make up the Oxite sample, including /Oxite.Database, /bin, /Oxite.SearchProvider and others. This is the root of the Oxite solution. If you've downloaded a full source code check-in, then the top-level folder will contain /Archive and /Oxite, and the root of the solution will be under the /Oxite folder. Remember the path to that root folder, you'll need it in a minute.

Open and Run Oxite!

Open up Visual Web Developer and do any initial configuration it prompts you to, until you get to the 'Start Page'. Now click the File menu and select 'Open Project...', browse to the root of the solution wherever you extracted it to, and select the Oxite.VWDExpress.sln file.

Note: if you are using VWD Express, then use the Oxite.VWDExpress.sln solution. The other solution contains the same basic code, but also has the database and test projects, neither of which are supported by Visual Studio Web Express.

Click Open to open the solution. You may be prompted that this is not a trusted location, if you aren't opening the code from your own documents folder, and you may be prompted with 'the source code provider for this solution can not be found'. In the first situation, you can click OK to ignore if it is running in a place where you have read/write permission and in the second case you can select 'Yes' to permanently remove the source code control bindings from the project. Once you have the project open, go over to the 'Solution Explorer' on the right hand side of the VWD Express window and find the project named 'OxiteSite' in the list of projects (it should have a globe as an icon), right-click on it and choose 'Set as Startup'.

Now you should be all set, so just click on the little green 'play' button on the toolbar of VWD Express or press the F5 key on your keyboard... if everything works as expected, you should have a browser window open in a few moments with the sample data's first post 'World.Hello()' up and visible.

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早在12月5号,微软就发出了将要发布开元的CMS系统的消息,正如微软官方所说,我们在12月6号也确实下载到了Oxite 的程序源码。实在是强大,网上赞扬的声音此起彼伏,我今天也粗略的体验了一把。 我的操作系统使用的是win server 2003 sp2 ,据Oxite Code Plex 官方的消息是可以在win server 2003 上跑得,但是我再安装sql server 出现某个应用没安装的问题,所以呢,严格的说,我也没有真正的在服务器上假设成功。姑且就让他在 VISUAL WEB DEVELOPER 里调试吧,如下,让我们一起来欣赏下漂亮的Oxite吧! 其实“开源”两个字通常和微软扯不上太多的联系,不过,这次微软却出乎意料的放出了首款开放源码的博客/CMS内容管理系统,Oxite。软件使用Microsoft Public License (MS-Pl)授权方式,而且源代码完全公开。Oxite兼容WEB标准,并具有高度扩展性,可用来设计博客或其它类型的网站平台。用其架设博客平台可以拥有博客发布,引用通告、匿名评论和评论审查等博客系统基本功能,此外还可对评论进行管理,任何页面均可做为RSS源输出,并带有一个Web管理面板,支持MetaWebLog API。不过,就现在所知道的情况,Oxite的最大缺陷在于其使用了微软的SQL Server数据库,当然,开发者也可以用其他数据库方案取而代之。这一点可以作为Oxite推出的一方面原因吧,权且当是起到一个抛砖引玉的作用。 微软于2008年12月6日在自己的开源社区CodepPex发布了首款内容管理系统oXite,目前为Alpha版本,大家可以Google一下oXite,很容易的就可以找到很多关于oxite的介绍,目前oXite.com/oXite.cn/oXite.com.cn等域名或官方或抢注全部没有了,说明这个系统在很短的时间内就确实引起了很多朋友的关注,作为微软的这一次开发,根据目前的反应来看,可以认为是相当成功了。 在准备体验Oxite时, 你需要看一下下面的资料。 一、oXite的开发环境配置 详细的大家可以上官方网站看看 :官方介绍 主要是: Visual Studio 2008,用Vs2005是打不开项目的。 Sql Server 2005 or 2008 Asp.net MVC Beta,不装也打不开项目。 单看上面所涉及到的这几个条件,目前很多主机服务商还不能满足要求,也就是先在自己的机器上看看了,环境配置好了之后,基本上就可以用Vs2008打开了,注意打开那个Oxite.VWDExpress.sln,我试着打开Oxite.sln失败了。打开成功后设置oxiteSite为启动项,直接F5运行就可以,数据库是不需要额外去配的,直接在项目中oxite.database.mdf。在刚开始的时候由于Sql Server 没有装好,所以在昨天晚上没有调试成功,今天把Sql Server 重新装了一下,总算是成功了。 这时候我们就可以看到默认的博客界面了,另外Mix Online这个网站本身就是使用oXite架设的,大家也可以由此看到一些oXite在Web前端的一些东西了。 在用VISUAL WEB DEVELOPER打开项目时,由于默认的数据库服务器没有启动,所以,这个时候数据库是连接不上的,当然你在调试的时候也就会开到错误的提示了。 在你一切准备工作都做好之后,你就可以开始观看这个强大的Blog界面了 。 这是在成功看到的欢迎界面。 这是里面的一个测试页面 这就是管理的页面,不过相比看起来的确是简单的很多。 总体上那个说来,我们从整个过程中可以体会到这一点,Oxite下载很多地方还可以供大家继续发挥。相对来说,oxite确实是个轻量级的,压缩包才1M多点,解压后14M左右,不像微软自己的Sharepoint那么庞大。 前端支持很好,代码输出比较自主,不想Sharepoint那样,一个core.css就5000多行。 项目默认加入了jQuery/Yui/tag/rss/Pingback/trackback/Gravatar/UrlRewrite等流行元素。当然,毕竟是个Alpha版本的东西,或许是没太熟悉oXite的配置,或许是微软想像WP一样,更多的功能留给大家自己去发挥。 如此,这次的Oxite 我们就算是体验了,不过这只是粗略的带着钦羡的目光在看待一个完美的系统,更多的东西还待大家来发掘。 毕竟,oxite 也不是供简单的只是想用来假设个网站的人来用的,oxite 现在主要是针对vw开发者每而开源的,我就已我作为一个使用者的角度来看待这个系统,有以下看法: 1、网站管理功能过于简单,登录进去的管理首页和未登录几乎是一模一样的,只是右侧的日志存档列表换成了Tasks:Create Post/Create Page。看到的管理后台,就仅此两项,有点惊讶。 2、Create Page成功后不能直接出u了……现在首页的顶部链接中,我没找到我新建的页面跑哪里去 3、用户配置问题,后台非常的简单,所以用户配置不知道是使用asp.net默认的站点管理功能来做的,还是需要补充开发用户模块的功能,系统默认的管理员数据是写在oxite_user表里的,而且管理员的Gravatar对应的邮箱也是存在这个表里边的,搞得我找了半天都不知道在哪里修改那个外国佬的Gravatar头像…… 4、网站的基本设置,主要是通过web.config和直接写入数据库来的。web.config中我大致瞄了一下,包含了出数据库连接等基本要素外,还加了一些本应该开发在后台管理功能中的站点名称、网站域名、语言设置、时区设置、Gravatar参数等。




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