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转载 Android JNI和NDK学习(03)--动态方式实现JNI
面总结了静态实现JNI的方法,本文介绍如何动态实现JNI:JNI在加载时,会调用JNI_OnLoad,而卸载时会调用JNI_UnLoad,所以我们可以通过在JNI_OnLoad里面注册我们的native函数来实现JNI。下面就介绍该方法。1 Android应用层代码在eclipse中新建工程NdkLoad,工程文件NdkLoad.java的代码如下: package com.s
2014-04-25 14:11:06 420
原创 Coder-Strike 2014 - Finals (online edition, Div. 2)
A. Pasha and Hamsterstime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputPasha has two hamsters: Arthur and Alexander. Pa
2014-04-24 08:31:49 620
原创 UVA 127 求一组错误的测试用例
#include #include #include #include #include #define MAX(_a,_b) ((_a>_b)? _a:_b)#define MIN(_a,_b) ((_a>_b)? _b:_a)#define DEBUGtypedef struct stack{ int num; int pos[52]
2013-09-03 15:56:26 656
Problem Statement The Ninja Turtles often battle the Foot Clan ninjas. The Turtles celebrate each victory with a pizza party. The amount of pizza they eat depends on the number of opponents
2013-01-25 23:11:28 591 2
原创 TOPCODER/SRM 566 DIVII(250、500、1000题)(1000PT暂未附上代码)
Problem Statement Percy has just received a new game called Penguin Tiles. The game is played on a rectangular grid.Except for one square, each square of the grid contains a tile wi
2013-01-13 14:53:20 739
原创 黑苹果10.6.4安装完成
花了一天时间,把Mac 10.6.4安装在了老机上。。。 目前还可以用。。。 声卡和显卡驱动问题已经解决,网卡驱动还在寻找中。。。先上配置: 电脑型号 宏碁 Aspire 5570 笔记本电脑处理器 英特尔 T2500 @ 2.00GHz 双核主板 宏碁 Prespa1 (英特尔 945GM/GT/GU/PM/GMS/940GML/943GML - ICH7M/U 笔记
2013-01-03 22:43:12 1769
原创 TOPCODER/SRM565 DIVII 250、500pt(500pt无递归解法)
250pt:Problem Statement A histogram of a given collection of numbers graphically represents the frequency of each value in the collection. We are given several numbers ranging f
2012-12-31 12:28:17 539
原创 Topcoder/SRM565
SRM565 DIV II:Problem Statement A divisible sequence with starting value N and length H is a sequence of positive integers with the following properties:The sequence has H elements, labeled
2012-12-31 11:11:04 411
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