
       An important property of an electromagnetic wave is its polarization, a quantity describing the orientation of the electric field E.


       Consider a plane wave traveling out of the page (positive z direction), with the electric field at all times in the y direction. This wave is said to be linearly polarized ( in the y direction). 



       In general, the electric field of a wave traveling in the z direction may have both a y component and an x component. In this more general situation the wave is said to be elliptically polarized. Two extreme cases of elliptical polarization correspond to circular polarization, and linear polarization. For circular polarization E1=E2, while for linear polarization E1=0.



       The concept of polarization extends to antennas. Thus, an antenna which radiates a linearly polarized wave can be described as a linearly polarized antenna, as, for example, a dipole antenna. Likewise, an antenna which radiates a circularly polarized wave can be called a circularly polarized antenna, as for example, a monofilar axial-mode helical antenna.





       Note that the electromagnetic wave produced by an antenna is polarized; that is, its electric field is parallel to the antenna’s conductor.



       When receiving the wave, the wave’s electric fields accelerate the electrons of the material making up the antenna. The acceleration is largest when the antenna is positioned in the same direction as the wave polarization; that is, when it is parallel to the direction of the wave’s electric fields.



       You can understand the polarization of electromagnetic wave by observing the polarization of light. Have you ever looked at light reflected off a road through polarizing sun-glasses? As you rotate the glasses, the road first appears to be dark, then light, and then dark again. That’s the polarization of light. Light from a lamp, however, changes very little as the glasses are rotated. Why is there a difference? Normal lamplight is not polarized.  However, the light that is coming from the road is reflected and has become polarized.



       Polarization can be understood by considering a rope model of light waves. The transverse mechanical waves in the rope represent transverse light waves. The slot represents what is referred to as the polarizing axis of a polarizing medium. When the rope waves are parallel to the slot, they pass through.










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