
<ol start="1" class="dp-j" style="line-height: 1.4em; margin: 0px 0px 1px; padding: 2px 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(209, 215, 220); color: rgb(43, 145, 175); font-family: Monaco, 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace;"><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">package</span> demo01;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.JobBuilder;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.JobDetail;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.Scheduler;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.SchedulerException;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.SchedulerFactory;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.SimpleScheduleBuilder;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.Trigger;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.TriggerBuilder;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.TriggerKey;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">/**</span> </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;"> * 每隔2秒调用一次job</span> </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;"> * 功能:TODO</span> </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;"> * 类名:QuartzTest</span> </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;"> * 作者:smile</span> </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;"> * 时间:Aug 11, 2012:3:25:46 PM</span> </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;"> */</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">public</span> <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">class</span> QuartzTest {  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">    <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">public</span> <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">static</span> <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">void</span> main(String[] args) {  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">        <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">new</span> QuartzTest().run();  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">    }  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">    <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">public</span> <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">void</span> run() {  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">        <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">try</span> {  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">              </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">//Scheduler instances are produced by a SchedulerFactory</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            SchedulerFactory sf = <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">new</span> StdSchedulerFactory();  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            Scheduler scheduler = sf.getScheduler();  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">//JobDetail Conveys the detail properties of a given Job instance. JobDetails are to be created/defined with JobBuilder. </span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">//JobBuilder无构造函数,所以只能通过JobBuilder的静态方法newJob(Class<? extends Job> jobClass)生成JobBuilder实例</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">//withIdentity(String name,String group)参数用来定义jobKey,如果不设置,也会自动生成一个独一无二的jobKey用来区分不同的job</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">//build()方法 Produce the JobDetail instance defined by this JobBuilder.</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(JobTest.<span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">class</span>).withIdentity(<span class="string" style="color: blue;">"job1"</span>, <span class="string" style="color: blue;">"group1"</span>).build();  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">//use TriggerBuilder to instantiate an actual Trigger</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">//withIdentity(String name,String group)参数用来定义TriggerKey,如果不设置,也会自动生成一个独一无二的TriggerKey用来区分不同的trigger</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            Trigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity(<span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">new</span> TriggerKey(<span class="string" style="color: blue;">"trigger1"</span>, <span class="string" style="color: blue;">"group1"</span>)).startNow()  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">                            .withSchedule(SimpleScheduleBuilder.simpleSchedule().withIntervalInSeconds(<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">2</span>).repeatForever())  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">                            .build();  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">// Tell quartz to schedule the job using our trigger</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">              </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">// Start up the scheduler</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            scheduler.start();  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">              </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">//当前主线程睡眠2秒</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName());  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            Thread.sleep(<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">30</span>*<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">1000</span>);  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">              </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">// shut down the scheduler</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            scheduler.shutdown(<span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">true</span>);  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">        } <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">catch</span> (SchedulerException e) {  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            e.printStackTrace();  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">        } <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">catch</span> (InterruptedException e) {  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">            e.printStackTrace();  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">        }   </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">    }  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">}  </span></li></ol>
<ol start="1" class="dp-j" style="line-height: 1.4em; margin: 0px 0px 1px; padding: 2px 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(209, 215, 220); color: rgb(43, 145, 175); font-family: Monaco, 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace;"><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">package</span> demo01;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.Job;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">import</span> org.quartz.JobExecutionException;  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">public</span> <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">class</span> JobTest <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">implements</span> Job{  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">      </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">    <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">//Instances of Job must have a public no-argument constructor</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">    <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">public</span> JobTest(){  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">          </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">    }  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">      </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">    <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">public</span> <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">void</span> execute(JobExecutionContext arg0) <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">throws</span> JobExecutionException {  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">          </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">        <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(0, 130, 0); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: auto; border: 0px;">//看打印出的当前对象每次都不一样,就等于每次执行一次任务都新建一个job实例</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">        System.out.println(<span class="string" style="color: blue;">"我的任务就是调用当前Job:"</span>+<span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">this</span>+<span class="string" style="color: blue;">"不断刷屏!!!"</span>);  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">    }  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">}  </span></li></ol>
<div class="dp-highlighter" id="" style="font-family: Monaco, 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace; width: 679px; overflow: auto; margin-left: 9px; padding: 1px; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word; line-height: 25.2px;"><ol start="1" class="dp-j" style="font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.4em; margin: 0px 0px 1px; padding: 2px 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(209, 215, 220); color: rgb(43, 145, 175);"><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">2012</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">11</span> <span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">34</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">15</span>,<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">512</span> INFO [org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory] - Quartz scheduler <span class="string" style="color: blue;">'QuartzTest'</span> initialized from <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">default</span> resource file in Quartz <span class="keyword" style="color: rgb(127, 0, 85); font-weight: bold;">package</span>: <span class="string" style="color: blue;">''</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">2012</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">11</span> <span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">34</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">15</span>,<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">512</span> INFO [org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory] - Quartz scheduler version: <span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">2.1</span>.<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">5</span>  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">2012</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">11</span> <span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">34</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">15</span>,<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">527</span> INFO [org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler] - Scheduler QuartzTest_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">main  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@1c672d0</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@1855af5</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@198dfaf</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@1858610</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@12498b5</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@1a5ab41</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@18e3e60</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@1a125f0</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@c1cd1f</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@181afa3</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@131f71a</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@15601ea</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@197d257</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@7259da</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@16930e2</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;">我的任务就是调用当前Job:demo01.JobTest<span class="annotation" style="color: rgb(100, 100, 100);">@1add2dd</span>不断刷屏!!!  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">2012</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">11</span> <span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">34</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">45</span>,<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">538</span> INFO [org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler] - Scheduler QuartzTest_$_NON_CLUSTERED shutting down.  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">2012</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">11</span> <span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">34</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">45</span>,<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">538</span> INFO [org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler] - Scheduler QuartzTest_$_NON_CLUSTERED paused.  </span></li><li style="font-size: 1em; margin: 0px 0px 0px 38px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: rgb(209, 215, 220); line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><span style="color: black;"><span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">2012</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>-<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">11</span> <span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">08</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">34</span>:<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">46</span>,<span class="number" style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">023</span> INFO [org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler] - Scheduler QuartzTest_$_NON_CLUSTERED shutdown complete.  </span></li></ol></div><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; font-family: Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25.2px;"> </p>

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


