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原创 Error! DLL amfrt64.dll failed to open

Intel集显,win10下ffmpeg报DLL amfrt64.dll failed to open 解决办法创建:C:\Users\用户1\.matplotlib\matplotlibrc设置:animation.codec: h264_qsv # Codec to use for writing moviefigure.dpi: 300figure.figsize: 7, 4.5axes.labelsize: 18legend.fontsize: 14#

2023-12-19 10:38:47 645

原创 ChatGLM2-130b 生成 pymysql 动态CURD

【代码】ChatGLM2-130b 生成 pymysql 动态CURD。

2023-12-06 17:25:25 370

原创 visual studio 2013 SSDT SSRS开发面板的“report data”面板显示快捷键

visual studio 2013 SSDT SSRS开发面板的“report data”面板显示快捷键"Ctrl+Alt+D"

2020-06-03 11:40:34 587 1

原创 maxwell sparkstream to hbase cdc

maxwell 读取binlog发送消息到kafka源表要求有id主键sqoop导入后,启动stream对update delete insert进行cdc到hbasesqoop import -D sqoop.hbase.add.row.key=true --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://;database=tupdw" --username usertest--password **** --table t_mkt_item...

2020-06-02 10:58:35 313

原创 HDP 2.6.4 kettle 7.1 spark-submit配置

Kettle 提交spark sql 作业到 spark2!Kettle 7.1 HDP 2.6.4kettle 7.1自带hdp2.5插件,测试spark-submit到hdp2.6.4正常运行参考官方资料https://help.pentaho.com/Documentation/8.0/Products/Data_Integration/Job_Entry_Referen...

2019-04-22 16:08:26 1465

原创 k8s centos7新增节点

swapoff -a sed -i 's/.*swap.*/#&/' /etc/fstabcat <<EOF > /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.confnet.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1EOFsysctl --systemyum ...

2018-09-19 10:12:02 733

原创 大数据笔记-01、hdp2.6整合kylin2.4.1注意

在hdp  hive的config中添加下列项,否则kylin无法启动hive.security.authorization.sqlstd.confwhitelist.append=dfs.replication|hive.input.format..*|tez.queue.name| mapreduce..*|mapreduce.job.split.metainfo.maxsize|hive...

2018-09-18 09:20:54 1097 1

原创 superset连接kylin2.4 坑!pykylin与kylinpy

解决办法只安装官方介绍的kylinpy不要自行安装pykylinsuperset连接kylin2.4 uri成功:kylin://ADMIN:XXXXXXXXXX@失败kylin://ADMIN:XXXXXXXXXX@

2018-09-06 11:53:51 2018 1

原创 sqoop 1.4.7 导入hive

sqoop import --driver com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://;database=kylin" \ --username user01 --password #### --table=sqoop_test ...

2018-09-05 11:14:44 599

原创 kettle 不改变原表,通过本地辅助表记录時間戳来实际准增量更新

2018-06-20 17:35:30 686 2

原创 sql server 死锁简易例子2--可通过索引优化解决死锁问题

工作些年,常听见的一名话是“死锁是程序问题,不能通过优化数据库来解决死锁,必须要改写程序,做好事务与访问顺序方面的控制”如果产生死锁的业务模块频繁访问大量堆表,通过数据库优化是在一定的概率下可以解决死锁问题的,大概有百分四十的概率可以通过优化索引解决死锁问题。死锁概念产生原理在csdn上的很多。在这里举个通过索引优化解决死锁问题的简单栗子,证明我来过...窗口1:创建测试表USE [test]G...

2018-05-29 19:05:12 1382

原创 sql server 死锁简易例子

产生死锁的原因主要是:(1) 因为系统资源不足。(2) 进程运行推进的顺序不合适。(3) 资源分配不当等。如果系统资源充足,进程的资源请求都能够得到满足,死锁出现的可能性就很低,否则就会因争夺有限的资源而陷入死锁。其次,进程运行推进顺序与速度不同,也可能产生死锁。产生死锁的四个必要条件:(1) 互斥条件:一个资源每次只能被一个进程使用。(2) 请求与保持条件:一个进程因请求资源而阻塞时,对已获得的...

2018-05-29 18:21:18 2361

原创 SSMS 2016 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor.ITextEditorFactoryService

---------------------------Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio---------------------------Expected 1 export(s) with contract name "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor.ITextEditorFactoryService" but f...

2018-03-21 16:16:10 542

原创 mysql 查看表空间

SELECT *FROM (SELECT table_name, CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(data_length / 1024 / 1024), 2), 'MB') AS data_length_MB, ROUND(SUM(data_length / 1024 / 1024), 2) data_leng

2018-01-09 17:30:35 7074 1

原创 sql server lpad rpad

-- ================================================-- Template generated from Template Explorer using:-- Create Scalar Function (New Menu).SQL---- Use the Specify Values for Template Parameters -

2018-01-09 14:21:54 966

原创 sql server批量重命名索引

;WITH t1 as(        SELECT        DB_NAME() AS DatbaseName        , SCHEMA_NAME(O.Schema_ID) AS SchemaName        , OBJECT_NAME(I.object_id) AS TableName        , I.NAME AS IndexName,row_num

2018-01-09 13:59:50 1460

转载 sql server 导出 image到文件

DECLARE @picture_id numeric(18,0), @organ_no varchar(81), @picture_name nvarchar(255), @picture_size intDECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY FORSELECT picture_id, organ_no, pictu

2017-11-28 18:24:42 5415

原创 自动生成unpivot,方便table展示字符度量


2017-11-28 13:39:02 346

原创 sql server 中止运行时间超过阈值的作业

USE [msdb]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[kill_elapsed_job_by_name] Script Date: 2017/9/26 16:09:27 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[k

2017-09-26 16:11:05 1001

原创 查看存储过程依赖的表

DECLARE @procname NVARCHAR(100) = 'dbo.test_tbl' SELECT DISTINCT @procname procname,SCHEMA_NAME(t.[schema_id]) + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(referenced_major_id) AS tblname,referenced_major_id

2017-06-06 14:04:00 2938

原创 tsql生成mysql ,mssql insert语句办法,实现全脚数据迁移

tsql生成mysql ,mssql insert语句办法,实现全脚数据迁移

2016-12-27 11:28:26 503

原创 sql server merge 做insert和update

CREATE TABLE test1 (id INT, f1 VARCHAR(10),f2 VARCHAR(10),f3 VARCHAR(10))GOINSERT INTO test1 SELECT 1,1,1,1INSERT INTO test1 SELECT 1,2,2,2goCREATE TABLE test2 (id INT, f5 VARCHAR(10),f6 VARCHA

2016-12-21 17:53:08 5243

转载 https://blog.hanschen.org/2012/10/17/open-application-launcher-with-super-key/

https://blog.hanschen.org/2012/10/17/open-application-launcher-with-super-key/How to make it workInstall ksuperkey. You can download the source and some distro-specific packages from Linux-a

2016-11-17 19:04:36 994

原创 powershell 批量修改excel第一个worksheet的名字

rename-workbook.bat@echo offpowershell -file .\rename-workbook.ps1 %cd% "请不要修改些处"@pauserename-workbook.ps1CLScd $args[0]$xldoc = New-Object -ComObject "Excel.Application"foreach($file i

2016-11-10 13:58:25 1320

原创 sql server 实例迁移注意事项之 恢复master key

sql server 实例迁移注意事项之 恢复master key

2016-11-03 11:29:25 3190

转载 使用YUM安装并启动MySQL服务后,MySQL进程会自动在进程日志中打印root用户的初始密码

https://typecodes.com/linux/yuminstallmysql5710.htmlCentOS 7.2使用yum安装MYSQL 5.7.10作者:vfhky | 时间:2016-02-26 14:55 | 分类:linux前面两篇文章《2015博客升级记(四):CentOS 7.1编译安装MySQL5.7.7rc》、《阿里云CentOS 7.1

2016-10-11 13:30:30 804

原创 hybris 5.7可用模块

PS E:\hybris5.7\hybris-commerce-suite-\installer> $str=&{cmd.exe /c install.bat -l}PS E:\hybris5.7\hybris-commerce-suite-\installer> $str|Where-Object -FilterScript {$_ -notlike " *"}J

2016-09-30 17:30:19 1180

原创 dos 定时执行作业 dos timer

现在定时作业的工具语言很多,最方便的个人认为wondows人肯定数bat莫属,还有一点复古feel,dos_time_cn.bat 可以定时call 一个bat文件,或者是windows console app 程序不同区域下的终端时间显示不同,所以准备了两个文件方便日后使用dos_timer_cn.bat for 中文环境dos_timer_en.bat for 英文环境

2016-09-27 12:57:54 5246

原创 三步完成,sql server 2014 实例迁移

要点:SQL Server 2012 无人值守安装(添加新实例)http://blog.csdn.net/wangzhpwang/article/details/40739533sql server  版本要一致实例安装目录最好要一致检查原sql server安装目录下log目录下的ConfigurationFile.ini获取必要参数尝试1,尝试通过修改Configu

2016-09-27 10:33:43 3025

转载 Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 2.3

While working on maven project, encountered an error:Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 2.3.          line 1    Maven Java EE Configuration ProblemWhen I tr

2016-09-12 16:41:37 350

转载 Calling an Oracle function from SQL Server Linked Server

I used the following syntax and it worked for me.EXECUTE (Query, Parameters) AT LinkedServerNameExample:EXECUTE ( 'BEGIN ? := Package.MyFunction(?,?); END;', @ReturnValue, @InputPara, @OutputPara

2015-12-18 17:10:22 426

转载 Oracle 11g listener fails with ORA-12514 and ORA-12505 errors


2015-03-20 10:02:46 504

原创 sql server merge 实现 trigger t_merge_gomac_avpickmap

IF OBJECT_ID('t_merge_gomac_avpickmap', N'TR') IS NOT NULLBEGIN PRINT 'Dropping Trigger t_merge_gomac_avpickmap' DROP TRIGGER t_merge_gomac_avpickmap IF @@ERROR = 0 PRINT 'Trigger

2015-03-18 16:40:02 516

原创 dos定时运行,dos timer

dos定时运行,dos timer

2015-03-17 15:19:23 1239

转载 POWERSHELL 生成.bat文件,ascii

Set-Content bar.cmd '@set BAR=1' -Encoding ASCIIPowerShell will default to UTF-16 LE.Short version.sc bar.cmd '@set BAR=1' -en ASCII

2015-03-17 14:38:18 1135

原创 bcp sqlcmd bulkinsert中unicode问题,Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file

Starting copy...SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file0 rows copied.Network packet size (bytes): 4096Clock Time (ms.) Total : 1

2015-03-16 13:32:56 2126

转载 sqlserver DBA面试题

1.sqlserver 2008 R2 on windows server 2008 R2群集中,有节点A、B,现在需要停机新添加一个节点C进来替换现有节点B,请列出必要的步骤.2.sqlserver 2008 R2 on windows server 2008 R2群集中,有节点A、B,A节点内存比B节点内存大一倍,为当前的主节点,为了业务需要,需要释放A节点内存即重新启动sqlse

2015-03-15 00:22:03 830

转载 Oracle DBA面试题

使用篇1:使用索引查询一定能提高查询的性能吗?举出实例根据查询数据的分布情况,有时可以提高查询速度。例如,人事系统中用户输入身份证号码查询,人员讯息。可以建立身份证的索引。提高查询性能。不能提供性能的情况也很多:1.1 用户输入的关键字没有规律,例如公众搜索的内容,关注点不一样,无法通过建立索引提供性能。1.2 大比例数据的处理。2:数据库设计的一、二、三范式、BCNF

2015-03-15 00:20:23 1179

转载 Oracle笔试题 oracle DBA 面试题及答案(国外公司)

Oracle笔试题 oracle DBA 面试题及答案(国外公司)oracle数据库笔试题 DBA 国际大公司Oracle 面试笔试题oracle Database DBA Interview Questions  1. How many memory layers are in the shared pool?  2. How do you find out from

2015-03-15 00:19:45 8477

转载 MySQL DBA 面试题


2015-03-15 00:15:10 858

powershell 批量修改excel第一个worksheet的名字-禁用宏

powershell 批量修改excel第一个worksheet的名字


powershell 批量修改excel第一个worksheet的名字

powershell 批量修改excel第一个worksheet的名字



SqlPlusSpoolPaging , using sqlplus output paging .csv data files



关于 sql server sqlcmd 异常捕捉 %errorlevel%


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PowerShell batch job mail module

PowerShell batch job mail module



APOMS_TSQL_Deployment_Package_05Dec.rar TSQL 对象 自动征收脚本,组装sqlcmd,按顺序批量执行 要求powershell 2.0 以上 sqlps


AutoIndex auto create missing indexes

AutoIndex AutoIndex auto create missing indexes



Automation create dos ,sqlcmd powershell job with sql server agent


bat+sqlcmd 通过参数形式调用任意存储过程的办法

bat+sqlcmd 通过参数形式调用任意存储过程的办法


bat+sqlcmd 批量运行脚本

bat+sqlcmd 批量运行脚本 Hello,此BAT脚本可以帮助开发人员将某文件夹下所有SQL脚本按文件名依次在指定数据库中批量执行。不用忍受powershell invoke-sqlcmd 的笨重,在指运行时多一种选择。


解释Dos %cd% 的例子

近期的工作要处理.bat文件,在dos文件错综复杂的调用过程中,我迷失了,于是%cd%解释Dos %cd% 的例子


SQL server 触发器,在触发Merge过程中,逐行触发的解决办法 用group by 避免是一次触发中的多行更新或删除。

SQL server 触发器,在触发Merge过程中,逐行触发的解决办法 用group by 避免是一次触发中的多行更新或删除。


创腾7A05 linux 驱动

大概用法: 编译环境安装: yum install gcc -y yum install kernel-devel -y tar -xvf *.gz cd make make install cd os/linux /sbin/insmod/mt7601Usta.ko #如果内核版本为2.6 /sbin/insmod/mt7601Usta.o #2.4 创腾(STRONGTUM) 7A05 微型 150M无线USB网卡 centos 6.5 linux 驱动


gcc-4.7_4.7.3-2_i386.deb gcc-4.7_4.7.3-2_amd64.deb

gcc-4.7_4.7.3-2_i386.deb gcc-4.7_4.7.3-2_amd64.deb : line 3: cd: host-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/fixincludes: No such file or directory make[1]: *** [install-fixincludes] Error 1


SQL Server 2005数据库管理高级教程

SQL Server 2005数据库管理高级教程


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Fetion for Linux,使用飞信2010最新协议[9月25日更新v1.9] 安装方法: sudo apt-get install libgtk2-dev sudo apt-get install libssl-dev apt-get install libxml2-dev sudo apt-get install pkg-config Then you can start installing openfetion like this: autoreconf -fiv ./configure --prefix=/usr or your can enable debug mode to trace the runing information with --enable-debug make sudo make install


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apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev,然后下载 libfetion for ubuntu,目前版本最新是 v1.2。


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$SMOserver = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server')


Kwin Scripts

https://store.kde.org/content/show.php/Tiling?content=161151 Description: Note that this requires kde 4.11 for the config interface at least Tiling script for kwin, featuring: - A useractionmenu to selectively tile windows - Three layouts, all mouse-resizable - One layout with the option to set multiple "master" windows ("M-S-+" to increment, "M-S--" to decrement) - The option to deactivate tiling per-desktop via keybinding - A configuration menu for floating windows (by class) - An option to remove windowborders - "Animated" resizing and moving - Optional "useless" gaps Hotkeys: ("M" here stands for what is usually the windows key, "S" stands for shift) M-PgUp / M-PgDown: Switch layout for current desktop M-S-F11: Deactivate tiling on current desktop M-f: Toggle between tiling and floating for active window M-S-m: Swap active window with the master window M-S-+: Increment number of master windows in (default) "HalfLayout" M-S-h, M-S-j, M-S-k, M-S-l: Move window in corresponding direction The following have been removed in 1.6.2 as they are already provided by kwin (but set to different keys): M-u: Toggle window borders M-h, M-j, M-k, M-l: Switch focus in corresponding direction If you would like to help, consider reporting bugs and maybe even sending pullrequests to www.github.com/faho/kwin-tiling Changelog: 2 years ago * Forgot to enable bladelayout, could lead to crashes/script not working. * 1.0.1: Fix some issues with panel at the top * 1.1.0: Add an option to disable borders This should only be used with FocusUnderMouse, as because of a kwin limitation focus can jump and it's impossible to tell which window has focus * 1.1.1: Bugfixes and an attempt to adjust to new or removed panels * 1.1.2: Enable resize "animations" and bugfixes (again including panel struts) * 1.1.3: Retile on layout switch and keep desktop floating state * 1.1.4: Bugfixes related to tabgroups and the focus hotkeys * 1.2: Properly retile when a client resizes (including borders), "animate" moving, improve resizing "animation", add keybinding to toggle window border and bugfixes * 1.2.1: Remove broken tabgroup handling (tabgroups float for now) and add a possible bugfix for some transparency issues * 1.3 (unreleased): Readd clients that return (e.g. are unminimized) to their previous tile, bugfixes (including resizing) * 1.3.1: Tabgroups, add shortcut (Meta+Shift+M) to swap a window with the master, bugfixes * Fix plasmoids immediately closing * Fix maximizing, fullscreen and resizing bugs * 1.3.2: Fix windows not responding and focus-follows-mouse choosing the wrong window, add an option to open windows as master * 1.3.3: Fix movement losing windows, add workaround for steam update window, fix tiling not working * 1.4: Add option to disable tiling by default, add per-desktop layout configuration (as a line of text currently), add shortcut to toggle borders on all clients (M-S-U), add shortcuts to resize the master window (M-Alt-{h,j,k,l}), minor bug fixes * 1.5: Bugfixes (including crashes), optional gaps between windows, respect min/maxsize (unfortunately this could cause crashes under certain circumstances) * 1.6 (unreleased): Make resizing layout-agnostic, a manual tiling mode, code cleanup, fix tiling when compositing is disabled * 1.6.1: Respect min/maxSizes, multiple (or zero) master support in halflayout, bugfixes * 1.6.2: Make respecting min/MaxSizes an option, improve fullscreen behavior, improve configuration UI, remove shortcuts for toggling a border for a single window and switching focus (as they are provided by kwin itself already) * 1.6.3: Fix crash when number of desktops isn't height * width of desktopgrid, fix default floating list * 1.7.0: Bugfixes, add option to defer placement to kwin


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