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翻译 Keep It Simple, Simon

Keep It Simple, SimonKrishna Kadali, M. Tech Kondapur, Hyderabad, India STAKEholDERS oF ThE PRojECT often make things more complicated than they need to be. This a common cause of software project fai

2015-09-16 09:30:25 1226

翻译 Add Talents, Not Skills, to Your Team

Add Talents, Not Skills, to Your TeamRichard Sheridan Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S. I USED To hIRE ThE WAy EvERyonE In oUR InDUSTRy hIRED: skills, skills, skills. One day an interview candidate threw cold

2015-09-16 09:29:31 1091

翻译 Pay Your Debts

Pay Your DebtsBrian Sletten Beverly Hills, California, U.S. DEBT, WhEn WEll MAnAgED, is a useful financial instrument for both ordi- nary citizens and successful organizations. It balances present in

2015-09-16 09:28:46 1315

翻译 Favor the Simple Over the Complex

Favor the Simple Over the ComplexScott Davis Broomfield, Colorado, U.S. AS FAR AS I’M ConCERnED, my microwave oven only has one button: “add a minute.” To boil a cup of water for my coffee, I press

2015-09-13 15:47:53 1120

翻译 Make Project Sponsors Write Their Own Requirements

Make Project Sponsors Write Their Own RequirementsMiyoko Takeya, PMP Tokyo, Japan PRojECT FAIlURE IS noT jUST A PRoBlEM with American corporations. According to a survey conducted several years ago

2015-09-13 15:46:56 1007

翻译 A Word Can Make You Miss Your Deadline

A Word Can Make You Miss Your DeadlinePavel Simsa, PMP Bellevue, Washington, U.S.WhICh WoRD CAn MAKE yoU MISS yoUR DEADlInE? The answer is “any word.” When you are developing a product that will be re

2015-09-11 09:17:37 1131

翻译 Avoid Whack-a- Mole Development

Avoid Whack-a- Mole DevelopmentVenkat Subramaniam Broomfield, Colorado, U.S.SoFTWARE PRojECT MAnAgERS face a lot of pressure to deliver fast. Time is of the essence. How can you get things done fast?

2015-09-11 09:16:43 1148

翻译 Get Users Involved As Early As Possible

Get Users Involved As Early As PossibleBarbee Davis, MA, PHR, PMP Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.PAST PATTERnS oF SoFTWARE DEvEloPMEnT involved getting user requirements and then going off to do the coding and t

2015-09-11 09:15:49 1040

翻译 Great Software Is Not Built, It Is Grown

Great Software Is Not Built, It Is GrownBill de hÓraAS An ARCHiTECT, you are tasked with providing the initial structure and arrangement of software systems that will grow and change over time, will h

2015-09-08 09:23:17 1165

翻译 For the End User, the Interface Is the System

For the End User, the Interface Is the SystemVinayak Hegde THERE ARE Too MAny good pRoduCTS hidden behind bad user-interfaces. The end user will access the system through its user interface. If the q

2015-09-08 09:22:24 1109

翻译 The Importance of Consommé

The Importance of ConsomméEben Hewitt A ConSoMMé iS An ExTREMEly ClARiFiEd BRoTH, usually made with beef or veal, served as a delicate soup. A well-made consommé is perfectly clear. It is considered

2015-09-08 09:20:53 1256

翻译 The User Acceptance Problem

The User Acceptance ProblemNorman CarnovalepEoplE AREn’T AlWAyS HAppy about new systems or major upgrades. This can pose a threat to the successful completion of a project. It’s not uncommon for peop

2015-09-08 09:19:54 905

翻译 You Can’t Future-Proof Solutions

You Can’t Future-Proof SolutionsRichard Monson-HaefelToday’s Solution is Tomorrow’s problem no onE CAn pREdiCT THE FuTuRE. If you accept this as a universal truth, then the question becomes, how far

2015-09-07 09:28:29 1061

翻译 Learn a New Language

Learn a New LanguageBurkhardt Hufnagel To BE SuCCESSFul AS An ARCHiTECT, you must be able to make yourself understood by people who don’t speak your native tongue. No, I’m not sug- gesting you learn

2015-09-07 09:27:37 1832

翻译 Software Doesn’t Really Exist

Software Doesn’t Really ExistChad LaVigneSoFTWARE EnginEERing iS oFTEn CoMpAREd to well-established dis- ciplines such as civil engineering. There’s a problem with these analogies; unlike the very tan

2015-09-07 09:26:47 1029

翻译 Find and Retain Passionate Problem Solvers

Find and Retain Passionate Problem SolversChad LaVignepuTTing TogETHER A TEAM of outstanding developers is one of the most important things you can do to ensure the success of a software project. Whil

2015-09-06 09:17:48 1101

翻译 Build Systems to Be Zuhanden

Build Systems to Be ZuhandenKeith BraithwaiteWE Build ToolS. The systems that we make have no other reason to exist (nor we to get paid) than to help someone, usually someone else, do something. Mart

2015-09-06 09:15:01 1011

翻译 Don’t Be a Problem Solver

Don’t Be a Problem SolverEben HewittWiTH SoME ExCEpTionS, ARCHiTECTS uSEd To BE dEvElopERS. Devel- opers get rewarded for solving programming problems, which are more local in scope than architectural

2015-09-06 09:14:15 1484

翻译 Pay Down Your Technical Debt

Pay Down Your Technical DebtBurkhardt Hufnagelon Any pRojECT THAT iS in pRoduCTion (i.e., it has customers that are using it), there will come a time when a change must be made; either a bug needs fix

2015-09-05 09:11:54 1224

翻译 Control the Data, Not Just the Code

Control the Data, Not Just the CodeChad LaVigneSouRCE CodE ConTRol And ConTinuouS inTEgRATion are excellent tools for managing the application build and deployment process. Along with source code, sch

2015-09-05 09:11:03 972

翻译 Make a Strong Business Case

Make a Strong Business CaseYi ZhouAS A SoFTWARE ARCHiTECT, have you had a hard time getting your archi- tecture project well funded? The benefits of software architecture are obvious for architects, b

2015-09-05 09:09:58 1404

翻译 It Will Never Look Like That Peter

It Will Never Look Like That PeterGillard-MossiT Will nEvER looK liKE THAT. It is all too easy to fall into the trap of investing large amounts of time in a design and being confident that the imple-

2015-09-04 18:22:27 1165

翻译 Your Customer Is Not Your Customer

Your Customer Is Not Your CustomerEben HewittAS you WoRK in REquiREMEnTS MEETingS to design software, pretend that your customer is not your customer. It turns out that this is a very easy thing to do

2015-09-04 18:21:38 1299

翻译 Choose Your Weapons Carefully, Relinquish Them Reluctantly

Choose Your Weapons Carefully, Relinquish Them ReluctantlyChad LaVigneAS SEASonEd vETERAnS of software design and implementation, all archi- tects are armed with an array of weapons they’ve used with

2015-09-04 18:20:49 1157

翻译 Don’t Be Clever

Don’t Be CleverEben HewittgEnERAl inTElligEnCE, RESouRCEFulnESS, thoughtfulness, a breadth and depth of knowledge, and an affinity for precision are laudable qualities in anyone, and particularly priz

2015-09-04 07:32:14 1357

翻译 Take Responsibility for Your Decisions

Take Responsibility for Your DecisionsYi ZhouSoFTWARE ARCHiTECTS HAvE To TAKE RESponSiBiliTy for their deci- sions, as they have much more influential power in software projects than most people in or

2015-09-04 07:31:36 1313 2

翻译 It Takes Diligence

It Takes DiligenceBrian HartAn ARCHiTECT’S joB iS oFTEn poRTRAyEd as an activity focused on inge- nuity and problem solving. Ingenuity is a key trait of successful architects. However, an equally impo

2015-09-04 07:30:54 966

翻译 Stable Problems Get High-Quality Solutions

Stable Problems Get High-Quality SolutionsSam GardinerREAl-WoRld pRogRAMMing is not about solving the problem that someone gives to you. In the computer science classroom, you must solve the binary- s

2015-09-04 07:30:06 982

翻译 A Rose by Any Other Name Will End Up As a Cabbage

A Rose by Any Other Name Will End Up As a CabbageSam Gardineri ovERHEARd SoME pEoplE dECiding that they need more layers in their architecture. They were right, as it happens, but going about it a lit

2015-09-03 15:23:42 1219

翻译 If You Design It, You Should Be Able to Code It

If You Design It, You Should Be Able to Code ItMike Brownin ARCHiTECTuRE, it’s tempting to create elaborate designs and abstrac- tions that elegantly address the problem at hand. It is even more tempt

2015-09-03 15:22:35 1170

翻译 Stretch Key Dimensions to See What Breaks

Stretch Key Dimensions to See What BreaksStephen JonesAn AppliCATion’S dESign iS ouTlinEd initially based on the specified business requirements, selected or existing technologies, performance enve- l

2015-09-03 15:21:27 997

翻译 The Business Versus the Angry Architect

The Business Versus the Angry ArchitectChad LaVigneTHERE CoMES A TiME in ouR CAREERS as architects when we realize many of the issues we encounter are recurring. Though the project and industry may ch

2015-09-02 09:21:52 1075

翻译 Great Content Creates Great Systems

Great Content Creates Great SystemsZubin Wadiai HAvE SEEn My FAiR SHARE of initiatives focus endlessly on requirements, design, development, security, and maintenance, but not on the actual point of t

2015-09-02 09:20:29 1098 1

翻译 Avoid “Good Ideas”

Avoid “Good Ideas”Greg Nyberggood idEAS Kill pRojECTS. Sometimes it’s a quick death, but often it’s a slow, lingering death caused by missed milestones and a spiraling bug count. You know the kinds o

2015-09-02 09:19:32 944

翻译 “Perfect” Is the Enemy of“Good Enough”

“Perfect” Is the Enemy of“Good Enough”Greg NybergSoFTWARE dESignERS, and architects in particular, tend to evaluate solu- tions by how elegant and optimum they are for a given problem. Like judges at

2015-09-02 09:18:45 1526 1

翻译 Shortcuts Now Are Paid Back with Interest Later

Shortcuts Now Are Paid Back with Interest LaterScot McpheeiT’S iMpoRTAnT To REMEMBER when architecting a system that maintenance will, in the long run, consume more resources than initial development

2015-09-01 09:33:41 761 1

翻译 You Have to Understand Hardware,Too

You Have to Understand Hardware,TooKamal WickramanayakeFoR MAny SoFTWARE ARCHiTECTS, hardware capacity planning is a topic that lies beyond their comfort zone, yet it remains an important part of the

2015-09-01 09:32:34 1140 2

翻译 Understand the Impact of Change

Understand the Impact of ChangeDoug CrawfordA good ARCHiTECT REduCES CoMplExiTy To A MiniMuM and can design a solution whose abstractions provide solid foundations to build upon, but are pragmatic eno

2015-09-01 09:31:12 832 1


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