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翻译 Work in Cycles

Work in CyclesJames Leigh Toronto, Ontario, Canada oUR BoDIES ARE FUll oF nATURAl CyClES, and our productivity is no different. The human brain cannot focus on any single issue for more than a few ho

2015-11-17 09:33:34 1270 1

翻译 We Have Met the Enemy...and He Is Us

We Have Met the Enemy…and He Is UsBarbee Davis, MA, PHR, PMP Omaha, Nebraska, U.S. CARToonIST WAlT KEllEy, who inked the long-running comic strip Pogo, is famous for the quote, “We have met the enemy…

2015-11-17 09:32:49 1725 1

翻译 The 60/60 Rule

The 60/60 RuleDavid Wood Fredericksburg, Virginia, U.S. WE oFTEn PRETEnD that software development is the most important part of the software life cycle. Methodologies abound for development. Books, m

2015-11-11 09:42:00 1437

翻译 How Do You Define “Finished”?

How Do You Define “Finished”?Brian Sam-Bodden Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S. IT IS hARD FoR A SoFTWARE DEvEloPMEnT TEAM To SUCCEED if there isn’t a clear definition of what success means. For developers, s

2015-11-11 09:41:29 1370

翻译 Keep Your Perspective

Keep Your PerspectiveJames Graham, PMP Ta’ l-Ibrag, Malta WhEn gAThERIng BUSInESS REqUIREMEnTS FRoM USERS, it is common to hear “the system is slow,” “the application is unreliable and crashes,” “it d

2015-11-11 09:40:47 1293

翻译 A Voice from the Other Side

A Voice from the Other SideMarty Skomal, MPA Omaha, Nebraska, U.S. WhIlE IT’S gREAT To hEAR FRoM DEvEloPERS and software project man- agers, you might find it equally advantageous to hear from the guy

2015-11-07 07:55:41 1524

翻译 Software Failure Is Organizational Failure

Software Failure Is Organizational FailureBrian Sletten Beverly Hills, California, U.S. WE AlWAyS BlAME DEvEloPERS when things go wrong with software proj- ects in an organization. When deadlines are

2015-11-07 07:54:48 1566

翻译 Value Results,Not Just Effort

Value Results,Not Just EffortVenkat Subramaniam Broomfield, Colorado, U.S. DEvEloPIng SoFTWARE TAKES A loT oF EFFoRT. However, if you hear someone brag, “I work on an application with over 3 million l

2015-11-05 09:41:51 1440

翻译 Developers Unite—PMOs Are Advancing

Developers Unite—PMOs Are AdvancingAngelo Valle Rio de Janeiro, Brazil IF yoU’RE A SoFTWARE DEvEloPER, you are probably convinced that a more responsive, adaptable framework is your best chance of pr

2015-11-05 09:41:06 1374

翻译 Estimate, Estimate, Estimate

Estimate, Estimate, EstimateRichard Sheridan Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S. So oFTEn In PRojECT MAnAgEMEnT, we get an estimate for a project at the beginning of the project (when we know the least) and the

2015-11-05 09:40:22 1859 1

翻译 The Missing Link

The Missing LinkPaul Waggoner, MBA, PMP, MCSE, CHP, CHSS Waukee, Iowa, U.S. SoFTWARE PRojECT MAnAgERS AgREE that one of their most difficult challenges is keeping team members properly engaged in the

2015-11-04 09:38:17 1240

翻译 Use a Wiki

Use a WikiAdrian Wible New York, New York, U.S. WIKIS ARE A gREAT MEChAnISM to centralize access to your project infor- mation. Hopefully, the wiki will be updated multiple times daily and will alway

2015-11-04 09:37:46 1295

翻译 Managing Human Factors in IT Project Management

Managing Human Factors in IT Project ManagementJames Graham, PMP Ta’ l-Ibrag, Malta AS SoFTWARE PRojECT MAnAgERS, we obsess over the schedule details. We huddle with our teammates to try to anticipat

2015-11-04 09:37:09 1358

原创 iOS开发 - AFNetworking网络请求

AFNetworking什么是AFN 全称是AFNetworking,是对NSURLConnection、NSURLSession的一层封装 虽然运行效率没有ASI高,但是使用比ASI简单 在iOS开发中,使用比较广泛AFN的github地址 https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworkingAFHTTPRequestOperationManager是A

2015-11-03 10:24:00 3088 1


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