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原创 mysql freebsd my.cnf 设置

 The Weblog of Titus BarikLet the love of learning rule humanity.my.cnf on FreeBSD 7Uncategorized — @ Monday, May 26, 2008FreeBSD does not automatically include a default my.cnf...

2011-10-01 21:29:48 395

原创 flask 备忘

 写道# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-""" Flaskr  flaskr.py ~~~~~~ A microblog example application written as Flask tutorial with Flask and sqlite3. :copyright: (c) 2010 by Armin Ronacher. ...

2011-09-29 18:32:27 140

python 生成器 yield

        def __xlsx2tuples(self, path):        '''ganerator tuples from xlsx file        '''        wb = load_workbook(path)        sheets = wb.get_sheet_names()        for sheet in sheets:...

2011-08-04 15:25:18 119

原创 流行的jQuery信息提示插件(jQuery Tooltip Plugin)

http://www.cnblogs.com/ywqu/archive/2010/01/31/1660597.html流行的jQuery信息提示插件(jQuery Tooltip Plugin)

2011-06-16 15:34:44 114

sqlrelay 文档

问题由来Update 9/2008Submitted by Joe (not verified) on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 19:47.You can always query multiple db's on the same server.To query multiple db's on different servers with a sin...

2011-06-02 16:06:51 151

原创 django 模板 深度变量的查找

一点提示: Python的列表是从0开始索引。 第一项的索引是0,第二项的是1,依此类推。 句点查找规则可概括为: 当模板系统在变量名中遇到点时,按照以下顺序尝试进行查找: 字典类型查找 (比如 foo["bar"] ) 属性查找 (比如 foo.bar ) 方法调用 (比如 foo....

2011-05-23 21:33:28 118

原创 自省的威力

apihelper.py 程序和它的输出现在应该非常清晰了。def info(object, spacing=10, collapse=1): """Print methods and doc strings. Takes module, class, list, dictionary, or string.""" methodList ...

2011-05-23 16:26:13 102


第一天(继续) hellowold 1, 创建项目 paster create --template=pylons HelloWorld 使用默认选项即可  如果你想查看参数:paster -hpaster create -h  2, 查看、修改配置 我把配置development.ini 改成 了base.ini方便输入。...

2011-05-19 17:10:56 237


工作上使用pylons有几个星期了,零零散散的,在这里整理一下。 第一天 环境freebsd 8.1python2.6.6 首先安装自己的环境运行环境。一台机可以同时运行多个不同的环境,这样可以保证你的运行环境所包含的包,同时多个环境可以独立运行。 1,下载创建脚本   wget http://pylonsbook.com/virtualenv....

2011-05-19 15:01:59 197

原创 [转]FreeBSD的软件管理工具ports详解

[转]FreeBSD的软件管理工具ports详解一、ports套件的安装①安装ports,我的FreeBSD8.0-release是最小化安装,所以没有ports,即也没用/usr/ports目录;选择启用ports的话,那么需要在root下输入"sysinstall"来安装它:输入sysinstall --> 选择Configure --> Distributions --&...

2011-05-13 17:51:31 361

原创 http://hi.baidu.com/24cool/blog/item/32f4e9f81c40c80dd9f9fddb.html

[转]10步完成freebsd下 python+django+fastcgi+lighttpd+sqlite3 源码安装与配置.2007年07月31日 02:55本文章作者寒玉轩,可任意转载。转载时请注明:来自:htdocs.org 作者:寒玉轩今日将vm虚拟服务器重新搞了一遍~系统换成了freebsd6.2WEB服务器换成了lighttpd 感觉apache实在是太...

2011-05-13 16:56:35 383

原创 egg

可爱的 Python: 使用 setuptools 孵化 Python egghttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-cppeak3.html

2011-05-08 22:17:44 115

原创 Django新手需要注意的10个要点


2011-04-16 16:15:19 97

原创 eclipse django === Pydev unresolved import errors

Pydev unresolved import errorsJune 12, 2009...... at 3:21 pm | Posted in geek | 16 Comments For those seeing a lot of Pydev unresolved import errors the problem is related to the fact that pydev...

2011-04-15 23:48:52 110

原创 Python yield 用法

Python yield 用法http://www.pythonclub.org/python-basic/yieldyield 用法说明yield 简单说来就是一个生成器,生成器是这样一个函数,它记住上一次返回时在函数体中的位置。对生成器函数的第二次(或第 n 次)调用跳转至该函数中间,而上次调用的所有局部变量都保持不变。生成器 是 一个函数函...

2011-04-09 21:11:34 128

原创 linux eclipse出错-failed to load the jni shared

linux eclipse出错-failed to load the jni shared2010-12-16 下午 02:09 http://hi.baidu.com/wangkaijiangg/blog/item/bd9376f4ead071fe7609d7a5.htmlfailed to load the jni shared library...

2011-01-08 18:03:45 141

原创 Heritrix man

 Heritrix使用的初步总结http://jason823.iteye.com/blog/84206 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ef8aa560100bxop.html   Heritrix man 1. IntroductionPrev   Next1. ...

2010-11-19 10:56:25 210

原创 maven资料了


2010-10-29 10:02:47 88

原创 ubuntu 台式机 关机失败解决

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-22-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os { recordfail insmod part_msdos i...

2010-10-27 16:53:42 188

原创 Best Practice

Best Practice26Oct使用常量标识状态位restful urlTDD= 瘦接口 富模型 子项目[b]10 Most Useful Java Best Practice Quotes for Java Developers[/b]http://viralpatel.net/blogs/2010/02/most-useful-java...

2010-10-26 17:06:18 105

原创 开发工具备忘


2010-10-16 10:23:58 96

原创 key generator

http://hi.baidu.com/jonsonda/blog/item/e5a0a712551fb5cdc2fd78f3.html序列键生成器与单例及多例模式2007-10-25 02:07在一个关系数据库中,所有的数据都是存储在表里,而每一个表都有一个主键(Primary Key)。对大多数的用户输入数据来讲,主键需要由系统以序列号方式产生。比如一个餐馆的贩卖系统需要一个序...

2010-09-20 15:18:51 204

原创 html5 server push

http://today.java.net/article/2010/03/31/html5-server-push-technologies-part-1http://today.java.net/article/2010/04/26/html5-server-push-technologies-part-2The upcoming HTML5 specification inclu...

2010-09-19 15:57:13 233

原创 redis perfermance discussion in gg group

http://groups.google.com/group/redis-db/browse_thread/thread/1adb93f0b6a1460aIn JRedis you have two options if you are using a front-end that serves a lot of concurrent processes. For low (con...

2010-09-16 13:50:03 102

原创 解决UltraEdit在UTF-8编码上的bug

http://hi.baidu.com/w_m_y/blog/item/58d860ee03671cfcb2fb9505.html解决UltraEdit在UTF-8编码上的bug2008-12-02 14:41 我一直喜欢用UltraEdit,包括写JavaScript、HTML、python、C、JSP等等。不过UltraEdit在UTF-8的处理上有个奇怪的bug。...

2010-09-09 17:35:45 347

原创 lift helloWorld

xp , scala2.8 apache-maven-2.2.1============1 . 下载并安装Maven配置好环境变量后测试mvn --version2. 创建lift Using Scala 2.8[code="java"]mvn archetype:generate ^ -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb ^...

2010-08-19 22:31:52 100

原创 語言技術:Scala Gossip


2010-08-17 16:16:23 77

原创 面向 Java 开发人员的 Scala 指南

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-scala01228.htmlChapter1 面向 Java 开发人员的 Scala 指南: 面向对象的函数编程some codeSo, for instance, the already mentioned Array class has a function, filter, which is...

2010-08-17 15:21:33 120

原创 gedit scala highlight[ubuntu]

copy scala.lang to [code="java"]~/.local/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs[/code]create dir if necessary

2010-08-17 14:13:35 101

原创 start scala in ubuntu

1. install jdk5.0 2. set envvi .bashrcexport PATH=the path/scala-2.8.0.final/bin:$PATH3. testYou may test the distribution by running the following commands:$ sbaz install scala-devel...

2010-08-09 10:44:38 88

原创 How to Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in Ubuntu

1 ) Issue following command to find out current jdk version in apt-getapt-cache search jdk2 ) Install java JDK and JRE with apt-get installapt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre3 ) ...

2010-08-08 23:24:06 205

agile rails depot 4

appointment: this demo ran in ubuntu, and Rails 2.2.2 the demo comes from agile web development with rails 3 script>>some linux script mysql>some db command ---------------------------------...

2010-08-06 19:24:19 105

原创 agile rails depot 3

appointment: this demo ran in ubuntu, and Rails 2.2.2 the demo comes from agile web development with rails 3 script>>some linux script mysql>some db command ---------------------------------...

2010-08-06 14:22:29 106

原创 agile rails depot 2

appointment: this demo ran in ubuntu, and Rails 2.2.2the demo comes from agile web development with rails 3script>>some linux scriptmysql>some db command----------------------------------[...

2010-08-06 13:52:02 97

agile rails depot 1

appointment: this demo ran in ubuntu, and Rails 2.2.2the demo comes from agile web development with rails 3script>>some linux scriptmysql>some db command----------------------------------...

2010-08-06 11:50:41 100

原创 正则表达式 source <转>


2010-08-05 11:28:14 252

原创 爬虫 source <转>

Spidr 是一个Ruby 的网页爬虫库,可以将整个网站、多个网站、某个链接完全抓取到本地。http://opensource.csdn.net/p/spidr网页爬虫汇总,值得收藏http://apps.hi.baidu.com/share/detail/105705wikihttp://wiki.blueidea.com/index.php?title=...

2010-08-05 11:01:15 345

原创 用 python 做简单的网页爬虫程序<转>


2010-08-05 10:44:05 125

原创 网页爬虫程序开发经验谈 <转>


2010-08-05 10:41:28 157

原创 google maps on rails

http://www.killswitchcollective.com/articles/65_google_maps_on_railsThe Google Maps API is without a doubt one of the most popular APIs available on the web today. It offers webmasters the ability...

2010-08-03 21:19:43 110



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