[Cloudify] CentOS7安装Cloudify Manager


1. 安装前准备



2. 安装Cloudify Manager

2.1 安装Cloudify Manager

[root@vm software]# wget http://repository.cloudifysource.org/cloudify/19.01.24/community-release/cloudify-manager-install-community-19.01.24.rpm
[root@vm software]# yum install cloudify-manager-install-community-19.01.24.rpm -y
[root@vm software]# cfy_manager install --private-ip --public-ip --admin-password mypassword
2019-05-09 19:53:38,284 - [MAIN] - NOTICE - Installing desired components...
2019-05-09 19:53:38,285 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating dependencies...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,203 - [VALIDATIONS] - NOTICE - Validating local machine...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,204 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating IP address...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,204 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating IP address...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,204 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating Python version...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,204 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating supported distributions...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,205 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating memory requirement...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,205 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating disk space requirement...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,205 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating OpenSSL version...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,212 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating user `root` has sudo permissions...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,223 - [VALIDATIONS] - NOTICE - All validations passed successfully!
2019-05-09 19:53:43,223 - [GLOBALS] - INFO - SSL is disabled, setting rest port to 80 and rest protocols to http...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,223 - [GLOBALS] - WARNING - Admin password: mypassword
2019-05-09 19:53:43,223 - [GLOBALS] - INFO - Generating random hash salt and secret key...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,224 - [POSTGRESQL_SERVER] - NOTICE - Installing PostgreSQL Server...
2019-05-09 19:53:43,465 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing postgresql95-libs...
2019-05-09 19:53:45,045 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing postgresql95...
2019-05-09 19:53:47,470 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing postgresql95-contrib...
2019-05-09 19:53:52,697 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing postgresql95-server...
2019-05-09 19:53:56,178 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing postgresql95-devel...
2019-05-09 19:54:16,277 - [POSTGRESQL_SERVER] - INFO - Starting PostgreSQL Server service...
2019-05-09 19:54:20,340 - [POSTGRESQL_SERVER] - INFO - Updating PostgreSQL Server configuration...
2019-05-09 19:54:22,488 - [POSTGRESQL_SERVER] - NOTICE - PostgreSQL Server successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:54:22,488 - [MANAGER] - NOTICE - Installing Cloudify Manager resources...
2019-05-09 19:54:22,489 - [USERS] - INFO - Creating group cfyuser
2019-05-09 19:54:22,532 - [USERS] - INFO - Creating user cfyuser, home: /etc/cloudify...
2019-05-09 19:54:22,839 - [MANAGER] - NOTICE - Cloudify Manager resources successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:54:22,839 - [MANAGER-IP-SETTER] - NOTICE - Installing Manager IP Setter...
2019-05-09 19:54:22,985 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing cloudify-manager-ip-setter...
2019-05-09 19:54:24,325 - [MANAGER-IP-SETTER] - INFO - Set manager ip on boot is disabled.
2019-05-09 19:54:24,326 - [MANAGER-IP-SETTER] - NOTICE - Manager IP Setter successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:54:24,326 - [NGINX] - NOTICE - Installing NGINX...
2019-05-09 19:54:24,471 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing nginx...
2019-05-09 19:54:26,784 - [NGINX] - INFO - Handling CA certificate...
2019-05-09 19:54:26,784 - [NGINX] - INFO - Generating CA certificate...
2019-05-09 19:54:26,817 - [NGINX] - INFO - Handling internal certificate...
2019-05-09 19:54:26,817 - [NGINX] - INFO - Generating internal certificate...
2019-05-09 19:54:27,230 - [NGINX] - INFO - Handling external certificate...
2019-05-09 19:54:27,230 - [NGINX] - INFO - Generating external certificate...
2019-05-09 19:54:27,359 - [NGINX] - INFO - Deploying Nginx configuration files...
2019-05-09 19:54:27,541 - [NGINX] - INFO - Starting NGINX service...
2019-05-09 19:54:27,668 - [NGINX] - NOTICE - NGINX successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:54:27,669 - [PYTHON] - NOTICE - Installing Python dependencies...
2019-05-09 19:54:27,681 - [PYTHON] - NOTICE - Python dependencies successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:54:27,682 - [POSTGRESQL_CLIENT] - NOTICE - Installing PostgreSQL Client...
2019-05-09 19:54:28,074 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing python-psycopg2...
2019-05-09 19:54:33,528 - [POSTGRESQL_CLIENT] - NOTICE - Creating postgres group
2019-05-09 19:54:33,540 - [POSTGRESQL_CLIENT] - INFO - Group postgres already exists
2019-05-09 19:54:33,541 - [POSTGRESQL_CLIENT] - NOTICE - Creating postgres user
2019-05-09 19:54:33,554 - [POSTGRESQL_CLIENT] - INFO - User postgres already exists
2019-05-09 19:54:33,600 - [POSTGRESQL_CLIENT] - NOTICE - PostgreSQL successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:54:33,600 - [RABBITMQ] - NOTICE - Installing RabbitMQ...
2019-05-09 19:54:33,732 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing erlang...
2019-05-09 19:54:40,514 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing socat...
2019-05-09 19:54:42,402 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing rabbitmq-server...
2019-05-09 19:54:44,737 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing cloudify-rabbitmq...
2019-05-09 19:54:46,222 - [RABBITMQ] - INFO - Initializing RabbitMQ...
2019-05-09 19:54:51,057 - [NETWORK] - INFO - Waiting for localhost:5671 to become available...
2019-05-09 19:54:51,058 - [NETWORK] - INFO - localhost:5671 is open!
2019-05-09 19:54:52,254 - [RABBITMQ] - INFO - Creating new user and setting permissions...
2019-05-09 19:54:53,876 - [RABBITMQ] - INFO - Starting RabbitMQ Service...
2019-05-09 19:55:13,012 - [NETWORK] - INFO - Waiting for localhost:5671 to become available...
2019-05-09 19:55:13,012 - [NETWORK] - INFO - localhost:5671 is open!
2019-05-09 19:55:13,013 - [RABBITMQ] - INFO - Setting RabbitMQ Policies...
2019-05-09 19:55:23,723 - [RABBITMQ] - INFO - Making sure RabbitMQ is live...
2019-05-09 19:55:24,310 - [RABBITMQ] - NOTICE - RabbitMQ successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:55:24,310 - [RESTSERVICE] - NOTICE - Installing Rest Service...
2019-05-09 19:55:24,448 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing cloudify-rest-service...
2019-05-09 19:55:37,169 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing cloudify-agents...
2019-05-09 19:55:44,369 - [RESTSERVICE] - INFO - premium package not found in manager resources package
2019-05-09 19:55:44,369 - [RESTSERVICE] - NOTICE - premium will not be installed.
2019-05-09 19:55:44,398 - [RESTSERVICE] - INFO - Deploying REST Service Configuration file...
2019-05-09 19:55:44,433 - [RESTSERVICE] - INFO - Deploying REST Security configuration file...
2019-05-09 19:55:44,464 - [RESTSERVICE] - INFO - Deploying REST authorization configuration file...
2019-05-09 19:55:44,561 - [DB] - NOTICE - Configuring SQL DB...
2019-05-09 19:55:50,774 - [DB] - NOTICE - SQL DB successfully configured
2019-05-09 19:55:50,775 - [DB] - NOTICE - Populating DB and creating AMQP resources...
2019-05-09 19:55:56,956 - [DB] - INFO - Finished creating bootstrap admin, default tenant and provider ctx
2019-05-09 19:55:56,957 - [DB] - NOTICE - DB populated and AMQP resources successfully created
2019-05-09 19:55:57,198 - [RESTSERVICE] - INFO - Verifying Rest service is working as expected...
2019-05-09 19:55:57,198 - [NETWORK] - INFO - Waiting for localhost:8100 to become available...
2019-05-09 19:55:57,198 - [NETWORK] - INFO - localhost:8100 is not available yet, retrying... (1/24)
2019-05-09 19:55:59,201 - [NETWORK] - INFO - localhost:8100 is open!
2019-05-09 19:56:09,564 - [RESTSERVICE] - NOTICE - Rest Service successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:56:09,564 - [AMQP-POSTGRES] - NOTICE - Configuring AMQP-Postgres...
2019-05-09 19:56:09,564 - [AMQP-POSTGRES] - INFO - Starting AMQP-PostgreSQL Broker Service...
2019-05-09 19:56:10,624 - [AMQP-POSTGRES] - NOTICE - AMQP-Postgres successfully configured
2019-05-09 19:56:10,624 - [STAGE] - NOTICE - Installing Stage...
2019-05-09 19:56:11,144 - [STAGE] - INFO - Extracting Stage package...
2019-05-09 19:56:13,790 - [STAGE] - INFO - Creating symlink to /usr/bin/node...
2019-05-09 19:56:13,854 - [USERS] - INFO - Creating group stage_group
2019-05-09 19:56:44,016 - [USERS] - INFO - Creating user stage_user, home: /opt/cloudify-stage...
2019-05-09 19:57:11,228 - [STAGE] - INFO - Installing NodeJS...
2019-05-09 19:57:13,914 - [SUDOERS] - INFO - Allowing user `cfyuser` to run `/opt/cloudify/stage/restore-snapshot.py`
2019-05-09 19:58:17,363 - [STAGE] - INFO - Starting Stage service...
2019-05-09 19:58:17,434 - [NETWORK] - INFO - Waiting for localhost:8088 to become available...
2019-05-09 19:58:17,434 - [NETWORK] - INFO - localhost:8088 is not available yet, retrying... (1/24)
2019-05-09 19:58:19,437 - [NETWORK] - INFO - localhost:8088 is open!
2019-05-09 19:58:19,437 - [STAGE] - NOTICE - Stage successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:58:19,437 - [COMPOSER] - NOTICE - Installing Cloudify Composer...
2019-05-09 19:58:19,439 - [COMPOSER] - INFO - Composer package not found in manager resources package
2019-05-09 19:58:19,439 - [COMPOSER] - NOTICE - Composer will not be installed.
2019-05-09 19:58:19,439 - [MGMTWORKER] - NOTICE - Installing Management Worker...
2019-05-09 19:58:19,597 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing cloudify-management-worker...
2019-05-09 19:58:28,709 - [SUDOERS] - INFO - Allowing user `cfyuser` to run `/opt/cloudify/mgmtworker/create-admin-token.py`
2019-05-09 19:58:30,730 - [MGMTWORKER] - NOTICE - Management Worker successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:58:30,730 - [CLUSTERCOMPONENT] - INFO - Premium version found
2019-05-09 19:58:30,730 - [CLI] - NOTICE - Installing Cloudify CLI...
2019-05-09 19:58:30,885 - [YUM] - INFO - Installing cloudify...
2019-05-09 19:58:40,073 - [CLI] - INFO - Setting CLI for the current user (root)...
2019-05-09 19:58:43,121 - [CLI] - NOTICE - Cloudify CLI successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:58:43,121 - [USAGE_COLLECTOR] - NOTICE - Installing Usage Collector...
2019-05-09 19:58:43,122 - [USAGE_COLLECTOR] - INFO - Deploying Usage Collector scripts...
2019-05-09 19:58:43,209 - [USAGE_COLLECTOR] - INFO - Usage Collector scripts successfully deployed
2019-05-09 19:58:43,244 - [USAGE_COLLECTOR] - INFO - Removing cron jobs of Usage Collector...
2019-05-09 19:58:43,315 - [USAGE_COLLECTOR] - INFO - Usage Collector cron jobs successfully removed
2019-05-09 19:58:43,315 - [USAGE_COLLECTOR] - INFO - Creating cron jobs for Usage Collector...
2019-05-09 19:58:43,364 - [USAGE_COLLECTOR] - INFO - Usage Collector cron jobs successfully created
2019-05-09 19:58:43,365 - [USAGE_COLLECTOR] - NOTICE - Usage Collector successfully installed
2019-05-09 19:58:43,365 - [SANITY] - NOTICE - Running Sanity...
2019-05-09 19:58:43,365 - [SANITY] - INFO - Creating SSH key for sanity...
2019-05-09 19:58:43,833 - [SANITY] - INFO - Uploading sanity blueprint...
Uploading blueprint /opt/cloudify/sources/cloudify-hello-world-example-4.5.5.tar.gz...
 cloudify-hello-wo... |################################################| 100.0%
Blueprint uploaded. The blueprint's id is sanity
2019-05-09 19:58:45,913 - [SANITY] - INFO - Deploying sanity app...
Creating new deployment from blueprint sanity...
Deployment created. The deployment's id is sanity
2019-05-09 19:58:47,273 - [SANITY] - INFO - Installing sanity app...
Executing workflow `install` on deployment `sanity` [timeout=900 seconds]
Deployment environment creation is in progress...
2019-05-09 19:58:47.963  CFY <sanity> Starting 'create_deployment_environment' workflow execution
2019-05-09 19:58:48.563  CFY <sanity> Skipping starting deployment policy engine core - no policies defined
2019-05-09 19:58:48.563  CFY <sanity> Creating deployment work directory
2019-05-09 19:58:48.563  CFY <sanity> 'create_deployment_environment' workflow execution succeeded
2019-05-09 19:59:00.942  CFY <sanity> Starting 'install' workflow execution
2019-05-09 19:59:14.345  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Creating node instance: nothing to do
2019-05-09 19:59:16.758  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Configuring node instance: nothing to do
2019-05-09 19:59:21.756  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Starting node instance: nothing to do
2019-05-09 19:59:25.969  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Creating agent
2019-05-09 19:59:28.957  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] Sending task 'cloudify_agent.installer.operations.create'
2019-05-09 20:00:07.561  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Creating Agent vm_d6ttna
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: --2019-05-09 20:00:09--
2019-05-09 20:00:30.170  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Downloading
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Saving to: ‘/tmp/tmp.aX8utQZfd0/agent.tar.gz’
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Connecting to connected.
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Length: 22568208 (22M) [application/octet-stream]
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO:  0% [                                       ] 0           --.-K/s              
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: 
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: 
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Successfully corrected cfy-agent`s virtualenv
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: 2019-05-09 20:00:10 (309 MB/s) - ‘/tmp/tmp.aX8utQZfd0/agent.tar.gz’ saved [22568208/22568208]
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: 
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Download ended successfully
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Auto-correcting virtualenv /root/vm_d6ttna/env
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: 100%[======================================>] 22,568,208  --.-K/s   in 0.07s   
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: 
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Successfully disabled requiretty for cfy-agent
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Disabling requiretty directive in sudoers file
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Creating...
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: No custom env configured
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Starting daemon with command: sudo systemctl start cloudify-worker-vm_d6ttna
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Successfully started daemon: vm_d6ttna
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Starting...
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: 20:00:27 [INFO] [cloudify.utils.is_agent_alive] No ping response from vm_d6ttna: No response received for task edc7699147de472da8692efee2739d3a
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Successfully created daemon: vm_d6ttna
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Configuring...
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Deploying broker configuration.
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Successfully configured daemon: vm_d6ttna
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] INFO: Agent created, configured and started successfully
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.create] Task succeeded 'cloudify_agent.installer.operations.create'
2019-05-09 20:00:30.804  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Agent created
2019-05-09 20:00:31.442  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Plugins installed
2019-05-09 20:00:31.442  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Node instance started
2019-05-09 20:00:32.076  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Creating node instance: nothing to do
2019-05-09 20:00:32.076  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Configuring node instance
2019-05-09 20:00:32.745  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.configure] Sending task 'script_runner.tasks.run'
2019-05-09 20:00:33.501  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.configure] INFO: Downloaded scripts/configure.sh to /tmp/WRX66/configure.sh
2019-05-09 20:00:34.184  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.configure] INFO: Process created, PID: 6826
2019-05-09 20:00:34.184  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.configure] INFO: Creating HTTP server root directory at /tmp/cloudify-hello-world.12774
2019-05-09 20:00:34.184  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.configure] INFO: Downloading blueprint resources...
2019-05-09 20:00:34.184  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.configure] INFO: Downloaded hello-webpage/index.html to /tmp/cloudify-hello-world.12774/index.html
2019-05-09 20:00:34.805  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.configure] INFO: Downloaded hello-webpage/cloudify-logo.png to /tmp/cloudify-hello-world.12774/cloudify-logo.png
2019-05-09 20:00:34.805  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.configure] INFO: <out> /tmp/cloudify-hello-world.12774/index.html/tmp/cloudify-hello-world.12774/cloudify-logo.png
2019-05-09 20:00:34.805  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.configure] INFO: Execution done (PID=6826, return_code=0): /tmp/WRX66/configure.sh
2019-05-09 20:00:35.452  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.configure] Task succeeded 'script_runner.tasks.run'
2019-05-09 20:00:35.452  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Node instance configured
2019-05-09 20:00:35.452  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Starting node instance
2019-05-09 20:00:35.452  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] Sending task 'script_runner.tasks.run'
2019-05-09 20:00:36.422  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: Downloaded scripts/start.sh to /tmp/4G2JA/start.sh
2019-05-09 20:00:37.057  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: Process created, PID: 6852
2019-05-09 20:00:37.057  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: Starting HTTP server from /tmp/cloudify-hello-world.12774
2019-05-09 20:00:37.057  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: Starting SimpleHTTPServer
2019-05-09 20:00:37.057  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: Waiting for server to launch on port 12774
2019-05-09 20:00:37.057  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: Server not up. waiting 1 second.
2019-05-09 20:00:38.027  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: Server is up at http://:12774.
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> --2019-05-09 20:00:36--  http://localhost:12774/
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:12774... failed: No route to host.
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:12774... failed: Connection refused.
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> Resolving localhost (localhost)..., ::1
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> Resolving localhost (localhost)..., ::1
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> --2019-05-09 20:00:37--  http://localhost:12774/
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> Length: 283 [text/html]
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:12774... connected.
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> 
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> Saving to: ‘index.html.1’
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err>      0K                                                       100% 50.0M=0s
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> 
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> 2019-05-09 20:00:37 (50.0 MB/s) - ‘index.html.1’ saved [283/283]
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: <err> 
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] INFO: Execution done (PID=6852, return_code=0): /tmp/4G2JA/start.sh
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.start] Task succeeded 'script_runner.tasks.run'
2019-05-09 20:00:38.712  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Node instance started
2019-05-09 20:00:39.334  CFY <sanity> 'install' workflow execution succeeded
Finished executing workflow install on deployment sanity
* Run 'cfy events list 8ff88a9f-e15d-4bc7-b196-368b003cccc9' to retrieve the execution's events/logs
2019-05-09 20:00:42,299 - [NETWORK] - INFO - Waiting for localhost:12774 to become available...
2019-05-09 20:00:42,300 - [NETWORK] - INFO - localhost:12774 is open!
2019-05-09 20:00:42,300 - [SANITY] - INFO - Removing sanity...
Executing workflow `uninstall` on deployment `sanity` [timeout=900 seconds]
2019-05-09 20:00:55.519  CFY <sanity> Starting 'uninstall' workflow execution
2019-05-09 20:01:07.510  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Stopping node instance
2019-05-09 20:01:12.906  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.stop] Sending task 'script_runner.tasks.run'
2019-05-09 20:01:14.026  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.stop] INFO: Downloaded scripts/stop.sh to /tmp/RG6YX/stop.sh
2019-05-09 20:01:14.660  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.stop] INFO: Process created, PID: 6940
2019-05-09 20:01:14.660  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.stop] INFO: Shutting down file server. pid = 6858
2019-05-09 20:01:14.660  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.stop] INFO: Deleting file server root directory (/tmp/cloudify-hello-world.12774)
2019-05-09 20:01:14.660  LOG <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.stop] INFO: Execution done (PID=6940, return_code=0): /tmp/RG6YX/stop.sh
2019-05-09 20:01:15.344  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9.stop] Task succeeded 'script_runner.tasks.run'
2019-05-09 20:01:15.344  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Stopped node instance
2019-05-09 20:01:15.344  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Unlinking relationships
2019-05-09 20:01:15.941  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Relationships unlinked
2019-05-09 20:01:15.941  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Deleting node instance: nothing to do
2019-05-09 20:01:15.941  CFY <sanity> [http_web_server_41igd9] Deleted node instance
2019-05-09 20:01:16.524  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Stopping node instance
2019-05-09 20:01:16.524  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Stopping agent
2019-05-09 20:01:17.243  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.stop] Sending task 'cloudify_agent.installer.operations.stop'
2019-05-09 20:01:17.963  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.stop] INFO: Stopping Agent vm_d6ttna
2019-05-09 20:01:18.531  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.stop] INFO: Stopping...
2019-05-09 20:01:19.036  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.stop] INFO: Stopping daemon with command: sudo systemctl stop cloudify-worker-vm_d6ttna
2019-05-09 20:01:19.036  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.stop] INFO: Successfully stopped daemon: vm_d6ttna
2019-05-09 20:01:19.782  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.stop] Task succeeded 'cloudify_agent.installer.operations.stop'
2019-05-09 20:01:19.782  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Deleting agent
2019-05-09 20:01:19.782  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.delete] Sending task 'cloudify_agent.installer.operations.delete'
2019-05-09 20:01:20.351  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.delete] INFO: Deleting Agent vm_d6ttna
2019-05-09 20:01:25.076  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.delete] INFO: 20:01:24 [INFO] [cloudify.utils.is_agent_alive] No ping response from vm_d6ttna: No response received for task 35bf3654588e4275b990b6a79ae6cddb
2019-05-09 20:01:25.076  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.delete] INFO: Successfully deleted daemon: vm_d6ttna
2019-05-09 20:01:24.572  LOG <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.delete] INFO: Deleting...
2019-05-09 20:01:25.760  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna.delete] Task succeeded 'cloudify_agent.installer.operations.delete'
2019-05-09 20:01:25.760  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Agent deleted
2019-05-09 20:01:26.357  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Stopped node instance: nothing to do
2019-05-09 20:01:26.357  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Unlinking relationships
2019-05-09 20:01:26.357  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Relationships unlinked
2019-05-09 20:01:26.990  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Deleting node instance: nothing to do
2019-05-09 20:01:26.990  CFY <sanity> [vm_d6ttna] Deleted node instance
2019-05-09 20:01:28.071  CFY <sanity> 'uninstall' workflow execution succeeded
Finished executing workflow uninstall on deployment sanity
* Run 'cfy events list 12fafffe-429b-4578-9c61-dfa51886bef8' to retrieve the execution's events/logs
Trying to delete deployment sanity...
Deployment deleted
Deleting blueprint sanity...
Blueprint deleted
2019-05-09 20:01:38,057 - [SANITY] - NOTICE - Sanity completed successfully
2019-05-09 20:01:38,057 - [MAIN] - NOTICE - Installation finished successfully!
2019-05-09 20:01:38,132 - [MAIN] - NOTICE - Manager is up at
2019-05-09 20:01:38,132 - [GLOBALS] - WARNING - Admin password: mypassword
2019-05-09 20:01:38,132 - [MAIN] - NOTICE - ##################################################
2019-05-09 20:01:38,132 - [MAIN] - NOTICE - To install the default plugins bundle run:
2019-05-09 20:01:38,132 - [MAIN] - NOTICE - 'cfy plugins bundle-upload'
2019-05-09 20:01:38,133 - [MAIN] - NOTICE - ##################################################
2019-05-09 20:01:38,133 - [MAIN] - NOTICE - Finished in 8 minutes and 0 seconds
[root@vm software]# 

2.2 验证登录

浏览器访问Cloudify Manager服务器IP地址:http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,输入用户名密码admin/mypassword登录。

同时,也可以在服务器上直接使用cft status命令查看状态

[root@vm software]# cfy status
Retrieving manager services status... [ip=localhost]

|            service             |  status |
| AMQP-Postgres                  | running |
| RabbitMQ                       | running |
| Webserver                      | running |
| Management Worker              | running |
| PostgreSQL                     | running |
| Cloudify Console               | running |
| Manager Rest-Service           | running |

[root@vm software]# 

2.3 其他配置

Cloudify Manager database service安装完成以后,可以通过修改配置文件/etc/cloudify/config.yaml 来修改各种配置,修改完成之后需要用命令cfy_manager validate生效配置。

[root@vm software]# cfy_manager validate


[root@vm software]# vi /etc/cloudify/config.yaml
  extra_env: /var/tmp

  extra_env: /var/tmp

[root@vm software]# cfy_manager validate
2019-05-10 14:38:36,573 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating dependencies...
2019-05-10 14:38:41,670 - [VALIDATIONS] - NOTICE - Validating local machine...
2019-05-10 14:38:41,670 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating IP address...
2019-05-10 14:38:41,670 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating IP address...
2019-05-10 14:38:41,671 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating Python version...
2019-05-10 14:38:41,671 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating supported distributions...
2019-05-10 14:38:41,671 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating memory requirement...
2019-05-10 14:38:41,672 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating disk space requirement...
2019-05-10 14:38:41,672 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating OpenSSL version...
2019-05-10 14:38:41,682 - [VALIDATIONS] - INFO - Validating user `root` has sudo permissions...
2019-05-10 14:38:41,696 - [VALIDATIONS] - NOTICE - All validations passed successfully!
[root@vm software]# 

3. 安装Cloudify CLI

[root@vm software]# wget http://repository.cloudifysource.org/cloudify/19.01.24/community-release/cloudify-cli-community-19.01.24.rpm
[root@vm software]# rpm -ivh cloudify-cli-community-19.01.24.rpm






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


