

Now, on normal PCs the bus address is exactly the same as thephysicaladdress, and things are very simple indeed. However, they are thatsimplebecause the memory and the devices share the same address space, and thatisnot generally necessarily true on other PCI/ISA setups.
    Now, just as an example, on the PReP (PowerPC ReferencePlatform), theCPU sees a memory map something like this (this is from memory):
       0-2 GB          "real memory"
       2 GB-3 GB     "systemIO" (inb/out and similar accesses on x86)
       3 GB-4 GB     "IOmemory" (shared memory over the IO bus)
Now, that looks simple enough. However, when you look at the same thing fromtheviewpoint of the devices, you have the reverse, and the physical memoryaddress 0actually shows up as address 2 GB for any IO master.So when the CPU wants anybus master to write to physical memory 0, it has to give the master address0x80000000 as the memory address.
So, for example, depending on how the kernel is actually mapped on the PPC, youcan end up with a setup like this:
physical address:  0
virtual address:     0xC0000000
bus address:         0x80000000

where all the addresses actually point to the same thing.  It's justseen through different translations..Similarly, on the Alpha, the normaltranslation is
physical address:  0
virtual address:     0xfffffc0000000000
bus address:         0x40000000
(but there are also Alphas where the physical address and the bus address arethe same).
Anyway, the way to look up all these translations, you do
       #include <asm/io.h>
       phys_addr = virt_to_phys(virt_addr);
       virt_addr = phys_to_virt(phys_addr);
        bus_addr = virt_to_bus(virt_addr);
       virt_addr = bus_to_virt(bus_addr);

Now, when do you need these?
there are actually _three_ different ways of lookingat memory addresses, and inthis case we actually want the third, the so-called "bus address".
Essentially, the three ways of addressing memory are (this is "realmemory",
that is, normal RAM--see later about other details):
- CPU untranslated.  This is the "physical"address.  Physical address 0 is what the CPU sees when it driveszeroes on the memory bus.

- CPU translated address. This is the "virtual" address, and iscompletely internal to the CPU itself with the CPU doing the appropriatetranslations into "CPU untranslated".

- bus address. This is the address of memory as seen by OTHER devices,   not the CPU. Now, in theory there could be many different bus addresses,with each device seeing memory in some device-specific way, but happily mosthardware designers aren't actually actively trying to make    thingsany more complex than necessary, so you can assume that all external hardwaresees the memory the same way.
You want the _virtual_ address when you are actually going to access thatpointer from the kernel. So you can have something like this:
        * this is the hardware"mailbox" we use to communicate with
        * the controller. The controller seesthis directly.
       struct mailbox {
              __u32 status;
              __u32 bufstart;
              __u32 buflen;
       } mbox;

              unsigned char *retbuffer;

              /* get theaddress from the controller */
              retbuffer =bus_to_virt(mbox.bufstart);
              switch(retbuffer[0]) {
                    case STATUS_OK:
on the other hand, you want the bus address when you have a buffer that youwant to give to the controller:
       /* ask the controller to read the sense status into"sense_buffer" */
       mbox.bufstart = virt_to_bus(&sense_buffer);
       mbox.buflen = sizeof(sense_buffer);
       mbox.status = 0;
And you generally _never_ want to use the physical address, because you can'tuse that from the CPU (the CPU only uses translated virtual addresses), and youcan't use it from the bus master.

So why do we care about the physical address at all? We do need the physicaladdress in some cases, it's just not very often in normal code.  Thephysical address is needed if you use memory mappings, for example, because the"remap_page_range()" mm function wants the physical address of thememory to be remapped.

This memory is called "PCI memory" or "shared memory" or"IO memory" or whatever, and there is only one way to access it: thereadb/writeb and related functions. You should never take the address of suchmemory, because there is really nothing you can do with such an address: it'snot conceptually in the same memory space as "real memory" at all, soyou cannot just dereference a pointer.



2) 总线地址,顾名思义,是与总线相关的,就是总线的地址线或在地址周期上产生的信号。外设使用的是总线地址。
3) 物理地址与总线地址之间的关系由系统的设计决定的。x86平台上,物理地址与PCI总线地址是相同的。在其他平台上,也许会有某种转换,通常是线性的转换。


Device drivers use ddi_regs_map_setup(9F)to establish mappings between kernel virtual address (kvaddr) and deviceaddress space for PIO. A device address space may consist of multipleaddressable memory regions. Each region is assigned a register set number,rnumber. ddi_dev_nregs(9F)gives the total number of register sets that a device has.

The "reg" property shows the number of addressable regions exportedby the device to the system. ddi_regs_map_setup(9F) uses rnumber to index into the array of registersin the "reg" property and returns a kvaddr mapped to the regioncorresponding to rnumber.

As mentioned in "IEEE 1275 PCI Binding," IEEE 1275 PCI binding makesno specific connection between the entries in the "reg" property andthe configuration registers in PCI configuration space. Driver developersshould check the "reg" property to ensure that the correct rnumber isused in ddi_regs_map_setup(9F).

For example, the "reg" property of /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3 shown in the example of the PCI SCSIdevice node properties contains four register sets: one for configurationspace, one for I/O space, and two for memory space.

The "assigned-addresses" property has three register sets: one forI/O space, and two for memory space, as shown below.

assigned-addresses 81001810 00000000 00000400 00000000 00000100
82001814 00000000 00018000 00000000 00000100

82001818 00000000 00019000 00000000 00001000

reg 00001800 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 <-- rnumber 0

01001810 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 <-- rnumber 1

02001814 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 <-- rnumber 2

02001818 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001000 <-- rnumber 3

If you type show-pci-config at the ok prompt of OpenBoot, you get the values ofthe device's configuration registers, as shown in this example of theconfiguration register values for an on-board SCSI device. As shown below, baseaddress 0 is for I/O space and base address 1 and 2 are for memory space.

ok show-pci-config /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3

PCI Header for Bus # 0, Dev # 3, Func # 0

Vendor ID = 1000

Device ID = f

Command Reg = 46

Status Reg = 200

Revision ID = 1

Class Code = 10000

Cache Line Size = 10

Latency Timer = 40

Header Type = 0

BIST = 0

Base Address 0 = 401

Base Address 1 = 18000

Base Address 2 = 19000

Base Address 3 = 0

Base Address 4 = 0

Base Address 5 = 0

Base Address ROM = 0

Interrupt Line = 0

Interrupt Pin = 1

Minimum Grant = 8

Maximum Latency = 40
If you write a routine to map into register set 0, as shown below, you shouldbe able to read the device's configuration space and get the same value ofdevice ID, vendor ID, and Class Code as shown in the example of on-board SCSIconfiguration register values.





#define CONFIG_REGS_SIZE 0x40

static struct ddi_device_acc_attr endian_attr = {





xxx_map_regs(dev_info_t *dip) {

caddr_t configp; /* pointer to configuration space */

caddr_t mem_reg1; /* pointer to memory space 1 */

size_t mem_size; /* size of memory space as shown in "reg" */

ddi_acc_handle_t handle0; /* Access handle for configuration space */

ddi_acc_handle_t handle2; /* Access handle for memory space 1 */

ulong_t base_addr2; /* Base address 1 value (rnumber = 2) */

ushort_t vendor_id, device_id;

uint_t class_code;



* configp is the kernel virtual address that maps to the device

* configuration space, rnumber is 0.


ddi_regs_map_setup(dip, 0, &configp, 0, CONFIG_REGS_SIZE,

&endian_attr, &handlep0);


* Comparing with the corresponding properties,


* vendor_id should be 0x00001000.

* device_id should be 0x0000000f.

* class_code should be 0x00010000.

* baddr1 should be 18000.

vendor_id = ddi_getw(handle0, configp + CONFIG_VENDOR_ID_OFFSET);

device_id = ddi_getw(handle0, configp + CONFIG_DEVICE_ID_OFFSET);

base_addr2 = ddi_getl(handle0, configp + CONFIG_BASE_ADDR_2_OFFSET);

class_code = (uint_t)ddi_getl(handle0, configp + CONFIG_CLASS_CODE_OFFSET);

class_code = (uint_t)(class_code >> 8);


> /*

* memp is the kernel virtual address that maps to the device memory space

* register number 2, rnumber = 2.


ddi_dev_regsize(dip, 2, &mem_size);

ddi_regs_map_setup(dip, 2, &mem_reg1, 0, mem_size, &endian_attr,



In the example above, mem_reg1 and base_addr2 are referring to the same memoryobject on the device. mem_reg1 is the kvaddr mapped to the memory object andcan be used by the driver to access that memory object.

mem_reg1 is allocated from the kernel resources map (kernelmap) and has thevalue between SYSBASE and SYSEND, as shown in the kernel address map below.

base_addr2 contains the value of the base address register for memory space 1.In this example, the value of base_addr2 is 18000. base_addr2 is the physicaladdress of the memory object in the PCI bus address domain. The system usesbase_addr2 in ddi_regs_map_setup(9F) to establish mapping between mem_reg1and rnumber.

In the ddi_regs_map_setup(9F)call, the system traverses the device tree all the way up to the root nexusdriver to establish mapping between kernel virtual address (for example,mem_reg1) and the device register address space denoted by rnumber. On the wayto the root nexus driver, the system calls the PCI nexus driver, the device'sparent node, to convert rnumber to a generic register structure that can beused by the root nexus driver. The PCI nexus driver reads the values of the"reg" property of the device (if the address in the "reg"property is relocatable, the PCI nexus driver gets the values from the"assigned-addresses" property) and uses rnumber to index into thearray to construct the register structure. Inside the register structure is afield that contains the physical address of the device register in the PCI busaddress domain (for example, the value of base_addr2).

The system passes the register structure to the root nexus driver. The rootnexus driver does three things:

Converts the address in the register structure into a physical address (paddr)in the system bus domain
Allocates a kvaddr from kernelmap
Establishes a mapping between kvaddr and paddr
The root nexus driver then returns the kvaddr to the device driver. When thekvaddr is accessed, the system generates a memory fault to load the system MMUwith the kvaddr->paddr translations. It should be noted that the IOMMU ofthe HPB is not involved in the translations.

Map Registers
Windows Driver Kit: Kernel-Mode Driver Architecture
Map Registers
Drivers that perform DMA use three different address spaces, as shown in thefollowing figure.

Physical, Logical, and Virtual Address Mappings

On any Windows platform, a driver has access to the full virtual address spacesupported by the processor. On a 32-bit processor, the virtual address spacerepresents four gigabytes. The CPU translates addresses in the virtual addressspace to addresses in the system's physical address space by using a pagetable. Each page table entry (PTE) maps one page of virtual memory to a page ofphysical memory, resulting in a paging operation when necessary. An MDL (memorydescriptor list) provides a similar mapping for a buffer associated with driverDMA operations.

Devices vary in their ability to access the system's full virtual addressspace. A device uses addresses in logical (device) address space. Each HAL usesmap registers to translate a device or logical address to a physical address (alocation in physical RAM). For the device hardware, map registers perform thesame function that the MDL (and page table) performs for the software(drivers): they translate addresses to physical memory.

Because these address spaces are separately addressed, a driver cannot use apointer in virtual address space to address a location in physical memory, andvice versa. The driver must first translate the virtual address to a physicaladdress. Similarly, a driver cannot use a logical address to access physicalmemory. The driver must first translate the address.

A HAL must set up adapter objects that support DMA for a wide variety of DMAdevices and I/O buses on different computers. For example, most ISA DMAcontrollers, slave devices, and bus-master devices have insufficient addresslines to access the full four-gigabyte system physical address space of a32-bit processor (or the 64-gigabyte system physical address of an x86processor running in 36-bit PAE mode). By contrast, PCI DMA devices generallyhave more than enough address lines to access the full system physical addressspace in 32-bit processors. Therefore, every HAL provides mappings between thelogical address ranges that DMA devices can access and physical address rangesof each computer.

Each adapter object is associated with one or more map registers, depending onthe amount of data to be transferred and the amount of available memory. DuringDMA transfers, the HAL uses each map register to alias a device-accessiblelogical page to a page of physical memory in the CPU. In effect, map registersprovide scatter/gather support for drivers that use DMA whether or not theirdevices have scatter/gather capabilities.

The following figure illustrates such a physical-to-logical address mapping forthe driver of an ISA DMA device that does not have scatter/gather capabilities.

Address Mapping for a Sample ISA DMA Device

The previous figure shows the following types of mappings:

Each map register maps a range of physical addresses (pointed to by solidlines) to low-order logical addresses (dotted lines) for an ISA DMA device.
Here, three map registers are used to alias three paged ranges of data insystem physical memory to three page-sized ranges of low-order logicaladdresses for an ISA DMA device.

The ISA device uses the mapped logical addresses to access system memory duringDMA operations.
For a comparable PCI DMA device, three map registers would also be used forthree page-sized ranges of data. However, the mapped logical address rangeswould not necessarily be identical to the corresponding physical addressranges, so a PCI device would also use logical addresses to access systemmemory.

Each entry in the MDL maps a location in virtual address space to a physicaladdress.
Note the correspondence between a map register and a virtual-to-physical entryin the MDL:

Each map register and each virtual entry in an MDL maps at most a full physicalpage of data for a DMA transfer operation.
Each map register and each virtual entry in an MDL might map less than a fullpage of data. For example, the initial virtual entry in an MDL can map to anoffset from the physical page boundary, as shown earlier in the Physical,Logical, and Virtual Address Mappings figure.
Each map register and each virtual entry in an MDL maps, at a minimum, onebyte.
In an IRP requesting a read or write operation, each virtual entry in theopaque-to-drivers MDL at Irp->MdlAddress represents a page boundary in thesystem physical memory for a user buffer. Similarly, each additional mapregister needed for a single DMA transfer represents a page boundary in thedevice-accessible logical address range aliased to system physical memory.

On every Windows platform, each adapter object has an associated set of one ormore map registers located at a platform-specific (and opaque-to-drivers) baseaddress. From a driver's point of view, the map register base shown in thefigure illustrating address mapping for a sample ISA DMA device is a handle fora set of map registers that could be hardware registers in a chip, in a systemDMA controller, or in a bus-master adapter, or could even be HAL-createdvirtual registers in system memory.

The number of map registers available with an adapter object can vary fordifferent devices and Windows platforms. For example, the HAL can make more mapregisters available to drivers that use system DMA on some platforms than onother platforms because the DMA controllers on different Windows platforms havedifferent capabilities.



391 /* the local DRAM has a different
395  * address from the PCI point of view, thus buffer addresses also
396  * have to be modified [mapped] appropriately.
397  */
398 extern inline unsigned long virt_to_bus(volatile void * address)
399 {
400 #ifndef CONFIG_APUS
401         if (address == (void *)0)
402                return 0;
403         return (unsigned long)address -KERNELBASE + PCI_DRAM_OFFSET;
404 #else
405         return iopa ((unsigned long)address);
406 #endif
407 }
409 extern inline void * bus_to_virt(unsigned long address)
410 {
411 #ifndef CONFIG_APUS
412         if (address == 0)
413                return NULL;
414         return (void *)(address -PCI_DRAM_OFFSET + KERNELBASE);
415 #else
416         return (void*) mm_ptov (address);
417 #endif
418 }

142 /*
143  * Virtual <-> DMA view memory address translations
144  * Again, these are *only* valid on the kernel direct mapped RAM
145  * memory.  Use of these is *deprecated* (and thatdoesn't mean
146  * use the __ prefixed forms instead.)  Seedma-mapping.h.
147  */
148 static inline __deprecated unsigned long virt_to_bus(void *x)
149 {
150         return __virt_to_bus((unsignedlong)x);
151 }
153 static inline __deprecated void *bus_to_virt(unsigned long x)
154 {
155         return (void *)__bus_to_virt(x);
156 }
36 /*
37  * These are exactly the same on the S3C2410 as the
38  * physical memory view.
39 */
41 #define __virt_to_bus(x) __virt_to_phys(x)
42 #define __bus_to_virt(x) __phys_to_virt(x)

33 #define __virt_to_bus(v)                                         \
34         ({ unsigned int ret;                                      \
35         ret = ((__virt_to_phys(v) -0x00000000) +                   \
36          (*((volatile int*)IXP23XX_PCI_SDRAM_BAR) & 0xfffffff0));    \
37         ret; })
39 #define __bus_to_virt(b)                                            \
40         ({ unsigned int data;                                      \
41         data = *((volatile int*)IXP23XX_PCI_SDRAM_BAR);             \
42          __phys_to_virt((((b - (data &0xfffffff0)) + 0x00000000))); })

20 /*
21  * Virtual view <-> PCI DMA view memory address translations
22  * virt_to_bus: Used to translate the virtual address to an
23  *             address suitable to be passed to set_dma_addr
24  * bus_to_virt: Used to convert an address for DMA operations
25  *             to an address that the kernel can use.
26  */
27 #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_IOP321)
29 #define __virt_to_bus(x)       (((__virt_to_phys(x)) & ~(*IOP321_IATVR2)) |((*IOP321_IABAR2) & 0xfffffff0))
30 #define __bus_to_virt(x)    (__phys_to_virt(((x) &~(*IOP321_IALR2)) | ( *IOP321_IATVR2)))
32 #elif defined(CONFIG_ARCH_IOP331)
34 #define __virt_to_bus(x)       (((__virt_to_phys(x)) & ~(*IOP331_IATVR2)) |((*IOP331_IABAR2) & 0xfffffff0))
35 #define __bus_to_virt(x)    (__phys_to_virt(((x) &~(*IOP331_IALR2)) | ( *IOP331_IATVR2)))
37 #endif

内存中用于与外设交互数据的一块区域被称作DMA缓冲区,在设备不支持scatter/gather(SG,分散/聚集)操作的情况下,DMA 缓冲区必须是物理上连续的。
对于ISA设备而言,其DMA操作只能在16MB以下的内存中进行,因此,在使用kmalloc()和__get_free_pages()及其类似函数 申请DMA缓冲区时应使用GFP_DMA标志,这样能保证获得的内存是具备DMA能力的(DMA-capable)。内核中定义了__get_free_pages()针对DMA的“快捷方式”__get_dma_pages(),它在申请标志中添加了GFP_DMA:
#define __get_dma_pages(gfp_mask, order) \
                  __get_free_pages((gfp_mask) | GFP_DMA,(order))
1 static unsigned long dma_mem_alloc(int size)
2 {
3      int order = get_order(size);//大小->指数
4      return __get_dma_pages(GFP_KERNEL, order);
5 }
unsigned long virt_to_bus(volatile void *address);
void *bus_to_virt(unsigned long address);
在必须使用IOMMU或反弹缓冲区的情况下,上述函数一般不会正常工作。而且,这2个函数并不建议被使用。如图11.13所示,IOMMU的工作原理与 CPU内的MMU非常类似,不过它针对的是外设总线地址和内存地址之间的转化。由于IOMMU可以使得外设看到“虚拟地址”,因此在使用IOMMU的情况 下,在修改映射寄存器后,可以使得SG中分段的缓冲区地址对外设变得连续。

图11.13 MMU与IOMMU
int dma_set_mask(struct device *dev, u64 mask);
譬如,对于只能在24位地址上执行DMA操作的设备而言,就应该调用dma_set_mask(dev, 0xffffff)。
void * dma_alloc_coherent(struct device *dev, size_t size, dma_addr_t *handle,gfp_t gfp);
void dma_free_coherent(struct device *dev, size_t size, void *cpu_addr,dma_addr_t handle);
void * dma_alloc_writecombine(struct device *dev, size_t size, dma_addr_t*handle, gfp_t gfp);
#define dma_free_writecombine(dev,size,cpu_addr,handle) \
此外,Linux内核还提供了PCI 设备申请DMA缓冲区的函数pci_alloc_consistent(),其原型为:
void * pci_alloc_consistent(struct pci_dev *pdev, size_t size, dma_addr_t*dma_addrp);
void pci_free_consistent(struct pci_dev *pdev, size_t size, void*cpu_addr,                      dma_addr_t dma_addr);
dma_addr_t dma_map_single(struct device *dev, void *buffer, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction direction);
void dma_unmap_single(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t dma_addr, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction direction);
void dma_sync_single_for_cpu(struct device *dev, dma_handle_t bus_addr,
size_t size, enum dma_data_direction direction);
void dma_sync_single_for_device(struct device *dev, dma_handle_t bus_addr,
size_t size, enum dma_data_direction direction);
int dma_map_sg(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg, int nents,
enum dma_data_direction direction);
1 struct scatterlist
2 {
3   struct page *page;
4   unsigned int offset;
5   dma_addr_t dma_address;
6   unsigned int length;
7 };
dma_addr_t sg_dma_address(struct scatterlist *sg);
unsigned int sg_dma_len(struct scatterlist *sg);
void dma_unmap_sg(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *list,
int nents, enum dma_data_direction direction);
void dma_sync_sg_for_cpu(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg,
int nents, enum dma_data_direction direction);
void dma_sync_sg_for_device(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg,
int nents, enum dma_data_direction direction);
Linux系统中可以有一个相对简单的方法预先分配缓冲区,那就是通过“mem=”参数预留内存。譬如对于内存为64MB的系统,通过给其传递 mem=62MB命令行参数可以使得顶部的2MB内存被预留出来作为IO内存使用,这2MB内存可以被静态映射(11.5节),也可以被执行 ioremap()。




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