Encog3Java-User.pdf翻译:第五章 传播训练

Chapter 5

Propagation Training

? How Propagation Training Works
? Propagation Training Types
? Training and Method Factories
? Multithreaded Training
Training is the means by which neural network weights are adjusted to give desirable outputs. This book will cover both supervised and unsupervised training. This chapter will discuss propagation training, a form of supervised training where the expected output is given to the training algorithm.

Encog also supports unsupervised training. With unsupervised training, the neural network is not provided with the expected output. Rather, the neural network learns and makes insights into the data with limited direction. Chapter 10 will discuss unsupervised training.

Propagation training can be a very effective form of training for feedforward, simple recurrent and other types of neural networks. While there are several different forms of propagation training, this chapter will focus on the forms of propagation currently supported by Encog. These six forms are listed as follows:

? Backpropagation Training
? Quick Propagation Training (QPROP)
? Manhattan Update Rule
? Resilient Propagation Training (RPROP)
? Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SCG)
? Levenberg Marquardt (LMA)
All six of these methods work somewhat similarly. However, there are some important differences. The next section will explore propagation training in general.

5.1 Understanding Propagation Training
5.1 了解传播训练

Propagation training algorithms use supervised training. This means that the training algorithm is given a training set of inputs and the ideal output for each input. The propagation training algorithm will go through a series of iterations that will most likely improve the neural network’s error rate by some degree.

The error rate is the percent difference between the actual output from the neural network and the ideal output provided by the training data.Each iteration will completely loop through the training data. For each item of training data, some change to the weight matrix will be calculated.

These changes will be applied in batches using Encog’s batch training. Therefore, Encog updates the weight matrix values at the end of an iteration.Each training iteration begins by looping over all of the training elements in the training set. For each of these training elements, a two-pass process is executed: a forward pass and a backward pass.

The forward pass simply presents data to the neural network as it normally would if no training had occurred. The input data is presented and the algorithm calculates the error, i.e. the difference between the actual and ideal outputs. The output from each of the layers is also kept in this pass. This allows the training algorithms to see the output from each of the neural network layers.

The backward pass starts at the output layer and works its way back to the input layer. The backward pass begins by examining the difference between each of the ideal and actual outputs from each of the neurons. The gradient of this error is then calculated. To calculate this gradient, the neural network’s actual output is applied to the derivative of the activation function used for this level. This value is then multiplied by the error.

Because the algorithm uses the derivative function of the activation function, propagation training can only be used with activation functions that actually have a derivative function. This derivative calculates the error gradient for each connection in the neural network. How exactly this value is used depends on the training algorithm used.

5.1.1 Understanding Backpropagation
5.1.1 了解反向传播

Backpropagation is one of the oldest training methods for feedforward neural networks. Backpropagation uses two parameters in conjunction with the gradient descent calculated in the previous section. The first parameter is the learning rate which is essentially a percent that determines how directly the gradient descent should be applied to the weight matrix. The gradient is multiplied by the learning rate and then added to the weight matrix. This slowly optimizes the weights to values that will produce a lower error.

One of the problems with the backpropagation algorithm is that the gradient descent algorithm will seek out local minima. These local minima are points of low error, but may not be a global minimum. The second parameter provided to the backpropagation algorithm helps the backpropagation out of loca




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