Encog3Java-User.pdf翻译:第七章 其它神经网络类型

Chapter 7

Other Neural Network Types

? Understanding the Elman Neural Network
? Understanding the Jordan Neural Network
? The ART1 Neural Network
? Evolving with NEAT
We have primarily looked at feedforward neural networks so far in this book. All connections in a neural network do not need to be forward. It is also possible to create recurrent connections. This chapter will introduce neural networks that are allowed to form recurrent connections.

Though not a recurrent neural network, we will also look at the ART1 neural network. This network type is interesting because it does not have a distinct learning phase like most other neural networks. The ART1 neural network learns as it recognizes patterns. In this way it is always learning, much like the human brain.

This chapter will begin by looking at Elman and Jordan neural networks. These networks are often called simple recurrent neural networks (SRN). 

7.1 The Elman Neural Network
7.1 Elman神经网络

Elman and Jordan neural networks are recurrent neural networks that have additional layers and function very similarly to the feedforward networks in previous chapters. They use training techniques similar to feedforward neural networks as well.

Figure 7.1 shows an Elman neural network.

As shown, the Elman neural network uses context neurons. They are labeled as C1 and C2. The context neurons allow feedback. Feedback is when the output from a previous iteration is used as the input for successive iterations. Notice that the context neurons are fed from hidden neuron output. There are no weights on these connections. They are simply an output conduit from hidden neurons to context neurons. The context neurons remember this output and then feed it back to the hidden neurons on the next iteration.

Therefore, the context layer is always feeding the hidden layer its own output from the previous iteration. The connection from the context layer to the hidden layer is weighted. This synapse will learn as the network is trained. Context layers allow a neural network to recognize context.

To see how important context is to a neural network, consider how the previous networks were trained. The order of the training set elements did not really matter. The training set could be jumbled in any way needed and the network would still train in the same manner. With an Elman or a Jordan neural network, the order becomes very important. The training set element previously supported is still affecting the neural network. This becomes very important for predictive neural networks and makes Elman neural networks very useful for temporal neural networks.

Chapter 8 will delve more into temporal neural networks. Temporal networks attempt to see trends in data and predict future data values. Feedforward networks can also be used for prediction, but the input neurons are structured differently. This chapter will focus on how neurons are structured for simple recurrent neural networks. Dr. Jeffrey Elman created the Elman neural network. Dr. Elman used an XOR pattern to test his neural network. However, he did not use a typical XOR pattern like we’ve seen in previous chapters. He used a XOR pattern collapsed to just one input neuron. Consider the following XOR truth table.
第8章将深入研究时态神经网络。时态网络试图查看数据的趋势并预测未来的数据值。前馈网络也可以用于预测,但输入神经元的结构不同。本章将重点讨论神经元是如何构造为简单递归神经网络的。Jeffrey Elman博士创建了Elman神经网络。Elman博士使用异或模式测试他的神经网络。但是,他没有使用我们前面章节中所看到的典型的XOR模式。他使用异或模式折叠到一个输入神经元。考虑下面的XOR真值表。

1.0 XOR 0.0 = 1.0
0.0 XOR 0.0 = 0.0
0.0 XOR 1.0 = 1.0
1.0 XOR 1.0 = 0.0
Now, collapse this to a string of numbers. To do this simply read the numbers left-to-right, line-by-line. This produces the following:

1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.0
We will create a neural network that accepts one number from the above list and should predict the next number. This same data will be used with a Jordan neural network later in this chapter. Sample input to this neural network would be as follows:

Input Neurons : 1.0 ==> Output Neurons : 0.0
Input Neurons : 0.0 ==> Output Neurons : 1.0
Input Neurons : 1.0 ==> Output Neurons : 0.0
Input Neurons : 0.0 ==> Output Neurons : 0.0
Input Neurons : 0.0 ==> Output Neurons : 0.0
Input Neurons : 0.0 ==> Output Neurons : 0.0
It would be impossible to train a typical feedforward neural network for this. The training information would be contradictory. Sometimes an input of 0 results in a 1; other times it results in a 0. An input of 1 has similar issues.

The neural network needs context; it should look at what comes before. We will review an example that uses an Elman and a feedforward network to attempt to predict the output. An example of the Elman neural network can be found at the following location.
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