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原创 Direct3D9的学习历程四:Direct3D9中的颜色混合
Alpha blending allows combining the pixels of the primitive currently being rasterized with the pixel values previously written at the same locations on the back buffer.alpha混合(透明混合)允许几何图形的象素在后天缓存的同一位
2005-04-05 22:22:00 803
原创 Direct3D9的学习历程三:Direct3D9中的纹理贴图
Texture coordinates are used to define a triangle on the texture that gets mapped to the 3D triangle.纹理坐标常常被定义为纹理上的一个三角形,这个三角形可以被贴图到3D三角形上。We can create textures from image files stored on disk using
2005-04-04 08:56:00 1651
原创 Direct3D9的学习历程二:Direct3D9中的灯光
Direct3D supports three light source models: directional lights,point lights, and spot lights. Light sources emit three types of light:ambient light, diffuse light, and specular light.Direct3D支持三种光源模型
2005-04-03 10:10:00 853
原创 Direct3D9的学习历程一:熟悉Direct3D9渲染的运行过程
3D objects are defined in local space and are then all brought into one world space system. To facilitate projection, culling, and other operations, the objects are then transformed to view space, whe
2005-03-29 09:06:00 975
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