css 所有选择器的优先级_克服产品所有者优先级的最恶梦

css 所有选择器的优先级

重点 (Top highlight)

In 2014, I was upset because we were missing our targets too often. So, I decided to talk to the Product Director. I hoped we could do something different for our upcoming challenges. Unfortunately, I was wrong. The conversation went like this:

在 2014年,我被打乱了,因为我们往往缺少我们的目标。 因此,我决定与产品总监交谈。 我希望我们可以为即将到来的挑战做些不同的事情。 不幸的是,我错了。 对话是这样的:

Me: What is the most important thing we could do now to put us closer to our goals?


Director: Well. That’s a good question. We have many projects to do for this year. Around fifty projects must be done. Then, we will be where we want to be.

导演好。 这是个好问题。 今年我们有许多项目要做。 必须完成大约五十个项目。 然后,我们将成为我们想要的地方。

Me: But, what is the most important project? What do we want to achieve?

但是,最重要的项目是什么? 我们要实现什么?

Director: All of them are equally important. We have to work on them in parallel. I know, it’s challenging. But we can do it.

导演所有这些都同样重要。 我们必须并行处理它们。 我知道,这很有挑战性。 但是我们可以做到。

I guess you can imagine the end of this story. It was another year full of frustrations and poor results. The root cause can be traced back to the inability to define priorities. This awkward situation taught many lessons about priorities, which I want to share with you.

我想你可以想象这个故事的结局。 又是充满挫败感和糟糕成绩的一年。 根本原因可以追溯到无法定义优先级。 这种尴尬的情况教了很多关于优先事项的课程,我想与您分享。

“We Cannot Solve Our Problems With The Same Thinking We Used When We Created Them.” — Albert Einstein

“我们无法以创建时所用的相同思维来解决问题。” - 艾尔伯特爱因斯坦

专注于整体体验 (Focus On The Whole Experience)

I love working with Scrum due to its simplicity. But Scrum is intentionally incomplete because it is a process framework. Therefore, Scrum Teams cannot reach their maximum potential solely with Scrum. That’s where we face a pitfall. The room for interpretation is too broad. For example, let’s have a look at what the Product Backlog is.

我喜欢与Scrum合作,因为它非常简单。 但是Scrum故意是不完整的,因为它是一个流程框架。 因此,仅Scrum团队无法发挥最大的潜力。 那就是我们面临的陷阱。 解释的空间太广了。 例如,让我们看一下产品积压是什么。

The Product Backlog is an ordered list of everything that is known to be needed in the product. It is the single source of requirements for any changes to be made to the product. The Product Owner is responsible for the Product Backlog, including its content, availability, and ordering.

产品待办事项 列表是该产品 所需所有内容有序列表 。 这是要求 任何变化产品 所作单一 来源产品 负责人负责 产品 待办事项包括内容可用性订购

Scrum Guide, November 2017

Scrum指南 ,2017年11月

As you can see, the definition is vague. It is an ordered list of everything. As Product Owners, our mission is to maximize the value of the product. But Scrum doesn’t say much about how to do it. Thus, many Product Owners struggle to find the magic approach to achieve their mission.

如您所见,定义很模糊。 这是所有内容的有序列表。 作为产品负责人,我们的使命是使产品价值最大化。 但是Scrum并没有说太多如何做。 因此,许多产品负责人都在努力寻找实现目标的神奇方法。

Let’s picture a simple scenario. Imagine you are building an e-commerce storefront. People will come to your website, search for the products, add them to cart, and eventually buy. How you order the Product Backlog, determines how fast the product will generate value. For example, it’d be worthless to focus on a single step on the buying journey. Your online shopping will only create value once users can have an end-to-end experience.

让我们想象一个简单的场景。 想象一下,您正在建立一个电子商务店面。 人们将访问您的网站,搜索产品,将其添加到购物车,最后购买。 您如何订购产品积压订单,决定了产品产生价值的速度。 例如,将注意力集中在购买过程中的单个步骤上将毫无意义。 只有用户拥有端到端的体验,您的在线购物才能创造价值。

A common trap is to miss the big picture. This trap is precisely what happened in the scenario I described at the beginning of the text. Until we have a clear overview of the product, we will end up focusing on irrelevant features. A simple technique can save us from multiple frustrations, Story Mapping.

一个常见的陷阱是错过大局。 这个陷阱正是我在本文开头描述的场景中发生的事情。 在我们对产品没有清晰的概述之前,我们将最终专注于不相关的功能。 一种简单的技术可以使我们免于多重挫败(故事映射)。

“Story mapping keeps us focused on users and their experience, and the result is a better conversation, and ultimately a better product.” — Jeff Patton

“楼层映射使我们能够专注于用户及其体验,结果是更好的对话,最终是更好的产品。” —杰夫·帕顿

By using Story Mapping, it becomes apparent what is essential to provide a full experience for the users. Prioritization happens naturally; stakeholders agree more naturally once they can see the big picture in front of them. We avoid building features that will not put us closer to our goals.

通过使用故事映射,很明显为用户提供完整体验所必需的。 优先级自然发生; 利益相关者一旦看到眼前的全局,就会更加自然地同意。 我们避免构建不会使我们更接近目标的功能。

If you want to know more about it, I would recommend the following article from Paddy Corry.

如果您想了解更多信息,建议您阅读Paddy Corry的以下文章。

优先考虑结果,而不是输出 (Prioritize On The Outcome, Not The Output)

In life, we tend to have many more wants than time and money available. So we need to prioritize what we are going after. In the product development world, it is the same. Stakeholders have more wishes than the company has time and money to build. How can we solve this puzzle?

在生活中,我们往往比时间和金钱更多。 因此,我们需要优先考虑要做什么。 在产品开发世界中,情况是一样的。 利益相关者的愿望超过了公司的时间和金钱。 我们如何解决这个难题?

A common approach is to please each stakeholder a little bit. Once we do that, every stakeholder should be happy, right? If they knew what they needed, maybe yes. But this behavior will give the Product Owner multiple headaches:

一种常见的方法是让每个利益相关者都感到满意。 一旦这样做,每个利益相关者都应该开心,对吗? 如果他们知道他们需要什么,也许是的。 但是这种行为会使产品负责人倍感头痛:

  • Wants are different than needs: the hard truth is, most times, stakeholders wishes have no connection with their real needs. By building exactly what they ask, we may not solve the problem they have.

    需求与需求不同 :硬道理是,在大多数情况下,利益相关者的愿望与他们的实际需求无关。 通过准确地建立他们的要求,我们可能无法解决他们所遇到的问题。

  • Lack of direction: Please everyone, please no one. We need to have a mission to pursue. Once we try to please everyone, we will run in different directions, which will inevitably end up in disaster.

    缺乏方向请大家,请没人 。 我们需要有一个追求的使命。 一旦我们设法取悦所有人,我们将朝着不同的方向前进,这不可避免地会导致灾难。

  • Welcome Frankenstein: a mix of everything which has no shared goal will lead to a product that nobody understands.

    弗兰肯斯坦(Frankenstein)欢迎词 :混合所有没有共同目标的事物,将导致没人知道的产品。

If we are prioritizing the wishes of our stakeholders, we are missing the point. Successful Product Owners focus on the outcome. We need to understand what the stakeholders need instead of what they want. Some questions always help me to get to the needs:

如果我们优先考虑利益相关者的意愿,那么我们将失去重点。 成功的产品负责人注重结果。 我们需要了解利益相关者的需求,而不是他们想要的。 一些问题总是可以帮助我满足需求:

  • What do you want to achieve with this feature?


  • What is this feature for?

  • Who is going to benefit from it?

  • Which problem do you want to solve?

  • Why is it important to solve this problem?


Once we ask such questions, we can uncover the hidden needs. Then, it is possible to define what to build. Until the why is clear, we should never talk about what.

一旦提出这样的问题,我们就可以发现隐藏的需求。 然后,可以定义要构建的内容。 在弄清楚为什么之前,我们永远不要谈论什么

The biggest thing I’ve learned in product management is to always focus on the problem. If you anchor yourself with the why, you will be more likely to build the right thing.― Melissa Perri, Escaping the Build Trap: How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value

我在产品管理中学到的最大知识就是始终专注于问题。 如果您了解其中的原因,那么您将更有可能构建正确的事物。- Melissa Perri,逃避构建陷阱:有效的产品管理如何创造真实价值

了解什么需要做得更好 (Understand What Needs To Be Better)

Which items should be on the top of the Product Backlog? It depends on each scenario. The secret is to understand what makes the most sense for the product at the moment. Which KPI (Key Performance Indicator) do we want to improve? Answering this question can guide our decisions on prioritization.

哪些项目应该在产品待办事项列表的顶部? 这取决于每种情况。 秘诀是了解什么对当前产品最有意义。 我们要提高哪个KPI(关键绩效指标)? 回答这个问题可以指导我们做出优先级决定。

Sign with the wrong way direction
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

In one of the places I worked, we focused on acquiring new customers. The sign-up rate was continually growing. However, the recurring purchase was decreasing. That intrigued why customers would buy only once and never return? In this case, we had to switch priorities. It is senseless to acquire new customers if we are bad at keeping them.

在我工作过的地方之一,我们专注于获得新客户。 注册率持续增长。 但是,经常性购买正在减少。 这引起了客户为什么只购买一次却永不回头的好奇? 在这种情况下,我们必须切换优先级。 如果我们不愿保留新客户,那么获取新客户是没有意义的。

As a Product Owner, you should understand what is essential to get better. Looking at the analytics will help you to make better data-driven decisions. Some examples:

作为产品负责人,您应该了解如何变得更好。 查看分析将帮助您做出更好的数据驱动决策。 一些例子:

  • Bounce rate: your audience goes way too fast because they don’t find what they want. What could be the reason?

    跳出率 :您的听众走得太快,因为他们找不到想要的东西。 可能是什么原因?

  • Conversion rate: how many users make to the end of your value proposition? Where do you lose your users?

    转化率 :多少用户实现了您的价值主张? 您在哪里失去用户?

  • NPS (Net Promoter Score): how are your users willing to recommend your service to their friends?

    NPS(净发起人得分) :您的用户如何向您的朋友推荐您的服务?

  • Return rate: why do users return the purchase?

    退货率 :用户为什么退货?

  • Cancellation rate: why do users cancel the subscription?

    取消率 :用户为何取消订阅?

These are only some examples where you could get some insights. The point is, look at your numbers to understand what needs to be better. Define actions to change the scenario and focus on it. Say no to what distracts you from achieving your goals.

这些只是一些示例,您可以从中获得一些见识。 重点是,查看您的数字以了解需要改进的地方。 定义操作以更改方案并关注它。 说没有什么实现自己的目标,你分心。

“Product management is about insights and judgment, both of which require a sharp mind. Hard work is also necessary, but for this job, it is not sufficient.”― Marty Cagan, Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love

“产品管理是关于洞察力和判断力,两者都需要敏锐的头脑。 艰苦的工作也是必要的,但对于这项工作来说,这还不够。” ― Marty Cagan,受启发:如何创造产品,深受客户喜爱

North Star Metrics is a framework that ensures we focus on what matters the most. A North Star Metric is the critical measure of success for the product team in a company. But be careful, it is a single metric. Don’t commit the mistake of defining multiple metrics. The North Star should put everyone in a single direction instead of setting the teams apart.

北极星指标是一个框架,可确保我们专注于最重要的事情。 北极星指标是公司产品团队成功的关键指标。 但是请注意,这是一个指标。 不要犯定义多个指标的错误。 北极星应该让每个人都朝一个方向前进,而不是将团队分开。

You can read more about the North Start Metrics in the following article.

您可以在以下文章中阅读有关North Start指标的更多信息。

尾注 (Endnote)

Prioritization is a nightmare for most Product Owners I know. Many times, I hear complaints like “I have too many stakeholders. I have too much to do.” Well, welcome to the Product Owner world. That’s how it is. We will always have people pressuring us to deliver more. How we handle the situation will define how successful we can be.

优先排序是我认识的大多数产品所有者的噩梦。 很多时候,我听到诸如“ 我的利益相关者太多。 我有太多事情要做。” 好吧,欢迎来到产品负责人的世界。 这就是来龙去脉。 我们将始终有人压迫我们提供更多。 我们如何处理这种情况将定义我们如何取得成功。

Prioritization is about focus. To thrive as a Product Owner, we need to understand what is essential for the moment. Then we can focus on it. We should also be careful not to miss the big picture. We want to build meaningful products instead of Frankensteins.

优先级是重点。 为了成长为产品负责人,我们需要了解目前的基本要求。 然后我们可以专注于它。 我们还应注意不要错过大局。 我们要制造有意义的产品,而不是科学怪人。

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翻译自: https://medium.com/serious-scrum/overcoming-the-worst-nightmare-of-product-owners-prioritization-b8da6fe9c471

css 所有选择器的优先级





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