

Over the decades, start-up companies and individuals taking on personal projects have adopted the habit of integrating Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning into almost every project. AI and ML are meant to make things efficient and work faster—but you might be doing harm than good if you have a faulty AI system? In this story, we will discuss the benefits of AI in organizations and individual projects, reasons why AI should not be in every project, and how to build a solid AI system.

几十年来,从事个人项目的初创公司和个人已经习惯了将人工智能和机器学习集成到几乎每个项目中的习惯。 AI和ML旨在使事情变得高效和更快地工作,但是,如果AI系统出现故障,您可能弊大于利? 在这个故事中,我们将讨论AI在组织和单个项目中的好处,为什么AI不应该出现在每个项目中的原因以及如何构建可靠的AI系统。

As AI is being democratized, more and more organizations are looking towards building models and making data predictions, but few are doing what it takes to implement a proper AI system.


Gartner predicts that through 2022, 85% of AI projects will deliver erroneous outcomes due to bias in data, algorithms, or the teams responsible for managing them


Just like a design system for products or brand books for messaging, there needs to be components and a process that guides consistency in how you collect data and build AI models.


What is an AI System?


An AI system is process infrastructure to use and scale your AI in an efficient way. Much like a design system, an AI system is a whole process that is built and maintained by an organization. A solid AI system is accurate, unbiased, secure, and saves time from collecting data to deploying algorithms.

人工智能系统是一种流程基础架构,可以有效地使用和扩展您的人工智能。 就像设计系统一样,人工智能系统是由组织构建和维护的整个过程。 可靠的AI系统准确,公正,安全,并节省了从收集数据到部署算法的时间。

建立AI系统之前要解决的4件事 (4 Things to Address Before Building an AI System)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can accomplish so many complex tasks but there are many concerns that organizations and individuals should know about before jumping into implementing AI and ML in their products and services.


  • Use Cases: No system, no matter how intelligent, can do everything. AI should be directed at solving case-specific problems and not general problems. In every scenario, before one attempts to build Artificial Intelligent systems, one must make sure there is a problem that is to be solved and later work towards solving that particular problem. It is absolutely impractical to attempt to solve all the problems of the world using AI.

    用例:没有系统,无论多么智能,都可以做任何事情。 AI应该针对解决特定案例的问题而不是一般性问题。 在每种情况下,在尝试构建人工智能系统之前,必须确保存在要解决的问题,并随后着手解决该特定问题。 试图使用AI解决世界上的所有问题是绝对不切实际的。

  • Privacy: At all times, data privacy laws should be obeyed. In the attempt to build robust intelligent systems, organizations and individuals may tend to require lots of data from clients, customers, employees and others but not every data is accessible for use. Some data is protected by a significant number of laws called the data privacy laws and infringement on these laws have serious legal ramifications. Before attempting to collect or use any sort of data from clients or employees, make sure you have the permission to do so. If you do not have the required permissions to collect and use certain data, ask your clients or employees to sign a contract explicitly giving you the permission to collect or use their data.

    隐私:任何时候都应遵守数据隐私法。 在尝试构建强大的智能系统时,组织和个人可能倾向于从客户,客户,员工和其他人那里获取大量数据,但并非所有数据都可以使用。 某些数据受到大量称为数据隐私法的法律的保护,违反这些法律将产生严重的法律后果。 在尝试从客户或员工那里收集或使用任何类型的数据之前,请确保您具有这样做的权限。 如果您没有收集和使用某些数据所需的权限,请要求您的客户或员工明确签署合同,以授予您收集或使用其数据的权限。

  • Bias And Inequality: Any organization or individual that seeks to develop products or provide services that are powered by Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning has the sole responsibility of making sure that the product or service they are developing provides the required services to people of all kinds that have the legal rights to access that system. The system should at no point in time be biased with respect to gender, skin color, race or ethnicity and services provided should be equally provided in deserving proportions. An Intelligent system is only as good as the data used to train it. To make sure bias and inequality in intelligent systems is well taken care of, make sure to train it with good data containing all required labels.

    偏见与不平等:任何寻求开发以人工智能或机器学习为动力的产品或提供服务的组织或个人,均应全权负责确保他们正在开发的产品或服务向各类人提供所需的服务。拥有访问该系统的合法权利。 该系统在任何时候都不应在性别,肤色,种族或民族方面有偏见,应按应有的比例平均提供所提供的服务。 智能系统仅与用于训练它的数据一样好。 为确保妥善解决智能系统中的偏见和不平等问题,请确保使用包含所有必需标签的良好数据进行训练。

  • Security: Security in AI involves the process of leveraging AI to identify and stop cyber threats with less human intervention than is typically expected or needed with traditional security approaches. The importance of this kind of security however is to protect the confidential data of anyone using that system. If any intelligent system rather compromises the security of users’ confidential data, that system needs to be checked.

    安全性: AI的安全性涉及利用AI来识别和阻止网络威胁的过程,而人工干预的程度比传统安全方法通常预期或需要的要少。 但是,这种安全性的重要性在于保护使用该系统的任何人的机密数据。 如果有任何智能系统损害了用户机密数据的安全性,则需要检查该系统。

如何知道是否应该使用AI (How to Know If You Should Use AI)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have been around for quite some time and I know everyone by now knows the potential and capabilities of these technologies. Okay, I’ll throw in some stats just in case! 😛

人工智能和机器学习已经存在了很长一段时间,我知道每个人现在都知道这些技术的潜力和功能。 好吧,我会提供一些统计数据,以防万一! 😛

  • 54% of executives say AI solutions implemented in their businesses have already increased productivity.

  • 61% of business executives with an innovation strategy say they are using AI to identify opportunities in data that would otherwise be missed.

  • 36% of executives say their primary goal for AI is to free up workers to be more creative by automating tasks.



( 来源 )

The rapid growth of AI has created a yearning for developers and employers to implement Artificial Intelligent systems in their own projects in an attempt to achieve great things. Amazing feats have been achieved by doing this in the sense that, they can now do away with human-related errors, get better precision and accuracy at certain tasks, automate many jobs, predict future values and detect fraudulent activities and potential problems.

人工智能的快速发展为开发人员和雇主带来了向往在自己的项目中实施人工智能系统以实现伟大成就的渴望。 通过这样做,已经实现了惊人的壮举,因为它们现在可以消除与人有关的错误,可以在某些任务上获得更高的精度和准确性,可以自动完成许多工作,预测未来的价值,并发现欺诈活动和潜在问题。

However, people forget that not all problems can be solved by AI and that some things are best left without the interference of AI.

但是 ,人们忘记了并不是所有的问题都可以由AI来解决,有些事情最好不要AI的干预。

不要屈服于机器学习的疯狂 (Don’t Succumb to Machine Learning Madness)

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Artificial intelligence will not destroy this planet, irresponsible human intelligence will. ― Abhijit Naskar

人工智能不会毁灭这个星球,不负责任的人类智慧将会毁灭。 ― 阿比吉特·纳斯卡

Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are very useful, but they should not be in every project. Using Machine Learning to solve simple problems is like using a chainsaw to slice a loaf of bread. Some problems require simple programming logic to solve and others require a much complex solution. If a simple alternative exists to solve your problem, go for it. Do not waste time and so much effort to build an intelligent system to solve a problem you could easily solve with some OOP.

人工智能和机器学习非常有用, 不应在每个项目中都使用。 使用机器学习解决简单的问题就像用电锯切一条面包。 一些问题需要简单的编程逻辑来解决,而其他问题则需要非常复杂的解决方案。 如果有一个简单的替代方法可以解决您的问题,那就去解决。 不要浪费时间和精力来构建一个智能系统来解决您可以通过一些OOP轻松解决的问题。

Also, before starting an AI project, make sure you have carefully gone through the concerns and potential risks that come with AI. Make sure you have a defined path around the concerns and risks and be sure to keep an open mind about the work you are doing.

另外,在开始AI项目之前,请确保您已仔细研究过AI带来的问题和潜在风险。 确保围绕问题和风险制定明确的路径,并确保对所做的工作持开放态度。

但是,如果您决定使用AI,请遵循以下规则 (But, If You Do Decide to Use AI, Follow These Rules)

  • Define a path for implementing an AI system: Any organization or individual seeking to build or implement an AI system into a new or existing project should first and foremost identify the problem they are willing to solve with AI. AI is meant for problem solving, it’s not just any cool toy that you can slip into your project for aesthetic purposes. The next thing would be to get familiarized with the concepts of the specific branch of AI you will have to use to get your work done. when this is all done, plans for data collection and retention have to be put in place. It has been already established that any intelligent system can only be as intelligent as the data used to train it, your data collection and retention strategy should be top notch and very robust. Finally, whatever system you’re building or implementing should be taken slowly and carefully. The system should be well balanced to learn and grow with data inputs and solve problems its was built to solve.

    定义实施AI系统的路径:任何寻求在新项目或现有项目中构建或实施AI系统的组织或个人,首先应确定他们愿意通过AI解决的问题。 AI旨在解决问题,不仅仅是美观的玩具,您还可以将其放入项目中。 接下来的事情是熟悉AI特定分支的概念,您将必须使用AI的特定分支来完成工作。 完成所有这些之后,必须制定数据收集和保留计划。 已经确定,任何智能系统都只能像用于训练它的数据一样智能,您的数据收集和保留策略应该是一流的并且非常可靠。 最后,无论您要构建还是实施的系统,都应缓慢谨慎地使用。 该系统应保持良好的平衡,以学习和发展数据输入并解决为解决该问题而构建的问题。

  • Address the ethics of AI: With the many concerns about the use of AI, the most practical approach will be to adopt a set of principles generally called Ethical AI. These ethics are a standardized set of principles that ensure that whatever we use the power of AI for is generally acceptable and obeys all privacy laws regarding the use of AI. The adherence to ethics in AI also makes you stand out as a professional developer or organization.

    阐述AI的道德规范:由于人们对AI的使用存在诸多担忧,因此最实用的方法是采用通常被称为Ethical AI的一组原则。 这些道德规范是一组标准化的原则,可确保我们使用AI的力量被普遍接受,并遵守有关AI使用的所有隐私法。 在AI中恪守道德规范也使您成为专业的开发人员或组织脱颖而出。

  • Know what a good AI system looks like: Since the primary purpose of AI is to make work easier and faster, a good AI system would be one which meets the criteria of making work easier and faster, accomplishes complex tasks with impressive accuracy or precision and finally increases productivity in any given organization. This can be simply put by saying, a good AI system is any system that effortlessly accomplishes tasks it has been assigned and primarily solves the problems it was built to solve.

    知道一个好的AI系统是什么样的:由于AI的主要目的是使工作变得更加轻松和快捷,因此,一个好的AI系统将满足使工作变得更加轻松和快捷的标准,并以令人印象深刻的准确性或精度来完成复杂的任务,最终提高任何给定组织的生产力。 可以简单地说一句,一个好的AI系统是任何可以轻松完成已分配任务并主要解决其要解决的问题的系统。

平庸的AI系统无法为您提供帮助 (A Mediocre AI System Won’t Help You)

So much has been said about the pros and cons of using AI in organizations and individual projects in this story and conclusions can be drawn that, although AI is an amazing aspect of technology, it can sometimes do more harm than good if not executed properly.


With all being said about AI, it should be noted that Artificial Intelligence is a really powerful technology and if its power is harnessed properly, lots of complex tasks that cannot be efficiently done by man can be carried out with ease by AI systems.


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🤖 Thank you for taking your time to read this article. You are welcome to share your thoughts and opinions in the response section and you can contact me directly on Twitter or LinkedIn. Happy Hacking!

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follow当您遵循时, 显然是AI

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🤖 For more reading, check out this 2019 AI Index published by Stanford.


🤖 Or the current controversy going on in the AI bias debate.


🤖 Lastly, don’t forget to follow us on Medium!








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