

In this article, there is a brief introduction of Artificial Intelligence covering all its important aspects which one must go through to get a clear picture of this emerging technology. Artificial Intelligence has made commendable progress and is developing at a lightning-fast speed covering every industry of a market.

在本文中,对人工智能进行了简短的介绍, 涵盖人工智能的所有重要方面,以便清晰地了解这一新兴技术。 人工智能取得了可喜的进步,并以迅雷不及掩耳的速度发展,覆盖了市场的每个行业。

AI has become a necessity rather than an extra activity to know about this technology and its evolving faces.


人工智能基础 (The Basics Of Artificial Intelligence)

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Artificial Intelligence can be understood as a simulation of human intelligence. A simulation of human intelligence means that any task performed by a program or a machine will be carried out in the same way in which a human being would have done it.

人工智能可以理解为对人类智能模拟 。 模拟人类智能意味着由程序或机器执行的任何任务都将以人类完成任务的相同方式执行。

Artificial intelligence cannot be given a single line definition. It has an ultra-wide scope to deal with problems and to learn through past experiences. The core part of artificial intelligence is the algorithms.

不能给人工智能单行定义。 它具有广泛的范围,可以处理问题并从过去的经验中学习。 人工智能的核心部分是算法。

AI demonstrates some of the behavior that is linked with human intelligence such as planning, reasoning, learning, manipulation, creativity, and more.


The concept of what AI is and what it can do has changed from time to time. But the core idea can be explained as machines that can think and act like humans.

人工智能是什么以及它可以做什么的概念不时变化。 但是核心思想可以解释为可以像人类一样思考和行动的机器。

Developers and researchers are constantly working towards making the machines capable of interpreting the world around and picking up change whenever required.


These are some of the basic characteristics of a human being and machines are being taught extensively for a decade through algorithms and programs.


不同类型的AI (Different Types Of AI)

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There are many sub-parts of Artificial Intelligence but on a high level, it can be broadly divided into two types — narrow AI and general AI.


窄人工智能 (Narrow AI)

Narrow AI can be seen in all the computing devices that people use in their day-to-day lives. That is why they know how they need to execute some of the functions on themselves. This is what makes our lives easier.

人们在日常生活中使用的所有计算设备中都可以看到狭窄的AI。 这就是为什么他们知道自己需要如何执行某些功能的原因。 这就是使我们的生活更轻松的原因。

People just need to press some buttons and all other work will be done by the machine. For example, we can take the voice assistants that make smartphones way smarter than they were before.

人们只需要按一些按钮,其他所有工作将由机器完成。 例如,我们可以使用语音助手来使智能手机变得比以前更智能。

Earlier people needed to do everything by themselves but now they can ask the voice assistant to do those things for them. They can ask it for the temperature, the time, to call a contact, to read out the messages, and a lot more. These assistants are improving even more as AI is improving.

以前的人们需要自己做所有事情,但是现在他们可以要求语音助手为他们做这些事情。 他们可以询问温度,时间,打电话给联系人,读出消息等等。 随着人工智能的进步,这些助手的进步更大。

A few years ago no one would have believed that something like AI would change the way technology behaved so much. And now the development industry is looking at it like they have never looked at anything in the past.

几年前,没有人会相信像AI这样的东西会改变技术的行为方式。 现在,开发行业正在像过去从未看过一样看待它。

The AI tech is the technology that has the power to change the way humans and machines interacted. There can even be a time when people will not need to touch their machines for tasks like calling and writing emails.

AI技术是一种有权改变人机交互方式的技术。 甚至有时候人们不需要触摸机器即可完成诸如打电话和写电子邮件之类的任务。

The AI will teach the assistants and the applications about all these things. This is something that will help enterprises the most. This will help them to increase their productivity and will save a lot of their time.

AI将向助手和应用程序教授所有这些内容。 这是对企业最大的帮助。 这将帮助他们提高生产率,并节省大量时间。

The need to hire someone just to do their work will also be eliminated and that will reduce the expenses. There are many benefits of AI for both the general public and enterprises.

聘用某人只是为了完成工作的需要也将被消除,这将减少开支。 人工智能对公众和企业都有很多好处。

狭窄的AI可以做什么? (What Can Narrow AI Do?)

This type of AI can help the traffic and surveillance departments by interpreting the video feeds that a drone or a CCTV camera takes. It can store information, categorize it, and give numbered reports to improve the services and to ensure the safety of an enterprise or a city.

这种类型的AI可以通过解释无人机或CCTV摄像机拍摄的视频源来帮助交通和监视部门。 它可以存储信息,对其进行分类并提供编号报告,以改善服务并确保企业或城市的安全。

The reason why governments want AI to be developed properly as soon as possible is that they will also get a lot of benefits. AI along with technologies like IoT can make cities smart and the administration smarter.

政府希望AI尽快得到适当发展的原因是,它们还将获得很多好处。 人工智能以及物联网等技术可以使城市变得更加智能,行政管理也变得更加智能。

There are many applications of AI that can help authorities to analyze the current situations and make a better plan for the future. These things can be done with great quality with AI.

AI的许多应用可以帮助当局分析当前情况并为未来制定更好的计划。 使用AI可以高质量地完成这些事情。

It can also organize and remind business people about their events and meetings. It can schedule emails, and make content personalized for better marketing and engagement with consumers.

它还可以组织和提醒商务人士有关其活动和会议的信息。 它可以安排电子邮件,并使内容个性化,以便更好地进行营销并与消费者互动。

These are just a few of the things that can be done by narrow AI, this is one of the things that have already made the applications and the devices that people use every day very smart.


Businesses don’t need to pay and use very high-end software because their smartphones have many advanced features in them. In enterprise development too narrow AI is doing a really great job.

企业无需支付和使用非常高端的软件,因为他们的智能手机具有许多高级功能。 在企业发展中,过于狭窄的AI确实做得很好。

Developers are trying to teach their application most of the things that can save the time of the users. AI makes social media, search engines, and websites smart.

开发人员正在尝试向他们的应用程序讲解大多数可以节省用户时间的知识。 AI使社交媒体 ,搜索引擎和网站变得智能。

什么是通用AI,它能做什么? (What Is General AI And What Can It Do?)

Now, this is the best form of AI as it teaches machines or software to do the things that human beings can do. This is the reason why it is called Artificial General Intelligence, which means machines that can work like people.

现在,这是AI的最佳形式,因为它教机器或软件去做人类可以做的事情。 这就是为什么它被称为人工智能的原因,这意味着机器可以像人一样工作。

They can be taught how they can make reports or polish shoes or iron clothes. These are things that can help them to do specific tasks just like humans.

可以教他们如何做报告或擦鞋或熨烫衣服。 这些东西可以帮助他们像人类一样完成特定的任务。

They might do them in an even better way than humans with more accuracy and speed. General AI developers are focusing on developing machines and software that reduce the efforts that people have to put into things that can be easily done by a machine.

他们可能比人类更准确,更快捷地完成任务。 普通的AI开发人员将重点放在开发机器和软件上,以减少人们必须投入的工作,而这些事情可以由机器轻松完成。

This will not eat up jobs, instead, it will increase productivity to a great extent. This will make the world truly smart and intelligent.

这不会吃光工作,反而会在很大程度上提高生产率。 这将使世界真正变得智能。

This is about making machines that can understand things by themselves and then carry out the tasks for which they have been created.


They can be studying data or the environment and then according to the things that they can do, they can make decisions. This is intelligent and this is an artificial intelligence future technology.

他们可以研究数据或环境,然后根据自己可以做的事情做出决定。 这是智能的,这是人工智能的未来技术

机器学习 (Machine Learning)

ML or machine learning is what makes an AI application intelligent enough to learn new things. This is the broad part of AI that most industries in the world are working on.

机器学习或机器学习使AI应用程序足够智能以学习新事物。 这是世界上大多数行业正在研究的AI的大部分。

Because of this, a computer device takes up data and with more data, it gets more intelligent. It is like feeding a human being with food that makes them stronger. Data makes a device that has used ML smart and intelligent.

因此,计算机设备会占用数据,并且随着数据的增加,它变得更加智能。 这就像用食物喂养人类,使他们变得更强壮。 数据使使用ML的设备变得智能化。

Because of this, the software can learn how they need to improve and personalize themselves according to their users. ML is also used in the voice assistants because of which they can remember what wesay and search related to that.

因此,该软件可以了解他们如何根据用户来改进和个性化自己。 ML还用于语音助手中,因此他们可以记住我们所说的与搜索有关的内容。

Worth the Read: How Technology is Giving Relief to Children’s Learning Ability

值得一读: 技术如何缓解儿童的学习能力

机器学习的要素 (Elements Of Machine Learning)

Machine learning can be regarded as a subset of AI and has mainly two elements, namely supervised learning and unsupervised learning.


监督学习 (Supervised Learning)

This is a rather common technique for teaching systems. It is done by using a huge number of labeled examples in the form of data. The systems are filled with a large amount of data that identifies the features of interest.

对于教学系统,这是一种相当普遍的技术。 通过使用大量带有数据形式的带标签的示例来完成此操作。 这些系统充满了识别感兴趣特征的大量数据。

These are then labeled into the system’s memory. Once the system is trained, these labels can be used to read data as well as create new data.

然后将它们标记到系统的内存中。 一旦对系统进行了培训,这些标签就可以用于读取数据以及创建新数据。

无监督学习 (Unsupervised Learning)

It is quite different from the above method of learning as this algorithm attempts to locate patterns in data. They cluster together these patterns to perform operations and give meaningful results.

它与上述学习方法完全不同,因为该算法尝试在数据中定位模式。 他们将这些模式聚集在一起以执行操作并给出有意义的结果。

强化学习 (Reinforcement Learning)

This is a reward-based learning process. Here, rewards are processed according to their input data. This is basically a trial and error process and is greatly used in machine learning methods.

这是基于奖励的学习过程。 在这里,奖励根据其输入数据进行处理。 这基本上是一个反复试验的过程,并且在机器学习方法中得到了极大的应用。

Worth the Read: 5 Advantages Artificial Intelligence can Give Your SME

值得一读: 人工智能可以为您的SME提供5大优势

人工智能改变世界 (AI Changing The World)

AI will change the world in many different ways. There are different parts of industries that will be directly affected by it like robotics and the automobile sector.

人工智能将以多种不同方式改变世界。 行业的不同部分将直接受其影响,例如机器人技术和汽车行业。

AI will make robots and cars smart enough to be able to work on their own and control the things around them as per their programming. Though it will take some time to make them behave as normal as humans, even as of now they will be able to have a conversation, understand what people say, and respond to them.

人工智能将使机器人和汽车足够智能,使其能够根据自己的程序进行工作并控制周围的事物。 尽管要花一些时间使他们表现得像人类一样正常,但即使到现在,他们仍然可以进行对话,理解人们的话语并对他们做出React。

Other parts that will be affected by it is the content that gets uploaded on the internet. Search engines have started using AI to filter out information and news that is fake.

它将受到影响的其他部分是在Internet上上传的内容。 搜索引擎已经开始使用AI来过滤掉虚假的信息和新闻。

This is the reason why now the internet does not list any website that is caught spreading fake news or information about something. This will make the internet a better place for normal people. These are just some of the ways, there are many other ways in which it will change the world.

这就是为什么现在的互联网没有列出任何散布虚假新闻或有关某物的信息的网站的原因。 这将使互联网成为普通百姓更好的地方。 这些只是其中的一些方式,还有许多其他方式可以改变世界。

Worth Read: How to Tame Artificial Intelligence: A Brief Guide for Business

值得一读: 如何驯服人工智能:企业简要指南

结论 (Conclusion)

Artificial Intelligence is the future. It has the scope to change the technology for the betterment of the world and the people living in it.

人工智能是未来。 它有能力改变技术,以改善世界和生活在其中的人们。

AI will help businesses to improve their processes, the government to improve the administration, and the general public to do daily work in an easy way.


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Dharmendra Chahar
达摩德拉·查哈尔(Dharmendra Chahar)

Guide to Understanding Artificial Intelligence was originally published on ReadWrite on August 11, 2020 by Dharmendra Chahar.

《了解人工智能的指南》 最初 Dharmendra Chahar 于2020年8月11日 发表在 ReadWrite

翻译自: https://medium.com/readwrite/guide-to-understanding-artificial-intelligence-5c91323b7565


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