若泽数据 巨人_面部识别巨人拒绝分享有关其算法数据集的详细信息

若泽数据 巨人

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The South Wales Police have been using live facial recognition since 2017 and claim to be the first department to make an arrest in the United Kingdom with the technology. Officers have surveillance cameras mounted on top of a large white van; the cameras record pedestrians and try to figure their identities.

吨他南威尔士州警方一直在使用现场面部识别,因为2017年和自称是第一个部门,使英国与技术抓捕归案。 警官将监视摄像机安装在一辆大型白色货车的顶部; 摄像机记录行人并试图弄清他们的身份。

While many facial recognition programs are hidden from the public eye or revealed only through public records requests, the U.K. has been touting its programs, publicizing the use of NEC’s technology by the South Wales Police and London’s Metropolitan Police.


Now, a lawsuit from U.K. human rights group Liberty is challenging the use of the software, claiming that it’s ineffective and racially biased.


How the U.K. determines facial recognition can be used within its borders could set a precedent for other European countries, just as the first cities in the United States to ban the technology have done.


Privacy advocates in the United States have been pushing a more radical solution: You don’t have to worry about biased data being used to train a facial recognition algorithm if you ban facial recognition entirely. As companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM either pause or step away from police facial recognition contracts and municipalities like San Francisco and Boston ban the technology, the movement against facial recognition is undoubtedly growing in the United States.

美国的隐私权倡导者一直在推动一种更为激进的解决方案:如果您完全禁止面部识别,您不必担心有偏见的数据会被用于训练面部识别算法。 随着像AmazonMicrosoftIBM这样的公司暂停或退出警察的面部识别合同,而旧金山波士顿城市则禁止使用该技术,毫无疑问,反对面部识别的运动在美国正在不断发展。

A rebuke in the U.K. could bolster U.S. activists’ movements into one that’s worldwide, especially for NEC, which has more than 1,000 contracts around the globe.


NEC’s response to the lawsuit has lacked detail, to say the least, according to The Register.

The Register称,NEC对诉讼的回应至少没有细节

The company has allegedly refused to provide any details of what data is used to train its algorithms to determine one face from another, and the police using the technology don’t know how the algorithm was trained. There’s reason for concern: A trial of NEC’s technology in 2018 had a 98% failure rate, and a 2019 audit found an 81% false positive rate.

据称,该公司拒绝提供用于训练其算法的数据的任何详细信息,以便从另一张面Kong确定一张人的脸,并且使用该技术的警察不知道该算法的训练方法。 有理由担心: NEC在2018年进行的技术试用对 失败率98% 2019年审计 发现误报率达81%。

Understanding the data used by the system is a crucial component of determining potential racial bias in the algorithm—information NEC seems to have no interest in divulging. In effect, the company is asking the public to take it at its word, and it’s unclear if that trust has been earned.

了解系统使用的数据是确定算法中潜在种族偏见的关键组成部分-信息NEC似乎对泄漏毫无兴趣。 实际上,该公司正在要求公众信守诺言,目前尚不清楚是否赢得了信任。

Now, for a change of pace.


In this week’s A.I. research, we’re going to focus on three papers that each deal with a different problem for self-driving cars. The entire autonomous vehicle industry is built on a single assumption: Driving on a public road is a task that a robot can accomplish.

在本周的AI研究中,我们将重点关注三篇论文,每篇论文都涉及自动驾驶汽车的不同问题。 整个自动驾驶汽车行业都建立在一个假设之上:在公共道路上行驶是机器人可以完成的任务。

Driving itself is actually fairly simple, and cars have been navigating their own journeys since 2004, when DARPA held its infamous competition. But driving alongside other vehicles in every weather condition on every kind of road, from highways to back roads, is another feat altogether.

驾驶实际上非常简单,自2004年DARPA举办臭名昭著的比赛以来,汽车就一直在驾驶自己的旅程。 但是,从高速公路到小路,在每种天气条件下,在各种天气条件下与其他车辆一起行驶是另一项壮举。

Suddenly, driving isn’t just controlling a steering wheel but a mountain of subtasks, like identifying surrounding cars, seeing through rain, and dealing with hackers.


Here’s a look at some ideas for these problems:


环视摄像头系统的车辆Re-ID (Vehicle Re-ID for Surround-View Camera System)

Self-driving cars typically have more than one camera to give them a 360-degree view. This research describes a way for a car to keep track of surrounding cars, as they’re seen by all of the car’s different cameras.

自动驾驶汽车通常具有多个摄像头,以提供360度全景。 这项研究描述了一种汽车跟踪周围汽车的方法,因为汽车的所有不同摄像头都可以看到它们。

雨天条件下自动驾驶汽车的目标检测 (Object Detection Under Rainy Conditions for Autonomous Vehicles)

Humans typically have no problem driving in the rain. But for algorithms, rain can completely alter a dataset. That could be raindrops on a camera lens or different contrasts between objects in cloud cover. The algorithm in this paper seeks to “de-rain” image data, making it usable to detect cars and signs around a car.

人类通常在雨中开车没有问题。 但是对于算法而言,降雨可以完全改变数据集。 这可能是相机镜头上的雨滴,或是云层中物体之间的不同对比度。 本文中的算法旨在“消除雨水”图像数据,使其可用于检测汽车和汽车周围的标志。

迈向基于LiDAR的自动驾驶知觉:一般的黑匣子对抗传感器攻击和对策 (Towards Robust LiDAR-Based Perception in Autonomous Driving: General Black-Box Adversarial Sensor Attack and Countermeasures)

Anything as important and dangerous as a car is going to attract the attention of hackers — and researchers have discovered vulnerabilities as simple as a piece of tape that can trick autonomous cars. This paper from the University of Michigan and UC Irvine describes a sophisticated attack on an autonomous car’s lidar sensor. The attack creates a fake vehicle in front of the car, potentially making it come to a stop.

任何与汽车一样重要和危险的事物都将引起黑客的注意-研究人员发现,漏洞就像一盘胶带一样简单,可以欺骗自动驾驶汽车。 密歇根大学和加州大学欧文分校的这篇论文描述了对自动驾驶汽车激光雷达传感器的复杂攻击。 这次袭击在车前制造了一辆假车,有可能使其停下来。

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/a-facial-recognition-giant-refuses-to-share-details-about-its-algorithm-dataset-df27a208683d

若泽数据 巨人





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