

Though we primarily concentrate on computer science and mathematics when we tried to understand AI; however, the contribution from philosophy, economics, neuroscience, and psychology is incredible throughout the history of AI.

虽然我们在尝试理解AI时主要专注于计算机科学和数学; 然而,在整个AI历史上,哲学,经济学,神经科学和心理学的贡献令人难以置信。

时间轴简介: (An introduction to the timeline:)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) history consists of original work and research by not only mathematicians and computer scientists, but studies by psychologists, physicists, and economists have also been much used. The timeline consists of the pre-1950 era of statistical methods to present AlphaZero in 2017 and more.

人工智能(AI)的历史不仅包括数学家和计算机科学家的原始工作和研究,而且心理学家,物理学家和经济学家的研究也得到了广泛使用。 时间轴包含1950年前的统计方法时代,以在2017年及以后展示AlphaZero。

The most significant push in the development of technology was during the 2nd world war where both the allied forces and their enemies worked hard to develop technology which can help them get superiority over others. This results in a significant availability of funds for research and development to various institutions.

技术发展上最重要的推动力是在第二次世界大战期间,盟军及其敌人共同努力开发技术,以帮助他们获得超越他人的优势。 这导致用于各种机构的研发资金的大量可利用性。

发展与进步: (Development and progress:)

The timeline started in 1943, work by McCulloch and Pitts on Artificial Neuron gets the recognition of first work on AI. After work done by and McCulloch, Donald Hebb demonstrated rule for modifying connection strings between neurons — this is called Hebbian learning. It is still in use in a different form and influenced the present neural network model. In 1950 Minsky and Edmonds developed the first neural network computer. They used vacuum tubes to build an automatic pilot mechanism from the B24 bomber to simulate 40 neutrons. It’s been amazing how this particular work initially faced skepticism of whether this kind of work in mathematics or not; however, a legend like Von Neumann supported it.

时间线始于1943年,McCulloch和Pitts在“人工神经元”上的工作得到了关于AI的第一批工作的认可。 在麦卡洛克(McCulloch)和麦卡洛赫(McCulloch)完成工作之后,唐纳德·赫布(Donald Hebb)展示了修改神经元之间连接字符串的规则-这就是所谓的“希伯来学习”。 它仍以不同的形式使用,并影响了当前的神经网络模型。 1950年,Minsky和Edmonds开发了第一台神经网络计算机。 他们使用真空管从B24轰炸机构建了自动引航装置,以模拟40个中子。 令人惊讶的是,这项特殊的工作最初是如何对这种数学上的工作表示怀疑的。 但是,像冯·诺依曼(Von Neumann)这样的传奇人物支持了这一观点。

In 1950 Alan Turing introduced the Turing test. The lecture on Computing Machinery and Intelligence was most influential in the steps. The proposal of child program development says simulating a child’s mind instead of developing an adult mind.

1950年,艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)推出了图灵测试。 在这些步骤中,有关计算机和智能的演讲最具影响力。 制定儿童计划的建议是模拟儿童的思维,而不是发展成人的思维。

John McAfee first proposed the term artificial intelligence. He was one of the most influential figures in the history of AI. The period of 1952 and 1969 actions great enthusiasm in the development and application of AI. One of the main reasons for this enthusiasm lower expectations for computers to perform new tasks. Using the old tools and technologies and when computers can only do arithmetic operations, any new development looked like science fiction to many.

John McAfee首先提出了人工智能一词。 他是AI历史上最有影响力的人物之一。 1952年至1969年,人们对AI的开发和应用充满了热情。 这种热情的主要原因之一是人们对计算机执行新任务的期望降低。 使用旧的工具和技术,并且当计算机只能进行算术运算时,任何新的发展对许多人来说都是科幻小说。

The development of a general problem solver designed to imitate the human problem-solving approach is a great success in this area. Progress in 1959 at IBM by Nathaniel Rochester was to create a program that can prove geometric theorems created a lot of Buzz as this program outperformed many student mathematicians. To overcome the limitation of AI researchers’ tools, John McAfee defined the high-level language Lisp in 1958. In 1963 McCarthy started the AI lab at Stanford. In 1962 Rosenblatt enhanced Hebb’s learning and called his networks Adalines.

旨在模仿人类问题解决方法的通用问题解决器的开发在该领域取得了巨大的成功。 1959年,纳撒尼尔·罗切斯特(Nathaniel Rochester)在IBM取得的进展是创建了一个程序,该程序可以证明几何定理产生了许多嗡嗡声,因为该程序的性能优于许多学生数学家。 为了克服AI研究人员工具的局限性,John McAfee在1958年定义了高级语言Lisp。1963年,McCarthy在斯坦福开设了AI实验室。 1962年,罗森布拉特(Rosenblatt)增强了赫布(Hebb)的学习水平,并将他的网络称为Adalines。

From 1966 to 1973, the reduction in funds available to researchers impacted the growth of AI. The primary reason for this was the lack of the outcome and lack of applicability of many solutions. It was evident that scaling up is not merely a matter of hardware but also the algorithm’s computational complexity. This restricts the development of AI in this period.

从1966年到1973年,研究人员可用资金的减少影响了AI的增长。 造成这种情况的主要原因是缺乏结果以及许多解决方案的适用性不足。 显然,扩大规模不仅是硬件问题,而且是算法的计算复杂性。 这限制了这一时期AI的发展。

From 1969 to 1979, the researchers changed their strategy and focused on developing domain-specific AI applications general purpose applications. In 1969 at Stanford researchers developed DENDRAL to infer molecular structure from the information provided by a mass spectrometer. It was the first successful knowledge-intensive system. This also provoked new thoughts in a new methodology for expert systems, which can be applied to other human expertise areas.

从1969年到1979年,研究人员改变了策略,专注于开发特定领域的AI应用程序通用应用程序。 1969年,在斯坦福大学的研究人员开发了DENDRAL,以根据质谱仪提供的信息推断分子结构。 这是第一个成功的知识密集型系统。 这也激发了专家系统新方法的新思想,该方法可以应用于其他人类专业领域。

Development of Prolog language and logic develops thinking is another path that scientists followed. By 1986 the first commercial expert system R1 saved the company an estimated 40 million a year. This started a new industry of artificial intelligence. By 1988, the sector valued billions of dollars. In 1985 scientists reinvented backpropagation inspired by work done by Bryson and Ho in 1969. Also, the technology development around parallel distributed processing provided much-needed technology advantage. There is a lot of other algorithmic development that pushed the research forward. The adaptation of hidden Markov models and probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems provided a different perspective in the area of reinforcement learning.

Prolog语言和逻辑的发展发展思维是科学家遵循的另一条道路。 到1986年,第一个商业专家系统R1每年为公司节省了4000万美元。 这开启了人工智能的新产业。 到1988年,该行业的价值达到数十亿美元。 1985年,在Bryson和Ho在1969年所做的工作的启发下,科学家们重新发明了反向传播技术。此外,围绕并行分布式处理的技术发展提供了迫切需要的技术优势。 还有许多其他算法的发展推动了研究的发展。 智能系统中隐马尔可夫模型的适应和概率推理为强化学习提供了不同的视角。

结论: (Conclusion:)

Though we primarily concentrate on computer science and mathematics when we tried to understand AI; however, the contribution from philosophy, economics, neuroscience, and psychology helped develop systems in the past. The field of operations research, Markov decision process, game theory influenced many advanced technologies. Cognitive psychology, which uses the brain as an information processing device, is the primary tool for all development areas related to cognitive sciences today. Even if we can develop a highly intelligent machine, it is also essential to understand how the machines act in all possible scenarios. Acting rationally is still a subjective approach depending on the data and simulations.

虽然我们在尝试理解AI时主要专注于计算机科学和数学; 但是,哲学,经济学,神经科学和心理学的贡献在过去帮助开发了系统。 运筹学,马尔可夫决策过程,博弈论等领域影响了许多先进技术。 使用大脑作为信息处理设备的认知心理学是当今与认知科学相关的所有发展领域的主要工具。 即使我们可以开发出高度智能的机器,也必须了解机器在所有可能的情况下如何工作。 取决于数据和模拟,合理地采取行动仍然是一种主观的方法。

Can a machine reasons beyond its training data and without any algorithmic bias be still a big question?


Can we develop a framework that can consider humanity’s betterment and not itself in an uncertain situation? The context of beneficial machines (by that will allow us to take control in unpredictable conditions and the rationality defined by the fact of maximizing humans expected utility is the solution for a world where humans and machines exist together.

我们是否可以开发一个可以考虑人类的进步而不是在不确定的情况下本身的框架? 有益机器的环境(通过这种方式,我们可以在无法预测的条件下进行控制,而最大化人类预期效用这一事实所定义的合理性是人类和机器共同存在的世界的解决方案。



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