ux设计师薪水_UX初学者选择亲和力设计师而不是Adobe illustrator的3个节俭原因


This is the modern-day designer’s dichotomous dilemma, encapsulating a perennial choice only rivaled by dystopians in black leather chic: Morpheus entreats Neo a choice, the red pill or the blue pill? Rather — in spectacularly less dramatic fashion, but with overreaching similarity — my wallet beseeched me, “Adobe Illustrator or Affinity Designer?” To which I replied my famished bi-folded friend, “Ignorance is bliss.”

Ť他是现代的设计师的二元困境,封装常年的选择只有dystopians在媲美黑色皮革别致:睡眠恳求新选择,红色药片或蓝色药片? 相反,我的钱包恳求我说:“是Adobe Illustrator还是Affinity Designer?” 我对我那双双皱折的朋友说:“无知是幸福。”

By now, there’s a good chance you’ve already stumbled upon the numerous write-ups that compare the merits of Affinity Designer against the merits of Adobe Illustrator. It is a classic Affinity David versus Adobe Goliath story. Believe me, if you’re looking for a thorough breakdown, there are many articles and many more arguments elsewhere (see below).

到目前为止,您很有可能偶然发现了众多将Affinity Designer的优点与Adobe Illustrator的优点进行比较的文章。 这是经典的Affinity David与Adobe Goliath的故事。 相信我,如果您正在寻找一个彻底的细分,那么其他地方有很多文章和更多论点(请参阅下文)。

For the classic pros and cons analysis between the two vector graphic applications, check Roshan Perera’s comparison article. Or, see FinancesOnline succinct comparison chart for a more visual read.

有关两个矢量图形应用程序之间经典的利弊分析,请查看Roshan Perera的比较文章 或者,请参阅FinancesOnline简洁比较表以获取更直观的阅读。

While I’m not here to write an exquisite treatise on the comparative tradeoffs between an industry giant and a beloved underdog, I am here to offer some insight into why a newbie UX designer chose to forego the former for the latter. Traditionally, the classical UX designer’s quandary is the choice between Figma or Sketch (read UX Lord’s comparison here). While this remains wholly true for prototyping and wireframing, vector graphic applications are bespoke to creating UI assets. If you’re a beginner leaning more towards the visual/graphic side of UX design, this entry may be of some use to you.

虽然我不是在这里写一篇关于行业巨头与心爱的失败者之间的权衡取舍的精妙论文,但我还是在这里提供一些见识,以了解为什么新手UX设计师选择放弃前者来替代后者。 传统上,经典UX设计者的困境是在Figma或Sketch之间进行选择(在此处阅读UX Lord的比较)。 尽管对于原型和线框图仍然完全适用,但是矢量图形应用程序专门用于创建UI资产。 如果您是初学者,更倾向于UX设计的视觉/图形方面,那么此条目可能对您有所帮助。

From here on out, and for brevity’s sake, Adobe Illustrator shall be referred to as “AI” and Affinity Designer as “AD.”

为了简洁起见,从现在开始,将Adobe Illustrator称为“ AI ”,将Affinity Designer称为“ AD”

A screenshot of Affinity Designer by Serif
Screenshot of Affinity Designer by Serif, Creative Commons
Serif,Creative Commons的Affinity Designer屏幕截图
A screenshot of Adobe Illustrator by Adobe
Screenshot of Adobe Illustrator by Adobe, Creative Commons
Adobe,Creative Commons的Adobe Illustrator的屏幕截图

Here are 3 thrifty reasons why a UX neophyte, like me, chose Affinity Designer over Adobe Illustrator:

与我一样,UX新手选择Affinity Designer而不是Adobe Illustrator的原因有以下三点:

  1. Money talks, so my wallet is unapologetically silentTranslation: I’m a beginner designer on a budget. The dealbreaker is the price. Or, for AD, the dealmaker is the marriage-eternal promise of an everlasting one-time vow of $49.99 US. At first, AI may seem the better offering at $20.99 US/month. If you do the math for the daily cost per month (roughly 30 days), AI costs about 70-cents/day while AD sets you back $1.67/day: a difference of 0.97-cents/day. However, those savings quickly erode after 2 months or exactly 71 days. Why? Because 71 days times $0.70 equals the one-time price of $49.99. Meaning, at this point, you would have broken even for the price of AD at the daily rate of AI. Within this time, it’s unlikely you will have mastered the basics — especially if you’re just starting up. Framed in these terms, AD is the prudent choice.

    金钱在说话,所以我的钱包毫无疑问地保持沉默翻译:我是预算有限的初学者。 破坏者是价格。 或者,对于广告客户而言,交易者是永恒的婚姻誓言,即49.99美元的永久誓言。 起初,AI似乎是更好的产品,每月20.99美元。 如果您按每月(大约30天)的每日费用进行数学计算,则AI的费用约为每天70美分,而AD的费用为每天1.67美元:相差0.97美分/天。 但是,这些节省会在2个月或恰好71天后Swift消失。 为什么? 因为71天乘以$ 0.70等于一次性价格$ 49.99。 意思是,在这一点上,您将以每日AI的价格实现AD的收支平衡。 在这段时间内,您不太可能会精通基础知识-尤其是在刚开始的时候。 从这些方面来说,AD是明智的选择。

    Money talks, so my wallet is unapologetically silentTranslation: I’m a beginner designer on a budget. The dealbreaker is the price. Or, for AD, the dealmaker is the marriage-eternal promise of an everlasting one-time vow of $49.99 US. At first, AI may seem the better offering at $20.99 US/month. If you do the math for the daily cost per month (roughly 30 days), AI costs about 70-cents/day while AD sets you back $1.67/day: a difference of 0.97-cents/day. However, those savings quickly erode after 2 months or exactly 71 days. Why? Because 71 days times $0.70 equals the one-time price of $49.99. Meaning, at this point, you would have broken even for the price of AD at the daily rate of AI. Within this time, it’s unlikely you will have mastered the basics — especially if you’re just starting up. Framed in these terms, AD is the prudent choice.

    金钱在说话,所以我的钱包毫无疑问地保持沉默翻译:我是预算有限的初学者。 破坏者是价格。 或者,对于广告客户而言,交易者是永恒的婚姻誓言,即49.99美元的永久誓言。 起初,AI似乎是更好的产品,每月20.99美元。 如果您按每月(大约30天)的每日费用进行数学计算,则AI的费用约为每天70美分,而AD的费用为每天1.67美元:相差0.97美分/天。 但是,这些节省会在2个月或恰好71天后Swift消失。 为什么? 因为71天乘以$ 0.70等于一次性价格$ 49.99。 意思是,在这一点上,您将以每日AI的价格实现AD的收支平衡。 在这段时间内,您不太可能会精通基础知识-尤其是在刚开始的时候。 从这些方面来说,AD是明智的选择。

    On the other hand, you may feel Adobe’s subscription model is ideal since you may be feeling uncertain whether you’ll take the mantle of a UX designer: monthly payments allow you the flexibility to stop anytime — effectively enabling you to save money should your interest as a designer fall through the cracks. However, as previously stated, this position lasts only as good as the 71 days before you break-even. Unless you decide UX design may not be the best path for you within those 71 days — not to mention the pithiness involved in such a conclusive decision — the most cost-effective choice is Affinity Designer. After all, let’s say you decide to reverse your previous decision too. Unlike AI, you’ll still have AD ready and waiting at your beck and call. For me, this is

    另一方面,您可能会觉得Adobe的订阅模式是理想的,因为您可能不确定是否要承担UX设计人员的职责:按月付款可让您随时随地停止工作—有效地节省了您的利息设计师陷入困境。 但是,如前所述,该仓位仅能维持收支平衡前的71天。 除非您确定在这71天内UX设计可能不是您的最佳途径-更不用说做出如此最终决定所涉及的精髓了-最具成本效益的选择是Affinity Designer。 毕竟,假设您也决定撤销先前的决定。 与AI不同,您仍然可以准备好AD,并随时待命。 对我来说,这是

    the critical reason why I favor one-time payments over the subscription model. But, to each their own.

    我偏爱一次性付款而不是订阅模式关键原因。 但是,要各有各的。

  2. Why get a yacht when I only need a bike?Besides price, critics of AD give the Oscar Award to AI when it comes to performance. In fact, AI is consistently reviewed as the best vector graphics editing program. See PC Mag’s 2020 review, here. There is no contest or argument in this category: Illustrator is the Meryl Streep of the academy awards. It has been around since 1987 (not Meryl Steep, she’s been around for far longer — best not to comment on her age, she’s a timeless treasure). Widely regarded as the state-of-the-art, AI has so many bells and whistles that you can barely hear yourself use the application.

    当我只需要自行车时为什么要乘游艇? 除了价格外,AD的批评家还把AI授予了性能方面的奥斯卡奖。 实际上,人工智能一直被认为是最好的矢量图形编辑程序。 在此处查看PC Mag的2020评论 此类别中没有竞赛或争论:插画家是该学院奖的梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)。 自1987年以来一直存在(不是梅丽尔·史蒂普(Meryl Steep),她已经存在了很长的时间-最好不要评论她的年龄,她是永恒的宝藏)。 AI被广泛认为是最先进的,它具有如此多的花哨功能,以至于您几乎听不到自己在使用该应用程序。

    Why get a yacht when I only need a bike?Besides price, critics of AD give the Oscar Award to AI when it comes to performance. In fact, AI is consistently reviewed as the best vector graphics editing program. See PC Mag’s 2020 review, here. There is no contest or argument in this category: Illustrator is the Meryl Streep of the academy awards. It has been around since 1987 (not Meryl Steep, she’s been around for far longer — best not to comment on her age, she’s a timeless treasure). Widely regarded as the state-of-the-art, AI has so many bells and whistles that you can barely hear yourself use the application.
    For a more historically accurate
    reference, here it is again: AI has so many bells and whistles, it sends J. Verbeeck’s “Victory” Fairground Organ to resounding defeat.

    当我只需要自行车时为什么要乘游艇? 除了价格外,AD的批评家还把AI授予了性能方面的奥斯卡奖。 实际上,人工智能一直被认为是最好的矢量图形编辑程序。 在此处查看PC Mag的2020评论 此类别中没有竞赛或争论:插画家是该学院奖的梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)。 自1987年以来一直存在(不是梅丽尔·史蒂普(Meryl Steep),她已经存在了很长的时间-最好不要评论她的年龄,她是永恒的宝藏)。 AI被广泛认为是最先进的,它具有如此多的花哨功能,以至于您几乎听不到自己在使用该应用程序。 为了提供更准确的历史参考,这里再次是: AI如此繁杂,它使J. Verbeeck的“胜利”集市风琴遭受了巨大的挫败。

    Why get a yacht when I only need a bike?Besides price, critics of AD give the Oscar Award to AI when it comes to performance. In fact, AI is consistently reviewed as the best vector graphics editing program. See PC Mag’s 2020 review, here. There is no contest or argument in this category: Illustrator is the Meryl Streep of the academy awards. It has been around since 1987 (not Meryl Steep, she’s been around for far longer — best not to comment on her age, she’s a timeless treasure). Widely regarded as the state-of-the-art, AI has so many bells and whistles that you can barely hear yourself use the application.
    For a more historically accurate
    reference, here it is again: AI has so many bells and whistles, it sends J. Verbeeck’s “Victory” Fairground Organ to resounding defeat.

    当我只需要自行车时为什么要乘游艇? 除了价格外,AD的批评家还把AI授予了性能方面的奥斯卡奖。 实际上,人工智能一直被认为是最好的矢量图形编辑程序。 在此处查看PC Mag的2020评论 此类别中没有竞赛或争论:插画家是该学院奖的梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)。 自1987年以来一直存在(不是梅丽尔·史蒂普(Meryl Steep),她已经存在了很长的时间-最好不要评论她的年龄,她是永恒的宝藏)。 AI被广泛认为是最先进的,它具有如此多的花哨功能,以至于您几乎听不到自己在使用该应用程序。 为了提供更准确的历史参考,这里再次是: AI如此繁杂,它使J. Verbeeck的“胜利”集市风琴遭受了巨大的挫败。

    But right now, I only need to get to point A to point B as simply as possible. Learning the full-suite of a vector graphics software is a steep, winding hill, indeed. While the views may be prettier on a yacht, I certainly cannot scale the ascent with a boat. Off the beaten track, I need only my trusty bike. My Affinity-sponsored dirt bike. *This metaphor is a stretch.

    但是现在,我只需要尽可能简单地将A点指向B点即可。 学习矢量图形软件的全套件确实是一个陡峭而曲折的小山。 虽然在游艇上可以欣赏到漂亮的风景,但我当然不能随船攀登。 在人迹罕至的地方,我只需要我可信赖的自行车。 我的亲和力赞助的越野车。 *这个比喻是一个延伸。

    In plain: While AI provides the best of what the industry has to offer, a beginner on a budget requires only the essentials. To be absolutely clear, I’ve been using AD for about a month now; yet, I still feel overwhelmed by all of its features. If you tie this back into pricing, you are getting exactly what your are paying for. Adobe’s subscription model is a continuous payment for continuously updated features, while Affinity’s appeal is in one-time payments for contiguous version updates.

    简而言之:虽然AI提供了业界所能提供的最好的东西,但是预算有限的初学者只需要基本要素。 绝对清楚,我已经使用AD大约一个月了; 但是,我仍然对其所有功能感到不知所措。 如果将其与价格挂钩,那么您将获得所要支付的价格。 Adobe的订阅模式是为持续更新的功能进行连续付款,而Affinity的吸引力在于一次性为连续的版本更新进行付款。

    Overreaching metaphors aside, AD is not your run-of-the-mill vector graphics software. If I’m comparing it to a bike, then this bike is flying over the moon with E.T. sitting in the front basket.

    除了难以理解的隐喻,AD并不是您惯用的矢量图形软件。 如果我将它与一辆自行车进行比较,那么这辆自行车正在月球上飞,而ET坐在前篮。

    Don’t take it from me, read how WeCreate Digital switched from Adobe to the Affinity Suite.

    不要拿走我,请阅读WeCreate Digital如何从Adobe切换到Affinity Suite

  3. Ronnie McBride is my Affinity-armored HeroWhat? Yeah. No stretched-out metaphors, or off-handed references. Just a name, the dude behind the name, and tutorials made by that dude. A grounded angel whose purpose of presence is to merely bless earthlings with wholesome, easy-to-follow Affinity Designer tutorials.

    罗尼·麦克布赖德(Ronnie McBride)是我的亲和装甲英雄什么? 是的没有延伸的隐喻,也没有附属的参考。 只是一个名称,该名称后面的花花公子以及该花花公子制作的教程。 一个接地的天使,其存在的目的只是通过有益健康,易于遵循的Affinity Designer教程来祝福地球上的人们。

    Ronnie McBride is my Affinity-armored HeroWhat? Yeah. No stretched-out metaphors, or off-handed references. Just a name, the dude behind the name, and tutorials made by that dude. A grounded angel whose purpose of presence is to merely bless earthlings with wholesome, easy-to-follow Affinity Designer tutorials.

    罗尼·麦克布赖德(Ronnie McBride)是我的亲和装甲英雄什么? 是的没有延伸的隐喻,也没有附属的参考。 只是一个名称,该名称后面的花花公子以及该花花公子制作的教程。 一个接地的天使,其存在的目的只是通过有益健康,易于遵循的Affinity Designer教程来祝福地球上的人们。

    This odd reason is a little more specific to someone in my position, as I am currently enrolled in a UX bootcamp (yes, I am one of those). One of the benefits of the tuition package is a built-in subscription to LinkedIn Learning. Essentially, my access is pretty much ‘free.’ There, I happily stumbled upon two AD courses authored and taught by the man himself: Ronnie McBride. If you don’t mind the paywall, you can check out his wonderful courses here:

    这个奇怪的原因是我所在位置的某个人所特有的,因为我目前正在参加UX训练营(是的,我就是其中之一)。 该学费套餐的好处之一是对LinkedIn学习的内置订阅。 本质上,我的访问权限几乎是“免费的”。 在那儿,我很高兴地偶然发现了由他本人亲自创作和教授的两门AD课程:Ronnie McBride。 如果您不介意付费专区,可以在这里查看他的精彩课程:

    Affinity Designer for UX Design, 2020

    面向用户体验设计的Affinity Designer,2020年

    Affinity Designer Essential Training, 2017

    2017年Affinity Designer基本培训

    Affinity Designer Essential Training, 2017

    2017年Affinity Designer基本培训

    Otherwise, if you have any reservations about the availability of AD content — do not fret. There is an abundance of resources on the web. Here’s a couple of the most free and comprehensive sources:

    否则,如果您对广告内容的可用性有任何保留,请不要担心。 网络上有很多资源。 以下是几个最免费和最全面的资源:

    • Serif,


    the makers of Affinity, provides their own desktop tutorials: check out their hosted content


    • Affinity Revolution, a company solely focused on teaching Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer: check out their

    •Affinity Revolution,一家专注于教授Affinity Photo和Affinity Designer的公司:查看他们的

    YouTube channel


    YouTube channel


    While there is definitely free and quality content out there, other places certainly have premium worthy content. Serif even offers a $69.99 CA workbook for their AD program. Additionally, there is no shortage of paid course content on websites like

    虽然肯定有免费和优质的内容,但其他地方肯定有值得优质的内容。 Serif甚至为他们的AD程序提供了69.99美元的CA工作簿。 此外,在诸如

    Udemy. But, if you’re going to pay more money for tutorials on top of the price of AD itself, you can’t go wrong with the man himself — Ronnie McBride. This is my (un)biased recommendation.

    乌迪米但是,如果您要花更多钱在AD本身之上的价格来购买教程,那您自己不会错-Ronnie McBride。 这是我(无偏见)的建议。

P.S. I am in no way affiliated with Mr. McBride, and neither is this some form of native advertising . I have tremendous respect for people who take the time to make quality educational content. In fact, on the highly unlikely chance this might be seen by him: THANK YOU!

PS:我绝不与McBride先生有任何关系,这也不是某种形式的本地广告。 我非常感谢那些花时间制作高质量教育内容的人们。 实际上,在极不可能的机会下,他可能会看到这种情况:谢谢!

Please remember, my choice of Affinity Designer over Adobe Illustrator is rooted in my particular circumstances as a startup UX designer. I have not, by any means, spoken deeply enough about the particular features of each application to make a definitive statement about which one is superior. What I am saying is I represent one case that supports this claim: AD is more suitable for a UX beginner than AI. Do with it what you will.

请记住,我选择Affinity Designer而不是Adobe Illustrator是由于我作为启动UX设计器的特殊情况。 无论如何,我还没有对每种应用程序的特定功能进行过深入的论述,无法就哪种应用程序的优势做出明确的陈述。 我的意思是代表一个支持这种说法的案例:AD比AI更适合UX初学者。 随便做什么。

要点总结 (Summary of Key Takeaways)

  1. Affinity Designer is cost-effective, especially when you consider the opportunity cost for Adobe Illustrator

    Affinity Designer具有成本效益,特别是在考虑Adobe Illustrator的机会成本时
  2. Affinity Designer provides the basics (and much more); while you may not be getting continuously updated top-of-the-line features, you are getting contiguous version updates permanently

    Affinity Designer提供了基础知识(以及更多); 虽然您可能无法获得不断更新的顶级功能,但您将永久获得连续的版本更新
  3. Affinity Designer has Ronnie McBride on its side: apart from him, there are plenty of communities and resources offering quality content for you to learn right now — for free!

    Affinity Designer支持Ronnie McBride:除了他之外,还有许多社区和资源可为您提供免费的优质内容供您立即学习!

What will be your choice, neophyte?


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/3-thrifty-reasons-why-a-ux-beginner-chose-affinity-designer-over-adobe-illustrator-7d0113903de8






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