中国ai创业公司 排行榜_加入AI创业公司之前,您需要问6个问题

中国ai创业公司 排行榜


Clark Stanley, also known as the ‘Rattlesnake King’, was an (in)famous entrepreneur from late 19th century. A cowboy turned medicine-man, Stanley was the first businessman to start selling ‘snake oil’ as a panacea for many ailments. In a notorious demonstration at a symposium in Chicago, Stanley took a live rattlesnake, sliced it open, dropped it in boiling water, and skimmed off the fat that rose to the surface, to show the authenticity of his snake oil. The public lapped it up. His snake oil was a hit.

克拉克·斯坦利(Clark Stanley),也被称为“响尾蛇之王”,是19世纪后期的著名企业家。 斯坦利是一位牛仔,后成为一名医学家,是第一个开始销售“蛇油”作为许多疾病的灵丹妙药的商人。 在芝加哥的一个研讨会上,臭名昭著的示威游行中,史丹利拍了一条活的响尾蛇,将其切成薄片,将其放入沸水中,然后撇去表面上的脂肪,以证明其蛇油的真实性。 公众对此表示赞赏。 他的蛇油很受欢迎。

But there were some issues. Big ones.

但是有一些问题。 大个子

1) Stanley’s Snake Oil did not do what it claimed to do. It did not have the efficacy against ailments that it professed.

1)斯坦利的蛇油没有做到它声称的那样。 它没有它所声称的对抗疾病的功效。

2) Also, as with all marketing gimmicks, what you see is not always what you get. After over two decades of selling ‘Stanley’s Snake Oil’, authorities finally examined his magic potion. What they found in it was mineral oil, beef fat, chilli peppers and turpentine! No sign whatsoever of any snake oil was detected.

2)而且,与所有营销头一样,您看到的并不总是所得到的。 在出售“斯坦利的蛇油”超过二十年之后,当局终于检查了他的魔药。 他们在其中发现的是矿物油,牛肉脂肪,辣椒和松节油! 没有发现任何蛇油的迹象。

The fraud was so well orchestrated by Stanley and went on for so long, that even to this day the euphemism ‘snake oil salesman’ denotes fraudulent salesmanship and making claims far removed from reality.


So why am I talking about snake oil salesmen in the context of AI?


Someone famously said, ‘data is the new oil’. True enough. But you know what the new ‘snake oil’ is? Artificial Intelligence!

有人曾说过“数据就是新石油”。 足够真实。 但是您知道什么是新的“蛇油”吗? 人工智能!

Allow me to explain. Everywhere you seem to look today there is someone doing something (or many things!) with Artificial Intelligence. AI is ubiquitous. It’s everywhere. While that is true in many ways — we really do use AI in many, many aspects of our lives — the problem lies in how loosely the term is interpreted. Just like all that glitters ain’t gold, all that is being done by a computer isn’t AI. Very simplistically put, AI refers to machines being made intelligent in order to replicate human actions and/or decision making to achieve set goals. (For more details you can also read my article on Decoding AI here).

请允许我解释。 您今天所看到的每个地方都有人在用人工智能做某事(或很多事情!)。 人工智能无处不在。 到处都是。 尽管这在许多方面都是正确的-我们确实确实在生活的许多方面都使用了AI-但问题在于该术语的解释程度如何。 就像所有闪闪发光的东西都不是金子一样,由计算机完成的所有事情都不是AI。 简而言之,人工智能是指使机器智能化,以便复制人类的行为和/或决策以实现既定目标。 (有关更多详细信息,您还可以在此处阅读我有关解码AI的文章)。

The fallout of this deceptive AI-led marketing is profound for the startup ecosystem.


Startups around the globe, are touting many things as being AI driven, when in reality there is little to no true AI involved. And since most people barely understand what AI really is, for no fault of their own, they fall for all the gimmickry. A survey conducted in 2019 found that 40% of the nearly 2,900 AI startups in Europe did not use AI in any substantial form.

全球范围内的初创公司都在吹捧许多事情是由AI驱动的,而实际上几乎没有涉及到真正的AI。 而且由于大多数人几乎不了解AI的真正含义,因此,即使没有自己的错,他们也会为所有的all头而屈服。 2019年进行的一项调查发现,欧洲近2900家AI初创公司中有40%没有以任何实质性形式使用AI。

The fact that terms like AI and machine learning have become bait for VCs globally does not help the cause. Investors line up for anything that remotely claims to be AI-adjacent. In fact, the same survey quoted above, concluded that startups that claim to work in AI attract between 15 to 50 percent more funding compared to other software companies. Startups therefore have an almost legitimate reason to try to position themselves, by hook or crook, in the AI ecosystem.

AI和机器学习等术语已成为全球VC的诱饵,这一事实无济于事。 投资者排队寻找任何声称与人工智能相邻的东西。 实际上,上面引用的同一项调查得出的结论是,声称在AI中工作的初创公司比其他软件公司吸引了15%至50%的资金。 因此,初创企业几乎有合理的理由试图通过钩子或骗子在AI生态系统中定位自己。

If there is one stakeholder group that pays a heavy price for the fast and loose usage of AI jargon by startups, it is potential employees. There are tens of thousands of young professionals, some just out of college, looking to fulfill their dreams of working in the emerging domain of data science and AI. They are lured by the promise of building the next AI unicorn and of getting the opportunity to work on the most cutting-edge analytics problems. The reality though could often be far from this, which would lead to disappointment and regret across the board. The employee is left feeling cheated, and the company has to deal with problems of high employee turnover necessitating knowledge transfer and even rebooting development efforts (always an expensive proposition!).

如果有一个利益相关者群体为初创企业快速而宽松地使用AI行话付出了沉重的代价,那么它就是潜在的员工。 有成千上万的年轻专业人员,其中一些刚刚大学毕业,他们正在努力实现他们在数据科学和AI新兴领域工作的梦想。 他们被建立下一个AI独角兽的希望所吸引,并有机会从事最前沿的分析问题。 尽管现实常常离这一目标相去甚远,这将导致失望和全面的遗憾。 员工感到被骗了,公司必须处理员工离职率高的问题,这需要知识转移,甚至重新启动开发工作(总是很昂贵的提议!)。

Therefore, as a potential employee of an AI startup, you must ask the right questions and assess the depth of what the company is doing or plans to do. And as the founder of an AI or ML startup, you are always better off being upfront with potential team members about what the data science team would be expected to do.

因此,作为AI创业公司的潜在员工,您必须提出正确的问题,并评估公司正在做或计划做的事情的深度。 作为AI或ML初创公司的创始人,与潜在的团队成员一起提前做好关于数据科学团队的期望总是更好。

Having been in the domain of data science, AI and machine learning for the last 15 odd years, I come across many disillusioned young people who thought they were signing up for a glorious career, but instead found out that most of their time was spent in cleaning or labeling datasets. Following is a list of questions I always advise them to ask when they interview for a job with an AI startup. These not only help a potential employee better appreciate what he/she is getting into, it also demonstrates to the founders that you understand the nuances involved.

在过去的15多年里,我一直处于数据科学,人工智能和机器学习领域,我遇到了许多幻灭的年轻人,他们以为自己报名参加了光荣的职业,但他们发现大部分时间都花在了清洗或标记数据集。 以下是我始终建议他们在面试AI初创公司工作时要问的问题列表。 这些不仅可以帮助潜在员工更好地理解他/她正在从事的工作,还可以向创始人表明您了解所涉及的细微差别。

1.服务还是产品? (1. Services or Product?)

This is an important distinction. The work one does in an AI services company will be very different from that in a products company. While services would usually provide more variety, building a product would go into far greater depth.

这是一个重要的区别。 在AI服务公司中所做的工作将与在产品公司中所做的工作截然不同。 虽然服务通常会提供更多的种类,但是构建产品的深度会更大。

2.如果提供服务,那么什么样的服务? (2. If services, then what kind of services?)

Services work would in most cases be like consulting, i.e. delivering AI solutions or models to clients to solve specific problem statements. Therefore, it is vital to ask what sort of problem statements does the startup work on for its clients? Is there a wide variety in the problem statements or is there a well-defined set they address?

在大多数情况下,服务工作就像咨询,即向客户提供AI解决方案或模型以解决特定的问题陈述。 因此,至关重要的是要问启动为客户处理什么样的问题陈述? 问题陈述中是否存在各种各样的内容,或者它们解决的定义是否明确?

Also, what part of the services delivery would you be expected to get involved in — data aggregation/cleansing, model building, manual training set creation etc.? It is important to realize that there will always be grunt work involved but having some sense of the proportion of time expected to be spent on actual model development, research on techniques etc. is always helpful.

另外,您希望服务提供的哪一部分参与其中-数据聚合/清理,模型构建,手动培训集创建等? 重要的是要意识到总是会涉及艰巨的工作,但是对预期用于实际模型开发,技术研究等方面的时间比例有所了解总是有帮助的。

3.如果是产品,那是什么样的产品? (3. If product, then what kind of product?)

The vast majority of AI startups would fall in the products bucket. But not all products are the same. Being able to understand a little more about the type of product a startup is building can provide insights into the kind of data science or machine learning work that may be involved. Provided below is a broad guide for types of products that startups could typically be involved with.

绝大多数AI初创公司都属于产品类别。 但并非所有产品都是相同的。 能够对创业公司正在构建的产品类型有更多了解,可以提供对可能涉及的数据科学或机器学习工作的见解。 以下提供的是初创企业通常会涉及的产品类型的广泛指南。

Image for post
Image 1: AI Product Types

Once you understand the type of AI product being built, dig deeper to find out what specific aspect of product development would you be involved in? It’s also often helpful to understand the medium and long term product vision — startup founders would usually (hopefully!) have a fair idea about how they envision their product to evolve.

一旦了解了要构建的AI产品的类型,就可以更深入地了解您将参与产品开发的哪些特定方面? 了解中长期产品愿景通常也很有帮助-初创公司的创始人通常(希望!)对他们如何设想产品的发展有一个清晰的想法。

4.正在使用什么技术堆栈? (4. What is the tech stack being used?)

This question is important for two reasons. Firstly, it will help you get some insight into product vision. Secondly, it will also help you assess if there are specific skills or languages that you may need to pick up or brush up on if you join the company.

这个问题很重要,有两个原因。 首先,它将帮助您深入了解产品愿景。 其次,它也将帮助您评估如果加入公司,是否需要掌握或掌握某些特定技能或语言。

5.他们通常将使用哪种类型的数据来构建和测试模型? (5. What type of data would they typically use to build and test models?)

The reason this question is important is because it helps separate the wheat from the chaff. Startups that are deeply committed to an AI-first strategy, will have a very good understanding of the data they would use for product development. For example, a company that wants to build a product that uses computer vision technology to have machines predict cancer occurrence by analyzing CT scan images, needs to have access to a large repository of images to train and build models.

这个问题很重要的原因是因为它有助于将小麦与谷壳分离。 致力于AI优先策略的初创公司将对用于产品开发的数据有很好的了解。 例如,一家公司想要开发一种使用计算机视觉技术的产品,以使机器通过分析CT扫描图像来预测癌症的发生,则需要访问大型图像库以训练和构建模型。

If you get a solid answer to this question, you can usually rest assured that the startup is on relatively strong footing.


6.创始团队的背景? (6. Founding team’s background?)

You may not need to explicitly ask this question, and instead could just do your own research to find this out. This question is important because AI is a largely technical domain. It is also a dynamic, rapidly evolving domain. Founders (or part of the founding team) having prior experience in the AI space would be critical to ensuring a higher probability of success because they would intimately know the challenges, would be able to guide the teams and shepherd the startup in the right direction.

您可能不需要明确地问这个问题,而是可以自己做研究以找出答案。 这个问题很重要,因为AI在很大程度上是技术领域。 它也是一个动态,快速发展的领域。 拥有AI领域经验的创始人(或创始团队的一部分)对于确保更高的成功概率至关重要,因为他们会充分了解挑战,能够指导团队并向正确的方向发展。

The field of AI and data science is undoubtedly one of the most exciting fields today. We have collectively just about started scratching the surface on what’s possible — the horizons are limitless. The impact that the proliferation of AI will have on the world, is expected to be even more dramatic than that of the industrial revolution.

人工智能和数据科学领域无疑是当今最令人兴奋的领域之一。 我们已经集体开始在可能的范围内开始摸索—视野是无限的。 预计AI的扩散将对世界产生比工业革命更大的影响。

Therefore, anyone who gets into this domain early enough, will have tremendous opportunities as the field grows even further. Make a wise choice, make an informed choice. Don’t get sucked into a pipe-dream when countless real and exciting opportunities with startups exist across the globe.

因此,随着该领域的进一步发展,任何人尽早进入这一领域将拥有巨大的机会。 做出明智的选择,做出明智的选择。 当全球范围内的初创企业存在无数真实而激动人心的机会时,请不要陷入梦pipe以求的事情。


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