最长重复子串 java_最长重复子串

最长重复子串 java

Do you like the picture? Is the color pretty? Now take a deep look.

你喜欢那张照片吗? 颜色漂亮吗? 现在深入了解。

What do you see?


Two lists of integers.


So today we are going to talk about an algorithm involving two lists of integers and a very clever and widely applicable dynamic programming technique.


What we are going to do is try to find the longest duplicated substring within the two given strings. In the above picture, it’s easy to see that the longest duplicated string is [1, 2, 3], and the length is 3. (The deep look helped!)

我们要做的是尝试在两个给定的字符串中找到最长的重复子字符串。 在上面的图片中,很容易看到最长的重复字符串是[1、2、3],长度是3。(深深的外观很有帮助!)

如何计算最长的重复字符串? (How do we go about counting the longest duplicate string?)

Well, a naive approach would be looping through every position in list 1 (ls1), and for each position, i, in list 1, loop through every position, j, in list 2, and for each (i, j), count the longest duplicate string at that position:


Image for post
(i, j) = (0, 1)
Image for post
(i, j) = (0, 2)

Eventually, you’ll reach:


Image for post
(i, j) = (1, 0)

At this position, you’ll find the longest duplicate substring [1, 2, 3], and return the length, 3.


Below is an implementation of this:


def longest_duplicate(a, b):
# count the duplicate string length
# with start position = (i0, j0)
def count_duplicate(i0, j0):
i = i0
j = j0
count = 0
while i < len(a) and j < len(b) and a[i] == b[j] :
count = count + 1
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
return count
# loop through every start position combination
max_count = 0
for i in range(len(a)):
for j in range(len(b)):
max_count = max(max_count,
count_duplicate(i, j))
return max_counta = [5, 1, 2, 3, 4]
b = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
>>> print(longest_duplicate(a, b))

Now this is simple enough, but is it fast enough?


Think about it, you are looping through the arrays in a nested loop, if size of list 1 is n and size of list 2 is m, the complexity is around O(n * m), within it, you are doing a duplicate_count, which theoretically can be the entire length of one of the strings, so the total complexity is O(n * m * min(n, m)).

想想看,您正在嵌套循环中遍历数组,如果列表1的大小为n而列表2的大小为m,则复杂度约为O(n * m),在其中,您正在执行重复计数,从理论上讲,它可以是字符串之一的整个长度,因此总复杂度为O(n * m * min(n,m))。

if n = m, that’s O(n³)!

如果n = m,则为O(n³)!

That’s too slow…


Fortunately there is a way to speed it up, and it comes from a very clever observation:


Image for post

Take a deep, deep, look at this picture again, but this time think, do I really need to count from 1 to 2, and 2 to 3, in order to figure out the duplicate substring length is 3?


What information would I need to figure out the duplicate string length at (1, 0), so that I don’t have to do comparison of each element in the string?


Well, I can think of one, if I know the length of duplicates at position (2, 1), which is 2, then since position (1, 0) has starting values that are equal (1 equals 1):


duplicate_length_of_(1, 0) = 1 + duplicate_length_of_(2, 1)

duplicate_length_of_(1, 0) = 1 + duplicate_length_of_(2, 1)

Now this is a very important revelation, because in our algorithm, we loop through every combination of (i, j), so at some point we’ll encounter (2, 1), if we have some way of saving down the result at (2, 1), we don’t have to count again at (1, 0)!

现在这是一个非常重要的启示,因为在我们的算法中,我们遍历(i,j)的每个组合,因此,如果我们有某种方法可以节省结果,则有时会遇到(2,1)。 (2,1),我们不必再从(1,0)开始计数!

So let’s add a map to save down results so we don’t count the same positions over and over:


def longest_duplicate(a, b):
# map to store calculated duplicate counts
duplicate_map = [[-1 for j in range(len(b))]
for i in range(len(a))]
def count_duplicate(i0, j0):
if i0 >= len(a) or j0 >= len(b):
return 0
if duplicate_map[i0][j0] >= 0:
return duplicate_map[i0][j0]
if a[i0] != b[j0]:
duplicate_map[i0][j0] = 0
duplicate_map[i0][j0] = \
1 + count_duplicate(i0 + 1, j0 + 1)
return duplicate_map[i0][j0]
# loop through every start position combination
max_count = 0
for i in range(len(a)):
for j in range(len(b)):
max_count = max(max_count,
count_duplicate(i, j))
return max_count
a = [5, 1, 2, 3, 4]
b = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
>>> print(longest_duplicate(a, b))

In this new version of the algorithm, we have added a map to store the intermediate results, duplicate_map, which is a matrix of dimension n*m, initialized at -1.

在此算法的新版本中,我们添加了一个映射以存储中间结果,即“重复映射”,它是维度n * m的矩阵,初始化为-1。

Each time we need to find the duplicate substring length at a position (i, j), we recursively find the duplicate substring length at position (i + 1, j +1), add 1 to it and store the result in the map for later use.

每次我们需要在位置(i,j)上找到重复的子串长度时,我们递归地在位置(i + 1,j +1)上找到重复的子串长度,将其加1并将结果存储在映射中以后使用。

Since we don’t actually ever count the length of duplicate substring anymore at each position, and the look up to the map is O(1), constant operation, the complexity now comes down to O(n * m).

由于实际上我们不再计算每个位置的重复子字符串的长度,并且查找映射为O(1),因此进行常量运算后,复杂度现在降至O(n * m)。

This technique of saving down intermediate results to speed up calculation is part of a general technique called dynamic programming, once you understand what it’s trying to do (saving down results of calculations that will later be reused), you’ll see it everywhere, database caching, people jogging down notes in a hurry, cheating on finals. It’s literally everywhere.

节省中间结果以加快计算速度的这项技术是称为动态编程的通用技术的一部分,一旦您了解了它的工作意图(节省了计算结果供以后重用),您将在数据库中随处可见缓存时,人们急着慢跑,在决赛中作弊。 它无处不在。

翻译自: https://medium.com/python-in-plain-english/longest-duplicate-substring-2f1959472e6d

最长重复子串 java

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