

If you haven’t been able to consume some quality articles this week, then I’ve got you covered.


Below are four articles that stood out to me on Medium. All of the included articles incorporate content associated with Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning.

以下是我在Medium上脱颖而出的四篇文章。 所有包含的文章都包含与人工智能或机器学习相关的内容。

One of the article in the list below explores the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors not taking the form of little green men, but taking more of an artificial form. The thought of an AI-based advanced civilisation out in the cosmos reminds me of the Space AI invader in the movie Oblivion.

以下列表中的一篇文章探讨了外星访客不采取小矮人的形式,而是采取更多人为形式的可能性。 宇宙中基于AI的先进文明的思想使我想起了电影《 忘却》中的太空AI入侵者。

All of the included articles are very informative and worth your time.


本周的文章包含以下内容: (This week’s articles contains the following:)

  • A review of the suite of AI open source tools and software developed by Uber


  • A brief insight into how AI is leveraged and utilised within several Google products


  • A thought-provoking article that explores the possibility that the form of extraterrestrial life might be artificial as opposed to the widely accepted biological form.


  • A well written technical tutorial on sound classification with neural networks


优步(Uber)对开源机器学习的杰出贡献概述(Jesus Rodriguez) (An Overview of Uber’s Impressive Contributions to Open Source Machine Learning By Jesus Rodriguez)

“A review of the suite of AI open source tools and software developed by Uber”


Jesus Rodriguez goes through his favourite Uber developed open source tools that are focused on AI processes such as model training, model implementation, programming languages, interpretation and explainability etc.

Jesus Rodriguez经历了他最喜欢的Uber开发的开源工具,这些工具专注于AI流程,例如模型训练,模型实现,编程语言,解释和可解释性等。

According to Jesus, Uber is amongst the cohort of tech companies with corporate labs that have contributed amount wealth of knowledge and tools to the AI open source community.


Uber, a tech company that focuses on transportation, has encountered a suite of problems that are solved using technologies and deep learning techniques. Uber is a leading force in the application of deep learning technique for solving transportation-related issues such as self-driving cars, lane detection, pedestrian detection etc.

专注于交通运输的科技公司Uber遇到了一系列问题,这些问题可以通过使用技术和深度学习技术来解决。 优步是深度学习技术应用的领导力量,可解决与交通有关的问题,例如自动驾驶汽车,车道检测,行人检测等。

Jesus includes in his article tools developed by Uber such as Ludwig, Pyro, Manifold, Plato etc.

耶稣在他的文章中包含了由Uber开发的工具,例如路德维希(Ludwig) ,派罗(Pyro)歧管(Manifold)柏拉图(柏拉图)

Along with a detailed description of the purpose of each presented tool, Jesus also provides how machine learning practitioners can leverage each tool and general principles guiding the aim of each tool.


出色的读物: (An excellent read for:)

  • Machine Learning Engineers


  • AI Hobbyist


为Google产品提供动力的人工智能作者:Claire D. Costa (Artificial Intelligence Powering Google Products By Claire D. Costa)

“A brief insight into how AI is leveraged and utilised within several Google products”


According to Claire D. Costa, Google claims that the majority of the advancements within their flagship search engine and other widely used products is rooted in the adoption of AI-based technology and techniques.

根据克莱尔·科斯塔 ( Claire D. Costa )的说法,谷歌声称其旗舰搜索引擎和其他广泛使用的产品中的大多数进步都源自采用基于AI的技术。

With the overarching aim of “bringing the benefits of AI to everyone”, Claire’s article briefly explores the initial drivers for Google’s investment in AI.

克莱尔(Claire)的最高宗旨是“ 为所有人带来AI的好处 ”,简要探讨了Google投资于AI的最初动因。

The main content of Claire’s articles explores twelve of Google well-known products that have some form of embedded AI. The products included in the article range from hardware to software and each product is presented in a profile like form that includes the launch dates, development languages, access URL and more.

Claire文章的主要内容探讨了十二种具有某种形式的嵌入式AI的Google知名产品。 文章中包含的产品从硬件到软件不等,每种产品都以类似配置文件的形式呈现,其中包括启动日期,开发语言,访问URL等。

This article provides a brief insight into how AI is leveraged and utilised within several of Google products.


The descriptions of each product are written in layman terms, making the content of this article easily consumable to most readers.


一个很好的阅读: (A good read for:)

  • Technologist


外星生命会是人造的吗? 由Gunnar De Winter (Will Alien Life Be Artificial? By Gunnar De Winter)

“A thought-provoking article that explores the possibility that the form of extraterrestrial life might be artificial as opposed to the widely accepted biological form.”


When you look up to the stars, you might wonder how many more civilisations are there in the cosmos. Well, Gunnar De Winter introduces the Drake equation in this article. The Drake equations provide a numerical range of the number of extraterrestrial civilisations in the cosmos.

当您仰望星空时,您可能会想知道宇宙中还有多少个文明。 好吧, Gunnar De Winter在本文中介绍了Drake方程。 德雷克方程提供了宇宙中外星文明数量的数值范围。

The main body of the article introduces the thought that humans might have to shed their biological form to explore the depths of the universe.


Gunnar also introduces a study that modifies the Drake equation to accommodate a parameter that points to an advanced civilisation that has developed space exploring AI.


This article dances around the field of AI, biology and space, and yet it maintains a simplistic approach to illustrating sci-fi-like scenarios and futuristic outcomes.


有趣的读物: (An interesting read for:)

  • Futurist


使用神经网络的城市声音分类作者:Shubham Gupta (Urban Sound Classification using Neural Networks By Shubham Gupta)

“A well written technical tutorial on sound classification with neural networks”


I always wondered how the developers at Apple created the handwashing feature on Apple smartwatches that gets activated when you are washing your hand; it seems that Shubham Gupta article has provided some answers.

我一直想知道苹果的开发人员如何在Apple智能手表创建洗手功能,当您洗手时该功能会被激活。 似乎Shubham Gupta的文章已经提供了一些答案。

Shubham has written a technical article that focuses on instructing the reader on how to develop machine learning models for urban sound classification. The implemented model classifies sounds such as sirens, music, drilling, and barking.

Shubham撰写了一篇技术文章,着重于指导读者如何开发用于城市声音分类的机器学习模型。 所实现的模型对警报器,音乐,钻探和吠叫等声音进行分类。

Shubham leverages tools such as Numpy, Pandas, and Keras to achieve the goal of sound classification with neural networks.


The provision of dataset source and code snippets makes this article an easy project that many machine learning practitioners can undertake.


出色的读物: (An excellent read for:)

  • Machine Learning Practitioners


  • Machine Learning Students


我希望您觉得这篇文章有用。 (I hope you found the article useful.)

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