
It’s amazing to think that REST, the de-facto standard for APIs, is now over 20 years old. Only in the last few years have we seen REST’s inherent limitations being pushed by the world’s need for richer and faster, web and mobile app experiences. In particular, the rapid adoption of front-end frameworks like React and Gatsby has helped spawn the Jamstack movement, which has led to a new architectural shift where applications run on the edge in a ‘serverless’ fashion without a web or app server. GraphQL, for many good reasons, has emerged as a popular alternative to REST. Still, many dynamic applications require developers to query traditional databases, forcing them to build their own GraphQL APIs, which introduces a new set of complexities.

令人惊讶的是,事实上,API的事实上的标准REST已经有20多年的历史了。 直到最近几年,我们才看到REST的固有局限性被世界对更丰富,更快的Web和移动应用程序体验的需求所推。 特别是,像React和Gatsby这样的前端框架的Swift采用,催生了Jamstack运动,从而引发了新的架构转变,其中应用程序以“无服务器”的方式在边缘运行,而无需Web或应用程序服务器。 由于许多充分的原因 ,GraphQL已成为REST的流行替代方案。 尽管如此,许多动态应用程序仍要求开发人员查询传统数据库,从而迫使他们构建自己的GraphQL API,从而引入了一组新的复杂性。

Hasura offers developers an instant GraphQL API on top of popular databases like Postgres, MySQL and SQL Server. The company’s bigger vision is to serve as a universal data access layer (like a proxy) that sits in between databases and consumers such as mobile/web apps or external API calls. This allows enterprises to incrementally move to GraphQL from REST APIs and provides missing capabilities like out-of-the-box authentication, governance, monitoring, analytics, rate limiting, and stateful caching. It also adds workflow to applications via webhook triggers on database events, and can create a unified GraphQL API across multiple databases, HTTP services, serverless functions, and third-party APIs. At Lightspeed, we believe that this kind of flexible, yet easy approach is what that next generation of developers is looking for. We see Hasura as the critical missing piece of data infrastructure to bring this new architecture to everyone.

Hasura在诸如Postgres,MySQL和SQL Server的流行数据库之上为开发人员提供了一个即时GraphQL API。 该公司的更大愿景是充当通用数据访问层(如代理),位于数据库和消费者之间,例如移动/ Web应用程序或外部API调用。 这使企业可以从REST API逐步迁移到GraphQL,并提供缺少的功能,例如开箱即用的身份验证,治理,监视,分析,速率限制和有状态缓存。 它还通过有关数据库事件的webhook触发器向应用程序添加工作流,并可以跨多个数据库,HTTP服务,无服务器功能和第三方API创建统一的GraphQL API。 在Lightspeed,我们相信下一代开发人员正在寻找这种灵活而简单的方法。 我们将Hasura视为将这种新架构带给所有人的关键的数据基础架构缺失部分。

I first met Hasura’s founders Tanmai and Rajoshi over video in the midst of Covid in June 2020. While meeting over video is never ideal, over the course of many hours we were able to forge a real, human connection between us. We shared stories, laughs, a love for music and good food, and of course a deep appreciation for open source and developer communities. I also learned of Tanmai and Rajoshi’s incredible drive and persistence — Hasura originally started as a food delivery company, and they have endured more than one pivot.

我于2020年6月在Covid的视频会议上首次遇到了Hasura的创始人Tanmai和Rajoshi。尽管视频会议从来都不是理想的,但在许多小时的过程中,我们能够在我们之间建立起真正的,人性化的联系。 我们分享了故事,笑声,对音乐和美食的热爱,当然也对开源和开发者社区深表感谢。 我还了解了Tanmai和Rajoshi令人难以置信的动力和毅力-Hasura最初是作为一家食品配送公司成立的 ,他们经历了不止一个枢纽。

Hasura’s core GraphQL engine is open source and has seen strong growth since its launch in July 2018 (50k+ Docker pulls, 18k+ Github stars, 7,000+ Discord members). As part of our diligence process, we spoke to numerous Hasura open source users, customers, and partners across the globe. The feedback was consistent — there is a deep amount of developer love for the company and its products. We at Lightspeed believe that this is what makes Hasura’s community so special.

Hasura的核心GraphQL引擎是开源的,自2018年7月发布以来已实现强劲增长(50k + Docker pulls,18k + Github star,7,000+ Discord成员)。 在努力过程中,我们与全球众多Hasura开源用户,客户和合作伙伴进行了交谈。 反馈是一致的–开发人员对公司及其产品深有热爱。 我们在Lightspeed相信这就是使Hasura 社区如此特别的原因。

At the same time, Hasura has helped a variety of enterprise customers through its recently launched paid offerings: Hasura Enterprise and Hasura Cloud. Hasura enables app developers inside enterprises to more easily access data locked away in legacy applications and databases while eliminating the bottleneck and effort needed to build and maintain a traditional API. Today, Hasura announced a $25M Series B financing (TechCrunch) led by Lightspeed to help achieve this vision. We are truly excited to be part of the mission.

同时,Hasura通过最近推出的付费产品帮助了各种企业客户: Hasura EnterpriseHasura Cloud 。 Hasura使企业内部的应用程序开发人员可以更轻松地访问锁定在旧版应用程序和数据库中的数据,同时消除了构建和维护传统API所需的瓶颈和工作量。 今天,Hasura 宣布以Lightspeed为首的2500万美元B融资 ( TechCrunch ),以帮助实现这一愿景。 我们为成为任务的一部分而感到非常兴奋。

翻译自: https://medium.com/lightspeed-venture-partners/why-lightspeed-invested-in-hasura-bringing-graphql-to-everyone-66a7c59406e8





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