

It’s late. You have to pay your electricity bill before tomorrow. You’re in bed and can’t be bothered getting up to go to the computer. You scroll through your phone, past the weather and the news apps, past the Kindle and library apps, till you find your banking app.

晚了。 您必须在明天之前支付电费。 您躺在床上,可以不必起床去上电脑。 您可以滚动浏览手机,天气和新闻应用程序,Kindle和图书馆应用程序,直到找到银行应用程序。

It should remember your log in, but it doesn’t. Damn. The fingerprint scanner doesn’t recognize your index finger either.

它应该记住您的登录信息,但是不会。 该死的。 指纹扫描仪也无法识别食指。

It tells you to “Try another finger”. You think about which finger you would really like to show it. Ire bubbles to the surface. You try again. That’s three strikes; you’re locked out.

它告诉您“尝试另一只手指”。 您考虑要真正显示哪根手指。 气泡在表面上。 您再试一次。 那是三击。 你被封锁了。

You would use PayPal, but you can’t remember the password. You sigh, throw back the covers to go to the computer and you say,

您将使用PayPal,但忘记了密码。 你叹了口气,把盖子扔回去去电脑,你说,

“Why do we have so many apps”?


We’ve all said it.


Everyone hates having to search the phone for that app with the funny name you can never remember. When we need a new app, we just go for “Editor’s Choice”. The one that has had the most downloads and more than a 4.6 star review.

每个人都讨厌用您永远不会记住的有趣名称在手机中搜索该应用程序。 当我们需要一个新的应用程序时,我们只需要“编辑选择”即可。 下载次数最多且获得4.6星以上评论的网站。

We don’t spend a lot of time thinking about apps. Till the banking app locks us out. Again. And when that happens, we remind ourselves that there are too many apps in the world.

我们不会花很多时间考虑应用程序。 直到银行应用将我们拒之门外。 再次。 当发生这种情况时,我们提醒自己世界上有太多的应用程序。

很难记住,但是应用曾经很酷 (It’s Hard to Remember, but Apps Used to be Cool)

Apps lost their cool, sometime after the iPhone 6 or 7. (Disclaimer: I am an Android user, who recogizes that no one counts years by Android phone releases).

在iPhone 6或iPhone 7之后的某个时间,应用失去了冷静。(免责声明:我是一名Android用户,他承认Android手机的发布没有人算过几年)。

Evernote is a case in point. Launched in 2004, it reached “unicorn” status by 2012. For many people at the time, Evernote was a “dream company” to work for; complete with a store-front for its own branded merchandise.

Evernote就是一个很好的例子。 它成立于2004年,到2012年达到了“独角兽”的地位。对于当时的许多人来说,印象笔记是工作的“梦想公司”。 拥有自己品牌商品的店面。

But the hype went to its corporate head and it expanded well beyond the scope of a note-taking tool. By 2015, the hype was over and the company forced to scale back.

但是,这种炒作引起了公司的广泛关注,并且其范围已大大超出了笔记工具的范围。 到2015年, 炒作已经结束 ,公司被迫缩减规模。

Today it’s hard to imagine getting excited about an app. For most of us, it’s a take-it-or-leave-it kind of feeling; if not love-and-hate. It makes sense; there are a lot of apps in the world.

今天,很难想象对某个应用感到兴奋。 对于我们大多数人来说,这是一种要么接受要么离开的感觉。 如果不是爱与恨。 这说得通; 世界上有很多应用程序。

Some people have even said the app is dead. In his popular article, “The End for Apps is Near”, Lance Ng predicted that “most apps” would disappear in “3–7 years”.

甚至有人说该应用程序已死。 Nance Ng在他的热门文章“ 应用程序的终结即将到来 ”中预测,“大多数应用程序”将在“ 3-7年内”消失。

That hasn’t happened. Actually they’re growing in number, which probably adds to the antipathy web users feel towards apps as a species. Like a virtual pest.

那还没有发生。 实际上,它们的数量正在增长,这可能加剧了网络用户对应用程序作为一种物种的反感。 像虚拟的害虫。

But is it time to reconsider our collective stance on apps? To stop wishing them off the face of the earth? Or at least off the app stores.

但是,是时候重新考虑我们对应用程序的集体立场了吗? 不再希望他们离开地球? 或至少关闭了应用商店。

Should we even download more of them and give them a whirl?


缺少树木的树木。 应用程式业务 (Missing the Wood for the Trees. The Businesses for the Apps)

The biggest problem with saying “there are too many apps”, is that it is too easy. It lumps mobile-only apps, with apps that are part of complex platforms. The mobile app for my JBL headphones versus Docusign, for example.

说“应用太多”的最大问题是它太容易了。 它将复杂的平台中包含的应用程序集中在仅移动应用程序中。 例如,我的JBL耳机与Docusign的移动应用程序。

Docusign provides huge value to companies and Internet users, but the company has taken a long time to get to where it is now. Founded in 2003, it only listed in 2018. Its market cap has gone up 4x in the last 12 months. Despite the growth, Docusign is still only tapping 1% of its potential market.

Docusign为公司和互联网用户提供了巨大的价值,但是公司花了很长时间才能到达现在的位置。 它成立于2003年,仅在2018年上市。其市值在过去12个月中增长了4倍。 尽管增长了,但Docusign仍仅利用其潜在市场的1%

Even though we might think that tech has evolved rapidly in the last decade, in fact many tech companies have experienced slower-than-expected growth. Many put have put off IPO’ing because the climate hasn’t been right.

尽管我们可能认为科技在过去十年中发展Swift,但实际上许多科技公司的增长速度都低于预期。 许多人推迟了IPO发行,因为气候不对劲。

As users are we partially to blame for the slow growth of some tech companies, because of our resistance to “another app”?


Zoom and Slack are listed companies and also seeing enormous growth in 2020. Do we really want fewer companies like these?


I’m sure the answer to that, is a resounding “no”. So perhaps we need to rethink the app thing. Imagine any of these platforms without a mobile app to connect users to their features.

我敢肯定,答案是“不”。 因此,也许我们需要重新考虑应用程序。 想象一下这些平台中没有移动应用程序可以将用户连接到其功能。

Saying “ there are too many apps” is effectively saying “there are too many businesses”. When what the world actually needs, is a whole lot more competition.

说“应用程序太多”实际上是在说“业务太多”。 世界真正需要的是更多的竞争。

I have experienced the impact of this first hand. A tech company I work with, has spent several years building a SaaS tool for small businesses that lets them communicate in any language. It’s called NotifyMe. And yes, there is an app.

我亲身经历了这第一手的冲击。 与我合作的一家科技公司已经花费了数年时间为小型企业构建SaaS工具,使他们能够以任何语言进行交流。 它称为NotifyMe 。 是的,有一个应用程序。

One question we encountered when we talked to investors and businesses alike, was whether internet users would download “another app”.


And it was common for people to say,


“why not just use Facebook or Whatsapp?”


It isn’t surprising because social media is everywhere. But it should also be obvious, that there are a lot of downsides for a business using an ad-based social media platform to communicate with customers.

这并不奇怪,因为社交媒体无处不在。 但也应该显而易见的是,使用基于广告的社交媒体平台与客户进行交流的企业存在很多弊端。

This really got me to thinking about what would happen if small businesses stopped trying to create apps. And if users refused to use them, even when they did.

这确实让我开始思考如果小型企业停止尝试创建应用程序会发生什么情况。 如果用户拒绝使用它们,即使他们这样做也是如此。

Fortunately, neither is actually happening.


应用不只是成倍增加,它们也变得越来越好 (Apps Aren’t Just Multiplying, They’re Getting Better Too)

Businesses are making more apps, and we are using them more.


Appian, which uses a low code solution for businesses to create their own apps saw 30% growth in subscription revenue this year.


Twilio which is also seeing enormous growth this year, makes apps more useful. Companies can use Twilio tech to send an SMS from their app, or customer service video calls.

Twilio今年也将看到巨大的增长,它使应用程序更加有用。 公司可以使用Twilio技术从其应用程序发送SMS或进行客户服务视频通话。

We use apps more than ever and are now paying for them; even apps with overlapping functionality.

我们比以往更多地使用应用程序,现在正在为它们付费。 甚至具有重叠功能的应用。

  • I used Evernote when I first started writing

  • Then I found Workflowy. I kept Evernote for memos and web-clipping

    然后我发现了Workflowy。 我留着Evernote做备忘录和网络剪辑
  • Scrivener is now my writing tool. Workflowy my Journaling tool. And I still love Evernote.

    现在,Scrivener是我的写作工具。 我的日记工具工作流程流畅。 而且我仍然爱Evernote。

As work becomes more virtual, we rely on these kind of tools more and more. The trend of using and paying for apps is up, not down.

随着工作变得更加虚拟化,我们越来越依赖这些工具。 使用和付款的趋势呈上升趋势,而不是下降趋势。

就像虚拟竞技场中的角斗士观众 (Like Spectators in a Virtual Arena for Gladiators)

Competition for any new business on the web is so tough. And it starts with paying the big guys.

网络上任何新业务的竞争都非常激烈。 从支付大人物开始。

When you market an app, you will probably start with advertising on either or both of the App stores. Then on social media. Content marketing and YouTube videos.

在推销应用程序时,您可能会首先在两个或两个应用程序商店中投放广告。 然后在社交媒体上。 内容营销和YouTube视频。

And it is web users who are the beneficiaries of this innovation and enterprise. The apps that do make it on to our phones are getting better and better. And all we have to do is watch them duke it out in the arena.

正是网络用户才是这项创新和企业的受益者。 确实可以在我们的手机上使用的应用程序越来越好。 我们要做的就是看着他们在舞台上把它公诸于众。

When you think about it we should feel more benevolent towards that new app vying for space on our phone. Give them a chance. Let’s not dismiss them with the “we have too many apps” refrain.

当您考虑它时,我们应该对这个争夺手机空间的新应用程序更加仁慈。 给他们一个机会。 我们不要因为“我们有太多应用程序”而忽略了它们。

Apps are here to stay. They’re evolving. It actually behooves us as enlightened and wise tech users to help them up a little.

应用程序将继续存在。 他们在不断发展。 实际上,我们作为开明和明智的技术用户应该向我们提供帮助。

The app is dead. Long live the app.

该应用程序已死。 该应用程序万岁。

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/there-can-never-be-too-many-apps-69b87308dc61


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