

During my first week as the new — and only — UX writer on the product design team, my manager asked me if we could “have a content strategy by the end of this quarter?”


I looked him square in the eye and said “Yes.”


I had no idea what he meant.


I just said yes to avoid looking like an idiot. We agreed that a good place to start would be a style-guide-sort-of-thing, and I thought “Oh, yeah, cool. Easy.”

我只是说是,是为了避免看起来像个白痴。 我们同意,一个好的起点应该是风格指南之类的东西 ,我认为“哦,是的,很酷。 简单。”

It was not easy.


I spent the next few months (twelve of them, to be exact) looking at other style guides, getting overwhelmed with where to start, and what to include, learning about best practices, asking my manager for more time, answering style questions from my head, getting caught contradicting myself, promising everyone a style guide is in the works, but struggling to deliver while still having to manage the daily writing that also needed to get done.


Now, I am not here to tell you that it gets easier, or that I have fool-proof tips for a smooth sail to Style Guide Island. I can’t show you how to create a style guide from scratch, but I can share the things I’ve learned while attempting to do just that.

现在,我不是要告诉您它变得更容易,或者我有一些愚蠢的技巧可以帮助您顺利到达Style Guide Island。 我无法向您展示如何从头开始创建样式指南,但是可以分享我在尝试这样做时学到的知识。

1.有一个计划 (1. Have a plan)

This one sounds obvious, but it’s so easy to get lost in all the different elements and sections to include that it can become really crazy, really quickly.


Start somewhere


Decide what sections you want to include, and roll them out progressively, in stages, prioritising your roadmap based on your product and design requirements. I know you might want to add everything Polaris has at once, but that was a project that took many months, and many people. Spread out the work, and tackle it section-by-section. Check in with your manager frequently, and bonus points for sharing your progress with your broader team or stakeholders as you go along. Then just keep adding and iterating, forever.

确定要包括哪些部分,并分阶段逐步推出它们,并根据产品和设计要求确定路线图的优先级。 我知道您可能想一次添加Polaris的所有内容,但这是一个耗时数月且人很多的项目。 分散工作,并逐节解决。 经常与您的经理联系,并获得积分,以便在您与更广泛的团队或利益相关者分享您的进度时继续进行。 然后,只需不断添加和迭代即可。

A screenshot of a very basic Style Guide roadmap: A list of things to include in the Style Guide, broken down by quarter.
Having a timeline of what’s coming, helps to break the tasks into smaller chunks.

Don’t reinvent the wheel


Luckily, thanks to Polaris and other awesome style guides like 18F, Mailchimp, and Microsoft, a lot of the work has been done for you. Look at as many different style guides as you can, and take from it what you need. The reason best practices are “best” is because they’re widely used and familiar to users. There’s really no need to start entirely from zero. Take the parts that you agree with, and adapt it to suit your own product’s style and tone.

幸运的是,由于Polaris和其他出色的样式指南(例如18FMailchimpMicrosoft) ,许多工作已经为您完成。 尽可能多地查看不同的样式指南,并从中获取所需的信息。 最佳做法之所以是“最佳”,是因为它们被用户广泛使用和熟悉。 确实没有必要完全从零开始。 取下您同意的零件,并对其进行调整以适合您自己产品的样式和色调。

Consider the role of content in the design system


As you develop your style guide, think of how the content fits into the company’s broader design system, if one exists. We often think of the content guidelines as one thing, and the design system as another, but we’re doing ourselves a disservice by allowing them to evolve independently. It only reinforces the notion that design and content are two separate parts of the design process, and I bet we’re all tired of telling everyone it’s not.

在制定样式指南时,请考虑内容如何适合公司更广泛的设计系统(如果有)。 我们经常将内容指南视为一回事,将设计系统视为另一回事,但是通过让它们独立发展,我们正在对自己不利。 它只是强化了以下观念:设计和内容是设计过程的两个独立部分,我敢打赌,我们都厌倦了告诉所有人并非如此。

By allowing our content guidelines and design system to evolve independently, we’re reinforcing the notion that content and design are separate parts of the design process. They’re not.

通过允许我们的内容准则和设计系统独立发展,我们强化了这样的观念,即内容和设计是设计过程的独立部分。 他们不是。

Reach out to the designers and developers in charge of the design system, and ask them to show you what they’re working on. Find the components that will contain content (banners, buttons, dialogs, headers, lists, forms, etc.) and consider the guidelines for each.

与负责设计系统的设计师和开发人员联系,并请他们向您展示他们正在从事的工作。 找到将包含内容的组件(横幅,按钮,对话框,标题,列表,表单等),并考虑每个组件的准则。

Atlassian, Polaris (again), and Material Design all consider the content guidelines or messaging of each component, making it clear that content and design always go together.

AtlassianPolaris (再次)和Material Design都考虑了每个组件的内容准则或消息传递,从而使内容和设计始终结合在一起很清楚。

If your team does not have a design system, start including component-level content guidelines straight into your style guide, under their own sections.


A screenshot from Shopify’s Polaris, showing the Content Guidelines for the Lists and Tables component.
Shopify’s Polaris includes content guidelines for each component. Shopify的Polaris包含每个组件的内容准则。

Have a system for making decisions


To make sure that the rules or guidelines that make it into the style guide are not just one person’s subjective opinion, do your homework. Root your decisions in a broader strategy, derive them from best practices, evidence, and research, and check that they’re aligned with your organisation’s values and principles. This not only helps you to make solid choices (and trade-offs), but it will also help you to explain these choices to others.

要确保将其纳入样式指南的规则或指南不仅仅是一个人的主观意见,请执行作业。 将您的决策植根于更广泛的策略中,从最佳实践,证据和研究中得出决策,并检查它们是否与组织的价值观和原则保持一致。 这不仅可以帮助您做出可靠的选择(和权衡取舍),还可以帮助您向其他人解释这些选择。

Check out Content Design London’s Readability Guidelines project for evidence-based style guidelines.

查看Content Design London的可读性指南”项目,以获取基于证据的样式指南。

2. MVP,尽快! (2. MVP, ASAP!)

When working on something awesome, we often tend to wait until it’s done, or even perfect, before revealing it. This is not that kind of project. Aim to get a useful, usable version out the door as soon as possible. You can add the fancy stuff later.

当做一件很棒的事情时,我们往往倾向于等到它完成或者甚至完美之后再进行揭示。 这不是那种项目。 旨在尽快获得有用,可用的版本。 您可以稍后添加新奇的东西。

Get the basics down first


Most of the time, people just want to know “How do we write the date, is it day then month?” “Do we write out numbers or use numerals?” “Do we capitalise feature names?” “Title case or sentence case?” so start with that.

大多数时候,人们只是想知道“我们如何写日期,是一天又是一个月?” “我们写数字还是使用数字?” “我们是否将特征名称大写?” “是标题还是句子?” 所以从那开始。

A screenshot of a Style Guide, highlighting the outline of the document on the left, containing the most basic content.
Getting the basics down is half the work done.

Most of the time, people just want to know the basics. Aim to get a useful, usable version of your content style guide out the door as soon as possible. Add the fancy stuff later.

大多数时候,人们只想了解基础知识。 目的是尽快获得有用,可用的内容样式指南。 以后添加花式的东西。

A Google doc is just fine


Don’t stress too much about the format in the beginning. A Google, Word, or Dropbox doc is perfectly fine. As long as you can organise your sections, update it, maintain it, and collaborate with teammates.

开始时不要过分强调格式。 使用Google,Word或Dropbox文档完全可以。 只要您可以组织,更新,维护和与队友协作,就可以。

Help others help you


I know it’s incredibly difficult to build a style guide in parallel with all the actual content writing that needs to get done, but if you don’t start now, you’re going to end up with massive content debt later. Plus, the sooner you put out a style guide, the sooner you empower others to do some writing, which in turn lightens your workload.

我知道要与所有需要完成的实际内容编写工作并行地构建样式指南非常困难,但是如果您现在不开始,那么以后将面临大量的内容负担。 另外,您越早发布样式指南,就越早授权他人进行写作,从而减轻了您的工作量。

3.记住是给谁的 (3. Remember who it’s for)

The style guide is a strategic piece of content that also needs to follow the principles of good design, and good writing.


Keep the reader in mind


The people who end up using the style guide might not all be UX writers, or content strategists. If your style guide is written in a clear, useful, and inclusive way, you might find that it’ll be handy for the marketing team, the internal comms peeps, and all sorts of technical documentation that product managers and engineers like to get stuck in.

最终使用样式指南的人可能并不都是UX编写者或内容战略家。 如果您以清晰,有用和包容的方式编写样式指南,那么您可能会发现它对于市场营销团队,内部沟通,以及产品经理和工程师喜欢陷入的各种技术文档都很方便。在。

A clear, useful, and inclusive style guide should benefit writers, designers, marketers, translators, internal comms, product managers, engineers, and everyone in between.


Follow your own rules


Pay attention to the details within the style guide itself. Make sure you actually apply all the correct guidelines, and add a little flavour to the document by writing it in your organisation’s voice and tone, too. Slack, Microsoft, and GO-JEK do this really well.

注意样式指南本身中的细节。 确保您确实应用了所有正确的准则,并通过以组织的声音和语调来编写文档,从而为文档添加了些许风味。 Slack ,Microsoft和GO-JEK确实做到了。

A screenshot from Slack’s Design System, showing how they bring humour directly into their description of components.
Slack Kit. I love them. Slack Kit中 。 我爱他们。

4.一直告诉所有人 (4. Tell everyone, all the time)

You know when you’ve made up a really good joke and you tell it to a few people, and soon enough, someone tells it back to you? That’s what we’re going for here.

您知道当您编造了一个很好的笑话时,就把它讲给了几个人,很快,有人告诉了您呢? 这就是我们要去的地方。

Talk about it constantly


It’s really important that you don’t get tired of talking about the style guide. Whenever someone asks a content style related question, resist the temptation to answer them immediately, and rather direct them to the style guide. Open it mid-critique to settle a disagreement (or admit that you still need to work on that part). Take it with you to the water cooler. Share it on the Slack channels. Have progress update sessions with your team. Hold workshops to discuss and debate the content rules. Just don’t stop talking about it.

不要厌倦谈论样式指南,这一点非常重要。 每当有人问与内容样式相关的问题时,请抵制诱惑并立即回答,然后将其引导至样式指南。 在批判中打开它,以解决分歧(或承认您仍需要对此进行研究)。 随身带到饮水机。 在Slack频道上分享。 与您的团队进行进度更新会议。 举办研讨会,讨论和辩论内容规则。 只是不要停止谈论它。

Share it, get feedback, update it, rinse, repeat


Remember that you’re building this for people to use, and to do that effectively you’re going to need their feedback. The more eyes you can get on the style guide, the better the end product will be. Just make sure you have a system for making decisions about what needs updating and what doesn’t.

请记住,您正在构建供人们使用的文档,并且要有效地做到这一点,您将需要他们的反馈。 您对样式指南的关注越多,最终产品就会越好。 只要确保您有一个系统就可以决定哪些需要更新,哪些不需要。



5.无论做什么,都不要一个人去做 (5. Whatever you do, don’t go at it alone)

Being the sole person responsible for saying whether to capitalise this or that, or to use punctuation here, but not there, or to come up with new feature names, is a tough task. Unbearable, even.

作为唯一负责说出是否要大写该字母或大写字母,或者在此处使用标点符号(而不是在此处使用标点符号)或提出新功能名称的人,是一项艰巨的任务。 甚至无法忍受。

As mentioned before, many others have done this before you. Learn from them. Involve your team, your manager. Involve other teams. Ask for input and opinions. People tend to care more about something when they can see their part in it. So round up a few trusty collaborators, and make them care.

如前所述,许多其他人已经在您之前完成了此操作。 向他们学习。 让您的团队,您的经理参与其中。 让其他团队参与。 征求意见和建议。 当人们看到自己的部分时,往往会更在乎。 因此,请几个值得信赖的合作者,并让他们关心。

综上所述 (In summary)

The style guide struggle is a very real one, but it’s not an impossible task. It just takes some planning, commitment, collaboration, and a whole lot of noise.

风格指南斗争是很现实的,但这不是不可能的任务。 这只需要一些计划,投入,协作和大量噪音。

That said, Steve Howe has an interesting article full of things you might want to consider before you start writing your guide, and “save yourself the finger cramp.” Best to look at this thing from all angles.

就是说, 史蒂夫·豪 ( Steve Howe)有一篇有趣的文章 ,其中包含您开始编写指南之前可能要考虑的所有事情,并“节省了手指抽筋”。 最好从各个角度看这件事。

This post is an adaptation of a webinar I hosted with UX Writing Hub’s latest batch of students, a.k.a our future UX writers. Go check out their online course!

这篇文章是对我与 UX Writing Hub 最新一批学生(又称为我们未来的UX作家) 主持的网络研讨会的改编 去看看 他们的在线课程

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-style-guide-struggle-is-real-5-things-ive-learned-while-trying-to-create-one-from-scratch-a99ac9efafc9






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