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I just got home from a speed-dating-style design mentorship event, and I’m equal parts exhausted and energized. I’m exhausted because I’m an introvert, and talking to strangers for two hours is physically and emotionally depleting. I’m energized because talking with students and early-career designers reminds me why I got into this field.

我刚从一次速配风格的设计指导活动中回到家,我同样感到精疲力竭。 我精疲力尽是因为我性格内向,与陌生人交谈两个小时在体力和情感上都消耗de尽。 我之所以充满活力,是因为与学生和早期设计师交流使我想起了我为什么进入这个领域。

One thing stuck out to me at this event, and it validated what I’ve been seeing for years: Portfolios often focus on the wrong things and are too damn long.


Here is the advice I gave to young designers tonight, which I want to give to all designers looking for feedback on their portfolios.


A quick note before diving in: This advice is largely geared towards building a stand-out online portfolio. There are different objectives and contexts for sharing an online portfolio and an in-person portfolio review. I believe the goal of an online portfolio is to quickly catch the attention of a recruiter or hiring manager and entice them to reach out. The goal of an in-person portfolio review is to dive into one or two projects and provide much more detail about the problem, the solution and how you got from one to the other. Therefore, some of the strongest candidates I’ve come across have created two versions of each portfolio item.

深入研究之前的快速注意事项 :该建议主要用于构建出色的在线产品组合。 共享在线投资组合和面对面的投资组合审查有不同的目标和环境。 我认为在线投资组合的目标是Swift吸引招聘人员或招聘经理的注意力,并吸引他们进行推广。 面对面的项目组合审查的目的是深入一个或两个项目,并提供有关问题,解决方案以及您如何从一个项目转到另一个项目的更多详细信息。 因此,我遇到的一些最强大的候选人为每个投资组合项目创建了两个版本。

Illustration representing the idea of focusing on product thinking and design craft.

1.专注于产品思维和Craft.io (1. Focus on product thinking and craft)

At a glance, your portfolio project should convey that you are a strong product thinker and your designs possess a high level of polish and craft. The candidates I see most often proceed to the next round are especially solid in product thinking, interaction design and visual design, in addition to other skills.

乍一看,您的投资组合项目应该表明您是一位强大的产品思想家,并且您的设计具有很高的修饰度和Craft.io水平。 我最常看到的进入下一轮的候选人除了其他技能外,在产品思维,交互设计和视觉设计方面尤其扎实。

When looking at a portfolio project, here is the (non-exhaustive) list of things I am looking out for as an interviewer: Product Thinking

当看一个投资组合项目时,以下是我作为面试官需要寻找的(非详尽的)清单: 产品思维

  • What is the human problem you’re solving?

  • How do you know it’s a real human problem (i.e. what research insights or data backs it up)?

  • Why does the business care about this? What business metrics or outcomes might the solution affect?

    企业为什么要关心这个? 解决方案可能会影响哪些业务指标或结果?
  • What was the actual outcome of this work?

  • Was it successful? Did you meet or exceed the business metrics? If not, why?

    成功了吗? 您是否达到或超过了业务指标? 如果没有,为什么?
  • Knowing what you know now, what might you go back and do differently?


Visual Design


  • Did you work within existing pattern libraries or OS guidelines? Or did you develop something new? Either way, why?

    您是否在现有模式库或OS准则内工作? 还是您开发了新的东西? 无论哪种方式,为什么?
  • How did the use of color, typography and other design choices help you solve the problem you identified?

  • Do you have rationale for each design decision, big and small?


Interaction Design


  • What was the hardest interaction design problem you came across?

  • How many iterations did you go through? How did you choose the end solution?

    您经历了几次迭代? 您如何选择最终解决方案?
  • What is one example of how this started out more complex and you simplified it over time?

  • How do you use design to guide the user to an intended outcome?

  • Did you prototype the flow, adding motion design to ensure it’s a quality experience?


This is a lot to cover, and adding it all would create a pretty long portfolio. Consider what is most important to show on an online portfolio. And be sure to have answers to these questions, and more, in person.

这涉及很多,将它们全部添加将创建一个相当长的投资组合。 考虑什么是最重要的在线投资组合。 并确保亲自回答这些问题,甚至更多。



1. To reduce the length of your portfolio, try focusing only on product thinking, visual design and interaction design.


2. If you want to highlight your interaction design skills, include a prototype with micro-interactions and animations. It shows a level of craft and attention to detail that is desirable in a well-rounded designer.

2。 如果您想突出自己的交互设计技能,请包括一个带有微交互和动画的原型。 它显示出一定水平的Craft.io和对细节的关注,这是一位全面的设计师所希望的。

Illustration representing the idea of showing prototypes in your portfolio, not just static mocks.

2.具有互动性,不是一成不变的 (2. Be interactive, not static)

Prototyping used to be icing on the cake; it has become table-stakes. There are two main types of prototyping: clickable static mocks using a tool like InVision, or rich animations and motion design using tools like Origami or Framer. Clickable static mocks are fine and serve a purpose. But when I’m trying to determine level of craft, I want to see rich, animated prototypes.

原型制作曾经是锦上添花。 它已经成为桌面游戏。 原型有两种主要类型:使用InVision等工具可单击的静态模拟,或使用Origami或Framer等工具进行的丰富动画和运动设计。 可点击的静态模拟很好并且有目的。 但是,当我试图确定Craft.io水平时,我希望看到丰富的动画原型。

Taking it one step further — when possible — include demos of the app or website in production. On a spectrum with sketches on the left and prototypes and production apps on the right, lean toward the right.

如果可能的话,将其进一步发展(包括生产中的应用程序或网站的演示)。 在频谱图上,左侧为草图,右侧为原型和生产应用程序,向右倾斜。



1. If you aren’t already, familiarize yourself with tools like Origami, Framer or Principle.


2. To gain inspiration for what is possible, browse Dribbble, where designers often upload interesting new motion design concepts.


3. Include a prototype with every portfolio project.


Illustration representing the idea of choosing your projects wisely

3.明智地选择项目 (3. Choose your projects wisely)

Your portfolio doesn’t need to have 20+ projects. In fact, it shouldn’t. Select three to five projects that showcase you as a well-rounded product designer. Maybe one project is heavy on product thinking and strategy, while another exhibits your visual and motion design skills.

您的投资组合不需要有20个以上的项目。 实际上,它不应该。 选择三到五个项目,向您展示您是一名全面的产品设计师。 也许一个项目专注于产品思维和策略,而另一个则展现您的视觉和动作设计技能。

For an in-person portfolio review, when you only have 30 minutes, it’s best to structure it like this:


项目1(15分钟) (Project 1 (15 minutes))

This should be a big, meaty project and should highlight you as a generalist. During this project you worked with the product manager to define the strategy. You developed some frameworks for how to think about the problem. Maybe you worked with others, but you had a hand in the entire design process and launched a feature or product.

这应该是一个庞大而繁琐的项目,并应该突出您作为通才的能力。 在这个项目中,您与产品经理一起定义策略。 您开发了一些框架来思考问题。 也许您与其他人一起工作过,但是您可以参与整个设计过程并推出了功能或产品。

项目2(7分钟) (Project 2 (7 minutes))

This should be a smaller project, or only focus on one part of a larger project. Instead of walking through all of your contributions, highlight one. Share exciting visual design explorations you made, or new innovative motion design interactions you prototyped.

这应该是一个较小的项目,或者仅专注于较大项目的一部分。 不用遍历您所有的贡献,而是突出显示一个。 分享您进行的激动人心的视觉设计探索,或原型制作的新的创新运动设计交互。

项目3(2分钟) (Project 3 (2 minutes))

This is a single slide with a prototype. It’s the metaphorical mic drop. For example: “Oh yeah, and with a few weeks left before the project deadline, we designed and developed a companion Apple Watch app. It received 30,000 downloads and led to a 3% increase in our business goal.”

这是一张带有原型的幻灯片。 这是隐喻的麦克风。 例如:“哦,是的,在项目截止日期还剩几周之前,我们设计并开发了一个配套的Apple Watch应用。 它收到了30,000次下载,使我们的业务目标增长了3%。”

Between starting 2 minutes late (because it always happens), and leaving 4 minutes for questions, you will just barely fit this all into your 30 minute window.




1. Don’t showcase too many projects in your portfolio. Pick the top 3–5 with each highlighting a different aspect of you as a designer.

1.不要在您的投资组合中展示太多项目。 选择前3-5位,每位突出您作为设计师的不同方面。

2. For in-person interviews, spend time deep-diving into one project, less on a second, and only a minute or two on a third.


Illustration representing the idea of not talking about your design process.

4.不要谈论您的过程 (4. Don’t talk about your process)

Of all my advice, this will be the most controversial — but hear me out. I have conducted hundreds of interviews, and the number one mistake I see made is too much emphasis on process. At times, interviewees will spend half their time on process to the neglect of more important points.

在我的所有建议中,这将是最具争议的-但请听我说。 我进行了数百次面试,我发现犯下的第一大错误是过分强调流程。 有时,受访者会花费一半的时间在流程上,而忽略了更重要的观点。

Specifically, I see a lot of photos of people putting sticky notes on walls, sketches on napkins and diagrams of well-known design processes.


Don’t get me wrong, these are things you should do. The problem: They’re things all designers are expected to do, so talking about it is wasting time. The truth is, good process doesn’t always lead to good design, so I say skip it.

不要误会我的意思,这是您应该做的事情。 问题:所有设计师都应该做这些事情,所以谈论它是在浪费时间。 事实是,好的过程并不总是会导致好的设计,所以我说跳过它。



1. In your online portfolio, don’t spend more than a sentence on your process.


2. Include more detail about your process if it is somewhat unique or important to the outcome.


Illustration representing the idea of telling a story, not an outline

5.讲故事,而不是提纲 (5. Tell a story, not an outline)

The purpose of an online portfolio is to get a recruiter or a hiring manager just interested enough to want to talk to you in person. I did a random audit of design portfolios from new to experienced designers and found that the average portfolio project is over 1,300 words.

在线投资组合的目的是使招聘者或招聘经理足够有兴趣与您亲自交谈。 我从新手到经验丰富的设计师,对设计作品集进行了随机审核,发现平均作品集项目超过1300个单词。

But length alone is not an issue. Almost every portfolio I see has the same format. They look and read like an outline, not a well-crafted story. They always have a header, followed by a paragraph and an image repeated over and over. These sections often include:

但是,长度不是一个问题。 我看到的几乎每个投资组合都具有相同的格式。 他们看起来和读起来像是轮廓,而不是精心设计的故事。 他们总是有一个标题,后跟一个段落和一遍又一遍的图像。 这些部分通常包括:

  • Project Overview: Design Challenge, My Role, Problem (People and Business)


  • Design Process: Competitive Analysis, Heuristic Review, User Research, User Personas, User Stories, Affinity Diagramming, Usability Testing


  • Solution: Sketches, Flow Diagrams, Wireframes, Design Specs, Prototype


  • Outcome: Metrics, Retrospective / What I Learned


This list makes it easy to understand why the average portfolio project length is 1,300 words. But hiring managers and recruiters are sifting through tens or hundreds of resumes and portfolios each week. Think about the hours, days and weeks you spent meticulously documenting your process and solution only to find out — or likely not find out — that not a single person has read it in its entirety.

此列表使您很容易理解为什么平均投资组合项目长度为1300个单词。 但是,招聘经理和招聘人员每周都要筛选数十或数百份简历和投资组合。 考虑一下您精心记录下来的流程和解决方案所花费的小时,天数和周数,只是为了发现(或可能没有发现)没有一个人完整阅读它。

Finally, this outline format makes for somewhat uninteresting reading. Instead, tell a story, focusing on the most interesting and impactful parts of the project. Grab the reviewer’s attention and convey the major points at the beginning, in case they don’t read through to the end.

最后,这种大纲格式使阅读有些无趣。 而是讲一个故事,重点放在项目中最有趣,最有影响力的部分。 抓住审稿人的注意力,并在开始时传达要点,以防它们没有读到结尾。

My format preference is a brief description of the project that touches on the problem, the solution and the outcome (user and/or business), paired with a prototype. Because this is often not enough space to tell the full story, a “learn more” button or link to the full write-up is often necessary. But again, the hiring manager will likely not click that.

我的格式首选项是对项目的简短描述,该问题涉及问题,解决方案和结果(用户和/或业务),并与原型配对。 由于通常没有足够的空间来讲述完整的故事,因此通常需要“了解更多”按钮或指向完整文章的链接。 但同样,招聘经理可能不会单击。

Illustration representing the idea of keeping your portfolio succinct.

This can all be summed up as: Tell a cohesive story. It should have a beginning, middle and end. More than anything, it should be interesting and get people excited to learn more about you.

这可以总结为:讲一个有凝聚力的故事。 它应该有一个开始,中间和结尾。 最重要的是,它应该很有趣,并使人们兴奋地更多地了解您。



1. Challenge yourself to edit down the length of your portfolio projects. Can you get it down to 500 words? 200 words? 100 words?!

1.挑战自己,减少投资项目的长度。 您能把它缩小到500个字吗? 200个字? 100个字?!

2. How would you explain your portfolio project to someone not in the technology or design field? How would you explain it to a child? These thought exercises will likely lead you to more of a narrative than an outline format.

2.您将如何向不在技术或设计领域的人解释您的投资组合项目? 您将如何向孩子解释? 这些思想练习可能会使您更多地叙述,而不是大纲格式。

3. Try fitting everything noteworthy “above the fold,” or at least before you think most people would drop off.


4. Try telling the story of each project using only four elements from the list above: problem, solution, prototype and outcome.

4.尝试仅使用上面列出的四个元素来讲述每个项目的故事: 问题解决方案原型结果

最重要的是做自己 (More than anything, be yourself)

Of course, a lot of this is over-generalized and might not always make sense given your specific situation or goal. But this is advice I have given so often that it finally made sense to write it down.

当然,其中许多内容过于笼统,鉴于您的特定情况或目标,可能并不总是很有意义。 但这是我经常给出的建议,以至于最终将其写下来是合理的。

So take my advice with a grain of salt and be your authentic self. Share your work with passion and others will be excited to work with you. Please comment and let me know if it has helped you or if you have any questions.

因此,请服从我的建议,成为您的真实自我。 与热情分享您的工作,其他人会很高兴与您一起工作。 请发表评论,让我知道它是否对您有所帮助或有任何疑问。

翻译自: https://medium.com/facebook-design/5-ways-to-improve-your-design-portfolio-today-eb63e17560dc


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