facebook 五维设计_采访Facebook Messenger的产品设计师Alice Chuang

facebook 五维设计

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Alice is a Product Designer at Facebook Messenger; she was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts and is culturally Taiwanese-American. Alice currently lives in San Francisco with her fiancé Ross, an iOS Engineer who now works at Apple on the App Store team. “We’ve worked at two startups together. You know if I’m marrying the guy, he definitely executes to spec. 😉”

爱丽丝(Alice)是Facebook Messenger的产品设计师; 她在马萨诸塞州波士顿出生和长大,是具有文化背景的台湾裔美国人。 爱丽丝目前与未婚夫罗斯一起居住在旧金山,她是一名iOS工程师,现在在Apple的App Store团队工作。 “我们已经在两家初创公司一起工作。 你知道我要嫁给那个家伙,他肯定会按规格执行。 😉”

You can follow Alice on Instagram or Twitter and see her work on her website.

您可以在InstagramTwitter上关注Alice,并在其网站 查看她的作品。

If you have any questions relating to this interview or are interested in being interviewed, feel free to DM me on Instagram or reach out on LinkedIn.


Can you tell us about your education?I have a double major in Film Studies and English Literature from Mount Holyoke. I never would have thought I’d end up at a Women’s College, but the experience was unparalleled. There’s something about an environment for young women where leadership in student organization is de facto only women — it’s empowering! I really think it set me up for life after college, especially tech, which is a field that’s still quite male-dominated.

您能告诉我们您的学历吗? 我在霍利奥克山有电影学和英语文学双专业。 我从来没有想过我会进入女子大学,但是这种经历是无与伦比的。 在年轻女性的环境中,学生组织的领导事实上仅是女性,这是一种赋权的环境! 我真的认为这为我大学毕业后的生活奠定了基础,尤其是科技领域,这个领域仍然是男性主导的领域。

What is your previous work experience? My first software design job was through a Yale Science Park startup accelerator with two friends, where we learned some business tenets and worked on building our own company, which focused on creating political apps for grassroots campaigns.

您以前的工作经验是什么? 我的第一个软件设计工作是通过与两个朋友的耶鲁科学园启动加速器进行的,在那里我们了解了一些商业原则并致力于建立自己的公司,该公司专注于为基层竞选活动创建政治应用程序。

After that, I joined a digital agency in Boston where I got to work on pretty much every app genre — sports, finances, music, smell-o-vision… With that I also got to experiment a lot with many visual styles, which taught me a lot.


I then moved down the street to Google, where I worked on Google Play for Education. It was the first company where I got to work really closely with researchers and get qualitative and quantitative data about how our users all over the world were using our products. That kind of information was extremely valuable, because the platform we were working on involved schools of all different sizes and resources, which meant that our product and content management solutions had to scale for both ends of the spectrum.

然后,我沿着街道搬到了Google,在那里我从事Google Play for Education的工作。 这是我与研究人员紧密合作的第一家公司,并获得了有关全球用户如何使用我们产品的定性和定量数据。 此类信息非常有价值,因为我们正在使用的平台涉及各种规模和资源的学校,这意味着我们的产品和内容管理解决方案必须针对频谱的两端进行扩展。

I eventually left Google to work with some of my friends at a health-tech startup in Boston called Wellframe, where I led product design. My team focused on building Wellframe’s live mobile and web dashboard products, which helped elderly patients who had been diagnosed with chronic diseases to better manage their condition and communicate with their caretakers more frequently than if they were depending on check-ups or hospital visits. On the other side of things, the caretakers could better monitor these at-risk patients and ensure things such as whether or not their patients were taking their medications as scheduled. They’d also be able to collect trends over time and have better insight to when a patient might be heading towards a bad situation, like a heart attack, and be able to respond and treat the condition before it becomes an ER situation.

我最终离开了Google,与我的一些朋友一起在波士顿的一家名为Wellframe的健康科技初创公司工作,在那里我负责产品设计。 我的团队专注于开发Wellframe的实时移动和Web仪表板产品,该产品可以帮助被诊断出患有慢性疾病的老年患者更好地管理自己的状况并与看护者进行更频繁的交流,而无需依靠检查或医院就诊。 另一方面,看护者可以更好地监视这些高危患者,并确保诸如患者是否按计划服用药物之类的事情。 他们还能够随着时间的推移收集趋势,并更好地了解患者何时可能走向心脏病之类的恶劣情况,并能够在病情变成ER病情之前做出React并进行治疗。

It was also around this time that I got diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions, so it was particularly intense but also motivating for me to be working on something health-tech related and feeling the struggles of our healthcare system at the same time. On the flip side, I also saw the real difficulties of working on something innovative in healthcare — there’s a lot of red tape and legality involved. We were essentially competing with big, established companies like Epic.

也是在这个时候,我被诊断出患有两种自身免疫病,所以这特别紧张,但同时也激发了我从事与健康技术相关的工作,并同时感受到我们医疗体系的困境。 另一方面,我也看到了在医疗保健领域进行创新工作的真正困难-涉及很多繁文tape节和合法性。 实际上,我们与Epic等大型,成熟的公司竞争。

Another challenge of working on Wellframe was designing a mobile interface for our main cohort of users, who were senior-aged. For me, this was an incredibly valuable experience, because at Google we’d been designing for children who were digital-natives, and at the agency, our apps were meant for people in my demographic — tech savvy, twenty-something, and with the latest mobile devices. I learned a lot from talking with our senior users. Overall, I’d say that working on Wellframe was essentially a long-term empathy exercise around inclusive design for me, which really helped me shift comfortably into my current role on Facebook Messenger, a product meant to scale globally, for all demographics.

使用Wellframe的另一个挑战是为我们的主要老年人群设计一个移动界面。 对我来说,这是一次非常宝贵的经历,因为在Google,我们一直在为数字原生代的孩子们设计,而在代理商中,我们的应用程序是为我的受众群体设计的-精通技术,二十多岁的人以及最新的移动设备。 通过与我们的高级用户交谈,我学到了很多东西。 总体而言,我想说的是,在Wellframe上开展工作本质上是对包容性设计的长期移情,这确实帮助我轻松地转变了我在Facebook Messenger上的现任角色,该产品旨在针对所有人群进行全球扩展。

I ended up moving to California and working at Facebook without really planning to. My fiancé, Ross, got a job offer from Apple. He’s an iOS Developer, so he was sort of like, “I gotta do this, this is my dream job….would you move out to California with me?”. Looking back, I was in such a privileged position to casually make a move like this, because we both worked in tech. Had I been a teacher or a real estate agent, or some other job that’s much more network dependent, I’d have had a far harder time picking up my life to move across the country.

我最终搬到加利福尼亚,在Facebook上工作,但没有真正打算。 我的未婚夫罗斯从苹果公司获得了工作机会。 他是一名iOS开发人员,所以有点像:“我一定要做,这是我的梦想工作……您愿意和我一起搬到加利福尼亚吗?”。 回顾过去,我处于这样的特权位置,可以随便采取这样的举动,因为我们俩都在技术领域工作。 如果我是一名老师或房地产经纪人,或者是其他一些工作,而这些工作更多地取决于网络,那么我要艰难地度过一生要在全国范围内生活。

A few months after Ross started at Apple (he’s an engineer on the App Store team), I flew out to interview at Apple and Facebook. I ended up getting the exact offer from both companies, so my decision ended up purely based on the product that I wanted to work on and the company’s culture. I grew up using AIM and have a deep love and appreciation for instant messaging, so the choice was simple — Messenger was and still is an ideal product for me to contribute to.

罗斯进入苹果公司(他是App Store团队的工程师)几个月后,我飞赴苹果和Facebook接受采访。 我最终从两家公司获得了确切的报价,所以我的决定最终纯粹基于我想工作的产品和公司的文化。 我在使用AIM的过程中长大,对即时消息具有浓厚的爱意和欣赏,因此选择很简单-Messenger一直是并且仍然是我贡献的理想产品。

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Do you have a fun fact about yourself you’d like to share? I’m really into ligne-claire comics and tarot cards — I think they can be so aesthetically beautiful and expressive. Maybe one day I’ll combine both interests into one and make my own ligne-claire styled deck.

您想分享一个有趣的事实吗? 我真的很喜欢ligne-claire漫画和塔罗牌-我认为它们在美学上可以如此美丽和富有表现力。 也许有一天,我会将两种兴趣结合在一起,并制作自己的ligne-claire风格的套牌。

How did you get into UX design? Most of my technical background prior to becoming a Product Designer stemmed from knowing how to use Adobe Photoshop really well, and that I owe to Theater.

您是如何进入UX设计的? 在成为产品设计师之前,我的大部分技术背景源于对如何正确使用Adobe Photoshop的充分了解, 归功于Theatre。

I worked as a Sound Designer on a bunch of musicals and plays with a theater troupe in college, and right off the bat I noticed that the posters we used to market our shows didn’t reflect the quality of the productions — they were usually slapped together by a harried Producer, and lacked visual design polish in every aspect. I volunteered to take that work off the Producer’s hands, and got pretty good with Photoshop. Luckily for me, at the time UI design happened on Photoshop, so the learning curve when I started working in the field was relatively low for me technically, and I was able to focus my mental energy on understanding product strategy and honing my visual craft.

我曾在很多音乐剧中担任声音设计师的角色,并在大学期间与一家剧院团一起演出,但是当初我发现用于营销演出的海报不能反映出作品的质量,通常会被拍打由一个烦躁的制作人共同完成,并且在各个方面都缺乏视觉设计的美感。 我自愿从制作人手中拿走了那份工作,并在Photoshop中获得了不错的成绩。 对我来说幸运的是,当时UI设计是在Photoshop上进行的,所以从技术上来说,我开始在该领域工作时的学习曲线对我来说相对较低,并且我能够将精力集中在理解产品策略和磨练视觉Craft.io上。

Do you have a design philosophy? Remember that you’re not representative of all the people who use your product. Always seek out other voices, opinions, and points of view.

您有设计理念吗? 请记住,您并不能代表使用产品的所有人。 始终寻求其他声音,意见和观点。

What does diversity mean to you? Different ways of thinking and approaching the world, whether that stems from race, gender, sexuality, cultural backgrounds, or other factors.

多样性对您意味着什么? 无论是由于种族,性别,性取向,文化背景或其他因素而产生的思维和接近世界的方式都不同。

What are your thoughts on Accessibility in design? Accessibility a huge focus of my work on Messenger. I believe that understanding inclusive design is going to be mandatory in the future — especially in the wake of the recent Supreme Court ruling that guarantees people with a disability “full and equal enjoyment of the goods and services … of any place of public accommodations”, as stipulated in the Americans With Disabilities Act, both physically and digitally.

您对设计中的可访问性有何看法? 可访问性是我在Messenger上工作的重点。 我认为,对包容性设计的理解将在未来成为强制性的要求,尤其是在最高法院最近作出一项保证残疾人能够“在任何地方的公共场所充分享受商品和服务……”之后,按照《美国残疾人法案》的规定,无论是在身体上还是在数字上。

Outside of legality, you can’t really build an app that’s scalable to all users if a subset of the population really struggles to use it. This includes all sorts of disabilities, whether temporary, permanent, or situational, like trying to use your phone with one hand while carrying groceries in the other.

在合法性之外,如果一部分人确实很难使用它,那么您将无法真正构建可扩展到所有用户的应用程序。 这包括各种残疾,无论是暂时的,永久的或有条件的残疾,例如尝试用一只手用手机同时用另一只手携带食品杂货。

I think the challenge with inclusive design will be with features like Stories, which are inherently visual, and being able to transform it into an accessible medium for visually impaired users. That’s a frontier that we haven’t quite breached, but new solutions and processes are imminent. We’ve already come a long way with AI’s ability to label photos to make an app like Instagram much more accessible.

我认为,包容性设计面临的挑战将是像Stories这样的功能,这些功能具有固有的视觉效果,并能够将其转换为视障用户可访问的媒体。 这是我们尚未完全突破的前沿,但是新的解决方案和流程迫在眉睫。 人工智能能够为照片加标签,使Instagram之类的应用程序更加易于使用,我们已经走了很长一段路。

What are some tips for UX interviews? Come prepared to talk about your work. When I interview people, it’s more about what you learned from a project and how you solved the objective of the product than walking through pixels.

UX面试有哪些技巧? 准备准备谈论您的工作。 当我采访人们时,与其说说像素,不如说是从项目中学到的东西以及如何解决产品的目标。

What do you think makes a great designer? Being a good listener is one of the most important skills. It allows you to learn from others, be a good partner, and be able to take in valuable feedback from people who use your product.

您如何看待一位出色的设计师? 成为一个好的倾听者是最重要的技能之一。 它使您可以向他人学习,成为良好的合作伙伴,并能够从使用您的产品的人那里获得宝贵的反馈。

Also, make the most of your meetings. This past year, I really committed to taking detailed, hand-written notes during meetings to avoid being distracted by my laptop. Always remember to write down the date! It’s so helpful as a reference for later.

此外,充分利用您的会议。 在过去的一年中,我确实致力于在会议期间做详细的手写笔记,以免被笔记本电脑分散注意力。 永远记得写下日期! 作为以后的参考非常有用。

What does a typical workday look like for you? It really depends on the day. My week is split up between offices. On Mondays and Fridays I work out of our San Francisco office, and those days tend to be light on meetings. I’m at FB HQ in Menlo Park on Tuesday’s and Thursdays, where many of the engineers I work with are based, so I tend to have most of my recurring meetings on those days so we can have face time and avoid the issues inherent to multi-person video conference calls.

典型的工作日对您来说是什么样? 这真的取决于一天。 我的周在办公室之间分配。 在星期一和星期五,我在旧金山办公室外工作,那些日子里开会很少。 我周二和周四在门洛帕克(Menlo Park)的FB HQ,与我合作的许多工程师都在这里工作,所以我倾向于在那些日子里举行大多数定期会议,这样我们就可以有时间面对并避免与生俱来的问题。多人视频电话会议。

Wednesday’s are “no-meeting” days for us, so I tend to do the most executional work on that day.


What are some of the challenges/obstacles you’ve faced at work? My first year at Facebook was tough because I was learning so many new things (like how to design for Growth) while struggling to figure out my newly diagnosed autoimmune conditions. Being sick and in a new environment was really rough — I had to set up relationships with all new doctors and specialists, and try a bunch of different remedies to keep my autoimmune illness at bay. For a few months that first year, I couldn’t see out of one of my eyes, which was obviously challenging as a software designer. It’s hard to do work you’re really proud of when you feel physically terrible — at least half of your mental energy is depleted.

您在工作中面临哪些挑战/障碍? 我在Facebook的第一年很艰难,因为我在学习很多新事物(例如如何设计用于增长的方法)的同时努力弄清自己新诊断的自身免疫性疾病。 在新的环境中生病真是太难了–我必须与所有新医生和专科医生建立关系,并尝试一系列不同的补救措施以阻止自身免疫性疾病的发作。 在第一年的几个月里,我一直看不到眼睛,这对作为软件设计师来说显然是个挑战。 当您感到身体上很糟糕时,很难做让您真正感到骄傲的工作-至少有一半的精神能量被消耗掉了。

How do you see UX evolving in the future? Prototyping is a skill designers will need in their toolbox, not as a “nice-to-have” but as something you really need to know how to do. It just saves so much time and makes it easier to show and explain your work.

您如何看待未来的用户体验? 原型设计是设计师在工具箱中需要的一项技能,不是“必备”,而是您真正需要知道的技巧。 它只是节省了很多时间,并且使显示和解释您的工作变得更加容易。

Interaction design is also such a large factor in how an app feels to people who use it. You can even tell the difference between devices — just how tactile something feels and how much tension / give there is when you scroll or long-press and move elements around.

交互设计也是影响应用程序对使用它的人的重要因素。 您甚至可以说出设备之间的区别-只是滚动或长按并移动元素时感觉到的触感以及张力/给予的感觉。

What are the most common mistakes you see in UX portfolios? I think most UX designers are aware that they can’t just show a flashy prototype or set of mockups to showcase their product. People usually include their process now, and show how they start from objectives and user stories into wireframes and low-fidelity mockups, and eventually evolve those into their final high-fidelity mockups. However, showing your process isn’t enough. I’m much more interested in how you came to the conclusions in your final mocks, what didn’t work, and what you were able to learn from that. All of that = Product Thinking.

您在UX产品组合中看到的最常见错误是什么? 我认为大多数用户体验设计师都知道,他们不能仅仅展示一个浮华的原型或一组样机来展示他们的产品。 人们通常现在就包括他们的过程,并展示他们如何从目标和用户故事开始,成为线框和低保真模型,最终将其发展为最终的高保真模型。 但是,仅显示过程是不够的。 我对您如何得出最终模拟中的结论,什么不起作用以及您从中学到的东西感兴趣得多。 所有这些就是产品思维。

Do you have any tips for anyone looking to get into the UX field? Be kind — it’s a smaller design world than you think it is! If you reach out to established designers asking for feedback or advice, don’t ghost on them. It’s rude.

对于想要进入UX领域的任何人,您有什么提示? 善待他人-设计世界比您想象的要小! 如果您与有经验的设计师联系,征求反馈或建议,请不要着迷。 这很粗鲁。

I’d also keep practicing and honing your craft and eye for details. Unpack popular products that you admire and find the rhyme and reason in the interface. Try all kinds of apps and learn something from each one.

我还将继续练习和磨练您的手艺,并关注细节。 打开您喜欢的流行产品的包装,并在界面中找到押韵和原因。 尝试各种应用,并从每个应用中学到一些东西。

Do you have any side projects you’re working on? I work on a podcast called The Penumbra Podcast. It’s something that I work on with a few of my friends from college and high school. It’s a queer radio drama with two main storylines. One is a sci-fi / noir centered around a depressed, bisexual private-eye on Mars. The other is set in a medieval world sort of post-King Arthur, where things are crumbling apart and beasts roam the ruins. We’re in our third season; definitely check us out!

您有正在进行的任何辅助项目吗? 我在一个叫做Penumbra Podcast的播客上工作。 我和一些大学和高中的朋友一起工作。 这是一部具有两个主要故事情节的奇特广播剧。 一种是围绕着火星上郁闷的双性恋私人眼睛的科幻/黑色电影。 另一个位于中世纪的后亚瑟王时代,那里的东西崩溃了,野兽在废墟中漫游。 我们已经进入第三季了; 一定要检查我们!

What do you do to improve your design skills?I like to try out all kinds of apps when looking for a specific solution.

您如何提高设计技能? 寻找特定解决方案时,我喜欢尝试各种应用程序。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/interview-with-alice-chuang-product-designer-at-facebook-messenger-759ff1c41d07

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