

重点 (Top highlight)

I recently became an active member of the Medium Design community and I was in for a big surprise when I discovered that many of the design practices I had performed at school were not aligned with the greater UX community.


After reading more articles and investing more time into learning best practices, I have become a slightly more enlightened junior designer than I was a few months back.


Here are some of the funny clichés and cringe-worthy trends I used to put into practice.


“You are not your user”… like duh


I used to say this as if it was some epiphany to the design community. I’ve since learned it’s far more important to put this into action through user testing and iteration than it is to say it as a one-off statement in your design group.

我曾经说过,这似乎是设计界的顿悟。 从那以后,我了解到,通过用户测试和迭代将其付诸实践比将其作为设计团队中的一次性声明来执行更为重要。

“Well according to the Double Diamond…”

“好吧,根据Double Diamond……”

I was preaching to the choir with this one. Senior designers know what this is, and if anything are starting to create their own UX models. While it is certainly a great framework for junior designers to understand the steps behind design-thinking, it is relatively linear, separates analysis/discovery, and undermines the importance of a design concept. Using this as a base, but then exploring other methodologies has been incredibly helpful in thinking about a more holistic product development process.

我和这个合唱团一起宣讲。 高级设计师知道这是什么,以及是否有什么东西开始创建自己的UX模型。 虽然对于初级设计师来说,了解设计思想背后的步骤无疑是一个很好的框架,但它相对线性, 将分析/发现分开 ,并破坏了设计概念的重要性。 以它为基础,然后探索其他方法学,对于思考更全面的产品开发过程非常有帮助。

“I am a UX Designer”…. and?

“我是用户体验设计师”…。 和?

UX Design is an umbrella term that spans all industries. It wasn’t descriptive enough to call myself just a UX Designer. My title has now changed to a Digital Product Designer interested in consumer-facing experiences, particularly in the entertainment and social impact space.

UX设计是涵盖所有行业的总称。 它的描述性不足以称自己为UX设计器。 现在,我的头衔已更改为对感兴趣的面向消费者的体验(尤其是在娱乐和社会影响领域中)感兴趣的数字产品设计师。

“Adding more features makes my product better”


I used to be a feature creeper and I am embarrassed. Focused products drive better experiences. When a product adds too many features, the experience becomes far more complex and subpar at all tasks versus very good at one. The user experience deteriorates when there isn’t a focus because the product's core functions are diluted across too many features. Less really is more.

我曾经是一名特征爬行者,但我感到很尴尬。 重点产品可带来更好的体验。 当产品添加太多功能时,体验会变得更加复杂,并且在所有任务上都无法达到出色的水平。 没有重点关注时, 用户体验会恶化 ,因为产品的核心功能被过多的功能所稀释。 少就是多。

“This is what the recruiter is expecting of me”


If I spent more time worrying about my own design goals and aspirations, rather than how to fit a certain mold for what the perfect new grad designer looks like than I would have saved myself a lot of time and stress.


“Aesthetics and function can be treated separately”


I have since realized that strong information Architecture and hierarchy early on set the precedent for how aesthetic your product will be. How your product organizes information and navigation is the backbone behind intuitive designs: people can only enjoy and make sense of your service if there is a clearly understood architecture laid out for them; the intuitive access of information is what makes a product aesthetic. Aesthetic follows function, not the other way around.

从那以后,我就意识到,强大的信息体系结构和层次结构为产品的美观创造了先例。 产品如何组织信息和导航是直观设计的基础 :只有为客户设计了清晰易懂的体系结构,人们才能享受并理解您的服务。 直观的信息访问使产品具有美感。 审美遵循功能,而不是相反。

“Focus on the UX process and emphasize this in your portfolio”


You don’t ship process, you ship products. Showing stakeholders how my process educated my design decisions were far more important than going through slides of user interviews, personas, and secondary research.

您不运送流程,而是运送产品。 向利益相关者展示我的流程如何教育我的设计决策比通过用户访谈,角色和二次研究的幻灯片更为重要。

“We don’t have time for user interviews so just go straight into making personas”


My professors actually told me to do this. The whole point of a persona is to synthesize user research. Honestly an embarrassing moment for us.

我的教授实际上告诉我要这样做。 角色的重点是综合用户研究。 老实说,这对我们来说是一个尴尬的时刻。

“Metrics? Don’t know her?”

“指标? 不认识她吗?”

There would be times in school where I would finish a design project without outlining KPIs for what I was improving. How can you measure tangible improvement without a baseline to start?

在学校里有时候,我会完成一个设计项目而没有概述我正在改进的KPI。 在没有基准开始的情况下,如何衡量切实的改进?

“Well according to Fitts/Jakobs/Hicks/*insert last name*…”

“根据Fitts / Jakobs / Hicks / **插入姓氏* ...”

I have since learned that theory and application are wildly different beasts. Using psychology and design principles are only as good as knowing when to apply each to your project.

从那以后,我了解到理论和应用是完全不同的野兽。 使用心理学和设计原理仅与知道何时将它们应用于您的项目一样好。

“Well I’m not sure how it will make money, but the users will definitely love it!”


My user should be just as much of a priority as to how my product will monetize. Most stakeholders or investors won’t fund something just because it will make a positive user experience. Balance user needs with business goals.

我的用户应优先考虑我的产品如何获利。 大多数利益相关者或投资者不会仅仅因为会带来积极的用户体验而资助。 平衡用户需求和业务目标。

“Cofolios is the gold standard for design interns”

“ Cofolios是设计实习生的黄金标准”

Cofolios is a website that aggregates UX intern portfolios at top tech companies. It is a great UX internship resource, but it also made me feel very insecure about my work. Rather than obsess over what others have done, it was really important for me to reflect on how I can grow and realize everyone comes from different starting points in their design journey.

Cofolios是一个网站,汇集了顶级高科技公司的UX实习生投资组合。 这是一个很棒的UX实习资源,但是这也让我对自己的工作感到非常不安全。 对我而言,思考自己的成长方式并认识到每个人都来自他们设计旅程的不同起点,这对我而言非常重要,而不是执着于他人所做的事情。

“My product, my product, my product”


For the longest time when designing products I never thought about the greater context. What I have since learned is that design doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There is a before, during, and end to everything we use.

在设计产品的最长时间内,我从未想到过更大的环境。 从那以后,我了解到设计并不是在真空中进行的。 我们所用的一切都有一个之前,之中和终点。

“I am designing for everyone”


This is not accessibility related, but target consumer related. I have learned that trying to fully appease all types of users only leads to everyone being dissatisfied. Picking a primary, secondary, and tertiary user gave my products a lot more focus.

这与可访问性无关,但与目标消费者有关。 我了解到,尝试完全安抚所有类型的用户只会导致每个人都不满意。 选择主要,次要和第三级用户使我的产品更加集中。

“I am a designer, I don’t need to write”


Conveying my thoughts succinctly has been almost as crucial as my design skills themselves. While the design community is visual, conveying your ideas through writing is still the primary medium for many other industries.

简洁地传达我的想法与我自己的设计技能几乎一样重要。 尽管设计社区是可视化的,但是通过写作传达您的想法仍然是许多其他行业的主要媒介。

This is a collection of some of my cringe-worthy junior designer ideas. As I continue to grow into a more experienced designer, I am excited to add to this list. Learning is a journey, and it’s important to look back and laugh at yourself when you can.

这是我一些颇具胆识的初级设计师想法的集合。 随着我继续成长为经验更丰富的设计师,我很高兴能加入这个名单。 学习是一个旅程,重要的是要回头笑自己。

If you have any funny clichés or cringe-worthy junior design stories I would love to hear them. Shoot me a comment down below.

如果您有任何有趣的陈词滥调或值得一看的初级设计故事,我很想听听他们的意见。 在下面给我留言。

I am a student designer with a lot to learn! Any insights, differing opinions, or expert advice is always welcome. I am always open to having a dialogue with others and recognize that I am not an industry expert just yet. Thanks so much for reading!

我是一个学习很多的学生设计师! 始终欢迎任何见解,不同意见或专家建议。 我一直乐于与他人进行对话,并认识到我还不是行业专家。 非常感谢您的阅读!

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/not-so-proud-moments-of-being-a-junior-designer-f55b6e998dca


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