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As a fellow product designer, I could spend days on end floating around the web, marveling at the countless number of spectacular interfaces and interactions that I come across. On Instagram alone, there are thousands upon thousands of amazing looking designs being uploaded everyday.

作为产品设计师的同伴,我可能会花几天时间在网上徘徊,惊叹于我遇到的无数壮观的界面和交互。 仅在Instagram上,每天就有成千上万的精美外观设计被上传。

I find myself scrolling through hundreds of them on Instagram in any given session. People in the comments drop heart-eye emojis and likes for all the cool interactions, the sleek fonts, amazing colors, and out-of-the-box ideas. However, within the sea of admiration, there’s usually one person (most likely a developer or just a more experienced designer) bringing us back to reality with some variation of this comment:

在任何给定的会话中,我发现自己在Instagram上滚动浏览了数百个。 评论中的人们对所有有趣的交互,流畅的字体,惊人的颜色以及即用型的想法都垂涎三尺表情并表示喜欢。 但是,在令人钦佩的海洋中,通常会有一个人(最有可能是开发人员,或者只是经验更丰富的设计师)使我们回到现实,并带有以下一些评论:

“I feel bad for the person who’s going to have to develop this.”


Designers are often creative by nature. Sometimes, as creatives, we may get carried away when designing products and experiences, moving away from what is practical to something more glamorous (that will most likely be harder to build). Now, I am in no way looking to discourage designers from designing cool interfaces for studies, for practice, and their public portfolios. I do it too. It’s fun, helps us show off our skills and creative process and allows us to explore ideas and concepts that help push design forward.

d esigners往往是自然的创意。 有时,作为创意者,我们在设计产品和体验时可能会发疯,从实用的内容转移到更具魅力的内容(这很可能很难构建)。 现在,我绝不会阻止设计师为研究,实践以及他们的公共作品设计炫酷的界面。 我也是 它很有趣,可以帮助我们展示自己的技能和创造过程,并让我们探索有助于推动设计前进的想法和概念。

However, I am urging all designers to keep in mind that when we are creating a product that will be developed and shipped, the goal should be first to solve the problems of our users as simply and as effectively as possible. A huge part of creating effective solutions to problems is to make sure that the team that will have to develop the solution that we design will be able to build it without wanting to rip their hair out.

但是,我敦促所有设计师记住,当我们创建将要开发和交付的产品时,目标应该首先是尽可能简单有效地解决用户的问题。 创建有效的问题解决方案的很大一部分是确保必须开发我们设计的解决方案的团队能够构建该解决方案,而又不想扯掉他们的头发。

So, what can we do to design products, interfaces, and experiences that are more practical for development?


学习编码 (Learn to code)

You don’t have to be a computer scientist or a programming wizard. But you should at least take some time to learn about the different programming languages, best practices, and general architecture of types of products you build for. Are you primarily an iOS designer? Download Xcode and start fiddling around with Swift. Are you an Android designer? Try building something small in Android Studio. Do you primarily design for the web? Try taking a course on HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

您不必是计算机科学家或编程向导。 但是,您至少应该花一些时间来了解您要为其构建的产品类型的不同编程语言,最佳实践和一般体系结构。 您主要是iOS设计师吗? 下载Xcode并开始摆弄Swift。 您是Android设计师吗? 尝试在Android Studio中构建一些小的东西。 您主要是为网络设计的吗? 尝试学习有关HTML,CSS和Javascript的课程。

Taking the time to learn more about how products are built will instill in you a sense of empathy and understanding for what your developers will have to go through, and will ultimately help you design better products.


注意技术债务 (Be aware of technical debt)

“Technical debt is a concept in software development that reflects the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (limited) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer.” — Wikipedia

“技术债务 是软件开发中的一个概念,反映了由于现在选择一种简单的(有限的)解决方案而不是使用会花费较长时间的更好方法而导致的额外返工的隐含成本。” —维基百科

Technical debt isn’t solely created by the developers. As designers, we also have to be aware of the technical debt that may be unintentionally created down the line as a result of our design. If we design products with unrealistic expectations of what can be done, we may cause developers to have to cut corners when actually building the feature, ultimately hurting the user experience.

技术债务并非完全由开发人员造成。 作为设计师,我们还必须意识到由于我们的设计可能在生产线下游无意中造成的技术负担。 如果我们在设计产品时对实现的目标抱有不切实际的期望,则可能会导致开发人员在实际构建功能时不得不走捷径,最终损害用户体验。

通信。 通信。 通信。 (Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.)

If you don’t know how to code and aren’t properly communicating with your dev team, it will be very difficult for you to accurately gauge the amount of time and money that has to go into building that one complex interaction for the interface you’re working on (of course, this is entirely dependent on the proficiency and size of the team that you’re working with). In the long run, this will end up hurting your product.

如果您不知道如何编写代码,并且与开发团队的沟通不正确,那么您将很难准确地评估为您的界面构建一个复杂的交互所花费的时间和金钱。 '的工作(当然,这完全取决于您所合作的团队的熟练程度和规模)。 从长远来看,这最终会损害您的产品。

One good way to help figure out if your feature, interface or interaction is a little too complex is to ask yourself if you would be able to communicate it to someone else on your team without having to design the whole interaction first.


Please communicate closely with your developers, not only for handoffs but to make them a part of developing the solution as well. Creating a solution that works for the business, the users and the development team is something that we should always strive for with our designs.

请与您的开发人员紧密沟通,不仅要进行交接,而且还应使其成为开发解决方案的一部分。 创建适用于企业,用户和开发团队的解决方案是我们在设计时应始终追求的目标。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/designers-please-dont-design-things-that-will-make-your-dev-team-hate-you-212ac482b1d5


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