

We already know that fonts can evoke emotional responses, but a new study shows that people might also view fonts as portraying a political ideology. Participants judged whether or not a font felt conservative or liberal, and a pattern emerged.

我们已经知道字体可以引起情感React,但是一项新研究表明,人们可能还会将字体视为政治思想的写照。 参与者判断字体是保守的还是宽松的,并出现了图案。

字体和情感 (Fonts and emotions)

Overall, there is not much research that demonstrates how people associate different fonts with specific emotional responses, although the belief that they do is common. For example, according to a survey done in 2006 by Wichita State University’s Software Usability Research Laboratory, Serif fonts (like the one used for titles on Medium) were rated as “stable,” “practical,” and “mature.” In contrast, script fonts were perceived as “feminine” or “funny.” Despite this, Sans Serif fonts (like the font Medium uses for subtitles) showed no particular pattern of judgment.

总体而言,尽管人们普遍相信字体确实会如此,但没有多少研究可以证明人们如何将不同的字体与特定的情感React相关联。 例如,根据威奇托州立大学软件可用性研究实验室在2006年所做的一项调查 ,衬线字体(就像在Medium上用于标题的字体)被评为“稳定”,“实用”和“成熟”。 相反,脚本字体被认为是“女性”或“有趣”。 尽管如此,Sans Serif字体(例如Medium用于字幕的字体)没有显示出特殊的判断模式。

Although designers and branding platforms tout the psychology of font, and there are a plethora of different articles claiming the effects of particular fonts, there is not much actual research to back it up.

尽管设计师和品牌推广平台吹捧字体的心理,并且有很多不同的文章声称特定字体的效果, 但是并没有太多的实际研究来支持它。

Likely, the way people feel about fonts is simply due to the associations they have. For example, Helvetica, a standard and popular font is also the one used on US Tax forms. People may have a subconscious association with this font and government forms, and maybe not the most positive one.

人们对字体的感觉很可能仅归因于它们之间的关联。 例如,Helvetica,一种标准且流行的字体,也是美国税收表格中使用的字体。 人们可能与这种字体和政府形式有一种潜意识的联系,也许不是最积极的联系。

In general, the opinions about fonts and their emotional responses are based on branding and marketing companies. There are a lot of views and some excellent reasoning behind them, but as far as actual science? Not much.

通常,关于字体及其情感React的观点是基于品牌和营销公司的。 他们背后有很多观点和一些很好的推理,但就实际科学而言呢? 不多。

字体和政治 (Fonts and politics)

This study of the political associations with different fonts, conducted by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute’s Department of Communication, was an attempt to fill in some of these gaps. Researchers asked participants to rate different fonts on a scale of conservative to liberal.

弗吉尼亚理工学院传播系对不同字体的政治协会进行了这项研究,试图弥补这些空白。 研究人员要求参与者按照从保守到自由的比例对不同字体进行评级。

Participants in the study stated their political leanings, and the majority were either Democrat at 42% or Independent at 33%. Republicans only made up 22% of those tested. They also were asked to place themselves on a more telling, seven-point scale, choosing between extremely liberal (12.16%), liberal (24.92%), slightly liberal (14.08%), moderate, middle of the road (21.28%), slightly conservative (12.46%), conservative (11.25%), or extremely conservative (3.75%).

该研究的参与者表明了他们的政治倾向,大多数是42%的民主党人或33%的独立党。 共和党只占被测者的22%。 他们还被要求以更具说服力的七点制进行评判,在极端宽松(12.16%),宽松(24.92%),轻微宽松(14.08%),中等,中等(21.28%),稍微保守(12.46%),保守(11.25%)或极端保守(3.75%)。

Opinions about the fonts were measured using a “feeling thermometer” that ranged from −10 (liberal) to 10 (conservative). There were close to 1000 participants in both studies, with the majority of participants being white (74%). Age and gender were well-represented with an age range between 19–85 years and equal representation of male and female participants, including a few trans and non-binary.

使用“体温计”测量有关字体的意见,“体温计”的范围从-10(自由)到10(保守)。 两项研究中都有近1000名参与者,其中大多数参与者是白人(74%)。 年龄和性别代表良好,年龄范围在19-85岁之间,男女代表平等,包括少数跨性别和非双性。

A list of the phrase “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” in different fonts
Image created by the author is similar to the one used in the study

Although there were very slight differences found between fonts of the same typeface family, the findings showed that participants rated Serif fonts to be more conservative and Sans Serif fonts to be more liberal.

尽管相同字体家族的字体之间存在很小的差异, 但研究结果表明,参与者对Serif字体较为保守,而Sans Serif字体较为宽松。

This result is not that surprising, given that serif fonts are thought of as more serious and mature.


Interestingly but also perhaps not surprising, the participant’s political leanings affected how much they liked the fonts. Participants rated the fonts they viewed as aligned with their political leanings more favorably. Meaning, if they were conservative, they liked the “conservative” fonts more.

有趣但也可能不足为奇的是,参与者的政治倾向影响了他们对字体的喜爱程度。 与会者对他们认为符合其政治倾向的字体给予了较好的评价。 意思是,如果他们比较保守,他们会更喜欢“保守”字体。

数字时代迎来了字体的激增 (The digital age has ushered in a proliferation of fonts)

With the advent of digital media, fonts have started to play a more critical role in our current landscape than ever before. In the past, newspapers, books, and print ads were the only media to consider fonts. But now choosing a font is an essential factor in branding, and good design can set a company apart. We take in so much information each day, and design has become a way to rise above the fray.

随着数字媒体的出现,字体在我们当前的格局中起着比以往任何时候都更重要的作用。 过去,报纸,书籍和印刷广告是唯一考虑字体的媒体。 但是现在选择字体是品牌塑造的基本要素,好的设计可以使一家公司与众不同。 我们每天吸收大量信息,而设计已成为超越竞争的一种方式。

Up until this study, opinions of typography have been primarily formed by marketing companies, using focus groups. The main argument for the use of a particular font has been emotional. Brands want to portray a certain feeling and font, logo and color story is a way to do this. And while it is true that fonts do convey a particular emotion, it likely has more to do with association than anything else.

在进行本研究之前,排版意见主要是由营销公司使用焦点小组形成的。 使用特定字体的主要论点是情感。 品牌希望表现出某种感觉,而字体,徽标和颜色故事则是做到这一点的一种方法。 字体确实传达了一种特殊的情感,但它可能与联想有更多的关系。

难忘的政治字体 (Memorable political fonts)

Obama’s Hope poster created by Shepard Fairey

Many remember this iconic poster created by Shepard Fairey for the Obama campaign. It singlehandedly brought design into the political landscape, and sharing of the image became a way for people to show their support symbolically. The early stages of social media and the design were a perfect match.

许多人还记得Shepard Fairey为奥巴马竞选活动创作的标志性海报。 它单枪匹马地将设计带入了政治视野,图像的共享成为人们象征性地表达其支持的一种方式。 社交媒体和设计的早期阶段是绝配。

Another iconic design is Trump’s bright red Make America Great Again Hats. There is a lot of debate online about the font used. According to some Reddit threads, it looks like the best guess is a font explicitly used by embroidery machines, that doesn’t perfectly match to any particular digital font. Nonetheless, it is a Serif font in all caps. It does seem like that might make for a slightly confusing design since Serif fonts are seen as stable and mature, but putting it in all caps makes it seem like shouting, thus potentially competing with the nature of the font.

另一个标志性的设计是特朗普的鲜红色“ Make America Great Again Hats”。 在线上关于使用的字体有很多争论。 根据Reddit的一些线索 ,看来最好的猜测是绣花机显式使用的字体,它与任何特定的数字字体都不完美匹配。 但是,所有大写字母均为衬线字体。 自从Serif字体被视为稳定和成熟以来,这似乎可能会使设计有些混乱,但是将其全部大写会使它看起来像是在喊叫,因此有可能与字体的性质竞争。

选举2020标志 (Election 2020 logos)

Of all the 2020 candidates, Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar are the only candidates who have opted for a Serif, lowercase font. All the other candidates, Trump included, are using all caps Sans Serif fonts.

在所有2020年候选人中,伯尼·桑德斯和艾米·克洛布查尔是唯一选择了Serif小写字体的候选人。 所有其他候选人(包括特朗普在内)均使用全部大写的Sans Serif字体。

Could it make them stand out? Does it make any difference at all? Having a memorable campaign logo is likely vital as branding has become almost as important as political platforms. But, having a brand that doesn’t feel inclusive may end up hurting more than it’s helping.

能让他们脱颖而出吗? 有什么区别吗? 拥有令人难忘的竞选徽标可能至关重要,因为品牌宣传已几乎与政治平台一样重要。 但是,拥有一个不具有包容性的品牌可能最终会损害自己的帮助。

A Bernie Sanders sticker featuring a blue bird that looks like sanders

Bernie Sanders, like Obama, has inspired artists and designers to create logos and merchandise to show their support for him. The bird that landed on his podium in 2016 inspired a design logo that appears whimsical and sweet. While this may be useful to woo young voters (a large part of their strategy this time around), this type of branding may be off-putting to other, more middle-of-the-road voters.

像奥巴马一样,伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)启发了艺术家和设计师创作徽标和商品,以表示对他的支持。 这只在2016年登上领奖台的小鸟启发了一个看起来异想天开和甜美的设计徽标。 尽管这可能对吸引年轻选民很有用(这是他们这次策略的很大一部分),但这种品牌塑造可能会吸引其他更多的中间选民。

那么,字体对政治运动有多重要? (So how much do fonts matter to political campaigns?)

Probably not a lot. It’s far more critical that a campaign poster be readable and clear than have the right font. Color choice may also make more of an impact too. A beautiful design logo might not make or break a candidate. But, they can have some influence like the Obama campaign saw. However, the viral nature of Fairey’s poster likely came more from the positive feelings that were already present in Obama’s supporters, rather than the design itself, creating the emotions.

可能不是很多。 与正确的字体相比,宣传海报的可读性和清晰性至关重要。 颜色的选择也可能产生更大的影响。 精美的设计徽标可能不会使候选人成败。 但是,他们可以像奥巴马竞选所看到的那样产生一些影响。 然而,Fairey海报的病毒性本质可能更多来自于奥巴马支持者已经表现出的积极情绪,而不是设计本身引起的情绪。

But who knows? In this charged political landscape, every little bit may help.

但是谁知道呢? 在这个充满政治色彩的政治环境中,一点点帮助都可以。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/whats-your-type-fonts-and-ideology-6f8ed9056cb3






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