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Fresh grad from bootcamp or college? Here are 6 tips from someone who just landed their dream job on how to stand out during the application process.

来自训练营或大学的应届毕业生? 这是刚在梦想中找到工作的人的6条技巧,它们是如何在申请过程中脱颖而出的。

1.不要以基本的设计技能为主导。 (1. Don’t lead with foundational design skills.)

I know you can wireframe; so can everyone else. Leading with basic skills like rapid prototyping or Sketch misses an impactful opportunity to differentiate. UX roles go way beyond knowledge of design methodologies and hiring managers look for candidates who understand that.

我知道你可以线框; 其他人也可以。 具有快速原型制作或Sketch等基本技能的领导者会错过有效的差异化机会。 UX角色超越了设计方法学的知识,招聘经理正在寻找了解这一点的候选人。

Certainly include foundational skills in your application, but don’t highlight them in the initial paragraph of your cover letter. Instead, discuss your design-adjacent skills that relate to the position and that simultaneously show you understand the larger picture of UX within a specific context. You can do this using the next step.

当然,您的应用程序中应包括基础技能,但不要在求职信的第一段中突出显示这些技能。 相反,讨论与该职位相关的设计相邻技能,并同时显示您了解特定上下文中的UX全景图。 您可以使用下一步执行此操作。

2.通过简单的讲故事技术来利用过去的地狱。 (2. Leverage the hell out of your past through a simple storytelling technique.)

I knew the position I applied for needed someone who could occasionally bridge the gap for user research. I have a background in academic psychology so I used a simple compare and contrast method throughout my application process to fully leverage my fit for this role.

我知道我申请的职位需要可以偶尔弥补用户研究差距的人。 我具有学术心理学的背景,因此我在整个申请过程中使用了一种简单的比较和对比方法 ,以充分利用我对此职位的适应性。

This method accomplishes two things: (1) it highlights your differentiated skills and (2) it shows you have a broader understanding of the UX process.


Compare: In my cover letter, I leveraged my brief experience as a qualitative research assistant by speaking to the skills I can carry over from that role into UX. I discussed building rapport with research subjects quickly, developing and asking useful and non-leading questions, synthesizing a lot of conversation into meaningful thematic data and documenting that data to share with my research team.

比较:在我的求职信中,我通过定性研究助理的简短经验,谈到了我可以从该角色延续到UX的技能。 我讨论了与研究对象建立融洽关系,讨论和提出有用且无引导性的问题,将大量对话合成为有意义的主题数据并记录该数据以与我的研究团队共享的问题。

Contrast: In my interview, I reiterated that experience and I added to it, by noting how academic research was different from user research and usability testing. I noted that academic research is intensely rigorous (often needing hundred of interviews to establish a theme) whereas product design only needs 6 or so interviewees and can iterate more quickly toward a solution.

对比:在采访中,我通过指出学术研究与用户研究和可用性测试有何不同,重申了这一经验,并加以补充。 我注意到学术研究非常严格(通常需要数百次面试才能确定一个主题),而产品设计只需要6位左右的面试者就可以更快地迭代出解决方案。

Comparing and contrasting roles can work on even seemingly disparate industries. My friend was a studio artist who majored in sculpture. When we dug into her past, we found that her experiences on a gallery art installation team showed her ability to handle ambiguity in the process, to creatively problem-solve in the moment and to work well with a project manager and a team of other creatives.

比较和对比的角色甚至可以在看似完全不同的行业中工作。 我的朋友是一个摄影工作室的艺术家,主修雕塑。 当我们深入研究她的过去时,我们发现她在画廊艺术装置团队中的经验表明她有能力处理过程中的歧义,具有创造力地解决问题的能力以及与项目经理和其他创意团队的良好合作。

Service industry experience? Me too. Perhaps you have honed the ability to think from the customer’s perspective to provide stellar anticipatory service. Maybe you can re-prioritize and pivot tasks quickly without too much stress. Perhaps you keep your cool with demanding clients or you have practice speaking in front of small groups and facilitating a productive experience.

服务行业经验? 我也是。 也许您已经磨练了从客户角度进行思考以提供出色的预期服务的能力。 也许您可以在没有太大压力的情况下快速重新安排优先级和执行任务。 也许您会与苛刻的客户保持冷静,或者您可以在小组面前练习说话,并促进生产体验。

Make a simple list of your previous roles and pull out the threads that are applicable to the role you want. Write them down. Weave these threads into stories that connect, and then follow the next step.

列出您以前的角色,并列出适用于所需角色的线程。 记下来。 将这些线索编织成可连接的故事,然后进行下一步。

3.发展和实践您的个人叙述。 (3. Develop and practice your personal narrative.)

Once you have collected a list of skills built from previous experiences, practice talking about them. Ask your friends, your lover, or whoever will listen for a few minutes of their time. You can even provide them with some sample questions like “How did you get into UX?” or “Tell me about yourself.” This exercise may initially feel awkward, but the more you talk out loud about your experiences, the more you can firm up your personal and professional strengths.

一旦您收集了从以前的经验中获得的技能列表,就可以练习谈论它们。 问问您的朋友,您的爱人或愿意听几分钟的人。 您甚至可以向他们提供一些示例问题,例如“您是如何进入UX的?” 或“告诉我您自己”。 最初,此练习可能会感到很尴尬,但是当您大声谈论自己的经历时,您可以越发坚定自己的个人和专业实力。

4.参加社交活动。 (4. Attend networking events.)

Obviously, the more people you know, the more you chances you have to connect with someone who can hire you. However, in my experience, networking was best for practicing how I spoke about UX and my applicable skills.

显然,您认识的人越多,您与可能雇用您的人联系的机会就越大。 但是,以我的经验来看,网络是练习我如何谈论用户体验和适用技能的最佳选择。

Take advantage of the fact that right now, UX is still an emerging role and is still very interesting. If you mention you are a UX designer, people will definitely have questions about it. Use it as practice.

利用这一事实,即UX仍然是新兴角色,并且仍然非常有趣。 如果您提到自己是UX设计师,那么人们肯定会对此有疑问。 将其用作练习。

5.坚韧但有选择性。 (5. Be tenacious but selective.)

When I first began job-seeking, I said I would take anything remotely interesting that paid anything at all. This did not work. People can smell desperation, even if they’ve never actually been close enough to smell you.

当我第一次开始求职时,我说过我会拿一点点有趣的东西付钱。 这没有用。 人们可能会闻到绝望的味道,即使实际上他们之间的距离从未闻到过足够闻到你的味道。

Keep your head up. Remember you are a person with many applicable skills and anyone who hires you is going to hit the freaking lottery because you are going to knock their socks off with your effort and fresh perspective. Sure, you are green, but you can reframe this as a hunger to learn and a newfound passion for the field.

抬头 请记住,您是一个具有许多适用技能的人,雇用您的任何人都将碰上疯狂的彩票,因为您将以自己的努力和崭新的眼光击败他们的袜子。 当然,您是绿色的,但是您可以将其重新构造为对学习的渴望和对该领域的新发现的热情。

Remember that rejection is protection. This may seem esoteric, but the hiring managers that passed on me actually saved me from positions that were not as promising, in roles that would have certainly bored me quickly. I also got passed up by companies that would have definitely underpaid me. The rejection made me available for the job I have now.

请记住, 拒绝是保护。 这看起来似乎很深奥,但是从我身上辞职的招聘经理实际上使我摆脱了那些前景不那么乐观的职位,这些职位肯定会让我很快感到无聊。 我也被那些肯定会给我低薪的公司所忽略。 拒绝让我可以从事现在的工作。

6.写下你想要的工作, (6. Write down what you want in a job,)

I am a writer, so I may be biased, but I think writing is pure magic. When I finally sat down and thought about what I really wanted in a position and committed to paper by hand, I almost immediately started interviewing with the job I eventually landed. This job is absolutely perfect for me and my interests and my trajectory, and it pays me more than I thought would be possible in my first UX role.

我是一名作家,所以我可能会有偏见,但我认为写作是纯粹的魔术。 当我最终坐下来思考自己真正想要的职位并用手做书面论文时,我几乎立即开始采访我最终找到的工作。 这份工作对我,我的兴趣和轨迹而言绝对是完美的,而且比我在我的第一个UX角色中想像的要多得多。

When writing out what you truly want in a role, consider office environment, team vibes, pay and benefits, flexibility or scheduling. Get specific.

在写出您真正想要的角色时,请考虑办公环境,团队氛围,薪酬和福利,灵活性或安排。 具体。

7.敢问。 (7. Dare to ask.)

Ask people who have the role you want to have coffee. If they seem exceptionally busy, ask them for a 30-minute Skype or Zoom meeting. Then, show up prepared with informed questions.

问问那些想扮演咖啡角色的人。 如果他们似乎异常忙碌,请他们进行30分钟的Skype或Zoom会议。 然后, 准备好有见识的问题。

Engaging informational interviews accomplish three things:


(1) You create a personal connection and possible internal advocate for yourself at the interviewee’s company. If you ask good questions and carry on a conversation decently, they may feel impressed by you or connected with you. They may go to bat for you when there is a position open at their company.(2) You are able to hear new language around how people talk about their roles and the challenges within them. You will be able to discuss the role you want with more nuance and a higher level of understanding. Or, you may discover you don’t actually want the role you thought you did and adjust your seeking.(3) Asking someone for their time can be especially intimidating. However, get in the habit of going outside your comfort zone to move toward your goal more quickly. Discomfort facilitates rapid growth. When you get through the fear of asking, you are in a better headspace to ask for the position you want and create synchronicities around you.

(1)您在受访者的公司为您自己建立了人脉关系并可能成为内部倡导者。 如果您提出好的问题并进行正切的交谈,他们可能会给您留下深刻的印象或与您保持联系。 当公司中有职位空缺时,他们可能会为您效劳。(2)您能够听到有关人们如何谈论自己的角色以及其中面临的挑战的新语言。 您将能够以更多的细微差别和更高的理解度来讨论所需的角色。 否则,您可能会发现自己实际上并不想获得您认为自己曾担任过的角色并调整自己的寻求。(3)询问某人的时间可能会特别令人生畏。 但是,养成离开舒适区的习惯,可以更快地朝目标迈进。 不适促进快速增长。 当您克服了对询问的恐惧时,您处于一个更好的顶空,可以询问您想要的职位并在您周围创造同步感。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/6-real-ways-to-stand-out-and-land-your-first-ux-position-3aa4cb667d85


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