软考 纸质和电子书_重新思考纸质原型,我如何看待它作为游乐场和实验

软考 纸质和电子书

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This #Rethinking series will be my reflection on what I have learned in my current master's studies in HCI. I will be citing a lot and reflecting tons.

I didn’t know paper prototyping before. In the design world where everyone is striving for a digital presence, it was almost intuitive for me to relate prototyping to the high-fidelity interactive prototyping.

我以前不知道纸制原型 在每个人都在努力实现数字化存在的设计世界中,将原型与高保真交互式原型联系起来对我来说几乎是直观的。

So, I first REALLY heard about the tool in my Interaction Design class, and as a student returning from work, I tried my best to learn everything — I know how precious it is to be a student again.

因此,我首先在Interaction Design课堂上真正听说过该工具,作为一个从工作中回来的学生,我尽力学习所有内容-我知道再次成为一名学生是多么宝贵。

As recommended by our Professor Tawanna, there were quite some times when we spent TONS of energy creating our paper prototyping and going back to our intended users to do basic testing.


And how did that feel? Good but tired.

感觉如何? 很好,但是很累。

Why? Because as a human being almost grown up with digital tools, it had been quite a long time since I made some papercrafts — I mean, functioning crafts made with paper.

为什么? 因为作为一个几乎要依靠数字工具长大的人,自从我制作一些纸制Craft.io品已经有很长的时间了-我的意思是使用纸制Craft.io品发挥作用。

The followings are my dramatic inner voice in the beginning before I truly learned the concept:


  1. Seriously? Am I going back to using papers to making an interface?

    认真吗 我会回到使用文件制作界面的过程吗?
  2. Oh, why don’t I just use a digital application when I can even later easily edit it?

  3. Bringing those paper crafts around to find your user? Come on!

    带那些纸制Craft.io品找到您的用户? 来吧!

However, the followings are what I found after I practised paper prototyping myself:


  1. It helped me to think the product flow in an experimental way, which brings me closer to the spirit of user-centred design.

  2. It helped me to interact with my users with a more “participatory” way. I could directly observe their facial expression and saw where they paused in a clearer way because the low fidelity just maximized every interaction users can take.

    它帮助我以一种更具“参与性”的方式与用户互动。 我可以直接观察他们的面部表情,并以更清晰的方式看到他们停下来的位置,因为低保真度使用户可以进行的每次互动都最大化。

原型制作有什么用? (What does prototyping do?)

Prototyping is a chance to validate whether your idea matches users’ thoughts or how this version help users solve problems.


To answer this question, I went back to the book written by Todd Zaki Warfel “Prototyping”, a dedicated book about prototyping (obviously).

为了回答这个问题,我回到了托德·扎基·沃菲尔 ( Todd Zaki Warfel)撰写的“原型”一书,这是一本专门介绍原型的专着(显然)。

One of the greatest value of prototyping in general, regardless of paper or digital, is that it can help reduce misinterpretation because no one wants to read hundreds of pages to know how an interface “works” (Warfel, 2009).


Also, it can help to spot mistakes through users’ interaction with the prototyping (Warfel, 2009). For me, prototyping is a chance to validate whether your idea matches users’ thoughts or how this version help users solve problems, so I really recommend using this concept to talk to users more often.

而且,它还可以帮助用户通过与原型交互来发现错误(Warfel,2009年)。 对我来说,原型制作是一个验证您的想法是否符合用户想法或此版本如何帮助用户解决问题的机会,因此,我真的建议您使用此概念与用户进行更多交流。

纸质原型有什么作用? (What does a paper prototyping do?)

By having a paper prototype and having your intended users to test it, you are creating a collaborative space where your users can participate in the design process by providing feedback and physically experimenting with the prototype.


So, how is paper prototyping different from other prototyping tools?


Warfel listed some strengths of paper prototyping such as versatile (you can make the paper a thousand ways if you want), inexpensive (needless to say, these stationery items are easy to get and use) (Warfel, 2009). Also, Warfel mentions a feature that I think is very important in paper prototyping — collaborative (Warfel, 2009).

Warfel列出了纸张原型制作的一些优点,例如多功能 (可以根据需要制作成千上万种纸张), 价格便宜 (不用说,这些文具很容易获得和使用)(Warfel,2009年)。 此外,Warfel提到了一个我认为在纸张原型制作中非常重要的功能- 协作 (Warfel,2009年)。

By having a paper prototype and having your intended users to test it, you are creating a collaborative space where your users can participate in the design process by providing feedback and physically experimenting with the prototype.


This idea is an extension from Participatory Design, a concept that includes all of the stakeholders in the design process and aims to incorporate users’ “tacit knowledge” to researchers’ analytical knowledge, according to Spinuzzi in The Methodology of Participatory Design (Spinuzzi, 2005). This idea, from my understanding, means to invite users directly into the design process because some of the subtle knowledge of users’ work is hard to describe and grasp through user interviews, and can only be demonstrated through their interaction with prototyping.

根据Spinuzzi的《参与式设计方法论》 (Spinuzzi,2005年),该概念是参与式设计的扩展,该概念在设计过程中包括所有利益相关者,旨在将用户的“隐性知识”纳入研究人员的分析知识 。 )。 根据我的理解,这个想法意味着直接邀请用户进入设计过程,因为用户工作中的一些微妙知识很难通过用户访谈来描述和掌握 ,并且只能通过与原型的交互来证明。

但是纸制原型很难制造…… (But paper prototypes are hard to make…)

My very own experience of making paper prototyping is very interesting. First of all, I personally love to make paper crafts when I was little, so it was not that difficult in terms of the action of making crafts. However, it took me a long time to figure out how to make the papercraft “more functional” to correspond to swiping, saved, applied etc. I did go back to Warfel’s book for some inspiration. In my own paper prototyping, I mainly used the mobile sized cards, lots of post-it notes, and transparencies.

我自己制作纸原型的经验非常有趣。 首先,我个人很小的时候就喜欢制作纸Craft.io品,因此在制作Craft.io品方面并不那么困难。 但是,我花了很长时间才弄清楚如何使该纸模型“更实用”,以对应于轻扫,保存,应用等。我确实回到了Warfel的书中寻求灵感。 在我自己的纸张原型制作中, 我主要使用了移动尺寸的卡片,大量的便签纸和透明胶片

My experience of inviting my users to interact with my paper prototype is also a HECTIC experience for me. Why? The reason is, in the paper prototyping, the executor (me, the creator) needs to be very clear with each step of the prototyping process so that when users tap on a button, I will know how to respond. In this process, I also need to learn to organize the small components to have a smoother prototyping process. Meanwhile, I need to sort out the interaction processes to better facilitate the testing with users.

邀请用户与纸质原型进行交互的经历对我来说也是一种HECTIC体验。 为什么? 原因是,在纸张原型制作中,执行者(我,创建者) 在原型制作过程的每个步骤中都必须非常清楚,以便用户点击按钮时便知道如何响应。 在此过程中,我还需要学习组织小组件,以使原型制作过程更流畅 。 同时,我需要整理交互过程,以更好地促进与用户的测试。

My documentary photo of my paper prototyping components for my designer mentorship app
my design mentorship project 设计指导项目的论文原型

在什么时候创建纸质原型 (When it makes sense to create paper prototypes)

These are some takeaway I got to from my experience of making paper prototypes. I think they are more about balancing the creativity and rational planning what is best for your project.

这些是我从制作纸制原型的经验中学到的东西。 我认为他们更多地是要在创造力和合理计划之间取得平衡,从而最适合您的项目。

有创造力并尝试一下 (Be creative and give it a try)

When I was making a “swiping” action in the prototyping, I made a slip of paper that can go in and out of another paper to mimic the swiping effect. Paper prototyping is actually like a paper game — the more playful you feel when creating it, the more interaction you might get from users.

当我在原型制作中执行“滑动”操作时,我做了一张纸条,可以进出另一张纸,以模仿滑动效果。 纸上原型实际上就像是纸上游戏-在创建它时感觉越好玩,与用户的互动就越多。

提前考虑可以重复使用的内容 (Think ahead about what could be reused)

……so that you can make some components in paper. It is a good training to plan the overall design, although, at this stage, I don’t recommend to go too deep into details of components, but having a rough sense of how it can be used is always good.

……以便您可以在纸上制作一些组件。 计划总体设计是一个很好的培训,尽管在现阶段,我不建议过于深入地研究组件的细节,但是大致了解如何使用它总是很好的。

记住您作为计算机和观察员的工作 (Remember your job as a computer & an observer)

To help users interact with the paper prototyping, I recommend the creator being the “computer” to users’ action because the creator knows the whole flow most. Although, at the same time, don’t forget to observe their emotion, their facial expression and where they look confused etc.

为了帮助用户与纸张原型交互,我建议创建者是用户操作的“计算机”,因为创建者最了解整个流程。 尽管同时不要忘了观察他们的情绪,面部表情和困惑的地方等等。

Also, don’t lead their interaction with your prototype. I made some mistakes by explaining beforehand how the paper worked to my invited users, which I think should have been avoided. The thing is, you want to see what they will tap and what they react under a natural condition.

另外,不要引导他们与您的原型进行交互。 我通过事先向受邀用户解释该论文的工作方式而犯了一些错误,我认为应该避免这种情况。 问题是,您想查看它们在自然条件下会发掘的东西以及它们的React。

在与用户进行测试之前 (Prior your testing with users)

列出要测试的互动 (Make a list of interaction to test)

I was glad I had made a list of interactions to test beforehand, which saved time and my mental energy to help me more focused on users’ reaction.


So, be sure you are super familiar with how your prototyping works and the flow, and also makes a list of what you want to test with users beforehand.


了解您的目标并准备问题清单以供反馈 (Know your goal and prepare a list of questions for feedback)

I feel like I should have quickly asked their feedback right after each interaction, instead of in the end.


So, in order to get most out of the prototyping, I would recommend setting a goal for the prototyping first and prepare a list of questions you want to know about your users beforehand.


As a designer, it is very important to use different approaches to interact with users and test ideas around. Paper prototyping is just a handy tool at hand that can assist designers to get a bit closer to the solution to improve users’ life. In the end, no matter which tool we use in each project, it’s important that we always remember to come back to users and get to know them more, because humans are the centre of the product.

作为设计师,使用不同的方法与用户互动并测试想法非常重要。 纸张原型制作只是一种便捷的工具,可以帮助设计人员更加接近该解决方案,从而改善用户的生活。 最后,无论我们在每个项目中使用哪种工具,重要的是我们始终记得与用户接触并加深对他们的了解,因为人是产品的中心。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/rethinking-paper-prototyping-how-i-viewed-it-as-a-playground-and-experiment-360e7c39f386

软考 纸质和电子书

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