swing hacks_这些firefox hacks和扩展程序增强了您的隐私

swing hacks

Hello World! Last time out, I offered many privacy-respecting alternatives to Google’s empire of products. I strongly recommended switching to Firefox as your daily browser, and there’s a good reason why.

^ h ELLO世界! 上一次失败时 ,我提供了许多尊重隐私权的替代产品来替代Google的产品帝国。 我强烈建议您将Firefox用作日常浏览器,这是有充分理由的。

Firefox, as an open source, privacy focused browser, packs a lot of privacy related settings that no other browsers offer. Not only that, but with the right extensions, you can supercharge your browsing experience without hampering your device’s performance.

Firefox作为开放源代码,注重隐私的浏览器,包含许多其他浏览器无法提供的与隐私相关的设置。 不仅如此,而且通过正确的扩展,您可以在不影响设备性能的情况下增强浏览体验。

The journey towards making your Firefox more private can be a bit daunting, however. There are some common misconceptions when it comes to browsing privacy, so in this guide, I will walk you through the most important settings and extensions so you can see what’s good for you.

但是,使Firefox更加私有化的过程可能有些艰巨。 在浏览隐私时,存在一些常见的误解,因此在本指南中,我将引导您完成最重要的设置和扩展,以便您了解对您有什么好处。

Are you ready?


在我们开始之前... (Before we begin…)

You might want to create yourself a Firefox account. And while I know the last thing you want is to create another account in anything, I can assure you the benefits far outweigh the hassle.

您可能要创建一个Firefox帐户 。 虽然我知道您想要做的最后一件事是在任何事物中创建另一个帐户,但我可以向您保证,带来的好处远远超过了麻烦。

If you create yourself a Firefox account, all of the settings and extensions I mention in here will be synced to every single device you own. Not only that, but you can also send links from your Firefox app in your smartphone to your PC and back, all in a matter of seconds.This, for me, is a lifesaver. As I’m constantly far from home, I send all interesting articles and links to my PC so I can read them once I get home.

如果您创建自己的Firefox帐户,我在这里提到的所有设置和扩展名都将同步到您拥有的每台设备。 不仅如此,您还可以在几秒钟内将智能手机中的Firefox应用程序中的链接发送到PC并返回,这对我来说是一个救生员。 由于我经常出门在外,所以我将所有有趣的文章和链接发送到PC,以便我回家后可以阅读它们。

Firefox also offers a password manager in Lockwise you can set up and a file sharing service in Send that allows you to seamlessly send files up to 2GB in size. What’s not to love?

Firefox在Lockwise中还提供了一个密码管理器(可以设置),在Send中提供了文件共享服务,可让您无缝发送最大2GB的文件。 不去爱的种种?

1.您的偏好 (1. Your Preferences)

There’s no better place to start than here. Most of the settings are more personal than anything else, so I’ll only stick to the privacy-related ones:

没有比这里更好的起点了。 大多数设置都比其他设置更具个人性,因此我只会坚持与隐私相关的设置:

  • Ditch Google in favor of a better search engine like Startpage or Qwant.

    放弃 Google,转而使用更好的搜索引擎,例如StartpageQwant

  • Enable DNS over HTTPS (What’s this? There’s a pretty good explanation here)

    启用DNS通过HTTPS( 这是什么?有一个很好的解释 在这里 )

  • Under Privacy, enable Custom Browser Privacy and check all boxes (block third party cookies only, as some sites do need them to run)

  • Choose “Never remember history” (which will put you in Private Browsing mode indefinitely)

  • And last but not least, check all boxes under Security to block deceptive content.


2.七个扩展使您的浏览器更好 (2. Seven Extensions to make your browser better)

While Firefox does have cool privacy-enhancing features in its Preferences, the real magic comes in its official add-ons store, where you can customize your browsing experience whichever way you like.

尽管Firefox的“首选项”中确实具有很酷的隐私增强功能,但真正的魔力来自其官方的附件商店 ,您可以在其中随意定制浏览体验。

One important thing to keep in mind, though, is that for every add-on you install, your browser fingerprint becomes much more unique. There’s no need to install too many extensions, especially if they’re redundant (you don’t need 14 adblockers, trust me). Make sure to install only those you’re really going to use.

不过,要记住的一件事是,对于您安装的每个附加组件,浏览器指纹都变得更加独特。 无需安装过多的扩展程序,尤其是如果它们是多余的(您不需要14个adblocker,请相信我)。 确保仅安装您真正要使用的那些。

Here are my 7 privacy-related extensions of choice:


  1. uBlock Origin is the ultimate adblocker. Most sites don’t recognize it, so you won’t be getting that annoying pop up telling you to disable it nearly as often as with AdBlockPlus.

    uBlock Origin是最终的adblocker。 大多数网站都无法识别它,因此您不会像告诉AdBlockPlus那样频繁地弹出讨厌的窗口来告诉您禁用它。

  2. Privacy Badger is your tracking killer, shutting down many domains and sites that track your behavior during your browsing session. The default configuration should be enough to keep you safe.

    Privacy Badger是您的跟踪杀手,它会关闭许多在您的浏览会话期间跟踪您的行为的域和站点。 默认配置应足以确保您的安全。

  3. Cookie Autodelete is pretty self explanatory. This add-on deletes your stored cookies the moment you close a site’s tab.

    Cookie自动删除功能很容易解释。 当您关闭站点的选项卡时,此附加组件将删除您存储的cookie。

  4. HTTPS Everywhere encrypts the sites you visit so that no third party snoops in on you.

    HTTPS Everywhere会加密您访问的站点,因此不会有第三方监听您。

  5. Authenticator acts as a 2FA storage, much like Authy. You can store all of your login temporary codes in here (just make sure to export them if you ever delete this extension, or all your accounts will become inaccessible!)

    Authenticator就像Authy一样,充当2FA存储。 您可以在此处存储所有登录临时代码(如果删除此扩展名,请确保将其导出,否则所有帐户都将无法访问!)

  6. Decentraleyes complements uBO by evading content delivery networks who could track you. What it does instead is search within your local files in your browse to offer the same content at much faster speeds.

    Decentraleyes通过逃避可以追踪您的内容分发网络来补充uBO。 相反,它的作用是在浏览器的本地文件中搜索,以更快的速度提供相同的内容。

  7. NoScript*: This is the strongest add-on in my arsenal. With this, you can control which scripts are allowed whenever you visit a page, allowing you to evade ad scripts and tracking by Google, Facebook and others.

    NoScript *:这是我军械库中最强大的插件。 借助此工具,您可以控制每次访问页面时允许使用哪些脚本,从而可以逃避广告脚本并由Google,Facebook等进行跟踪。

(*This extension has an odd learning curve and it will take you some time to get used to. It will cause some sites to break if you can’t handle it properly, so my advice is to only install it if you want to crank it up to 11)


3.我们必须更深入! (3. We have to go deeper!)

Last but not least, we have to head over to about:config, Firefox’s advanced settings page. Under normal circumstances, you shouldn’t change anything in here, but there are some really neat features not available in Preferences that can boost your privacy even further, while still maintaining web stability.

最后但并非最不重要的一点,我们必须转到Firefox的高级设置页面about:config。 通常情况下,您不应在此处进行任何更改,但是“首选项”中没有一些真正整洁的功能,可以进一步提高您的隐私权,同时仍保持Web稳定性。

For example, these settings prevent phishing attacks and tracking across all websites:


privacy.firstparty.isolate = trueprivacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled = trueprivacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled = trueprivacy.trackingprotection.enabled = truebrowser.send_pings = falsenetwork.IDN_show_punycode = true

privacy.firstparty.isolate = true privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled = true privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled = true privacy.trackingprotection.enabled = true browser.send_pings = false network.IDN_show_punycode = true

While these settings prevent websites from accessing your computer microphone, webcam, and control what Firefox will remember once you finish your browsing session:


dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled = falsemedia.navigator.enabled = falsebrowser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo = 0network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy = 2browser.sessionstore.privacy_level = 2webgl.disabled = true

dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled = false media.navigator.enabled = false browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo = 0 network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy = 2 browser.sessionstore.privacy_level = 2 webgl.disabled = true

奖励:自定义浏览器 (Bonus: Customize your browser)

Now that we’ve made our browser much more private and secure, how about we give it some flair?


If you’re coming from Chrome, there’s a good chance you don’t like the look of those square tabs hanging from the top of your browser’s window. This Github project offers a quick guide to change you Firefox to make more Chrome-like.

如果您来自Chrome,那么很有可能您不喜欢那些悬挂在浏览器窗口顶部的方形标签的外观。 这个Github项目提供了一个快速指南,可帮助您将Firefox更改为更像Chrome的版本。

On the other hand, if you prefer a more minimalist approach, look no further. This beautiful, customizable CSS file allows you to change the parameters you want to suit your style.

另一方面,如果您更喜欢极简主义的方法,那就别无所求。 这个漂亮的,可自定义CSS文件使您可以更改想要适合您的样式的参数。

Oh, and there’s also an unofficcial Firefox subreddit that has loads of users making stuff for you to improve Firefox’s look. Come over and say hi!

哦,还有一个非官方的Firefox subreddit ,其中有大量用户在为您制作东西来改善Firefox的外观。 过来打个招呼吧!

And that’s a wrap for today! Sorry I’ve been quite absent these days. I’ve had an accident with my laptop and I haven’t been able to log in on Medium during this time.

这就是今天的包装! 抱歉,这些天我缺席了。 我的笔记本电脑出了事故,在此期间我无法登录Medium。

But don’t fret! There are lots of posts coming. This was a more practical about, though the next one will be about my journey to becoming a privacy advocate, in the hopes you can take a stand about your data.

但是不要担心! 有很多帖子。 这是比较实用的方法,尽管下一个是关于我成为隐私倡导者的旅程,希望您能对自己的数据持立场。

So I’ll be waiting for you to come again! See you around, and stay free 👋

因此,我将等您再次光临! 到处见,并保持自由👋

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/power-up-your-privacy-with-these-firefox-hacks-and-extensions-f4f6f9a8b2ac

swing hacks

Java编程语言一般是和重要的企业级应用程序联系在一起的,运行它们的服务器可能主位于蒙大拿的某个冰冷的机房里。不过,是桌面应用催生了Java,未来也必将是桌面应让Java能更加光彩夺目。通过AWT和现在的SwingJava为编写图形化用户界面提供了丰富的客户端API。不过想要让Java、AWT和Swing达到最佳性能并不容易(也不方便),特别是在模拟交互式Web站点或像Windows XP和Mac OS X这样的操作系统外观时更是如此。\r\n 本书能帮助JAVA开发人员跳过Swing的基础节直接让桌面应用程序贴近现实。如果读者是一个Java开人员,并想开发带有一流外观的企业级应用程序,那就应该掌握Swing。不过对Swing的hack并不仅仅局限于对它的正常使用,而是关于一些读者或许要经过多年才能领会到的技巧。它们是一些富有创造性的、原创的甚至是诡异的hack,能让读者发出由衷的惊叹:“我可没想过居然能用Swing干这个!”\r\n 在本书中,读者将学到:\r\n 过滤不用的列表控件,对用户的输入做出合适的反应;\r\n 为列表和组合框组件提供拖放功能;\r\n 在图形组件之间实现动态效果,并能创建动态列表式界面;\r\n 控制任何方面,从鼠标指针到光标,乃至闪动键盘灯;\r\n 在Swing中构建分层、覆盖组件并灵活使用透明窗格屏蔽Swing接口内部的复杂细节和伸缩性。 ================================== 对学习SWING很有帮助!




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