

Colour is a fascinating subject and (for the majority of people) influences our everyday lives. Fundamental to shaping our experience of the world, colour perception can impact upon a vast spectrum of human experiences, from the way we enjoy our food, through to the effect of medication on our bodies.

颜色是一个有趣的主题,并且(对于大多数人而言)影响我们的日常生活。 色彩感知是塑造我们的世界体验的基础,从我们的饮食方式到药物对人体的影响,色彩感知都会影响到广泛的人类体验。

In the world of branding and design, colour is one of the most significant considerations for each new product and project. In an age where a brand colour can solely be used to identify an organisation and in some sectors up to 90% of snap judgements can be made about products based on colour alone, we are all aware that a brand’s colour palette must be viewed as an important strategic consideration. However, the extensive array of theory and literature on this topic seldom points towards the same conclusion. Many studies and opinions researching the impact of colour on design and branding can be contradictory and inconclusive. To join the debate, we have reviewed a sample of existing colour theory covering a range of touchpoints, to understand how rigidly these concepts should be followed to create impactful and meaningful design.

在品牌和设计领域,颜色是每个新产品和项目最重要的考虑因素之一。 在这个时代,品牌色彩只能被用来识别组织 ,在某些行业中, 仅基于色彩就可以对产品做出90%的判断,我们都知道,品牌的调色板必须视为一种色彩。重要的战略考虑。 但是,关于该主题的大量理论和文献很少指向相同的结论。 有关颜色对设计和品牌影响的许多研究和观点可能是矛盾且没有定论的。 为了参加辩论,我们回顾了涵盖一系列接触点的现有色彩理论样本,以了解应严格遵循这些概念来创建有影响力和有意义的设计。

改变风景 (Changing Landscape)

Today, colour is a topic that is celebrated through exhibitions sharing the endless possibilities of uses, is standardised through a Pantone language system used across the design industry and is the subject of endless debate. However, theories relating to colour and its uses have been transitioning and evolving throughout history. In the middle ages, mixing colours together was considered against the natural order and taboo. Whereas in the 19th century, Johann Wolfgang van Goethe, (the creator of a pioneering theory in this field), claimed bright vivid colours were only for the ‘uneducated and children’. Skipping forward to the 20th century, it is understood that Henry Ford only introduced colour options for his originally black only Model T to address declining sales, as customers demanded variety. Fast forward to 2020 and predicted design trends for the year include vibrant colours with subtle gradients. It therefore seems acceptable, and historically relative, to say earlier thinking and theories on colour are being replaced and modified on an ongoing basis — not only over time but also relevant to their time, place and historical/cultural setting.

今天,色彩是通过共享无限用途的展览来庆祝的主题,通过整个设计行业使用的Pantone语言系统进行了标准化,并且是无休止的辩论主题。 但是,有关颜色及其用途的理论在整个历史中一直在过渡和发展。 在中世纪,人们认为将色彩混合在一起是违背自然秩序和禁忌的。 而在19世纪,约翰·沃尔夫冈·凡·歌德(Johann Wolfgang van Goethe)(该领域的先驱理论的创造者)声称鲜艳的色彩仅适用于“未受教育的儿童” 。 向前迈进20世纪,据了解,亨利·福特(Henry Ford)只是为他本来只有黑色的Model T引入了颜色选项,以应对销量下降的情况 ,因为客户要求多样化。 快进到2020年, 预计今年的设计趋势将包括具有微妙渐变的鲜艳色彩。 因此,可以说,关于色彩的早期思维和理论正在不断被取代和修改,这似乎是可以接受的,并且在历史上是相对的-不仅随着时间的流逝,而且与色彩,时间,地点和历史/文化背景有关。

没有普遍共识 (No Universal Consensus)

The understanding that colours have different meanings to particular groups of people goes far beyond the basics. Taking red as a well known example, it can represent a mixture of danger, blood and romance in the western world, but is at the same time seen as a sign of good luck in China. Looking at the subjective nature of colour in various cultural locations (both historically and geographically) in much more detail, choosing colours that require an international reach can be a tricky decision. Such as yellow, which has a multitude of meanings across the globe — jealousy in France, p0rnography in China, bravery in Japan and a colour reserved for high ranking individuals in certain African nations. Research has found that using stereotypical colours to target particular audiences can actually have an adverse effect, such as the use of pink in branding of breast cancer charities can be counterintuitive to donations from women. We’re also seeing more brands breaking the barriers of how people typically perceive colour associations. A GRIN favourite, Gabby Edlin from the not-for-profit Bloody Good Period, is purposefully moving away from associating menstruation products with baby pink (or the typical advertising blue dye), as instead periods are biologically a combination of red and brown shades. It seems there is an agreement that universal colour psychology that works across all walks of life does not yet exist, and to assume one theory fits all can dramatically over simplify colour and it’s usage depriving it of its cultural uniqueness.

对于特定人群而言,颜色具有不同含义的理解远远超出了基础知识。 以红色为例,它可以代表西方世界中危险,鲜血和浪漫的混合物,但同时也被视为中国吉祥标志 。 更详细地了解各种文化位置(历史和地理上)的颜色的主观性质,选择需要国际影响的颜色可能是一个棘手的决定。 例如黄色,在全球范围内具有多种含义 -法国的嫉妒,中国的摄影术,日本的勇敢以及为某些非洲国家的高级个人保留的颜色。 研究发现,将刻板印象的颜色用于特定受众实际上会产生不利影响,例如在乳腺癌慈善机构的品牌中使用粉红色可能与女性捐赠背道而驰 。 我们还看到越来越多的品牌打破人们通常如何看待色彩联想的障碍。 GRIN的最爱,来自非营利性Bloody Good Period的Gabby Edlin,有意地避免将月经产品与婴儿粉 (或典型的广告蓝色染料)相关联,因为月经周期实际上是红色和棕色阴影的组合。 似乎已经达成共识,尚不存在适用于各行各业的通用色彩心理学,并且假设一种适用于所有人的理论可能会大大简化色彩,并且其使用使色彩失去其文化独特性。

有钱能使鬼推磨 (Money Talks)

Despite a lack of hard data from many colour theory studies, it is still a big money business in the marketing and design arena. Giants of the branding world use research from this field to determine the colours of their logos, websites and collateral in order to gain competitive advantage through consumer psychology. Certain sectors have adapted to known associations and become notorious for using specific industry colours — such as tech companies and the use of grey (Apple & Microsoft). Millions are now even spent by brands battling to trademark their own colours, to protect a signature shade. So surely an investment of this scale to follow colour theory so closely must return significant results for brands?

尽管缺乏许多色彩理论研究的硬数据,但它仍然是市场营销和设计领域的大笔生意。 品牌界的巨人利用这一领域的研究来确定其徽标,网站和抵押品的颜色,以便通过消费者心理获得竞争优势 。 某些行业已适应已知的协会,并因使用特定的行业颜色而臭名昭著,例如科技公司和灰色的使用(Apple和Microsoft)。 现在,甚至有数百万品牌争相使用自己的颜色作为商标 ,以保护标志性阴影。 因此,一定要如此大规模地投资以遵循色彩理论,才能为品牌带来可观的回报吗?

人格感知 (Perception of Personality)

The area that seems to hold the most concrete findings in colour theory is with the association of colours to the perception of brand personality. Studies have found consumers make unconscious judgements on products and environments within 90 seconds of initial viewing and that up to 90% of their evaluation can be based on colour alone. Within this assessment, consumers are then more likely to increase their purchase intent when they perceive the brand colours used are an appropriate fit with the products or services they are selling. Of course the idea of an ‘appropriate fit’ can again be ambiguous, but typically an example would be natural tones resembling browns and greens would be a positive correlation for outdoors brands. In addition it has been found that if the colour of a product does not appropriately represent its purpose, this can even go as far as confusing and damaging a brands sense of identity. These findings would therefore suggest that aligning brand colours to the personality of a brand seems to be a far more effective way of using theory from this field, than selecting a palette based on the range of emotions an organisation would like their product to evoke.

在颜色理论中似乎拥有最具体发现的领域是颜色与品牌个性感知之间的联系。 研究发现,消费者在初次观看后的90秒内会对产品和环境做出无意识的判断 ,并且高达90%的评估仅基于颜色。 在此评估范围内,当消费者认为所使用的品牌颜色与所销售的产品或服务合适时,他们更有可能提高购买意愿。 当然,“合适的贴合度”的想法可能仍然是模棱两可的,但通常一个例子是类似于棕色的自然色调,而绿色则是户外品牌的正相关关系。 另外,已经发现,如果产品的颜色不能恰当地代表其目的,这甚至可能会混淆和损害品牌的认同感。 因此,这些发现表明,与根据组织希望其产品引起的情感范围来选择调色板相比,使品牌颜色与品牌个性相匹配似乎是使用该领域理论的一种更为有效的方法。

那么,品牌设计的意义是什么? (So what are the implications for brand design?)

There is no doubt that colours shape the way we interpret the world around us and also impact upon our purchasing decisions. Despite the ongoing debate from research within this topic, the extent to which theories are adhered to will always be a choice of the brand owner, designer and individual. However, the importance of carefully considering a suitable brand colour palette should be paramount. Other factors can and should be taken into consideration, but ensuring the palette is an appropriate fit with the brand personality and industry sector should be a key focus for any new brand or product design.

毫无疑问,颜色塑造了我们诠释周围世界的方式,也影响了我们的购买决策。 尽管有关该主题的研究一直在进行辩论,但理论的坚持程度始终是品牌所有者,设计师和个人的选择。 但是,仔细考虑合适的品牌调色板的重要性应该是至关重要的。 可以并且应该考虑其他因素,但是确保调色板与品牌个性和产业相适应是任何新品牌或产品设计的重点。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/is-it-possible-to-have-a-universal-colour-theory-e562ce6a74c1






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