

By reading about validating product ideas and starting small businesses I got excited to learn more by doing it. I left my day job and here I share a summary of this journey and the tools I’ve used in this process.

通过阅读有关验证产品创意和创办小型企业的知识,我很高兴从中学到更多知识。 我结束了日常工作,在这里我分享了这一过程的摘要以及在此过程中使用的工具。

我为什么要这么做? (Why I did it?)

I’m especially interested in learning by doing and find fulfilling ways to work instead of the traditional 9-to-5 job.


我以前在做什么? (What I was doing before?)

I’m a UX Designer that recently got my first job in a startup in Brazil (see here how I got my first job). My contract there was ending and I could choose to get hired or to leave the company. I decided to leave and pursue a side project.

我是UX设计师,最近在巴西的一家初创公司找到了第一份工作( 请参阅此处 ,我是如何找到第一份工作的)。 我的合同在那里结束了,我可以选择被录用或离开公司。 我决定离开并继续进行副业。

计算风险 (Calculating the risks)

I knew it could be risky to leave the first job opportunity I had in the UX Design field but I thought it was worth trying. In the worst-case scenario, I would strength my UX Design skills and go back to a day job, so I put the lenses of experimentation and lean in.

我知道离开UX Design领域的第一份工作机会可能会冒险,但我认为值得尝试。 在最坏的情况下,我会增强我的UX设计技能,然后回到日常工作,因此我尝试了一些实验并进行了研究。

Two months before I quit my job, my husband, that was also working in a startup, almost had burnout and left his job with no plans.

在我辞掉工作的两个月前, 我的丈夫也在一家初创公司工作,几乎精疲力尽,没有计划就离开了工作。

So it was the two of us willing to work for ourselves and opened to try different alternatives for living.


We knew it's challenging to create a profitable business. Savoia in his book “The Right it” has one chapter dedicated to the law of market failure.

我们知道创建盈利业务具有挑战性。 萨瓦亚(Savoia)在他的著作《 正确的权利 》( The Right It)中有一章专门论述市场失败定律。

I believe The Law of Failure is extremely important. If you accept this law as true, or even mostly true, and that neither you nor your it are exempt from the law, your mindset should change from: “Let’s go for it! Let’s just build it, and go for broke!” to a more cautious “Let’s try it. Let’s pretotype it!” — Alberto Savoia

我相信失败定律非常重要。 如果你接受这个法律真实的,甚至主要是真实的,那无论是你还是你是从法律豁免,你的心态应该从改变:“我们走了! 让我们来建造它,然后破产吧!” 谨慎一点”让我们尝试一下。 让我们预先打字!” —阿尔贝托·萨沃亚

To give us clarity about this process we've set a few points before doing:


  • Set a safe period to do it without running out of money;

  • Validate our product ideas in the simplest and cheapest way;

  • Acknowledge the worst-case scenario: go back to work full-time;

  • Try to build something profitable enough to pay our bills, not thinking about scaling it;

  • Try to build something that gives value to other people and is aligned with our values: simplicity, tranquility, flexibility, autonomy, and constant learning.


So here we were: both at home ready to start the validation period!


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首先,让我们休息一下 (First, let’s give us a break)

It had been a while since we didn’t take a full break-in nature so we thought it was a good moment to travel. We booked a cozy cheap house in the middle of nowhere in Brazil.

一段时间以来,因为我们没有充分利用闯入天性,所以我们认为这是旅行的好时机。 我们在巴西的一个偏僻地方预订了一间舒适的廉价房屋。

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Draw I made when we were there in the balcony of the place

There, away from other chores and time to rest and reflect, we could read books, talk about various subjects, think of hypotheses to solve problems/create products and brainstorming to generate possible solutions.


We walked in nature, enjoyed the view of the house, experienced a different place.


There was also the challenging part: dealing with many bugs, sleeping in a very hot wheater and the worries about the idea of spending our savings in this period.


Nothing went exactly as planned so being adaptable, trying to accept the things we couldn’t change and looking this trip as an opportunity to improve ourselves was an important mindset to keep throughout this journey.


准备验证想法! (Ready to validate the ideas!)

Back home we already had an idea each and we’re excited to start!


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I started researching, benchmarking, defining the value proposition, identifying the possible early adopters, designing the page and launching it.


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Screenshots of the process: images of the researching at the top and the facebook ads at the bottom.
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Screenshots of the landing page

My husband was in a similar process and also launched his product.


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Screenshot of the landing page of his website

We love to have a schedule and explicit limits, but since we were not making money, we started to work more to compensate for the hours. We felt time anxiety and it started getting unproductive.

我们喜欢有时间表和明确的限制,但是由于我们没有赚钱,所以我们开始更多地工作以弥补工时。 我们感到时间焦虑 ,开始变得无聊。

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A month had passed, we paid the bills with our savings and realized that to make those projects profitable we’d have to invest more time and maybe some money.


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My first project was a failure from the point of profit: zero sales. We invested around $5 in ads and there was no return.

从利润的角度来看,我的第一个项目是失败:零销售。 我们在广告上投资了大约5美元,没有任何回报。

The research phase was really challenging. I created a business account on Instagram to contact the early adopters and potential stakeholders, but people weren't replying my messages.

研究阶段确实具有挑战性 。 我在Instagram上创建了一个企业帐户,以联系早期采用者和潜在的利益相关者,但人们没有回复我的信息。

My hypothesis was that with a personal profile people would answer me. As I don’t have social media I couldn’t rely on any existent followers so I created a personal profile to reach these people (early adopters and the potential stakeholders). With no friends in my personal or business profile, it was really difficult to build trust and get people to talk to me and I learned a few things that get more people to talk to me on the research phase:

我的假设是,有了个人资料,人们就会回答我。 由于我没有社交媒体,所以我不能依靠任何现有的关注者,因此我创建了个人档案以吸引这些人(早期采用者和潜在的利益相关者)。 在我的个人或企业档案中没有朋友时,要建立信任并让人们与交谈真的很困难,而且我学到了一些东西,可以使更多的人在研究阶段与我交谈:

  • Approach people using a personal profile and sharing my thoughts about this project — instead of starting with a company profile with no followers;

  • Telling people how my project could bring value to them and then ask if they would like to answer some of my questions;

  • Sending the main questions I wanted to answer as a message instead of in a link for a Google Forms — I did it with the early adopters and I got 56% more replies than when I send a link with a survey;

  • Telling people how much time they would invest in the survey and how much value it could bring to the project.


It felt great when I got the support of some artists for the project, but I would need more time and money to actually validate the project. As we were worried about our budget and our time I decided to pause the project.

当我得到该项目的一些艺术家的支持时感觉很棒,但是我将需要更多的时间和金钱来实际验证该项目。 由于我们担心预算和时间,我决定暂停该项目。

My husband had an insight into another project and we thought it was an idea worth pursuing so we both started working together.


After working on it for a week we launched our second project:


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Screenshot of the landing page

It’s a website focused only on UX job opportunities.


To our surprise, people started subscribing and through the survey, we’ve sent in the first email, we discovered that people shared the website on UX communities via Whatsapp and Slack, which brought organic traffic.


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Frame by frame animation I made using Flipaclip. I sent it on the first newsletter.
我使用Flipaclip制作的逐帧动画。 我在第一期通讯上寄了它。

We put an option on the website allowing companies to pay to have their job ad featured on the website. One company paid in the first month and another company paid in the second month. We were glad to see that the project paid itself.

我们在网站上放置了一个选项,允许公司付款以使其招聘广告出现在网站上。 一家公司在第一个月付款,另一家公司在第二个月付款。 我们很高兴看到该项目获得了回报。

But then, another month came with more bills and more worries.


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Crawling away from the bills — that’s how we imagined ourselves at that moment

At this point, it was easy to get caught up on what we should be doing, like going back to a full-time job and save money. At the same time, my husband decided to try a different approach and explore the consultant world. I started to build my portfolio and was ready to apply for remote opportunities and freelancing.

在这一点上,很容易陷入我们应该做的事情 ,例如回到全职工作并节省金钱。 同时,我丈夫决定尝试不同的方法并探索顾问世界。 我开始建立自己的投资组合,并准备申请远程机会和自由职业。

He soon got a job as a consultant and we felt a great relief that money would come.


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Saved by the consultant!

Three months had passed from the beginning of this journey until the time I’m publishing this article. We are still trying to validate the last project and my husband continues to work as a consultant.

从开始旅程到我发表本文为止已经过去了三个月。 我们仍在尝试验证最后一个项目 ,我的丈夫继续担任顾问

I'm working on the second project and looking for challenges that would allow me to work aligned with my values.

我正在进行第二个项目, 正在寻找可以使我与价值观保持一致的挑战

结论 (Conclusion)

Building our own company, working as a consultant or freelancer isn’t easy. There is a lot of unknowns besides the fear of failure.

建立自己的公司,担任顾问或自由职业者并不容易。 除了害怕失败之外,还有很多未知数。

Since the beginning, we reminded ourselves that just keeping the status quo intact wasn’t an option. And, if the journey did not allow us to have projects that are aligned with our values and couldn’t pay our bills, as a last resort, we could go back to work full-time inside an office, knowing that we’ve learned a lot from this.

从一开始,我们就提醒自己, 保持现状不变是不可行的。 而且,如果旅途中不允许我们进行符合我们价值观的项目并且无法支付账单,那么作为最后的选择,我们可以在知道自己已经学会了的情况下回到办公室全职工作很多。

The book “The Right It” from Alberto Savoia was an open eye to validate our ideas most simply and cheaply, so this journey wouldn’t be something that would lead us in debt.

阿尔贝托·萨沃亚 ( Alberto Savoia )的著作《正确的权利》(The Right It)可以让我们以最简单,最便宜的方式验证我们的想法,因此,这次旅程不会使我们背负债务。

“Dealing with failure by underestimating it will, more often than not, lead to painful, costly and slow failure.” Alberto Savoia.

“通过低估来应对失败,往往会导致痛苦,代价高昂且缓慢的失败。” 阿尔贝托·萨瓦亚(Alberto Savoia)。

Our minimalism lifestyle gave us the self-confidence to try as we knew our spendings would be under control and that we don’t need much to satisfy ourselves. We also recognize our privilege to have savings and other opportunities as a plan B, as technology is a fast-growing sector.

我们的极简主义生活方式使我们充满自信,因为我们知道我们的支出将受到控制,并且我们不需要太多钱就能满足自己的需求。 我们还认识到我们有幸将储蓄和其他机会作为计划B,因为技术是一个快速增长的行业。

As a UX Designer, I'm glad I've tried and excited to work on other areas such as business, marketing strategies and visual design with all the constraints of free tools and a low budget in this discovery phase.


It's being a great journey to learn how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, adaptative and self-motivated. I’m happy we have done this far.

这是学习如何 适应 不舒服, 适应能力强和自我激励的伟大旅程。 我很高兴我们已经做到了这一点。

感谢您的阅读! 👏 (Thank you for reading! 👏)

👇这里是我在此过程中使用的一些免费工具: (👇 Here are some free tools I’ve used in this process:)

To build the websites


To automate workflows


To create forms and embed in the website


To send the newsletter


To design faster


To help with marketing








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