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Psychology is integral part of User Experience(UX) design process. Understanding how the people interact with the product and how their decisions can be influenced or can be manipulated are the topics to be covered by UX designers. Design psychology is a combination of neuroscience, cognitive psychology, social psychology and human computer interaction that approaches user experience design through the lens of human behavior.

P心理学是用户体验(UX)设计过程的组成部分。 UX设计人员将讨论如何理解人们如何与产品交互以及如何影响或操纵他们的决定。 设计心理学是神经科学,认知心理学,社会心理学和人机交互的结合,通过人类行为的视角来接近用户体验设计。

A designer who doesn’t understand human psychologies is going to be no more successful than an architect who doesn’t understand physics.


— Joe Leech


We will discuss about the principles and theories behind the design decisions we can make backed by psychological principles. By understanding how different psychology principles influence human behavior, we can design your products to elicit specific responses and actions from our target users.

我们将讨论心理原则支持的设计决策背后的原则和理论。 通过了解不同的心理学原理如何影响人类行为,我们可以设计您的产品,以引起目标用户的特定React和行动。

变色龙效果/镜像 (Chameleon Effect/Mirroring)

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Example for Mirroring Effect

As saying goes, “Monkey see, monkey do” primates including humans are good at imitation. The term which states the unconscious mirroring or mimicking of the behavior of people we are with near proximity. In our experience with products the interaction we make is intimated and instant.

俗话说,“猴子看,猴子做”,包括人类在内的灵长类动物都擅长模仿。 该术语表示对我们所接近的人的潜意识的无意识镜像或模仿。 根据我们在产品方面的经验,我们进行的互动是即时的。

Have you ever picked up a word your friend said and you then said it right back to him? This is a perfect example of Chameleon effect.

您有没有听过朋友说的话,然后又说给他听? 这是变色龙效果的完美示例。

启动 (Priming)

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https://www.hotjar.com/ https://www.hotjar.com/

The fact that exposure to one stimulus which influences a subsequent response to a different stimulus. After we have watched a horror movie on TV late at night, you’re more likely to jump up at all the creaks and noises in your house than if you’d watched a comedy.

暴露于一种刺激会影响后续对另一种刺激的React这一事实。 当我们在深夜在电视上观看恐怖电影后,与看喜剧相比,您更有可能跳进房子里所有的吱吱声和噪音。

Priming shapes our behaviors and reactions to the environment and is an often an effective shortcut that allows us to take quick decisions. It is also an efficient tool of persuasion, employed extensively in marketing and advertisement sectors of industry.

启动可以塑造我们对环境的行为和React,并且通常是有效的捷径,使我们能够快速做出决定。 这也是一种有效的说服工具,已广泛应用于工业的营销和广告领域。

冯·雷斯托夫效应 (Von Restorff effect)

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Coined by german psychiatrist Hedwig von Restorff, who did an experiment and found that when participants were presented with a list of items and one more distinctive than the rest, the memory for the item was improved.

由德国精神病医生赫德维格·冯·雷斯托夫(Hedwig von Restorff)创造他进行了一项实验,发现当向参与者展示一系列物品并比其他物品更具特色时,该物品的记忆得到了改善。

Also known as The Isolation Effect, predicts that when multiple similar objects are present, the one that differs from the rest is most likely to be remembered.


连续位置效应 (Serial position effect)

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https://www.nike.com/ https://www.nike.com/

The theory was termed and coined by Herman Ebbinghaus. It describes how the position of an item in a sequence affects recall accuracy.

该理论由赫尔曼·埃宾豪斯 ( Herman Ebbinghaus)提出并提出。 它描述了序列中项目的位置如何影响召回准确性。

Users have a propensity to best remember the first and last items in a series.


Placing the most important information first, and last. Place the least important information in middle can be highly effective way to get users attention.

首先,最后放置最重要的信息。 将最不重要的信息放在中间可以成为吸引用户注意力的高效方法。

格式塔原理 (Gestalt Principles)

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Under the gestalt principle we have many other principles under it. We will have a brief discussion about it here below:

在格式塔原则下,我们还有许多其他原则。 我们将在下面对此进行简短的讨论:

  • Negative Space:


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Negative space in Red riding hood

Leaving white space around our design where the blanks in image will create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. In the simplest terms, gestalt theory is based on the idea that the human brain will attempt to simplify and organize complex images or designs that consist of many elements, by subconsciously arranging the parts into an organized system that creates a whole, rather than just a series of disparate elements. Our brains are built to see structure and patterns in order for us to better understand the environment that we’re living in.

在我们的设计周围留有空白,图像中的空白将创建一个大于其各个部分之和的整体。 用最简单的术语来说,格式塔理论是基于这样的思想,即人的大脑将通过潜意识地将各部分安排到一个创建整体而不是一个整体的有组织系统中,来尝试简化和组织由许多元素组成的复杂图像或设计。系列不同的元素。 我们的大脑旨在查看结构和模式,以便我们更好地了解我们所处的环境。

  • Similarity:


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Example of Similarity

In gestalt similar elements are visually grouped regardless of proximity to each other. They can be grouped by color, shape, or size. Similarity can be used to tie together that might not be next to each other.

在格式塔中,相似的元素在视觉上会进行分组,无论彼此之间是否接近。 它们可以按颜色,形状或大小分组。 相似性可用于将可能彼此不相邻的部分联系在一起。

  • Continuity:


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Example of Continuity

The human eye will follow the smoothest path when viewing lines, regardless of how the lines were actually drawn. This continuation can be valuable tool when the goal is to guide a visitor’s eye in a certain direction.

无论查看线条是如何绘制的,人眼都会在观看线条时遵循最平滑的路径。 当目标是在特定方向上引导访客的眼睛时,这种延续可能是有价值的工具。

  • Closure:


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Example of Closure

The principal reflects that the brain will fill the missing parts of design or image to create a whole. In simple words complex shapes are which can be seen in the logo of Adobe, Sun Microsystem, NBC, USA Network etc.

该原理反映出大脑将填充设计或图像缺失的部分以创建一个整体。 简单地说,复杂的形状可以在Adobe,Sun Microsystem,NBC,USA Network等的徽标中看到。

  • Proximity:


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Example of Proximity

This principle refers to how close are the elements to one another. In UX design proximity is used in order to get users to group a certain things together. By placing things together users will perceive it related.

这一原则指的是元素之间的距离。 在UX设计中,使用接近度是为了使用户将某些东西组合在一起。 通过将事物放在一起,用户将感觉到它是相关的。

  • Figure and ground :


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Example of Figure and Ground

Similar to closure principle in that it takes advantage of the negative space. Our brain will distinguish the objects in the foreground of the image. This is really handy when designers want to stress on a focal point.

与闭合原理类似,它利用了负空间。 我们的大脑将区分图像前景中的对象。 当设计师想强调一个重点时,这真的很方便。

  • Common Fate:


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Example of Common Fate

The principal states that the group of elements moving on a direction will be perceived as a group in itself. If we see a flock of birds flying on a particular direction we would group them together and consider them a single stimulus.

该原理指出,沿方向移动的元素组本身将被视为一个组。 如果我们看到一群鸟朝特定的方向飞行,我们会将它们组合在一起,并认为它们是一种刺激。

认知负荷 (Cognitive load)

Refers to the total amount of mental effort being used in a person’s working memory. It is amount of thought you need to excise in order to complete the task.

指在一个人的工作记忆中使用的精神努力总量。 为了完成任务,您需要精打细算。

Cognitive load is the amount of thought you need to exercise in order to complete a specific task.


希克定律 (Hick’s Law)

Hick’s Law describes that the time it takes for a person to make a decision depends on the choices available to him or her. So if the number of choices increases, the time to make a decision increases logarithmically.

希克定律描述了一个人做出决定所需的时间取决于他或她可以选择的选择。 因此,如果选择的数量增加,则做出决定的时间将对数增加。

The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.


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Example of Hicks law

菲特定律 (Fitt’s Law)

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Example of Fits Law

This law states that the amount of time required for a person to move a pointer (e.g., mouse cursor) to a target area is a function of the distance to the target divided by the size of the target. Thus, the longer the distance and the smaller the target’s size, the longer it takes.

该法律规定,人将指针(例如鼠标光标)移动到目标区域所需的时间量是到目标的距离除以目标大小的函数。 因此,距离越长,目标的尺寸越小,花费的时间越长。

The time to acquire a target is a function of the distance to and size of the target.


This law can be influenced in making conversion of interactive buttons especially on finger operated mobile devices and also smaller buttons which are more difficult to click which would take more time consuming. The distance between a user’s task/attention area and the task-related button should be kept as short as possible in distance.

在转换交互式按钮(尤其是在手指操作的移动设备上)以及较小的按钮(更难于单击,这将花费更多的时间)时,可能会影响该定律。 用户的任务/注意区域和与任务相关的按钮之间的距离应保持尽可能短。

审美可用性效应 (Aesthetic Usability Effect)

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It refers to users’ tendency to perceive attractive products as more usable. People tend to believe that things that look better will work better — even if they aren’t actually more effective or efficient.

它是指用户倾向于认为有吸引力的产品更实用。 人们倾向于相信看起来更好的事物更好地工作 -即使实际上并没有提高效率。

Users often perceive aesthetically pleasing design as design that’s more usable.


A positive emotional response to the visual design will make them more tolerant of minor usability issues.


对偶编码理论 (Dual Coding Theory)

This theory was proposed by Paivio where he attempts to given equal weight to verbal and non-verbal processing. Paivio (1986) states: “Human cognition is unique in that it has become specialized for dealing simultaneously with language and with nonverbal objects and events. This makes users easier to remember important things from our website by taking advantage of the dual-coding system.

Paivio提出了这一理论,他尝试对口头和非口头处理给予同等的重视。 Paivio(1986)指出:“人类认知是独特的,因为它已经变得专门用于同时处理语言以及非语言对象和事件。 利用双编码系统,这使用户更容易记住我们网站上的重要内容。

We create a visual image for words in our mind based on your experiences and perception of the real world. Think of “sports” our brain automatically images of ball, sport person comes into our mind. By pairing words with the images, it makes them easier to recall upon mentioning them.

我们根据您对现实世界的经验和感知为大脑中的单词创建视觉图像。 想到“运动”,我们的大脑就会自动将球的图像,运动的人带入我们的脑海。 通过将单词与图像配对,可以使它们在提及它们时更容易回忆。

肠道检查 (Gut Checking)

Generally we don’t thousand of dollar eye-tracking software or an electroencephalogram to tell if a design is working. But 5-second test are the powerful tool which determines whether or not your designs are instantly understandable.

通常,我们不会用数千美元的眼动追踪软件或脑电图来判断设计是否有效。 但是5秒测试是强大的工具,它可以确定您的设计是否立即可理解。

In this 5 second test, the participant views a site or app for 5 seconds, then the responds to questions about the subject matter and design. If the users are unable to refer back to the images the participants gives their impression on the purpose and function of the product. Our product will have all the functionality of out user desires but if the brain can’t grasp instantly it needs to move on.

在这5秒钟的测试中,参与者观看网站或应用5秒钟,然后回答有关主题和设计的问题。 如果用户无法参考图像,则参与者会对产品的用途和功能印象深刻。 我们的产品将具有用户期望的所有功能,但是如果大脑不能立即掌握,它就需要继续前进。

说服心理学 (Psychology of Persuasion)

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Psychology of Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini 的说服心理学

This law derives from the famous book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini where he has list of principles like Reciprocity, Consistency, Social Proofing, Authority and Scarcity.

该法则源于罗伯特·齐亚迪尼 ( Robert Cialdini)的著名著作《影响:说服心理学》,其中列出了诸如互惠,一致性,社会证明,权威和稀缺性等原则。

These principles tend to dictate the ways we behave in the society and we can use them to identify human behaviors.


Reciprocity: The principle states people don’t like being indebted to others. If they are given something, they shall feel obligated to reciprocate on some level. Offering free ebooks, blog posts, podcasts or other free content in return for the user’s email address is a good example of reciprocity in real life.

互惠 :该原则指出,人们不喜欢欠别人债。 如果给他们一些东西,他们将感到有义务在一定程度上做出回报。 提供免费的电子书,博客文章,播客或其他免费内容,以换取用户的电子邮件地址,这是现实生活中互惠的好例子。

Authority: The principle of authority says most of us realize we can’t be experts at everything. Our best bet is to rely on the testimony of experts. Accordingly, we allow experts and those considered the “authority” on any given topic to influence us. People generally tend to obey experts and authoritative figures of high status as they regard them as trust worthy. Associations with successful companies are often mentioned to establish a certain level of respect and credibility of the company.

权威 :权威原则说我们大多数人意识到我们不可能在所有事情上都是专家。 我们最好的选择是依靠专家的证词。 因此,我们允许专家和任何给定主题上的“权威”人士影响我们。 人们通常倾向于服从高水平的专家和权威人物,因为他们认为他们值得信赖。 经常提到与成功的公司建立协会,以建立一定程度的公司尊重和信誉。

Consistency: This law is about the behavior of people where they want to be consistent in their decision making process. The study done by Cialdini, two groups of volunteers went door to door, asking homeowners if they’d be willing to display a giant billboard reading “Drive Carefully” in their front lawn.

一致性 :该法律是关于人们在决策过程中要保持一致的行为。 由Cialdini完成的这项研究由两组志愿者挨家挨户进行,询问房主是否愿意在自己的前草坪上显示一个巨大的广告牌,上面写着“小心驾驶”。

The first group’s visit was simply a cold call. The second group preceded their visit with an initial visit, requesting that homeowners display a tiny sign on their lawn reading “Be A Safe Driver.”

第一组的来访简直是一个冷战。 第二组在访问之前进行首次访问,要求房主在草坪上显示一个小标志,上面写着“成为安全驾驶员”。

The second group had 450% higher success rate. This is an example of consistency as homeowners felt obligated to remain consistent in that instance.

第二组的成功率高出450%。 这是一致性的一个例子,因为房主有义务在这种情况下保持一致性。

Social Proofing: People don’t always know why they behave the way they do. Is everyone dancing? More people gonna dance. Is everyone watching that video? More people gonna click it. Is everyone buying your product? You can’t stop the people train.I n e-commerce, websites we use social proof such as ratings, reviews, and recommendations to attract other users and guide them in making their purchase decisions. Amazon has a section of “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought” to make items more relatable to you and get users to think “If they need it, I need it too”.

社交证明 :人们并不总是知道为什么要按自己的方式行事。 大家都在跳舞吗? 更多的人会跳舞。 大家都看那个视频吗? 更多人会点击它。 每个人都在购买您的产品吗? 您不能停止对人员的培训。在电子商务中,我们使用社交证明(例如评分,评论和推荐)吸引其他用户并指导他们做出购买决定的网站。 亚马逊提供了“同时购买了此商品的顾客”部分,以使商品与您更加相关,并使用户认为“如果他们需要它,我也需要它”。

Scarcity: It is one of my personal favorite in shaping behavior of people. The principle of scarcity says that if it’s limited, people want it more. If there are fewer people who will get it is more intriguing people.

稀缺性 :这是我个人在塑造人的行为上的最爱之一。 稀缺性原则说,如果有限,人们会更想要它。 如果能得到的人少了,就会吸引更多的人。

That is why in some shops we have limited edition apparels to get more attraction of customers.


Change Blindness: It occurs when a change in visual representation takes place but the observer does not notice the change.

变化盲 :当视觉表示发生变化但观察者没有注意到变化时会发生。

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内存限制 (Memory Limitation)

Memory is not always reliable. The way we store information is reconstructed by our thoughts, feelings belief and surrounding environment.

内存并不总是可靠的。 我们存储信息的方式是由我们的思想,感觉信念和周围环境重建的。

Our working memory capacity is around 10–15 seconds, remembering only 3–4 items at a time.


Studies have shown that people often create false memories in which they either remember things that didn’t happen or remember them differently from the way they really were. Since memory is suggestive and malleable, it’s important to build designs based on the brain’s habit, or mental models (more on mental models in the next post) because they are easier to remember.

研究表明,人们经常会产生错误的记忆,使他们要么记住未发生的事情,要么以与真实情况不同的方式记住它们。 由于记忆是暗示性和可延展性的,因此基于大脑的习惯或心理模型(在下一篇文章中将进一步介绍心理模型)构建设计非常重要,因为它们更容易记住。

Provide user assistance and feedback where possible and an undo option to reduce user frustration when they make mistakes. Personalize experiences to cater to our user’s preferences.

尽可能提供用户帮助和反馈,并提供撤消选项,以减少用户犯错时的沮丧情绪。 个性化体验以迎合我们用户的喜好。

仅仅曝光效果 (Mere Exposure Effect)

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Example of Mere Exposure Effect

This psychological term shows that people tend to develop a preference for something because they are familiar with them. This social psychology happens to all of us, the more often we see someone in no successive period of time, the more likely we’ll find that person likable or charming. In this effect is sometimes called the familiarity principle.

这个心理术语表明,人们倾向于对某些事物产生偏爱,因为他们熟悉它们。 这种社会心理发生在我们所有人身上,我们在无连续的时间段内见到某人的次数越多,我们就越有可能发现该人讨人喜欢或迷人。 这种效果有时称为熟悉性原则。

By understanding what the mere-exposure effect is and how it works, you will possess a significant advantage in your conversion optimization efforts. More exposure leads to familiarity, which leads to comfortability, which leads to remarkable improvements in conversion optimization as a whole.

通过了解单纯的曝光效果及其作用原理,您将在转换优化工作中拥有显着的优势。 更多的接触会导致熟悉,从而带来舒适感,从而在整体上优化转化优化。

色彩心理学 (Psychology Of Colors)

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Color Psychology

Colors also acts as a major factors in the choice and behavior of people. We often find children toys in bright colors and girls items in pink. The main idea of the study is that the colors have a great impact on the users perception.

颜色也是人的选择和行为的主要因素。 我们经常发现鲜艳的儿童玩具和粉红色的女孩玩具。 该研究的主要思想是颜色对用户的感知有很大的影响。

So, we designers should choose the colors that convey meaning and right message is delivered along.


Red. Associates with passionate, strong, or aggressive feelings. It is symbol for both good and bad feelings including love, confidence, passion and anger.

红色 。 充满热情,强烈或进取的感觉。 它象征着好和坏的感觉,包括爱,自信,热情和愤怒。

Orange. An energetic and warm color bringing the feelings of excitement.

橙色 。 充满活力的温暖色彩带给您兴奋的感觉。

Yellow. This is the color of happiness. It symbolises the sunlight, joy and warmth.

黄色 。 这就是幸福的色彩。 它象征着阳光,喜悦和温暖。

Green. The color of nature. It brings calming and renewing feelings. Also, may signify inexperience.

绿色的 。 大自然的色彩。 它带来平静和更新的感觉。 另外,可能表示经验不足。

Blue. It often represents some corporate images. It usually shows calm feelings but as a cool color it also associates with distance and sadness.

蓝色的 。 它通常代表一些公司形象。 它通常表现出镇定的感觉,但作为一种凉快的颜色,它也与距离和悲伤有关。

Purple. Long associated with royalty and wealth since many kings wore purple clothes. It’s also a color of a mystery and magic.

紫色的 。 由于许多国王穿着紫色衣服,长期以来与皇室和财富联系在一起。 它也是神秘和魔术的颜色。

Black. The color has a great number of the meanings. It associates with a tragedy and death. It signifies a mystery. It can be traditional and modern. Everything depends on how you employ it and which colors go with it.

黑色 。 颜色具有很多含义。 它伴随着悲剧和死亡。 它代表着一个谜。 它可以是传统的也可以是现代的。 一切都取决于您如何使用它以及它带有哪种颜色。

White. It means purity and innocence, as well as wholeness and clarity.

白色 。 它意味着纯洁和纯真,以及完整性和清晰度。

内脏React (Visceral Reactions)

The kind of reaction we generally get from the part of our head which is responsible for the instincts and it reacts much faster than our consciousness does. This would lead us to fall in love with the product after its first couple of usage. These reaction are rooted in our DNA, so easily that they can be predicted.

我们通常从负责本能的大脑部分得到这种React,它的React比我们的意识要快得多。 这将使我们在产品首次使用后爱上它。 这些React植根于我们的DNA中,因此很容易预测。

We designers aim to create a visually awesome aesthetic impression with the design. It’s not that difficult to guess what looks nice to people and why are our target audience and their needs.

我们的设计师旨在通过设计创造视觉上令人敬畏的美学印象。 不难猜测什么对人们看起来不错,以及为什么我们的目标受众和他们的需求如此。

User experience design has its conceptual roots in cognitive and behavioral psychology and it is a blueprint of a human being’s interaction with a machine. The article still does not cover all the design psychology principals. However as a designer we also need observe and understand the end users and empathize/understand users more. Their interaction, behavior and emotions can add much more worth value to understand them in the product building process.

用户体验设计的概念根源于认知和行为心理学,它是人类与机器交互的蓝图。 本文仍未涵盖所有设计心理学原理。 但是,作为设计师,我们还需要观察和理解最终用户,并更多地理解/理解用户。 他们的互动,行为和情感可以为在产品构建过程中了解它们增加更多的价值。

参考阅读: (Reference reading:)

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-psychology-of-ux-design-859439bc8a32






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