

Whether we’re students or freshers just into our first jobs, the industry is naturally ours to inherit. Changing landscapes in technology and styles of design have influenced the field and its importance in products and services alike. But has enough been done for the designers themselves?

无论我们是学生还是刚开始工作的应届毕业生,该行业自然是我们的遗产。 技术和设计风格的不断变化影响了该领域及其在产品和服务中的重要性。 但是,对于设计师自己而言,已经做了足够的工作吗?

I’ve never had a problem with a dumb client. There is no such thing as a bad client. Part of our job is to do good work and get the client to accept it. ~Bob Gill

我从来没有一个愚蠢的客户有问题。 没有坏客户这样的事情。 我们的工作之一就是做好工作,并让客户接受。 〜鲍勃·吉尔

背景故事 (The backstory)

A few months ago an email was sent out to all the students of my institution, an open contest for $100 to design and provide a logo for an upcoming organization (possibly an NGO).


The contest came at a time when I was doing a unpaid internship and ₹7000 would have really helped with my cash crunch. So when I could, I sat down to work on this like it was my internship project, putting my all in to win. Four days in to the deadline, I was done.

比赛是在我进行无薪实习的时候发生的,而₹7000确实可以帮助我解决现金短缺的问题。 因此,我尽可能坐下来从事这项工作,就像我的实习项目一样,全力以赴。 在截止日期的四天前,我完成了。

I didn’t just have a logo, I had a brand.


Image for post
Logo proposal that was sent over. Checkout the full project on Behance (link below).
已发送徽标建议。 在Behance上检出完整的项目(下面的链接)。

But I didn’t win. Instead, they decided to go with this:

但是我没有赢。 相反,他们决定这样做:

Image for post
© copyright respective owners.

I don’t why I lost, and I probably sound arrogant and egotistical, but I went WHAT THE FUCK?


Now this isn’t the first time this has happened. I’ve done my share of graphic design work to know when something’s bad. Years have gone by, I’m to graduate from design school [in a year], and yet I still find people, whether it was high school or engineering school or my current institute, or even in the industry as far as I’ve worked or heard from my peers, people don’t just think that design easy, but they dismiss the efforts and thoughts that people put into it; and more often than not, the people in charge, the people who juggle multiple skills of management, engineering, finance and what not, just don’t seem to have an understanding of design.

现在这不是第一次发生这种情况。 我已经完成了一些平面设计工作,以了解什么时候不好。 几年过去了,我[一年内]毕业于设计学校,但是我仍然找到人,无论是高中还是工科学校,或者我现在的学院,甚至就我所从事的行业在我的同龄人的工作或倾听中,人们不仅认为设计简单,而且还忽略了人们投入的努力和想法; 负责人,杂耍管理,工程,财务等多种技能的人常常似乎对设计没有理解。

I am by far not the most experienced to talk about the status of the industry, but as the next generation take their place in the industry, people whom I’ve worked with and under, I at least have a say in how I’d want the industry to shape up.


Photoshop =设计 (Photoshop = Design)

There’s a belief that software equals design. If you know how to use Photoshop, you‘re a graphic designer, and if you knew Quark you know Desktop Publishing and if you know Illustrator you know graphic design, but on a different level and so on. But Photoshop and Quark and Illustrator are just the tools of the trade.

人们认为软件等于设计。 如果您知道如何使用Photoshop,那么您是图形设计师,如果您知道Quark,则您知道Desktop Publishing,如果您知道Illustrator,则知道图形设计,但是在不同的层次上,依此类推。 但是Photoshop和Quark和Illustrator只是交易工具。

Take a look at the image below. It shows job listings for two different companies, one is a startup looking for graphic designers and the other is a listing for a product designer for a company that is known to pay attention to design.

看看下面的图片。 它显示了两个不同公司的工作清单,一个是一家寻找图形设计师的初创公司,另一个是一家公司的产品设计师的清单,该公司已知会关注设计。

Image for post
*Black bar hides identifying information.

Put everything aside except for the requirements and you can probably tell which is which. The listing on the left addresses the need of the designer, their role in the company, their impact on the product, their place among other teams such as engineering, academic requirement and most importantly, an acknowledgement that their work requires freedoms and while a lot of material will not be used in the final product the effort is recognized and hence all the hard work finds a home. The listing on a right however doesn’t require a designer, but a person who can use Photoshop.

除了需求之外,将所有内容放在一边,您可能可以分辨出哪个是哪个。 左侧列出的内容满足了设计师的需求,他们在公司中的角色,对产品的影响,他们在其他团队(例如工程,学术要求)中的地位,最重要的是,承认他们的工作需要自由,而同时最终的产品不会使用任何材料,因此努力得到了认可,因此所有艰苦的工作都找到了家。 但是,右侧列出的内容不需要设计师,而是可以使用Photoshop的人。



什么是设计? (What is design?)

Paul Rand seemed to think that design is the product of a careful study and observation; Alina Wheeler is quoted saying design is intelligence made visible; Massimo Vignelli describes design as a fight against the visual disease. But the best definition of design was given by one of my professors, “Design is solving somebody’s problem.” And that should be the job of a designer, to solve problems.

保罗·兰德(Paul Rand)似乎认为设计是认真研究和观察的产物。 引用阿丽娜·惠勒(Alina Wheeler)的话说,设计使智能变得可见; Massimo Vignelli将设计描述为与视觉疾病的斗争。 但是,最好的设计定义是由我的一位教授给出的:“设计正在解决某个人的问题。” 这应该是设计师解决问题的工作。

Not recognized enough, lets try branding your company; Customers driven away from you application, let’s design a more user centered interface.

没有足够的知名度,请尝试为您的公司打上品牌 ; 客户远离您的应用程序,让我们设计一个以用户为中心的界面

Whatever your field be (graphic, service, UI, UX, CX…) your purpose must be to solve problems.


Going back to the job listings, we see that one listing wants a person to do some work, while the other is making the designer a part of a team of problem solvers. But what’s with the back story?

回到工作清单,我们看到一个清单要一个人做一些工作,而另一个清单使设计师成为问题解决者团队的一部分。 但是背景故事是什么?

这不是比较视频 (This isn’t a comparison video)

The aim of the article wasn’t to compare the winner and the better design, but it was to point out that no feedback was given to anybody who didn’t win, the absence of a vital information that helps us improve.


“It’s through mistakes that you actually can grow. You have to get bad in order to get good.” ~Paula Scher

“通过错误,您才能真正成长。 为了变得好,你必须变坏。” 〜宝拉·谢尔(Paula Scher)

In the month of September I was part of a team that participated in a 24hr remote design hackathon conducted by IXDD. The hackathon was remote and we had to post our process on a Tumblr blog and tackle mini-design challenges along the way. We didn’t win, and while it was a fun experience, we were never provided with any kind of feedback.

在9月份,我是一个团队的一部分,该团队参加了IXDD进行的24小时远程设计黑客马拉松。 黑客马拉松很遥远,我们不得不将流程发布到Tumblr博客上,并一路解决小型设计难题。 我们没有获胜,虽然这是一次有趣的经历,但我们从未得到过任何反馈。

反馈 (Feedback)

Or rather the lack of it. In a high paced world where projects are put on tight schedules and where time very much means money, we concentrate on the final product and little on process and documentation, but even less on feedback.

或者说缺乏它。 在一个步调高涨的世界中,项目排定的时间紧迫,时间在很大程度上意味着金钱,我们只专注于最终产品,很少关注流程和文档,而很少关注反馈。

Whether you’re a client, manager or any another member on the team, provide feedback. This can include why you like it, what you dislike, how you think the product might be nudged in the right direction or even [if it gets approved] what else we could have done.

无论您是客户,经理还是团队中的任何其他成员,都应提供反馈。 这可以包括您喜欢它的原因,您不喜欢的事物,您认为该产品可能会朝着正确的方向推销的方式,甚至(如果获得批准)我们还可以做些什么。

Even a little feedback helps a designer (or anyone for that matter) improve and work on their skills and also acknowledges their efforts were not in vain.


设计需要努力 (Design takes effort)

Like any other profession, design takes effort. It isn’t just slapping on some colors and picking out a hip font to make your UI pop. Rather it’s a process of taking a problem and looking at all possible feasible solutions in order to eradicate a problem, ultimately meeting user needs.

像任何其他专业一样,设计也需要努力。 它不仅仅是拍一些颜色并挑选一种时髦的字体来使您的UI流行。 而是一个解决问题并查看所有可能的解决方案以便消除问题,最终满足用户需求的过程。

For example the Uber app has only a few screens, but that it has taken teams of designers over a decade to create the app we use today, evolving and tackling a new problem every time. And it’s probably not even done yet. In reality, no problem ever really is. And that’s something important.

例如,Uber应用程序只有几个屏幕,但是十多年的设计团队却花了很多时间来创建我们今天使用的应用程序,每次都在发展和解决新问题。 而且可能还没有完成。 实际上,实际上没有问题。 这很重要。

我们不能解决所有问题 (We can’t solve every problem)

Whether it’s societal values or technology, human civilization is changing faster than ever. And for that reason, we can’t solve every problem that arises, which is why companies rebrand, reassess situations and release new versions of their products.

无论是社会价值还是技术,人类文明的变化都比以往任何时候都快。 因此,我们无法解决所有出现的问题,这就是公司重新命名,重新评估情况并发布其产品的新版本的原因。

People wanted to see and not just hear them over the radio, enter the television. Now people want to see color, enter the color TV. Better picture? 1080p. More detail? 4K. More color HDR; 3D, 8K, holograms, the list goes on. Decades gone by and the television is still evolving, aiming to solve the problem of people wanting to be immersed in an alternate reality.

人们想看而不仅仅是听广播,而是进入电视。 现在人们想看颜色,进入彩电。 更好的图片? 1080p。 更多详情? 4K。 更彩色的HDR; 3D,8K,全息图,清单不胜枚举。 几十年过去了,电视还在不断发展,旨在解决人们想要沉浸在替代现实中的问题。

But couldn’t we just listen to the users and given them what they want? Why do you want a designer?

但是我们不能只是听取用户的意见并给他们他们想要的东西吗? 为什么要设计师?

It’s because


用户并不总是知道 (The user doesn’t always know)

Henry Ford is often attributed to saying

亨利·福特(Henry Ford)通常归因于

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”


Whether or not he really said this, it points to the fact that while the user doesn’t really know what they want. They may not be able to accurately tell you what it is, they may not be able to provide you with the best solution and they may not be able to tell you the best way to solve it, but they are at the center of a problem. And when we start to understand that problems are centered around the users, we can start to center our solutions around the users too.

无论他是否真的这么说,它都指向一个事实,即用户并不真正知道他们想要什么。 他们可能无法准确地告诉您这是什么,他们可能无法为您提供最佳的解决方案,并且他们可能无法告诉您解决问题的最佳方法,但它们是问题的核心。 当我们开始理解问题集中在用户周围时,我们也可以开始将解决方案集中在用户周围。

An article in The Entrepreneur by Carol Roth talks about how Henry Ford’s quote is often misunderstood as “innovation done without customer input”, when it should be understood as while people would have said faster horses, they would mean faster transportation. They are (in a way) telling you their problem, they just can’t point out what you should be doing to solve it. Enter the designers.

卡罗尔·罗斯(Carol Roth)的《企业家》(The Entrepreneur)中的一篇文章谈到,亨利·福特(Henry Ford)的报价经常被误解为“没有客户投入就完成了创新”,这应该理解为人们会说更快的马,这意味着更快的运输。 他们(以某种方式)告诉您他们的问题,只是无法指出您应该采取什么措施来解决它。 输入设计师。

Designers don’t start with the idea, and not at the problem either, they start with what the user thinks might be the problem. Collecting information, evaluating data, revisiting cases, they finally end up with the actual problem.

设计师不是从想法开始,也不是从问题开始,而是从用户认为可能是问题的地方开始。 收集信息,评估数据,重新审查案例,最终导致了实际问题。

The Windows Feedback Hub is a great example of solving problems around your customers. For instance while the user may say they want a quicker boot time, the problem could be solved by implementing a feature where even though the overall boot time is the same, the user could start working earlier than before, and hence not realize the identical boot time, because in reality the user didn’t actually want his machine to start quicker, but want to start working quicker.

Windows反馈中心是解决客户周围问题的一个很好的例子。 例如,尽管用户可能会说他们想要更快的启动时间,但是可以通过实现一项功能来解决问题,即,即使总启动时间相同,用户也可以比以前更早地开始工作,因此无法实现相同的启动时间,因为实际上用户实际上并不希望自己的机器更快地启动,而是想要更快地开始工作。

Now that’s all great, but can’t I just teach my other teams to focus on users?


Well not exactly


设计是专业 (Design is a specialization)

Anyone can learn to code, engineers, managers, designers, writers; but we hire someone with an expertise in the field to do the job. Why? Cause they are the best suited in terms of drive, passion and overall understanding of the field. They know what they’re dealing with and how to tackle problems in the best possible way. In a similar way, designers deal with user-centricity. While other teams may deliver the final product, all that work makes sense only if the consumer accepts it. Designers don’t just look at the design aspects of the problem, but instead take a holistic approach. They coordinate with multiple teams to gather data that allows them to zero in on the problem. In a way, design is the bridge between teams.

任何人都可以学习编码,工程师,经理,设计师,作家; 但是我们聘请了具有该领域专业知识的人员来完成这项工作。 为什么? 因为他们在动力,热情和对该领域的全面了解方面最适合。 他们知道自己正在处理什么以及如何以最佳方式解决问题。 设计者以类似的方式处理以用户为中心的问题。 尽管其他团队可能会交付最终产品,但只有消费者接受了,所有工作才有意义。 设计师不只是着眼于问题的设计方面,而是采取整体方法。 他们与多个团队协作以收集数据,使他们能够对问题进行归零。 在某种程度上,设计是团队之间的桥梁。

But companies have done well without designers, why spend extra on them?


设计不是成本 (Design isn’t a cost)

It’s an investment. While your app development company will do well just by having a killer idea, investing in a marketing team will help your application reach a broader audience; Determining that audience after build and tweaking your application is what marketing does, determining your users before build is what designers do. Designers are an investment because they save time (money) by eliminating a large number of routes we know from data will not work. They explore any and all solutions at a conceptual level with inputs from various teams and stakeholders, while knowing their constraints. And since all of this is still at a concept level, they don’t cost as much as spending to develop something into a working prototype only to have it fail and scratch our heads to find out what’s wrong.

这是一项投资。 虽然您的应用程序开发公司仅凭一个杀手idea的想法就能做好,但投资营销团队将帮助您的应用程序覆盖更广泛的受众; 确定在构建和调整您的应用程序之后的受众是营销人员要做的事情,在构建之前确定您的用户是设计师所做的事情。 设计人员是一项投资,因为他们可以通过消除我们从数据中得知的无效路线来节省大量时间(金钱)。 他们从概念上探索各种解决方案,并从各个团队和利益相关者那里获得投入,同时了解他们的约束。 而且由于所有这些都还只是概念上的问题,他们花的钱不比将某些东西开发成可以正常工作的原型花的钱多,只是要让它失败并抓我们的头才能找出问题所在。

Design doesn’t just help to identify problems, sometimes it creates solutions unknowingly. An example is the current smartphone designs. Almost every phone looks the same, like a glass-metal brick with ugly camera bumps (come on it’s almost 2020) and weird notches. When most smartphones look alike, different UI designs, features and experiences can help phones stand out against each other. And this is where we need to understand something.

设计不仅有助于发现问题,有时还会在不知不觉中创建解决方案。 一个例子是当前的智能手机设计。 几乎每部手机看起来都一样,就像玻璃金属砖上有丑陋的相机凸起(大约在2020年出现)和怪异的缺口。 当大多数智能手机看起来相似时,不同的UI设计,功能和体验可以帮助手机脱颖而出。 这是我们需要了解的地方。

设计不仅在于外观,还在于其工作原理。 (Design isn’t just how something looks, it’s also how it works.)

Traditionally design had to do posters and logos, if it looked pretty or eye-catching it was considered good design. But that was never true. Designers of those logos and posters that seem to have no thought to them, were carefully designed by designers because they knew their audience.

传统上,设计必须制作海报和徽标,如果外观漂亮或醒目,则被认为是好的设计。 但这绝不是真的。 那些似乎没有想到的徽标和海报的设计师,是由设计师精心设计的,因为他们了解自己的听众。

Take a look at this Jefferson Airplane poster below.


Jefferson Airplane Poster. Orange text written in a psyedelic style. Under it is the photo of the band. Background is green.
Source. 来源

While it is hard to read, the intention was to appeal to a young generation of that lived during the psychedelic 60s and loved trippy art. The poster resembles the clothing worn by young people during its time and appealed to them by showing the band’s understanding of their culture and mindsets.

虽然很难看,其意图是为了吸引年轻一代的期间迷幻60年代生活和爱的迷幻艺术 。 海报类似于年轻人在当时所穿的衣服,并通过展示乐队对他们的文化和思维方式的理解来吸引他们。

But even after years of design it’s important to understand that


设计师并非总能做到正确 (Designers don’t always get it right)

Everyone makes mistakes. Including designers. Google wave failed but then Google docs emerged, Macintosh TV failed but Apple TV emerged, Nokia’s n-Gage failed but smartphones with the primary purpose of gaming exist today and even though it shares a lot from it’s predecessor, Windows 10 (or just Windows) improved on the shortfalls and the bad user experience of Windows 8.

每个人都会犯错。 包括设计师。 Google浪潮失败了,但随后出现了Google文档,Macintosh TV失败了,但Apple TV出现了,诺基亚的n-Gage失败了,但如今以游戏为主要目的的智能手机已经存在,即使它与其前身Windows 10(或仅Windows)有很多相似之处改善了Windows 8的不足和糟糕的用户体验。

Money and time were lost, only to be made back after going back to the drawing board and starting from the user.


结论 (Conclusion)

Full disclosure, the article was going to be a fill on rant about frustrating clients, but upon further reflection and study, it turned out to be about how design is the underdog profession in a lot of places around the world. While companies such as Apple have emphasized the importance of design for a long time, a lot of companies such as Microsoft and Google have either started catching on to the importance of design in recent years. Yet still companies, clients, professionals and even some consumers, that think of design as an extra added bonus that only a lot of capital can buy, when in reality, design is a driving force that needs its importance to be understood.

完全公开之后,这篇文章将充斥着令人沮丧的客户的喧嚣,但是经过进一步的思考和研究,结果却证明了设计在世界上许多地方是劣势行业。 虽然像苹果这样的公司长期以来一直强调设计的重要性,但近年来,像微软和谷歌这样的许多公司要么开始追赶设计的重要性。 然而,仍然有公司,客户,专业人士甚至某些消费者将设计视为额外的红利,只有大量资本才能购买,而实际上,设计是需要理解其重要性的驱动力。

Design, like many professions in their infancy, still requires to prove itself to be vital for the growth of any product or company. And while this article revolves around design and designers, this could very apply to a number of fields.

像许多处于起步阶段的专业一样,设计仍然需要证明自己对任何产品或公司的成长至关重要。 尽管本文围绕设计和设计师展开,但它可能非常适用于许多领域。

It’s high time that people both in and out of design, are taught of and acknowledge the importance of other fields and professions and even though time means money, there is such a thing as adequate time and freedom in every profession.


And just as it is important for some to understand the needs and importance of our own fields, it is also important for us to be able to educate people of the same, cause if people don’t understand, we are as responsible for not helping them understand.


Checkout the Branding Concept Project on Behance.


Disclaimer: This article was written as an oped piece for educational purposes only. The article and the author do not intend to demean or cause any harm to any party in any form.

免责声明:本文仅作为教育性文章而写。 本文和作者均无意以任何形式贬低任何一方或对任何一方造成任何伤害。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/to-the-futures-of-the-industry-bd61e08bcde4


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