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In my first story ‘User Experience is …’ I promised that …

在我的第一个故事“ 用户体验是…… ”中,我保证……

over the course of a few stories, I’ll try and cover a few of the sciences we draw upon in our art as a creative community to create engaging experiences.


One of the sciences we draw upon is skeuomorphism. Yep you got it, that definitely sounds like a scientific term, but bear with me. Before you google it, let me break it down for you.

我们在得出科学的ØNE是skeuomorphism。 是的,您明白了,这听起来确实像是一个科学术语,但请多多包涵。 在您搜索它之前,让我为您分解一下。

Showing the evolution of Apple’s native calculator on mobile over time
Evolution of Apple’s native calculator on mobile over time

什么是拟态设计? (What’s skeuomorphic design?)

Skeuomorphic design emulates the way people interact with and experience real-world products. It’s used to provide people with a sense of familiarity.

拟态设计模仿人们与现实世界产品互动和体验的方式。 它用于为人们提供熟悉感。

Looking back through time Skeuomorphic design has been used repeatedly to familiarise people with new ways to do things. Take Ancient Greek masonry, they included decorative features from previous wooden constructions such as gutters (or guttae) and contoured pillars, which resembled how previous woodwork looked. Clay pottery has also been found bearing rope-shaped protrusions, pointing to craftsmen seeking familiar shapes and processes while working with new materials. In this context, skeuomorphism exists as traits sought in other objects, either for their social desirability or psychological comforts.

时光倒流拟人化设计已被反复使用,以使人们熟悉新的做事方式。 以古希腊的砖石建筑为例,它们包括以前木制结构的装饰特征,例如檐槽(或嵌胶)和异形柱,类似于以前的木制品外观。 还发现了带有绳状突起的陶器,这些陶器指向工匠在使用新材料时寻求熟悉的形状和Craft.io。 在这种情况下,拟态是作为其他对象寻求的特质而存在的,无论是出于社会期望还是心理舒适。

Closer to today, cheaper plastic items often attempt to mimic more expensive wooden and metal products, such as moulded screw heads in moulded plastic items. The physical “arm” lever on a “one-armed bandit” gambling machine is a skeuomorphic throwback feature of hand cranked computerised slot machines.

直到今天,更便宜的塑料制品通常试图模仿更昂贵的木制和金属产品,例如模制塑料制品中的模制螺钉头。 “单臂强盗”赌博机上的物理“臂”控制杆是手摇式计算机投币游戏机的缩略功能。

Automotive design has historically been full of physical skeuomorphisms. In the 1970s, opera windows and vinyl roofs on many luxury sedan cars imitated carriage work from the horse and buggy era. Most electric cars still feature front grilles, even though there’s no need for air to cool an engine.

汽车设计历来充满了物理拟态。 1970年代,许多豪华轿车的歌剧窗户和乙烯基车顶模仿了马车时代的马车工作。 即使不需要空气来冷却发动机,大多数电动汽车仍具有前格栅。

拟态的流行 (The popularity of skeuomorphism)

Picture of Steve Jobs’ book on a skeuomorphic design book shelf in iBooks now Apple Books
Steve Jobs used skeuomorphism effectively to move people to using iPhones
史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)有效地使用拟态来使人们开始使用iPhone

Apple Inc. while under the direction of Steve Jobs, was known for its wide usage of skeuomorphic designs in various applications. This changed when Scott Forstall, described as “the most vocal and high-ranking proponent of the visual design style favoured by Mr. Jobs”, resigned. Apple designer Jonathan Ive took over some of Forstall’s responsibilities and had “made his distaste for the visual ornamentation in Apple’s mobile software known within the company”. With the announcement of iOS 7 at WWDC in 2013, Apple officially shifted from skeuomorphism to a more simplified design, thus beginning the so-called “death of skeuomorphism” at Apple.

苹果公司(Apple Inc.)在史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的领导下,因其在不同应用中广泛使用拟态设计而闻名。 当斯科特·福斯特(Scott Forstall)辞职时,情况发生了变化,斯科特·福斯特(Scott Forstall)被描述为“乔布斯所偏爱的视觉设计风格中最具声音和最高级的支持者”。 苹果设计师乔纳森·艾夫(Jonathan Ive)接管了福特(Forstall)的部分职责,并“对公司内部众所周知的苹果移动软件中的视觉装饰感到不满”。 随着2013年WWDC上iOS 7的发布,Apple正式从拟态向更简化的设计转变,从而在Apple上开始了所谓的“拟态之死”。

视觉,运动和声音的拟态 (Visual, motion and sound skeuomorphism)

Skeuomorphism isn’t just limited to a visual treatment, it can be the way something moves or sounds as well. Take the camera on your phone, why is the shutter sound used on every device when you take a photo?

拟态不仅限于视觉处理,还可以是事物移动或发出声音的方式。 将相机放在手机上,为什么拍照时每个设备上都会使用快门声?

It uses the sound of an analogue camera, to present an interaction that you’re familiar with. The sound isn’t necessary to take a photo on your phone, it’s only purpose is develop the familiar understanding taking a photo.

它使用模拟摄像机的声音来呈现您熟悉的交互。 声音不是在手机上拍照所必需的,它的唯一目的是发展对拍照的熟悉理解。

当拟态正确时 (When Skeuomorphism is right)

When you’re new to device or interaction, a skeuomorphic design can make it easier to become familiar with the device or interaction, as it will have an understood affordance. Skeuomorphism can help to either shallow or increase the journey through this learning curve.

当您不熟悉设备或交互时,拟形设计可以使您更容易熟悉设备或交互,因为它具有一定的承受能力。 拟态可以帮助您浅化学习或增加学习过程。

拟态并不总是正确的事 (Skeuomorphism isn’t always the right thing to do)

One of the reasons against skeuomorphism is that when using skeuomorphic elements it creates more visual noise, so it takes the brain longer to differentiate between elements. These skeuomorphic elements also don’t always provide effective feedback within the digital interaction.

反对拟态的原因之一是,当使用拟态元素时,它会产生更多的视觉噪声,因此大脑需要更长的时间来区分这些元素。 这些拟态元素也不总是在数字交互中提供有效的反馈。

We’re getting to a point where digital has matured and established itself as the primary means, so often people may not have experience the original device, take the calculator for instance, when was the last time you went looking for an actually calculator and didn’t just reach for your phone?


那么拟态设计真的死了吗? (So is Skeuomorphic design really dead?)

I think this is the wrong question to be asking really. Skeuomorphic design was used effectively as a visual style applied to get people used to interacting with a new device format, mobiles. Like desktops back in the 90s Skeuomorphic design was used to make the learning curve shallower and help people feel more comfortable by providing some sense of familiarity and a frame of reference.

我认为这确实是一个错误的问题。 拟态设计被有效地用作一种视觉样式,用于使人们习惯于与新的设备格式(手机)进行交互。 就像90年代的台式机一样,Skeuomorphic设计用于使学习曲线更浅,并通过提供某种熟悉感和参考框架来使人们感到更舒适。

Now people are more digitally mature with mobile devices there’s less of a need for Skeuomorphism as people are more digitally native, so need less design queues and prefer a simpler design. It’s more a measure of adoption and maturity rather than saying is dead or no longer needed or irrelevant. As I mentioned Skeuomorphisms as a visual treatment is a tool to help people get used to new devices and ways to interact with products. So maybe it’s just that we no longer need this visual tool.

现在人们对移动设备的数字化更加成熟,因为人们数字化程度更高,因此不再需要拟态化,因此需要较少的设计队列,而希望使用更简单的设计。 它更多地是衡量采用和成熟度的方法,而不是说它已经死了,不再需要或无关紧要。 正如我提到的,拟态作为一种视觉处理方法是一种工具,可以帮助人们习惯于新设备和与产品交互的方式。 因此,也许只是我们不再需要此可视工具。

On a related note, have a look at Tejj, a fellow writer on UX Collective, and his story on material vs flat design:

在相关说明中,请看一下UX Collective的同行Tejj以及他在材料与平面设计方面的故事:

Next up I’ll be zoning into on one specific psychology theory of Gestalt and how we can use it when designing to improve the User Experience.


Written as part of the ‘User Experience is …’ series.

作为“ 用户体验是…… ”系列的 一部分撰写

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/is-skeuomorphic-design-really-dead-or-is-it-just-out-of-fashion-d34d2791b7a1


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