404 找不到页面_找不到404页面设计,如何创建较大的错误页面

404 找不到页面

What’s an error page for you? A reason for feeling confused and annoyed? A bit of a bother? Nothing at all? Having users stumbling upon a 404 page is equally frustrating for the site owners. However, there can be a 404 page design for a business to capitalize on.

什么是错误页面? 感到困惑和恼火的原因是什么? 有点麻烦吗? 没事吗 对于站点所有者来说,让用户绊倒在404页面上同样令人沮丧。 但是,可以利用404页面设计来利用业务。

You have the power to choose what it would feel like for your user.


A designer is able to produce a creative 404 error page to raise your conversion rate and increase traffic, turning passers-by into leads. If you’re on the lookout for some inspiration on how to improve your website’s 404 page (with examples), then read on!

设计人员可以制作一个有创意的404错误页面,以提高您的转化率并增加流量,从而将路人变成潜在客户。 如果您正在寻找有关如何改善网站404页面的灵感(带有示例),请继续阅读!

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Alex Kalinichenko for Alex KalinichenkoShakuro Shakuro 404页面设计

什么是404错误页面? (What is a 404 error page?)

A 404 page is an online page where you find yourself after clicking on a link that is broken and therefore no longer available.


There are two main reasons why a visitor might end up on a 404 error page:


  • a company has removed a certain content from their website or changed its URL

  • a person mistyped the URL which is not uncommon in our mobile era.


So the 404 error means someone has messed up.


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为什么404页很重要? (Why is a 404 page important?)

Mistakes are a part of our lives, that’s for sure. Ideally, the users aren’t supposed to see the 404 page altogether, but in the real world websites regularly get updated, some links no longer apply. You’ll never entirely remove the need for a 404 page. But better be proactive.

毫无疑问,错误是我们生活的一部分。 理想情况下,用户不应完全看到404页面,但在现实世界中,网站会定期更新,因此不再适用某些链接。 您将永远不会完全不需要404页面。 但最好主动。

A solid 404 error page is able to transform poor customer experience into a pleasant one.


Don’t rely on the 404 provided by browsers.


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Ugh! It’s so stiff, cold, boring and difficult to comprehend. Too much text and technical jargon. It does nothing to help the visitors.

啊! 它是如此僵硬,寒冷,无聊且难以理解。 文字和技术术语过多。 它无助于访客。

A custom 404 page is much better:


  • Branding. It strengthens your brand image and increases the probability for visitors to continue with your site and not abandon it forever.

    品牌推广。 它可以增强您的品牌形象,并增加访问者继续浏览您的网站而不是永远放弃它的可能性。

  • Trust building. A serviceable 404 page acts as a reliable method of establishing a certain level of trust between a consumer and a company.

    建立信任。 可服务的404页面是在消费者和公司之间建立一定级别的信任的可靠方法。

  • SEO. It provides further links to the important parts of your site to ensure that the search engines can reach its complete structure.

    SEO。 它提供了指向您网站的重要部分的更多链接,以确保搜索引擎可以到达其完整结构。

  • Fun. Funny 404 pages play on creativity and soften the blow of users’ failed expectations.

    好玩 有趣的404页发挥了创造力,减轻了用户失败期望的打击。

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Sergey Semenov Sergey Semenov

错误404页面设计最佳做法 (Error 404 page design best practices)

404 page is a page that can take thousands of dollars to be produced while hoping no one will ever see it.


A 404 page design is probably not the first thing in a designer’s or a website owner’s mind, but it is vital all the same. Error page design best practices will ensure that yours is top-notch and serves its purposes well.

404页面设计在设计师或网站所有者的脑海中可能不是第一件事,但同样重要。 错误页面设计最佳实践将确保您处于领先地位,并能很好地达到其目的。

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Rogie for RogieDribbble Dribbble制作的 Dribbble 404页面

保持设计和品牌一致性 (Maintain design and branding consistency)

When you create a custom 404 error page, it is still a page within your website, so it should retain the same branding and visual elements as every other page like fonts, colors, header, logo, and preserve the overall distinct style and brand identity.


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Ana Rumenović AnaRumenović

使它起作用 (Make it functional)

The main purpose of a 404 page is to be functional and quickly point users in the right direction. When designing a 404 page think about incorporating the following components:

404页面的主要目的是发挥功能并Swift将用户指向正确的方向。 设计404页面时,请考虑合并以下组件:

  • A homepage link


The basic element. But, actually, if you followed the advice from the previous point, you might not need it because all the necessary links will be there.

基本元素。 但是,实际上,如果您遵循上一点的建议,则可能不需要它,因为所有必要的链接都在这里。

  • A search field


A search field on a 404 page design layout gives the user an opportunity to go on with searching for whatever page they had in mind thus making them remain where they are.


  • A few links to the most popular pages


Here you can try to make some predictions and rely on the laws of probability. If a user was after a popular page, you can promptly point them in the right direction.

在这里,您可以尝试做出一些预测,并依靠概率定律。 如果用户关注的是热门页面,则可以立即将他们指向正确的方向。

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Taras Migulko. A search field is very conveniently offered after the engaging animation. Taras Migulko的 404找不到网页的错误交互插图。 在引人入胜的动画之后非常方便地提供搜索字段。

但保持简单 (But keep it simple)

Presenting the user with a 404 page filled to the brim with links to every single page of your website is a certain way to test the limits of patience of an already frustrated user.


A minimalistic 404 error page design can end up serving its purposes in the most efficient manner. The best design is able to achieve its goals in the simplest means. It is the height of design sophistication.

简约的404错误页面设计最终可以最有效的方式达到其目的。 最好的设计能够以最简单的方法实现其目标。 这是设计复杂性的高度。

The best design is the simplest one that works.


- Albert Einstein

- 艾尔伯特爱因斯坦

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Hendrik S. Hendrik S.的 DailyUI#008

传达清晰的信息 (Convey a clear message)

However digitalized today’s society is, it would be a mistake to think that everyone is aware of the meaning behind a 404 error. After all, this is not a sort of page people are accustomed to. It’s more effective to clarify what the issue is in a helpful and clear way.

无论当今社会如何数字化,以为每个人都意识到404错误背后的含义是错误的。 毕竟,这不是人们习惯的那种页面。 以一种有用且清晰的方式来弄清问题的根源会更加有效。

Pay attention to the 404 page text and choice of words. It’s more effective to choose a “Sorry! We couldn’t find that page” classic over a machine-like “404 Error: Page Not Found” like in the old days.

注意404页的文字和单词的选择 。 选择“对不起! 我们无法像过去那样在机器上找到“ 404错误:找不到页面”这样的经典页面。

Say sorry. It might not even be your fault, but it’ll show the user that you care.

说声抱歉。 甚至可能不是您的错,但是会向用户显示您的关心。

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Tran Mau Tri Tam Tran Mau Tri Tam找不到页面

让它有趣 (Make it funny)

Many websites take a funny approach and make their page entertaining, like GitHub or Pixar.

许多网站都采取了一种有趣的方法,例如GitHubPixar ,使页面变得有趣。

Creating a funny and remarkable 404 page design can produce a surprisingly strong effect on making visitors stay on your website longer. People could even tell about your especially amusing 404 page their friends.

创建有趣而引人注目的404页面设计可以产生惊人的强大效果,使访问者在您的网站上停留的时间更长。 人们甚至可以向他们的朋友讲述您特别有趣的404页。

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Dmitry Z. Hilarious 404 design referencing the Coen Brothers’ “The Big Lebowski” Dmitry Z. Hilarious的404设计,引用了Coen兄弟的“大Lebowski”

提供特惠 (Give special deals)

Offering some special deals like a 10% discount on your 404 page has the potential to reduce the disappointment of your visitors and urge them to go on with your website and even profit from this situation. Use something on the lines of “We are sorry for this inconvenience. Let us give you something back by giving a special deal”. It’s a powerful incentive to continue and make a purchase.

在404页上提供一些特别优惠(例如10%的折扣)有可能减少访问者的失望情绪,并敦促他们继续访问您的网站,甚至从这种情况中获利。 使用“我们对此给您带来的不便深表歉意”。 让我们通过特惠来给您一些回报。” 这是继续购买的强大动力。

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Rudityas W Anggoro Rudityas W Anggoro

What’s your take on custom 404 page design? Go head over heels creative or stick to a simple design? Maybe this collection of 15 neat 404 page designs will help you decide.

您对自定义404页面设计有何看法? 发挥创意还是坚持简单的设计? 也许这15个整齐的404页面设计的集合将帮助您做出决定。

翻译自: https://uxplanet.org/404-page-design-not-found-how-to-create-great-error-pages-cfc43c4fa95f

404 找不到页面

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