adobe xd是什么_为什么我不会切换到Adobe XD

adobe xd是什么

Days ago I had a mildly heated discussion on Linkedin with another designer about Adobe XD and why I believe we, as designers, shouldn’t hand the entire process, in almost all design disciplines, to Adobe. Since one of the (many) reasons why I left Facebook is because of my inability to avoid stupid arguments, I decided to drop it there before leaving Linkedin as well.

几天前,我在Linkedin上与另一位设计师就Adobe XD进行了激烈的讨论,为什么我认为我们作为设计师不应该将几乎所有设计学科的整个过程都交给Adobe。 由于我离开Facebook的原因(很多)之一是由于我无法避免愚蠢的争论,所以我决定在离开Linkedin之前先将其删除。

Nevertheless, I thought it could be an interesting topic for an article here, where I can explain better my point of view.


Let’s start by saying that Adobe XD, once the ugly cousin of Sketch and Figma, seems now to be a very interesting tool. I recently found that they introduced the possibility of creating prototypes including VUI, for example, and that seems pretty cool.

首先,让我们说一下Adobe XD, 曾经是Sketch和Figma的丑陋表亲 ,现在似乎是一个非常有趣的工具。 最近,我发现他们引入了创建包括VUI的原型的可能性,这似乎很酷。

My grudge here is because, at the moment, UX/UI design is not ruled by a single king, while the photo-retouching/digital art (raster) world is dominated by Photoshop, the vector world by Illustrator, the motion design by After Effects, the editorial design by InDesign, etc. And, maybe you noticed, all of those are by Adobe, Sketch and Figma are not.

我在这里的怨恨是因为,目前, UX / UI设计不是由一个国王统治的 ,而照片修饰/数字艺术(光栅)世界由Photoshop主导,矢量世界由Illustrator主导,运动设计由After效果,InDesign的编辑设计等。也许您会注意到, 所有这些都是Adobe提供的 ,而Sketch和Figma则不是

Adobe, thanks to these monopolies, can act as it pleases when it comes to pricing. Their very clever strategy works in a way where if you need more than 2 pieces of software, for example, you need Photoshop, After Effects, and Premiere, for a total of $62.97/month, it’s better to pay for the full Adobe Creative Cloud at $60/month. At this point, they lock you in as an Illustrator/Audition/Adobe XD/… user, with no chance for competition by other developers. Maybe one day you’ll need a vector-based design software, why spending $54.99 (once) on Affinity Designer when you already have Illustrator included?

由于这些垄断,Adobe在定价方面可以随心所欲。 他们非常聪明的策略在某种程度上起作用,例如,如果您需要两套以上的软件,则需要Photoshop,After Effects和Premiere,每月总费用为62.97美元,最好支付完整的Adobe Creative Cloud费用每月$ 60。 此时, 他们将您锁定为Illustrator / Audition / Adob​​e XD /…用户,而没有其他开发人员参与竞争机会 。 也许有一天您将需要一个基于矢量的设计软件,为什么在已经包括Illustrator的情况下在Affinity Designer上花费54.99美元(一次)呢?

Once they are industry standard, what prevents them to raise prices every year? Or providing buggy updates without worry too much about losing clients?

一旦成为行业标准,是什么阻止他们每年提价? 还是提供错误的更新而不必担心失去客户?

曾几何时,Photoshop统治了UX / UI世界。 (Once upon a time, Photoshop ruled the UX/UI world.)

I’ve been in this job long enough to remember when websites and apps were designed with Photoshop (Illustrator for some). On September the 7th 2010 Sketch has been released, from there the user-base grew constantly, to a point that MANY decided to leave Photoshop for their UX/UI design projects. Up to a point where this clearly became a problem, and guess what? On December 13th, 2016 Adobe released the beta of Adobe XD. Do you think they would have done that if it wasn’t for Sketch? I don’t think so.

我从事这项工作的时间已经足够长,以至于我是用Photoshop设计网站和应用程序的 。 2010年9月7日, Sketch发行了,用户基数不断增加,许多人决定离开Photoshop从事其UX / UI设计项目。 直到这显然成为问题,您猜怎么着? 2016年12月13日,Adobe发布了Adobe XD测试版。 如果不是Sketch,您认为他们会这样做吗? 我不这么认为。

Until some time ago Adobe has never been too invested in making mobile-friendly versions of their apps, they just released VERY limited counterparts that were basically jokes, very far from professional tools. On March 16th, 2011 Procreate appears on the App Store. It’s an AMAZING app, in a blink of an eye, it becomes an industry standard for digital artists, comics artists and more, thanks to the iPad Pro + Apple Pencil killer combo. Again Photoshop’s appeal is in jeopardy for a quite big number of users, that might switch completely to Procreate. And again, in late 2019 here it comes Adobe Fresco, a Procreate competitor. And a mobile version of Photoshop (highly criticized).

直到不久前,Adobe从未在开发适用于移动设备的应用程序版本方面投入过多的资金,他们只是发布了非常有限的对应软件,这基本上是个玩笑,与专业工具相去甚远。 Procreate将于2011年3月16日出现在App Store中。 借助iPad Pro + Apple Pencil杀手comb,它是一个了不起的应用程序,眨眼间就成为了数字艺术家,漫画艺术家等行业的标准。 再次,Photoshop的吸引力对于许多用户来说可能是危险的,这些用户可能会完全转换为Procreate。 再说一次,2019年末是Procreate竞争对手Adobe Fresco。 以及Photoshop的移动版本(备受批评)。

Without Procreate? They wouldn’t bother.

没有Procreate? 他们不会打扰。

允许竞争。 (Allow competition.)

I think it’s very healthy for the design community to keep options on the table, allow competition and alternatives because you’ll never know.In October this year, Adobe CC users in Venezuela have been cut-off their subscription due to one of those silly US government bans that Donnie and his gang love so much. Lucky for them, after a few weeks later Adobe has been granted a license. But what if it didn’t?

我认为对于设计界来说, 保持选择权允许竞争和其他选择是非常健康的,因为您永远不会知道。今年10月, 委内瑞拉的 Adobe CC 用户由于其中一项愚蠢的行为而终止了订阅 。美国政府禁止唐尼和他的帮派如此深爱。 对他们来说很幸运,几周后,Adobe 被授予了许可证 。 但是,如果没有呢?

This is just one, maybe extreme, example, but it gives the idea of what it means to hand everything to one single company.


Besides that, the voice of designers complaining about Adobe’s subscription business model is growing by the day. A quick search on Google or Youtube will give you an idea of how people are getting sick of this model and are looking for alternatives. I heard a lot of designers now switching to Affinity products (I’m not sponsored) as alternatives for Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign and to DaVinci Resolve instead of Premiere, After Effects and Audition.

除此之外, 设计师抱怨Adobe的订阅业务模型的声音每天都在增加 。 在Google或Youtube上快速搜索将使您了解人们如何厌倦这种模式并正在寻找替代方案。 我听说现在有很多设计师都将Affinity产品 (我没有赞助)切换为Photoshop,Illustrator和Indesign的替代产品,并改用DaVinci Resolve代替Premiere,After Effects和Audition。

So, in conclusion, I’m not saying we all should abandon Adobe’s products, but let’s try to keep ourselves open to alternatives, give a chance to other companies and products because competition can only benefit us in terms of pricing, better products, and more innovation.

因此,总而言之,我并不是说我们所有人都应该放弃Adobe的产品,而是让我们保持对替代产品的开放态度 ,给其他公司和产品一个机会,因为竞争只会使我们在定价,更好的产品和价格方面受益。更多创新。

What do you think? Are you happy with Adobe CC or do you feel stuck? Are you already using alternative products? I’d love to hear your opinion.

你怎么看? 您对Adobe CC感到满意还是感到困惑? 您已经在使用替代产品了吗? 我很想听听您的意见。

我的更多信息: (More from me:)


adobe xd是什么





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