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All living beings are in constant movement. There is a clear need in the act of moving from one place to another. We see this happening across different species, with movement varying in distance and purpose. For some animals, the act of moving could happen from one tree to another, and others it could be thousands of kilometers across continents.We humans are not the exception. Our habits have changed over time, transitioning from nomads to farmers; from founding our first civilizations, to the arrival of the Industrial Revolution. These changes brought incomparable development to our societies, impacting our behavior as a consequence. Moving, without a doubt, has been a constant factor during our history.

所有生物都在不断运动。 从一个地方到另一个地方的行动显然是有需要的。 我们看到这种情况发生在不同物种之间,运动的距离和目的也不同。 对于某些动物来说,移动可能会从一棵树移动到另一棵树,而另一些动物则可能跨越大洲数千公里。我们人类也不例外。 随着时间的流逝,我们的习惯发生了变化,从Nomad民族过渡到农民。 从建立我们的第一个文明到工业革命的到来。 这些变化给我们的社会带来了无与伦比的发展,结果影响了我们的行为。 毫无疑问,搬迁一直是我们历史上的一个恒定因素。

In today’s societies, this phenomenon is happening on a different level. We move from home to work every day, travel to different countries, or on a smaller scale, just go for a nice walk in the park. Navigation is present in our lives and even more interestingly, it has already crossed the borders of the physical world into the new realities we interact with — the digital experiences.As Product Designers/Managers, we are responsible for building successful digital journeys, and a key part of achieving this is to understand fundamental patterns rooted in our behavior as a species. Let’s go for it!

在当今社会中,这种现象正在不同的水平上发生。 我们每天都从家中上班,到不同的国家旅行,或者规模较小,只需在公园散步即可。 导航存在于我们的生活中,更有趣的是,它已经跨越了物理世界的边界,进入了与我们互动的新现实–数字体验。作为产品设计师/经理,我们负责构建成功的数字旅程,并负责实现这一目标的关键部分是了解植根于我们作为物种的行为的基本模式。 我们去吧!

什么是导航? (What is navigation?)

Among the multiple definitions that we can identify for ‘Navigation’, there are two I found the most accurate and useful to develop further. The first one is taken from the Oxford Dictionary, and the second one from the Cambridge Dictionary:

在我们可以为“导航”识别的多个定义中,有两个我发现是最准确和最有用的,可以用来进一步发展。 第一个摘自牛津词典 ,第二个摘自剑桥词典

  1. nounThe process or activity of accurately ascertaining one’s position and planning and following a route.

    名词 准确地确定自己的位置和计划并遵循路线的过程或活动。

  2. The act of finding a way from one place to another.


The first definition describes ‘Navigation’ as a set of behaviors that take place when we navigate. The second definition identifies ‘Navigation’ as a specific action in time or a simple act to get from point A to point B.Based on these two definitions, we can now agnostically understand the formula that defines every behavioral pattern we apply to the products we help to design:

第一个定义将“导航”描述为导航时发生的一组行为。 第二个定义标识“导航”作为一个特定的时间动作或一个简单的动作,从点A到B.Based在这两个定义来看,我们现在可以理解不可知的公式,定义每一个行为模式,我们应用到我们的产品帮助设计:

Repetitive Behaviors applied to Common Actions = Pattern
Repetitive Behaviors applied to Common Actions = Pattern

出发地和目的地 (Starting point and destination)

This formula seems simple enough, but it gets more interesting now. Point A could be a page on your site, while point B could be a content view within a page. Defining the starting point and the destination is necessary, since these will determine what behaviors apply to each scenario. t the same time though, it adds more complexity to this formula as it opens the door to accepting multiple combinations:

这个公式看起来很简单,但是现在变得更有趣了。 点A可能是您网站上的页面,而点B可能是页面中的内容视图。 定义起点和目的地是必要的,因为它们将确定哪些行为适用于每种情况。 但同时,它为该公式增加了更多的复杂性,因为它为接受多种组合打开了大门:

Space and content combinations

Now that we understand ‘Navigation’ as the act of moving between two points presenting multiple combinations, it is easier to identify how humans behave when performing this action.


The behaviors we observe repeating themselves are triggered by the main needs users have when navigating between these two points. These are the ones we need to identify, define and translate into Principles.

我们观察到的重复行为是由用户在这两点之间导航时的主要需求触发的。 这些是我们需要识别,定义和转化为原则的要素。

导航的4个原则 (The 4 principles of navigation)

The value of translating common behaviors when performing certain actions into principles is presented in a better understanding of the pattern as a more scalable concept.By doing this, we reduce the risk of making future mistakes when applying patterns in our building process, allowing different product teams to speak the same language when working on multiple projects.As a result, we can identify four main principles that answer the needs of users when planning, locating, transiting and processing information. These are:

更好地理解模式是一种更具可扩展性的概念,从而体现了将某些行为转化为原则时将常见行为转化为有价值的价值。这样做,我们减少了在构建过程中应用模式时允许将来犯错误的风险,从而允许使用不同的产品团队在多个项目中工作时使用相同的语言。因此,我们可以确定四个主要原则,这些原则可以在计划,查找,传输和处理信息时满足用户的需求。 这些是:

Continuity, Location, Indication and Direction

连续性 (Continuity)

How did I get here?When going hiking or exploring new places, humans need signs that indicate their previous steps and past decisions. We need to be able to see the path behind us, to reverse our actions and undo our way, if we want to. A ‘breadcrumb’ is the clearest example of the Continuity principle applied to an interface.

我怎么到这里了? 当去远足或探索新的地方时,人们需要指示他们以前的步骤和过去的决定的标志。 如果我们愿意,我们需要能够看到我们身后的道路,扭转我们的行动,并放弃我们的道路。 “面包屑”是应用于接口的连续性原理的最明显示例。

位置 (Location)

Where am I?This is a fundamental question when starting, continuing or finishing a journey. The sense of location and the need to place ourselves in space and time is rooted in our behavior as one of the oldest questions in history. A text header or an active-state button in a menu are two examples of the use of the Location principle.

我在哪里? 在开始,继续或结束旅程时,这是一个基本问题。 位置感和将自己置于空间和时间中的需要植根于我们作为历史上最古老的问题之一的行为。 菜单中的文本标题或活动状态按钮是使用位置原理的两个示例。

适应症 (Indication)

Where can I go?The Indication principle provides our users with visibility on options they have to continue their journey. Once we place ourselves in a space and a moment in time, this question naturally follows. A sub-menu or a navigation panel are two examples of applying the Indication Principle.

我可以去哪里? 指示原则为我们的用户提供了他们继续前进所必需的选择的可见性。 一旦我们将自己置于一个空间和时间中,这个问题自然就会随之而来。 子菜单或导航面板是应用指示原理的两个示例。

方向 (Direction)

How do I get there?On some occasions, extra help is needed when navigating. Indicators, or elements in the user interface pointing where to go are therefore key to provide users with a new path that can take them where they need to go. A link to a page presented as part of the content or a Q&A section are two examples of the Direction Principle in use.

我如何到达那里? 在某些情况下,导航时需要额外的帮助。 因此,指示符或用户界面中指向何处的元素是为用户提供一条可以将他们带到需要去的新路径的关键。 指向作为内容一部分或“问答”部分显示的页面的链接是所使用的“指导原则”的两个示例。

带走 (Take away)

By understanding how behaviors apply to actions, we can build better pictures of the patterns we are defining, and their possible scenarios.


Behavior + Action

Patterns are very similar to Design Principles or Development Manifestos, but on a smaller scale. They present clear rules and values to guide us with our decisions when working on design solutions. At the same time, these need to remain flexible to accept and adopt modifications and updates.

模式与“设计原则”或“ 开发宣言”非常相似,但规模较小。 他们提出了明确的规则和价值观,以指导我们在设计解决方案时做出决定。 同时,这些需要保持灵活性以接受并采用修改和更新。

Working on new frameworks, building a Design System, or defining patterns are some of the things we can do to improve and scale our work. However, for all these initiatives to be successful, there is something we always need to apply. Something that can’t be learned by reading or writing product articles, neither can’t be explained with diagrams and bullet points: Common sense is the most important prerequisite for everything we build.

在改善和扩展工作规模方面,我们可以做一些新工作,建立设计系统或定义模式。 但是,要使所有这些举措成功,我们总是需要采取一些措施。 通过阅读或撰写产品文章无法学到的东西,也不能通过图表和项目符号来解释:常识是我们构建所有产品的最重要前提。

Thank you for reading! 😊

感谢您的阅读! 😊

Acknowledgment: These Principles are the result of a collaborative workshop with the amazing Product Designers and Researchers Ruth Kelly, Tom Cunningham and Paul Donnan.

致谢: 这些原则是与令人惊叹的产品设计师和研究人员Ruth Kelly, Tom Cunningham 和Paul Donnan 合作举办的研讨会的结果

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/the-4-principles-of-navigation-a-simple-guide-for-product-teams-34dcff23b4a8

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