

Written by Jessica Bennett

杰西卡·贝内特 ( Jessica Bennett)撰写

介绍 (Introduction)

“Less is more”- a phrase that is currently ruling the design world, whether you consider fashion, interior or web design. The phrase, of course, is a direct reflection of the age-old theory of minimalism. It is becoming the newest tool for marketing designs that are simple, elegant and most of all — functional.

“越少越好”-无论您是考虑时尚​​,室内 设计 还是 网页设计 ,这是目前在设计界的统治者 当然,这句话直接反映了古老的极简主义理论。 它正在成为简单,优雅且最重要的功能性营销设计的最新工具。

And we can safely say Minimalism is in vogue.


The application of minimalism can be in two different ways. One is, of course, aesthetic, and another is functional. Here I will talk about the application of functional minimalism in web design, but before that, let’s look at the basic concept and the history of it.

极简主义的应用可以有两种不同的方式。 一个当然是美学,另一个是功能。 在这里,我将讨论功能极简主义在Web设计中的应用,但在此之前,让我们看一下它的基本概念和历史。

极简主义:基本概念 (Minimalism: The Basic Concept)

The key principle of minimalism is to leave only the essential part of the feature for the Viewer’s eyes. This way the artist will not only focus the viewer’s attention on the important part of the art but also elevate the elegance of the piece. According to the words of Donald Judd, a legendary minimalist artist, “A shape, a volume, a color, a surface is something itself. It shouldn’t be concealed as part of a fairly different whole. The shapes and materials shouldn’t be altered by their context.”

极简主义的关键原则是仅将功能的必要部分留给查看者的眼睛。 这样,艺术家不仅将观众的注意力集中在艺术的重要部分上,而且还提高了作品的优雅度。 根据传奇极简主义画家唐纳德·贾德(Donald Judd)的话说:“形状,体积,颜色,表面本身就是东西。 不应将其隐藏为一个完全不同的整体的一部分。 形状和材料不应因上下文而改变。”

When it comes to a minimalist design, it can go two ways. The designer can create minimalist design for the sake of aesthetic, or for the sake of functionality. Take this design in Figure 1 for example.

当涉及到极简设计时,它可以采用两种方式。 设计师可以出于美学或功能性的考虑而设计简约的设计。 以图1中的这种设计为例。

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Figure 1: example of Aesthetic minimalism, lacking functionality 图1:缺乏功能的美学极简主义示例

The above design is from Alfred Sung, an eyewear designer. While the design is minimal and looks beautiful aesthetical, the design fails to inform the user on the purpose of the website, unless they navigate through the menu bar. This minimalist web design is only there for aesthetic, not functionality.

以上设计来自眼镜设计师Alfred Sung 。 尽管该设计很小,看上去很美,但是除非用户浏览菜单栏,否则该设计不会告知用户网站的目的。 这种简约的网页设计仅是为了美观,而不是功能。

But, if we look at the Figure 2 below, we will see a perfect application of functional minimalism in web design, presenting important information in a visually pleasing way.


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Figure 2: example of functional minimalism, both aesthetic and functional 图2:功能极简主义的示例,既美观又实用

The web design of Libraton. A clean smooth user interface, with easy navigation. This is a prime example of how functional minimalism in web design works. There is no extra text, unnecessary animation, and extra effect in the design. With apt images and content, they let the users know what the website is about.

Libraton的网页设计。 干净流畅的用户界面,易于导航。 这是网站设计中功能极简主义如何工作的一个主要示例。 设计中没有多余的文字,不必要的动画和额外的效果。 借助适当的图像和内容,他们可以使用户知道该网站的内容。

When it comes to functional minimalism in web design, it is important to present the necessary content to the viewer in a visually pleasing way. There is no place for extra text, unnecessary animation, and extra effect in a minimalist design. The content and design are presented as it is, without any extra embellishments, in such a way that the visitor finds what they are looking for, easily without any fuss.

当涉及网页设计中的功能极简主义时,以视觉上令人愉悦的方式向观众呈现必要的内容非常重要。 在简约的设计中,没有多余的文字,不必要的动画和额外的效果。 内容和设计按原样显示,没有任何额外的装饰,以使访客可以轻松找到他们想要的内容。

极简主义的历史与演变 (History And Evolution Of Minimalism)

Minimalism as a concept means efficient living. Which means you can focus more on the core purpose.It means to get rid of all the excess features, ornaments, and embellishments from life. The Japanese culture prioritizes the harmony of simplicity and balance in their lifestyle, and you can see that reflected in their art, and architecture as well.

极简主义作为一种概念意味着高效的生活。 这意味着您可以将更多精力放在核心目的上,这意味着摆脱生活中所有多余的功能,装饰品和装饰。 日本文化将生活中简约与平衡的和谐放在首位,您可以在他们的艺术和建筑中看到这一点。

When talking about the history of minimalism, a brief look at the japanese culture is all you really need. The culture of Japan reflects the concept of minimalism in the best ways possible. The concept of minimalism has existed throughout history, but it was really popularized after World War II, through the works of artists Frank Stella, and Robert Rayman. As an effect of the popularization of the concept, the application of minimalism trickled into other spheres like architecture as well.

在谈论极简主义的历史时,您真正需要的只是对日本文化的简要了解。 日本的文化以最好的方式反映了极简主义的概念。 极简主义的概念在整个历史中都已经存在,但是在二战之后,它通过艺术家弗兰克·斯特拉(Frank Stella)和罗伯特·雷曼(Robert Rayman)的作品而真正普及。 由于该概念的普及,极简主义的应用也逐渐渗透到其他领域,例如建筑。

Soon enough, minimalism entered the world of web designing as well. At the genesis of the internet, there was another style of web designing style dominating the scenario, which is familiar to us as the Brutalistic web design. This specific style featured disorganized layouts, clunky and repetitive geometric patterns, use of multiple styles of fonts. All in all, the Brutalist web design reflects zero desire to cover up the ugly design elements.

很快,极简主义也进入了网页设计领域。 在互联网的起源上,存在另一种样式的网页设计风格主导场景,这被我们称为“ 野蛮的”网页设计 。 这种特定的样式具有混乱的布局,笨拙且重复的几何图案,使用多种样式的字体。 总而言之,野兽派网页设计反映了掩盖丑陋设计元素的零欲望。

But as designing started to improve, minimalism took forefront and websites started to become more aesthetically pleasing. However, brutalist designs are again making a comeback as a revolt against the homogenized web design style.

但是随着设计的开始改进,极简主义走在了最前列,网站开始变得更加美观。 但是,野兽派的设计再次卷土重来,是对同质网页设计风格的反抗。

极简网页设计及其必要功能 (Minimalist Web Designs And Its Necessary Features)

The application of minimalism in web designing is the most popular practice among designers today. The style has become so popular that today its features have become the rule of thumb when it comes to designing a functional website, which is why the best way you can get to know minimalist web design is by getting to know its main features.

极简主义在网页设计中的应用是当今设计师最流行的实践。 样式变得如此流行,以至于如今,当设计功能性网站时,其功能已成为经验法则,这就是为什么了解极简主义网页设计的最佳方法是了解其主要功能。

1. Main Focus: Essential Content


In minimalist web design, content is the main focus. The interface is simplified through the removal of excess elements that are ultimately not going to help the user perform any tasks. This is why prioritization of content is an important process in this minimalist approach.

在简约的Web设计中,内容是主要重点。 通过删除最终不会帮助用户执行任何任务的多余元素,简化了界面。 这就是为什么在这种最小化方法中,内容优先级是重要的过程。

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Source: https://newday.agency/
资料来源: https : //newday.agency/

By prioritizing the content, a designer needs to remove every element on the webpage that might distract the user from the main content. Every element that is going to be included in the design will have a function. However, there is one problem you might face while stripping away the excessive content, and that is removing an important content. So make sure that you are not removing important content from the page to make it minimalistic.

通过确定内容的优先级,设计人员需要删除网页上可能使用户从主要内容中分散注意力的所有元素。 设计中将包含的每个元素都将具有功能。 但是,剥离多余的内容时可能会遇到一个问题,那就是删除重要的内容。 因此,请确保您没有从页面中删除重要内容以使其变得简约。

  • Extensive Use Of Negative Space


Based on the Japanese ma principle, the negative space or white space plays a big role in a minimalist design. The negative space or white space is an extremely common feature of minimalist web designing. The empty space between the content (whether image or text) is used to put more emphasis on the contents of the page.

基于日语ma原理 ,负空间或空白在简约设计中起着重要作用。 负号空间或空格是极简主义Web设计的一个非常普遍的功能。 内容(图像或文本)之间的空白用于更加强调页面的内容。

Image for post
Source: https://perficientdigitallabs.com/
资料来源: https : //perficientdigitallabs.com/

Even though negative space is also called white space, it doesn’t always have to be white. As a designer, you can also use an empty full-color background to introduce negative space in your design.

即使负空间也称为空白,它并不总是必须为白色。 作为设计师,您还可以使用空的全色背景在设计中引入负空间。

  • Visual Characteristics


There are several unique visual characteristics of minimalist web design. These characteristics play an important role in the overall look of the website.

极简网页设计具有几个独特的视觉特征。 这些特征在网站的整体外观中起着重要作用。

  • Flat Design And Textures


Leaving out overused 3D effects, shadows, and gradients, minimalist design makes extensive use of flat textures. There are no design elements that make the website look flashy. In a flat design, everything from fonts to icons are kept to a bare minimum, which is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional as well. Below is a good example by QAccounting.

极简设计省去了过度使用的3D效果,阴影和渐变,从而广泛使用了平面纹理。 没有使网站显得浮华的设计元素。 在平面设计中 ,从字体到图标的所有内容都保持在最低限度,这不仅美观而且功能强大。 以下是QAccounting的一个很好的示例。

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Source: https://qaccounting.beta.herdl.com/
资料来源: https : //qaccounting.beta.herdl.com/
  • Photos And Illustrations


A picture is worth a thousand words, which is why images and illustrations are the most important design elements of a minimalist web site. With a photo, you can convey more emotions and thoughts than with words. But this is only possible as long as the image you are using adheres to the principle of minimalism. If it is a crowded image/illustration with too many details, then it will negate the entire effect of the design. For example, check the following design by Manho.

图片价值一千字,这就是为什么图像和插图是极简主义网站的最重要设计元素的原因。 与照片相比,与照片相比,您可以传达更多的情感和思想。 但这只有在您使用的图像符合极简主义原则的情况下才有可能。 如果它是一个拥挤的图像/插图,包含太多的细节,那么它将抵消设计的整个效果。 例如,检查Manho的以下设计。

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Source: https://mahno.com.ua/en
资料来源: https : //mahno.com.ua/en
  • Limited Color Scheme


Color has the power to add visual focus on the content, but it can also distract the viewer. Hence designers aiming for a minimalist design usually opt for a limited color scheme. Whether the designer is using a monochromatic scheme involving only one color, or are making the most of only two colors, this use of limited color palette is one of the key visual characteristics of minimalist design.

颜色可以使视觉焦点集中在内容上,但是它也可以分散观众的注意力。 因此,以简约设计为目标的设计师通常选择有限的配色方案。 无论设计人员是使用仅涉及一种颜色的单色方案,还是仅利用两种颜色中的大多数,这种有限调色板的使用都是简约设计的关键视觉特征之一。

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Source: https://showcase.withgoogle.com/experiment/pizza-authenticator/
来源: https//showcase.withgoogle.com/experiment/pizza-authenticator/

2. Dramatic Typography


On a minimalist background, bold typography is sure to bring out the best of the content. And that is why designers apply this feature to emphasize their content. Basic agency does it right here.

在极简主义的背景下,大胆的排版必定能带出最好的内容。 这就是为什么设计师使用此功能来强调其内容的原因。 基本代理就在这里做。

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Source: https://culture.basicagency.com/
资料来源: https : //culture.basicagency.com/

3. Contrast In Design


Application of high contrast elements is a good choice for minimalist design. This way, as a designer you can bring out the most out of a simple design element without having to put in a lot of effort. Not to mention, this is also the most efficient way of directing the viewer’s focus towards the main element of the page. In a recent overhaul of their website, Unified Infotech revamped the color and contrast scheme to make it more appealing. Check it out.

高对比度元素的应用是极简设计的不错选择。 这样,作为设计师,您可以在无需付出很多努力的情况下,从简单的设计元素中获得最大收益。 更不用说,这也是将查看者的焦点引向页面主要元素的最有效方法。 在最近对其网站进行的大修中,Unified Infotech修改了色彩和对比度方案,使其更具吸引力。 看看这个。

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Source: https://www.unifiedinfotech.net/
资料来源: https : //www.unifiedinfotech.net/

在网页设计中实现极简主义:最佳实践 (Achieving Minimalism In Web Designing: Best Practices)

Sometimes portraying the “less is more” philosophy can be challenging. So, if you are struggling with creating a minimalist design for your website, then don’t worry. Below, I have listed a few best practices, and by following them, you will be able to create a minimalist website design without any hitches.

有时刻画“少即是多”的理念可能会具有挑战性。 因此,如果您正在努力为网站创建简约的设计,那么不必担心。 下面,我列出了一些最佳实践,通过遵循这些最佳实践,您将能够轻松创建极简主义的网站设计。

1. Single Focal PointThe entire concept of minimalist design is based on trying to make the viewer focus on the main element of the webpage. Not to mention, in minimalism, content is the key. So it is no wonder that having a single focal point is one of the best practices for minimalism.

1.单一焦点极简设计的整个概念是基于试图使查看者专注于网页的主要元素。 更不用说,简约是关键。 因此,难怪只有一个联络点是极简主义的最佳实践之一。

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Source: https://www.portofmokha.com/
资料来源: https : //www.portofmokha.com/

2. Hierarchy Of Content


I have discussed sorting your content and deciding what you need and what you don’t. Now it is time to decide what goes first and what goes last.

我已经讨论过对您的内容进行排序,并确定您需要什么和不需要什么。 现在是时候确定什么先行,什么先行了。

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Source: https://www.gsmlondon.ac.uk/global-oil-map/
资料来源: https : //www.gsmlondon.ac.uk/global-oil-map/

The hierarchy of content means the placement of content. Obviously, you want the most important bit of content on the top of the page, while the least important ones at the bottom. The viewer’s eyes always fixate on the top of the page, which is why it is important that you place the main content of the page near the top.

内容的层次结构意味着内容的放置。 显然,您希望页面顶部的内容最重要,而页面底部的内容最不重要。 观看者的眼睛总是盯着页面的顶部,这就是为什么将页面的主要内容放在顶部附近很重要的原因。

3. Precise And Crisp ContentOnce again, I am going to talk about the content of the page. When it comes to writing content for a minimalist website, you need to get rid of excess words.

3.精确且清晰的内容我将再次讨论页面的内容。 在为极简网站编写内容时,您需要去除多余的单词。

Image for post
Source: https://hopdeco.ca/en
资料来源: https : //hopdeco.ca/en

The text content of the page needs to include the bare minimum of words you need to get your message across.


4. Simplification Of NavigationOne of the important goals of minimalist design is to help the user complete their tasks as simply and efficiently as possible. For this, you need to integrate a simple and convenient navigation system, which can be tricky in a minimalist interface.

4.简化导航简约设计的重要目标之一是帮助用户尽可能简单高效地完成任务。 为此,您需要集成一个简单便捷的导航系统,在最小化的界面中可能会比较棘手。

Image for post
Source: https://ark-shelter.com/
资料来源: https : //ark-shelter.com/

You might feel the need to hide the navigation in order to create the minimalist interface. However, this can lead to lower user satisfaction with your website. So remember that you need to simplify the design while keeping up with the minimalist design.

您可能会觉得需要隐藏导航以创建简约界面。 但是,这可能导致用户对您的网站的满意度降低。 因此请记住,您需要在简化设计的同时保持简约的设计。

5. Functional AnimationsEven though the animation is seen as just an embellishment in the design world, it can still be functional. Incorporating a purposeful animation in the minimalist interface is not only going to make it look, but it will make the interface more efficient. You can save screen space using animation while making your website more fun to surf.

5.功能性动画即使动画被视为设计界的一种装饰,它仍然可以发挥功能。 在简约界面中加入有目的的动画不仅会使它看起来更漂亮,而且还将使界面更高效。 您可以使用动画节省屏幕空间,同时使网站浏览更有趣。

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6. minimalist Landing Pages And Portfolios


But what if your website is a content-rich website (like a news website or blog website)? In that case, it might be a little difficult to completely integrate the minimalist designs. Using the low-content interface will make the user scroll more and that might not be ideal for an efficient website. So what’s the solution?

但是,如果您的网站是内容丰富的网站(例如新闻网站或博客网站)怎么办? 在那种情况下,完全整合简约设计可能会有些困难。 使用低内容界面将使用户滚动更多,对于高效的网站可能并不理想。 那么解决方案是什么?

Image for post
Source: https://mywony.com/?ref=lapaninja
资料来源: https : //mywony.com/?ref=lapaninja

Take the above landing page for example. The website for Mywony, a wedding dress designing and online shopping website, uses a minimal layout for their landing page. An e-commerce website, whether it’s Amazon, or something exclusive, has the tendency to be content heavy, with all the product they are selling. But Mywony takes the minimalist way, providing the visitors a perfectly functional design that looks visibly pleasing as well.

以上面的目标网页为例。 婚纱设计和在线购物网站Mywony的网站在其目标网页上使用了最小的布局。 电子商务网站,无论是亚马逊还是独家网站,都倾向于对他们销售的所有产品感到满足。 但是Mywony采取了极简主义的方式,为游客提供了功能完善的设计,看上去也很讨人喜欢。

你要做什么? (What’s Your Take?)

So what is the end word?


Many still think that minimalism is just a visual aspect of design. While that is partially true, minimalism also has its own functionalities as well. Once you have unlocked all the secrets of the functionality of minimalism, you can apply it to create the best website design that will be not only a powerful communication device of communication between you and the viewers but also an aesthetically pleasing website viewers would love to visit.

许多人仍然认为极简主义只是设计的视觉方面。 虽然这部分是正确的,但极简主义也有其自身的功能。 解锁极简主义功能的所有秘密之后,您可以将其应用到最佳的网站设计中,这不仅是您和观众之间交流的有力交流工具,而且是观众希望访问的美观的网站。

想了解更多? (Want to learn more?)

If you’re interested in the intersection between UX and UI Design, then consider to take the online course UI Design Patterns for Succesful Software and alternatively Design Thinking: The Beginner’s Guide. If, on the other hand, you want to brush up on the basics of UX and Usability, you might take the online course on User Experience (or another design topic). Good luck on your learning journey!

如果您对UX和UI设计之间的交叉点感兴趣,请考虑参加在线课程“成功软件的UI设计模式”和“ 设计思维:初学者指南” 。 另一方面,如果您想了解UX和可用性的基础知识,则可以参加有关用户体验 (或其他设计主题 )的在线课程 。 祝您学习愉快!

Originally published at UsabilityGeek by Jessica Bennett, who is a marketer and loves all things tech. She loves to write about her learning and experiences, especially about Design Thinking, Human psychology and how Artificial Intelligence works.

该书最初由杰西卡·贝内特 ( Jessica Bennett)在《 实用性极客 》( UsabilityGeek)上发表,他是一名营销人员,热爱技术。 她喜欢写自己的学习和经验,尤其是关于设计思维,人类心理学以及人工智能的工作原理。

翻译自: https://medium.com/usabilitygeek/is-less-really-more-the-truth-of-functional-minimalism-in-web-design-ff35256bda5f


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